ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 1 1.12 The Structure of Methane and Ethane: sp3 Hybridization Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 1 1.12A The Structure of Methane sp3 Hybridization The 4 sp3 orbitals should be oriented at angles of 109.5° with respect to each other. An sp3-Hybridized carbon gives a tetrahedral structure for methane, and with four equivalent C—H bonds. H H H C H Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 1 1.12B The Structure of Ethane sp3-Hybridized carbon atoms 1 carbon-carbon σ-bond and 6 carbon-hydrogen σbonds. Because a σ-bond has cylindrical symmetry along the bond axis, rotation of groups joined by a single bond does not usually require a large amount of energy (1326 kJ/mol). Consequently, groups joined by single bonds rotate relatively freely with respect to one another. H H H H C C H H Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 1 1.13 The Structure of Ethene (Ethylene): sp2 Hybridization Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 1 sp2-Hybridized carbon atoms. The three sp2 orbitals that result from hybridization are directed toward the corners of a regular triangle (with angles of 120° between them). The p orbital that is not hybridized is perpendicular to the triangle formed by the hybrid sp2 orbitals. 5 σ-bonds(1 C—C, 4 C—H) and 1 π-bond. Hydrocarbons whose molecules contain a carbon-carbon double bond are called alkenes. Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 1 H H C H 118° C 121° H H H H C C H Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 1 1.13A Restricted Rotation and the Double Bond There is a large energy barrier to rotation (about 264 kJ/mol) around the double bond. The rotational barrier of a carbon-carbon single bond is 13-26 kJ/mol Rotation of the p orbitals 90o totally breaks the π bond Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 1 1.13B Cis-Trans Isomerism CH3 CH3 C H CH3 H C C H CH3 C H cis-2-Butene trans-2-Butene 顺-2-丁烯 反-2-丁烯 The compound with substituents on the same side of the double bond is referred to as cis-isomer; the isomer with substituents on opposite side is trans. The two compounds differ only in the arrangement of their atoms in space. Isomer of this kind are classified formally as stereoisomers (立体异构体). Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 1 1.14 The Structure of Ethyne (Acetylene): sp Hybridization Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 1 Hydrocarbons that contain a carbon-carbon triple bond are called alkynes. The arrangement of atoms around each carbon is linear with bond angles 180o Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 1 The carbon in ethyne is sp hybridized. The two sp orbitals are oriented 180o relative to each other around the carbon nucleus. The carbon-carbon triple bond consists of two π bonds and one σ bond. Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 1 Depictions of ethyne show that the electron density around the carbon-carbon bond has circular symmetry H C C H H C C H Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 1 Bond Lengths of Ethyne, Ethene, and Ethane Compounds Carbon-carbon bond lengths (Å) Carbon-hydrogen bond lengths (Å) Ethyne 1.20 1.06 Ethene 1.34 1.09 Ethane 1.54 1.10 Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 1 The carbon-carbon bond length is shorter as more bonds hold the carbons together. The carbon-hydrogen bond lengths also get shorter with more s character of the bond. Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 1 1.15 A Summary of Important Concepts That Come From Quantum Mechanics 1.16 Molecular Geometry: The Valence Shell Electron-pair Repulsion (VSEPR) Model Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 1 1.17 Representation of Structural Formulas Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 1 1.17A Dash Structural Formulas H H H H H C C C C H C H H H H H H Dash formula 蛛网式 Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 1 1.17B Condensed Structural Formulas CH3 CH CH3 CH2 CH3 CH3CHCH2CH3 CH3 Condensed Structural Formulas(结构简式) Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 1 1.17C Cyclic Molecules H H CH2 C H H C H C CH2 CH2 H Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 1 1.17D Bond-Line Formulas OH Bond-Line Formulas(键线式) Bond-line formulas are often used for cyclic compounds: CH2 CH2 CH2 Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 1 1.17E Three-Dimensional Formulas H H H C H Wedge-dashed wedge-line formula 虚线-楔线式 Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University