Religion 15 – Mere Christianity Reflection Guide – 1

Religion 15 – Mere Christianity Reflection Guide – 1
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Student Name: _______________________
Due Date: January 14, 2013
Please complete all of the following brief summary sections and reflection questions after reading C.S.
Lewis' Mere Christianity. It is often useful to read difficult passages more than once in order to get a
full understanding of what the author is trying to say.
Book 1: “Right and Wrong as a Clue to the Meaning of the Universe” (Pages 3 to 34)
(Please summarize the ideas/content of each chapter in one or two concise sentences.)
Chapter 1: The Law of Human Nature
Chapter 2: Some Objections
Chapter 3: The Reality of the Law
Chapter 4: What Lies Behind the Law
Chapter 5: We Have Cause to Be Uneasy
Religion 15 – Mere Christianity Reflection Guide – 2
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Please answer the following question in a short essay.)
Reflection #1
What is the Law of Human Nature or Moral Law? How does it stand in contrast with the moral
relativism of contemporary Canadian society? How does its reality point toward the existence of
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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Book 2: “What Christians Believe” (Pages 35 to 68)
(Please summarize the ideas/content of each chapter in one or two concise sentences.)
Chapter 1: The Rival Conceptions of God
Chapter 2: The Invasion
Chapter 3: The Shocking Alternative
Chapter 4: The Perfect Penitent
Chapter 5: The Practical Conclusion
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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Please answer the following question in a short essay.)
Reflection #2
Why do none of the popular “isms” (Atheism, Pantheism or Dualism) truly fit the facts of reality?
Why is it foolish to see Our Lord Jesus Christ as merely a “great moral teacher”?
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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Book 3: “Christian Behaviour” (Pages 69 to 152)
(Please summarize the ideas/content of each chapter in one or two concise sentences.)
Chapter 1: The Three Parts of Morality
Chapter 2: The “Cardinal Virtues”
Chapter 3: Social Morality
Chapter 4: Morality and Psychoanalysis
Chapter 5: Sexual Morality
Chapter 6: Christian Marriage
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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 7: Forgiveness
Chapter 8: The Great Sin
Chapter 9: Charity
Chapter 10: Hope
Chapter 11: Faith (I)
Chapter 12: Faith (II)
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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Please answer the following question in a short essay.)
Reflection #3
Why is the great Christian virtue of chastity thought to be so backward and “uncool”? Why is
pride the greatest of sins? How is the popular idea that the Church merely teaches old-fashioned
moral rules that restrict our freedom an embarrassing parody of the true Christian message?
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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Book 3: “Christian Behaviour” (Pages 153 to 227)
(Please summarize the ideas/content of each chapter in one or two concise sentences.)
Chapter 1: Making and Begetting
Chapter 2: The Three-Personal God
Chapter 3: Time and Beyond Time
Chapter 4: Good Infection
Chapter 5: The Obstinate Toy Soldiers
Chapter 6: Two Notes
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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 7: Let's Pretend
Chapter 8: Is Christianity Hard or Easy?
Chapter 9: Counting the Cost
Chapter 10: Nice People or New Men
Chapter 11: The New Men
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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Please answer the following question in a short essay.)
Reflection # 4
Why is following our conscience not enough? Why is it important to know a little theology in
order to live a good practical life? “A world of nice people, content in their own niceness, looking
no further, turned away from God, would be just as desperately in need of salvation as a
miserable world – and might even be more difficult to save.” - Discuss Lewis' idea.