PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEVENTEENTH LUNAR AND PLANETARY SCIENCE CONFERENCE, PART 2 JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 92, NO. B4, PAGES E541-E551, MARCH 30, 1987 Constraintson the LithosphericStructureof Venusfrom Mechanical Models and Tectonic Surface Features MARIA t. ZUBER Geodynamics Branch,NASA/Goddard SpaceFlight Center,Greenbelt,Maryland Radar imagesof the surfaceof Venusshow numerousstructuresthat are interpretedas havingformed dueto horizontalcompression and extensionof the lithosphere.Many of thesefeaturesexhibitcharacteristic scales(widths or spacings)of deformation,one of 10-20 km and another of 100-300 km. For a range of simplemodels,we test the hypothesisthat theselengthscalesare controlledby dominantwavelengths arisingfrom unstablecompression or extensionof the Venuslithosphere.Resultsshowthat the existence of tectonicfeaturesthat exhibit both length scalescan be explainedif, at the time of deformation,the lithosphereconsistedof a crust that was relativelystrong near the surfaceand weak at its base and an uppermantlethat wasstrongerthan or of nearlycomparablestrengthto the uppercrust.The spacings of thesefeaturesimply crustal thicknesses in the approximaterange 5-30 km and a thermal gradient 1 not greaterthan 25 K km-. Featuresthat exhibit only the smallerscaleof deformationcan be explained by either a lithospherewith a thick crust that overliesa weak mantle or a lithospherewith a strong mantle but with small internal strengthcontrasts.For a broad range of parameters,the modelsrequire not only that smallerscalecompressional and extensionalfeatureshave similar spacings,but also that the widthsand spacings of largerscalecompressional featuresbe greaterthan thoseformedin extension. This is consistentwith observeddifferencesin the characteristic lengthscalesof larger scalesurfacefeatures, as well as the similaritiesin spacingsof observedsmallerscalefeatures. INTRODUCTION Radar imagesof the surfaceof Venusobtainedby PioneerVenus[Masursky et al., 1980; Pettengillet al., 1980], earthbasedobservations [Campbellet al., 1983,1984],and the Venera 15/16 spacecraft [Barsukovet al., 1986;Basilevsky et al., 1986] reveala varietyof featuresof presumed tectonicorigin.Although, as shownin Figure 1, thesestructuresare globally distributed over the surface of the planet, many exhibit distinct morphologicalsimilaritiesthat suggesta commonmechanism of formation. Specifically,numerousfeaturesdisplay linear trends and characteristicwidths and/or spacingsthat are suggestive of deformationcontrolledby dominantwavelengths arisingfrom the growth of compressional and/or extensional instabilitiesin the lithosphere.Previousanalyseshave shown how deformation at preferred wavelengthscan arise when a model lithospherethat contains one or more rheologically competentlayersis horizontallystressed [Fletcherand Hallet, 1983; Zuber et al., 1986; Zuber and Parmentier, 1986; Ricard and Froidevaux, 1986; Zuber, 1986a].Since thesewavelengths are primarily controlledby the thicknesses of the competent layers and the strength and density stratification of the lithosphere,observations of the geometries of tectonicfeatures arisingfrom unstabledeformationprovidea direct indication of the underlyinglithosphericstructure.Unstabledeformation has been invoked to explain large-scaleextensionaltectonic featuresin the Basinand RangeProvince[Fletcherand Hallet, 1983; Froidevaux, 1986; Zuber et al., 1986; Ricard and Froidevaux, 1986] and rift zones[Zuber and Parmentier,1986] and intraplate compressional deformationstructureson the seafloor[Zuber, 1986b]. This mechanismmay also explain periodicanomaliesin the earth'sgravity field related to long wavelengthdeformationof the uppermantle[Froidevaux,1986; Zuber et al., 1986; Ricard et al., 1986; Zuber, 1986b]. If the regular development of tectonic features on Venus is a Copyright 1987bytheAmerican Geophysical Union. Paper number 6B7315. 