Honors US History Mr. Wagenberg/Ms. Hamilton Entrepreneurs Who

Honors US History
Mr. Wagenberg/Ms. Hamilton
1. Who was Carnegie? How did he make his fortune? What advantages did living and
working in America give him?
2. How did J.P. Morgan become so rich?
3. What is a trust? How is it formed? What is its goal?
4. Look at the Explore link, and answer the question: In light of the gains Americans as a
whole made during this time period (the standard of living increased greatly for the
average American and the U.S. rapidly rose to become the leading industrial power in the
world) do you think men like Carnegie, Morgan, and Rockefeller were “Captains of
Industry,” without whom this country could not have become a great industrial power, or
were they “Robber Barons,” limiting healthy competition and robbing from the poor to
benefit the rich?