0148-0227/ 87/ 006B-7315505.00 E541 consequenceof unstable deformation, then the widespread occurrenceof thesestructuresprovidesdirect evidencefor the lithosphericstructureof this planet on a globalscale. In this study, we investigate the stability of the Venus lithospherein extensionand compression.The purposeis to assessthe conditions for which unstable compressionaland extensionaldeformationcan develop,and to relatethe predicted dominant wavelengthsto the geometriesof observedtectonic featuresand the rheologicalstructureof the lithosphere.We begin with a discussionof evidence for the extensional or compressionalorigin of some prominent surface features, followed by a descriptionof morphologicalcharacteristicsof features that are consistent with formation due to unstable deformation. Subsequently, we show how variations in temperature, pressure, and composition with depth in the lithospherecan result in strengthcontraststhat may be of sufficientmagnitudeto allow unstabledeformationto develop. Finally, we discussimplications for the compositionaland rheologicalstructureof the Venus lithospherein terms of the relationshipsbetweenthe characteristicwidthsand spacingsof observedfeaturesand various model parameters.We conclude that unstable compressionand extension constitute viable mechanisms for the formation of tectonic features on Venus. On the basisof observationsand model results,we suggestthat the Venuslithosphere,at least in someregions,containstwo mechanicallycompetentlayersthat we infer to correspondto the upper crustand upper mantle. TECTONIC FEATURES Beta Regio Rift One of the most conspicuous tectonicfeatureson Venusis the Beta Regio Rift (see Figure 2). First interpreted as an extensionalfeature by Masursky et al. [1980], the rift trends approximately north-south and runs for over 1000 km. As observedin 2-km-resolutionArecibo radar images[Campbell et al., 1984], the rift consistsof a central depressionwith a aepth of over 1 km flankedby topographicuplifts.The average E542 ZUBER:VENUSLITHOSPHERIC STRUCTURE 270 ø 0o 90 ø Dali and Diana 180 ø •re,,,• ••• SHTAR ••,.• T• Chasmata Two prominent ridge-and-trough systems within the equatorial highlands of Aphrodite Terra, Dali and Diana Chasmata,were interpretedas rift structuresby Pettengillet belts 30 ø al. [1979] and Masurskyet al. [1980]. On the basisof PioneerVenus altimetry, thesefeatureshave lengthsof over 1000 km 0 o [Ehmannand Head, 1983],widthsof 75-100 km, depthsgreater than 2 km, and raisedrimswith heightsof 0.5-2.5 km [Schaber, _30 ø sma -30ø 1982]. McGill et al. [1983] noted that the terrain within the D•ana Chasma / central troughs of the chasmatais of a complex nature, but _60 ø I I I I d -60ø agreedwith the interpretationof a tectonicorigin.Smallerscale 270 ø 0o 90 ø 180 ø lineationssuchas thosefound within the Beta Regio Rift are Fig. 1. Sketchmap of Venusshowingthe locationsof someprominent not observed in the chasmata; however, at Pioneer-Venus surfacefeaturesof presumedtectonic origin that exhibit one or two resolutionsuchfeatures,if they are present,are not resolvable. 60ø - Akna Montes • • 60 ø PLANITIA•__• ndge APHRODITE }•/TERRA I lengthscalesof deformation.Featuresdescribed in thisstudythat exhibit smaller scale(10-20 km) spacingsare located in Beta Regio, Akna and Freyja Montes, and in the ridge belts.Featuresthat exhibit larger scalesof deformationare locatedin Beta Regio, AphroditeTerra, and the ridge belts. flank-to-flank width of the rift is in the range 100-200 km. McGill et al. [1981] have noted that this feature is morphologicallysimilar to the earth'sEast African Rift. Within the centraldepressionof Beta Regio are alternatingradar-bright Banded Terrain Banded terrain is located in the mountains surrounding LakshmiPlanumin the IshtarTerra regionof Venus.As revealed in 3-km-resolutionAreciboradar images[Campbellet al., 1983], thesefeaturesconsistof linear bands of alternatinggreaterand lesserbackscatterthat are generallyalignedin the directions of the topographiccontoursthat define the mountain ranges. Bands are continuous for several hundreds of kilometers and -dark lineations,which have characteristicspacingsof 1020 km and are continuousalongstrikefor up to severalhundreds of kilometers. On the basis of the Arecibo radar data, which are sensitiveto variationsin surfaceroughnessat centimeterto-meter scales,the lineations have been interpretedas faults and have characteristicspacingsof 10-20 km. On the basisof their parallel and continuousnature and their relationshipto the topography, Campbellet al. [1983] suggestedthat the bands are most likely of tectonic origin. Solomon and Head [1984] showedthat a numberof simpleextensionaland compressional by Campbellet al. [1984]. Characterizationand mappingof modelsare compatiblewith the spacingsof bandsfor plausible combinedArecibo and Venera data setsled Stofan et al. [1986] rangesof physicalpropertiesof the Venuslithosphere.However, to suggest that thesefaultswereproducedby extensionrelated theseauthors suggestthat the linearity and continuity of the bands combined with evidence for band closure in Maxwell to the formation of the centralrift depression. 275 ø 286 ø 37øN ' I \ / I -- Breght ..... Dark .-" • Bregh! hnear edge of br,ght area tt, ! ' o )oN Fig. 2. Topographicprofiles(right) and sketchmap of bright and dark linearfeatures(left) as determinedfrom Arecibo radar of the Beta Regio Rift Zone [from Campbellet al., 1984]. The lineationswithin the centraldepressionof the rift are interpretedas faults. The width of the rift and the spacingof the lineationsdefinetwo lengthscalesof apparent extensional deformation. ZUBER: VENUS LITHOSPHERIC STRUCTURE E543 1986c].Within the ridgebelts,systemsof subparallelridgesand groovestrend generallyparallel to the belts. The ridges and groovesare continuousfor distances of 100-200km and have regular spacingsof 10-20 km [Basilevskyet al., 1986]. On the basisof their similarityto the bandedterrainin Ishtar Terra, the ridge belts have been interpreted as a product of compressional deformationby Basilevsky et al. [1986]. Relationshipsof TectonicFeaturesto LithosphericStructure All of these features have linear and often parallel strikes, regular spacings,and/or characteristicwidths. Other tectonic features that exhibit these characteristicsare discussedby Basilevsky et al. [1986].Table1 showsthat the widthsand oOL•, 0% o o0•,l oOE o0• o091, Fig. 3. Sketchmap showingthe distributionof ridge belts (shaded) in part of northernhemisphereof Venusas determinedfrom Venera 15 and 16 radar images[after Barsukovet al., 1986].Within the ridge belts,smallerscaleridgesand groovesstrikeapproximatelyparallelto the belts.The spacingsof the ridge beltsand the ridgesand grooves definetwo lengthscalesof apparentcompressional deformation. Montesare mostconsistent with foldingor faultingin response to regional-scalecompression. spacingsof thesefeaturesfall broadly into two ranges,one of 10-20 km and anotherof approximately100-300 km. The Beta Regio Rift and the ridgebeltsexhibit both scalesof deformation, while the bandedterrain showsonly the smallerscale.For the chasmataonly the largerscaleof deformationis resolvablewith presentdata, so it is unknown whethera smallerscaleexists. Solomon and Head [1984] examined a range of tectonic modelsfor the banded terrain and concludedthat the regular spacingof the bandswascontrolledby a brittle or high-viscosity surface layer that they interpreted as the Venus elastic lithosphere.In studiesappliedto the Basinand RangeProvince of the western U.S., Zuber et al. [1986] and Ricard and Froidevaux [1986] showed that two scales of periodic deformation can arise in an extendingmedium that contains two strohglayersseparatedby a weaker layer. For the earth's continentallithosphere,thestronglayerscorrespond to theupper crustand that part of the mantlethat makesa major contribution to lithospheric strength,whiletheintermediate layercorresponds to the weak part of the ductile lower crust [Froidevaux, 1986; Zuber et al., 1986;Ricard and Froidevaux, 1986].By analogy, Figure3 showsa sketchmap of a groupof prominentfeatures it is suggestedthat the two scalesof tectonicfeatureson Venus termedridgebeltsthat wererevealedby Venera15and 16imaging can also be explained by a lithospherethat, as illustratedin radar [Barsukovet al., 1986;Basilevskyet al., 1986].The Venera the following section,consistsof a crust that is weaker at its radar system is sensitive to surface slopes and therefore basethan the underlyingmantle. topography. On the basisof the Venera data, the ridge belts MODEL DEVELOPMENT have been describedas north-southtrendinglinear ridgesthat are continuousalong strike for distancesof up to 1000 km The VenusLithosphere [Basilevskyet al., 1986].Direct measurements from mapsderived from the Venera data show the ridge belts to have a regular Figure 4 showsa possiblerangeof maximum principalstress spacingperpendicular to strikeof approximately300km [Zuber, differencesthat can be supportedby the Venuslithospherein Ridge Belts TABLE 1. Scales of Tectonic Surface Deformation on Venus Long LongWavelength Short Short Wavelength Wavelength Width or Spacing Wavelength Width or Spacing Probable Style Component (km) Component (km) Data Beta Regio Rift Zone Extensional Arecibo Rift Zone Width Extensional PioneerVenus Tectonic Feature Dali and Rift Zone Diana Width 100-200 Lineations 75-100 Not resolvable 10-20 if present Set Ref.* C1 Chasmata BandedTerrain Ridge Belts Belt spacings 300 Bands 10-20 Compressional Arecibo, Venera 15/ 16 Ridges-and- 10-20 Compressional Venera 15/ 16 grooves *C1 = Campbellet al., [1984]; S = Schaber[1982];C2 = Campbellet al. [1983]; B = Basilevskyet al. [1986]. C2, B E544 ZUBER: VENUS LITHOSPHERIC STRUCTURE the Moho, and the weakerlayer correspondsto the lower crust. Later resultswill show that in an extendingor compressing modellithospherewith two stronglayersseparatedby a weaker layer two wavelengths of deformationmay develop.While the modelsdo not requirethat the layersand substratecorrespond to thecrustalandmantleregionsdiscussed above,thisrheological stratificationis appealingin its simplicityand plausibility.In (MPa) 0' 1 - 0' 3 ' '.::!!::.. lO the absence of better data from which to estimate Venus' near- surfacecompositionand rheology,we will proceedunder the assumption that the lithosphereis stratifiedin this manner. •, 20 N LithosphereModels .,=., 30 -- •xx-- 10'•5s'• Horizontal Horizontal Extension Compression 40 800 600 400 200 0 200 400 Fig. 4. Strength,definedas differentialstress(o• - o3), as a function of depthin the Venuslithospherefor horizontalcompression (left) and extension(right). The strengthenvelopewas constructedfor a surface temperature of 700K, a thermalgradientof 15K km-•, a strainrate of 10-•5s -•, andzeroporepressure. Thelithosphere consists of a diabase crust and a dry olivine mantle. An arbitrary crustalthicknessof 10 km is assumed.The brittle strength of the crust and mantle was determinedfrom Byedee[1968], and the ductile strengthsof diabase and olivine were taken from Shelton and Tullis[1981] and Braceand Kohlstedt[ 1980],respectively. Note for both compression and extension that the lower crust is weakerthan the upper crustand upper mantle. Such a strength stratificationmay lead to unstabledeformation in a compressingor extendinglithosphere. The Venus lithosphereis assumedto consistof a crust and mantle with density contrastsat the surfaceand at the base of the crust. As shown in Figure 5, the crust is modeled as a strong layer overlying a weaker layer, each with uniform strength,and the mantle consistsof a uniformly stronglayer that overliesa halfspace.Two different strengthstratifications are consideredfor the mantle. In the strengthjump (J) model, strengthis discontinuousat the base of the layer and falls to a loweruniformvaluein the substrate.In the continuousstrength (C) model, strengthis continuousat the baseof the layer and decreasesexponentiallywith depth in the substrate.Both of thesestrengthstratificationsare considerablysimplerthan that which is likely to exist on Venus(cf. Figure 4). However, the nearly analytical solutionsfor the flow obtained in each case permit insightinto the physicalnature of the deformationthat cannot be gained from fully numerical solutions.While the growth rates of the instabilitiespredictedby the modelsvary somewhat,the dominant wavelengthsare in good agreement to the degreethat they can be compared[Zuber et al., 1986]. Idealizedrheologiesare chosento approximatethe response of the Venus lithosphere to imposed deviatoric stresses. Experimentshave shownthat a nonlinearviscousmaterialwith compression and extension as predicted by laboratory experiments on rock theology. Where stress increases approximatelylinearly with depth, deformationoccursin a a steady-state constitutive law of the form e = on (wheree is brittle manner. Brittle strengthis determinedby the frictional the strain rate, o is stress,and n -• 3 is the stressexponent) resistanceto sliding at fracture surfacesand is essentially representsa mediumin which deformationoccursprimarily by insensitive to strainrate, temperature,and mineralogy[Byedee, ductilecreep[e.g., Weertmanand Weertman,1975].A perfectly 1968].At greaterdepthsdeformationoccursby ductileflow plastic theology, which is a continuum representationof a and strengthis dependenton strainrate, composition,and most medium that undergoesdeformation by faulting, is approxicriticallyon temperature[e.g., Weertmanand Weertman,1975]. mated by a stressexponent of n = • in the steady-statecreep The mode of deformation at a given depth is determinedby relationship. Both perfectly plastic and nonlinear viscous the lesserof the brittle and ductilestrengths. theologiesare considered for the uppercrustaland uppermantle In Figure 4 it is assumedthat mantle flow is governedby layers,and nonlinearviscousbehavioris assumed for the lower a dry olivinetheologyon the basisof the hypothesized similarity crustallayer and mantle substrate. in bulk compositionof Venusand the earth [BasalticVolcanism Study Project, 1981,pp. 682-685]. A diabasecrustis assumed Stylesof UnstableDeformation on the basis of Venera lander results that show surface rocks In a layered medium that is extendedor compressedat a in a number of rolling plains and lowlandssitesto be similar in chemistryand mineralogyto tholeiitic and alkaline basalts mean horizontal strain rate, •xx, deformation developsunder [Surkov et al., 1984].A comparisonof relativestrengthsat the conditions for which small amplitude (much less than layer Moho shows that diabase is weaker than olivine at the same thicknesses)perturbations along the free surface or layer P-T conditionsfor both compressionand extension;thus the interfacesamplify with time [cf. Biot, 1957, 1960].The nature upper mantle is considerablystrongerthan the lower crust. A of theseperturbationsin some instancesdeterminesthe style crust that is thicker than that shown would be even weaker of deformationthat develops.In an extendingor compressing at its baseasthe ductilestrengthof the lowercrustprogressively mediumin whichinitial perturbationsare distributedrandomly, decreaseswith increasingdepth. For the conditionsassumed deformationdevelopsperiodicallyat the dominantwavelength, in Figure4, the lowercrustwill be weakerthantheuppermantle Xd, in a directionnormal to the applied stress[e.g., Fletcher, 1974; Smith, 1975]. For a compressingmedium with a single at the Moho for crustalthicknesses up to about 30 km. or foldingmodeof deformation Figure4 illustratesa scenariofor whichthe Venuslithosphere competentlayerthe asymmetric couldcontaintwo relativelystronglayersseparatedby a weaker is preferred,while for an extendingmedium the symmetricor layer. As for the earth'scontinentallithosphere,the stronglayers pinch-and-swellmode is most likely. These are illustratedin of a singlestronglayeroverlying correspond to the uppercrustandthe uppermantlejust beneath Figure6 for a mediumconsisting ZUBER: VENUS LITHOSPHERIC STRUCTURE E545 Po ,1 1:)4,n4,"r4 I I •- A(0-1' O'3) ne'olFIT J Model C Model Fig. 5. Models of a Venuslithospherecontaininga strongupper crust and upper mantle separatedby a weak lower crust. The wider and narrower shadingindicate the crust and mantle, respectively.The diagram at the left showsthe parametersthat describethe layersand substrate.Parametersp, n, and r are the density,stressexponentin the stressstrainrate relationship,andstrength,respectively. In the relationshipbetweenstrainrate,gxx,and stress,o, Q is the activation energy,R is the gas constant,T is temperature,and A is the frequencyfactor. The strengthis definedby the product of the viscosityand the horizontalstrain rate in the basicstate of uniform extensionor compression. The diagramsto the centerand right schematically show the strengthstratificationsexamined,where the length of each sectionrepresents the relativestrengthof the medium.In the J modelstrengthin the mantleis discontinuous, while in the C modelstrength is continuousand decreases exponentiallywith depthin the substrate.Both modelspredictsimilardominantwavelengths for compressional and extensionalinstabilities. a weakersubstrate.If the lithospherecontainsa thermalanomaly or a structuralweaknessat depth, an initial perturbationthat isspatiallylocalizedmaybeappropriate.In an extendinglayered mediumin which a layer thicknessperturbationlocalizesat the base of the competentlayer, deformation nucleatesat the perturbation.The patternof deformation,whichconsistsof a centraldepression, beneathwhichthelayerthinsdueto necking, and upliftedflanks,is morphologicallyanalogousto a rift zone where D = d/dz, k(=2rr/h) is the wave number, and W is the stream function. Solutions of (2) in the form shown are given by Fletcher and Hallet [1983], while those for a layer of uniform viscosityor strengthin which • -• • are given by Zuberet al. [ 1986].Thesesolutionsyieldthe perturbingvelocities and stressesin the layers and substrate.The amplitude of a perturbationat the ith interfaceat time t, Ai (k,t), for a medium in compression can be written [Zuber and Parmentier,1986].The characteristic width of the deformation is controlledby the dominant wavelengthof the extensionalinstability.The dominantwavelengtharisingfrom the growth of either random or localizedperturbationsis a Ai(k,t) -- Ai(k,O ) exp [(qcomp + 1) •xxt] (3) and for a medium in extension function of the mechanical structure of the medium, and in particular the thicknessof the competent layer. Unstable deformationat the dominantwavelengthcan thereforeexplain Compressional Instability both the periodicspacingsof extensionaland compressional Extensional Instability features and the characteristic width of a rift. Theory For a power-lawviscouslayerin whichviscosity/•decreases with depthz as /• = •oe'z/C (1) Fig. 6. Stylesof unstabledeformationin a mediumconsistingof a layer that is more competentthan the underlyingsubstrateand for where• istheviscositydecaydepthand •o is a referenceviscosity, which initial disturbancesalong interfacesare distributedrandomly. For compression an antisymmetricor folding mode of deformation the governingequationfor the perturbingflow is develops whilefor extension deformation occursin a symmetric or pinchand-swell mode. The parameter A refers to the amplitude of the perturbingflow at an interface.The total flow in the mediumconsists D4W+ 2•-lD3W+ [C-2- 2k2(2/n-l)] (2) of the perturbingflow plus a pure shear componentresultingfrom the basicstateof uniform compression or extensionillustratedby the D2W- 2k2/; -] (2/n - 1)DW+k2(k2+ •-2)W-0 arrows. E546 ZUBER:VENUS LITHOSPHERICSTRUCTURE Compression 32 16 I ! 8 4 2 ! i I 32 16 Extension x/h 4 2 8 I 400 250 350 300 200 250 150 2OO 150 100 lOO 5O 5o -5o , ! I I I I I 2 I 3 -50 I I I I 2 i 3 k • - 2"iT h• Fig. 7. Growth rate spectrafor model lithospheresin compressionand extension.The dominant wavelengthoccursat the maximumof the growthrate, q. The growthrate is nondimensionalized by the meanhorizontalstrainrate, gxx,while the wave number and wavelengthare nondimensionalized by the thicknessof the surfacelayer, h•. The upper curves, constructedfor a mediumwith a singlestronglayer (shaded),have one peak and indicatedeformationcharacterizedby one dominant wavelength.The lower curves,constructedfor a medium with two stronglayers separatedby a weaker layer,havetwo peaksandindicatedeformation withtwo dominantwavelengths. Extensional andcompressional instabilities with one and two dominantwaavelengths may expla•_n the lengthscalesof many tectonicsurfacefeatureson Venus.For both singleand multiple layer modelsS• = 1, S2 = 0, a = 0.2 and 0.6 for compression and extension,respectively, n• = 104,andn4: 3. Forthemultilayer modelS3= 0.01,S2= S4: 0, R] -- 100,R2-- 0.5,andn2-- n3-- 3. (4) Ai(k,t) -- Ai(k,0) exp [(qcxt- 1)•xxt] whereAi(k,0) is the initialamplitudeandqcomp andqextarethe compressionaland extensionalgrowth rate factors.The value of unity in eachof the exponentialtermsrepresents the kinematic distortion of the medium due to uniform extension or wavelength,)k/h1 : 2rr/k', on the top. Both are normalized to the thicknessof the strong surfacelayer. The upper curve in each case,which correspondsto a mediumwith one strong layer, contains a single peak. This indicates deformation characterizedby a singledominantwavelength,which is about four layerthicknesses for boththe compressional andextensional casesshown. The lower curve in each case correspondsto a mediumthat containstwo stronglayersseparatedby a weaker layer. These growth rate spectraexhibit two maxima, which indicate that deformation develops with two dominant compression. Instabilitieswill amplify with time for conditions in whichthe exponentialsaregreaterthan unity. If thiscondition is not met, initial perturbationswill decay and an extending or compressing mediumwill thin or shortenuniformly. wavelengths. The growth rate factor reflectsthe relativecontributionsto In an unstablemediumwith two stronglayers,the positions dynamicinstabilitygrowth of the driving force,which depends and amplitudesof the shorterand longerwavelengthpeaksin on the slopeof the perturbedinterface,andtheviscousresistance the growth rate spectrumare controlled to the greatestextent of the medium to deformation. In an unstable medium, the by the propertiesof theselayers.However, becausethe strong wave number at which q is a maximum definesthe wavelength layersarecoupledto theweaklayer andthe substrate,the growth at which a disturbancewill grow most rapidly and eventually rates of the instabilitiesand the dominant wavelengthsare dominatethe flow. This isthe dominantwavelength[Biot, 1961]. In thisformulation,thedominantwavelengthisdeterminedfrom the eigenvaluesolution of the system of equationsfor the perturbingflow in eachlayer,the boundaryconditionsrequiring the continuity of stressesand velocitiesat each interface, and the ratesof perturbationgrowth at eachinterface.The method of solution for a multilayeredmedium is discussedby Zuber et al. [1986]. RESULTS determinedby the mechanicalpropertiesof the entire medium. Consideran extendingmodel lithospherewith a plasticupper crustallayer and a nonlinear(n = 3) viscouslower crustallayer, mantle layer, and mantle substrate.Although,as illustratedin Figure 7, two wavelengthsof deformation can develop,the mantle layer is not itself unstable,but deformspassivelyin response to the unstabledeformationof the uppercrustallayer. The longerwavelengtharisesbecausethe mantle layer resists deformation,and suppresses over a rangeof wave numbersthe instabilityinducedby the uppercrustallayer. The maximum suppression occursat the relativeminimumbetweenthe peaks WavelengthSelection in the growthrate spectrum[Zuber et al., 1986].If the upper Figure 7 showsexamplesof growth rate spectrafor the C mantle contains a region in which deformation occurs model in compressionand extension.The growthrate is shown predominantlyby brittle (seeFigure4) or ductile[cf. Chappie as a function of wave number, k', on the bottom axis and and Forsyth, 1979] faulting rather than ductileflow, then a ZUBER: VENUS LITHOSPHERIC STRUCTURE TABLE 2. Dimensionless Parameters Parameter E547 to the verticallyaveragedstrengthof the layersand substrate. The limiting caseof a very strong layer in which buoyancy Definition forces have no effect on the characteristics S• (p, - p.) gh, S2 (p• - p•) gh• 7'1 the flow. The parameterS•, which is the ratio of the buoyancyforce due to the densitycontrastat the free surfaceto the strength of the surfacelayer, has the greatesteffectof the S parameters on the dominant wavelengths.The relationshipsbetweenthe dominant wavelengthsand S• for the multilayeredC model are representedin Figure 8. For compression,the effect of a stabilizingdensitycontrast(P0< Pt) is to decreasethe longer dominant wavelengthfor a range of S•, while for extension the opposite holds. For compression,the longer dominant wavelengthis independentof the influencesof buoyancyand strengthfor S• < 0.1, then decreases rapidly in the range 0.1 < S• < 10. For extension,Xd/h markedly increasesfor 0.1 < S• < 10andisrelativelyindependentof thisparameterotherwise. Figure 8 exemplifiesthe effectsof the couplingof the strong layersby illustratinghowthelongerdominantwavelength,which arisesdue to the presenceof the strongmantle layer, is affected by the physicalpropertiesof the near-surface.In contrast,the shorterdominant wavelength,which is to the greatestextent controlledby the surfacelayer, is not significantlyaffectedby T2 S3 (p, - p•) gh, S4 (P,I - PO gh, of deformation correspondsto S = 0. Large S correspondsto a weak layer in whichbuoyancyforcesplay a dominantrole in determining T3 7'4 R• 7'2 7'3 R3 7'4 hi plasticrheologymay be appropriatefor the uppermantlelayer. An extendingmodellithosphere,in whichboth the strongupper crustaland mantle layersare plasticand the weak lower crustal and mantlesubstrateare nonlinearviscous,deformsin response to instabilitiesinducedby each of the strong layers [Ricard and Froidevaux, 1986]. This illustratesthat two wavelengths variationsin S•. If, as on the earth, the density contrast at the crust-mantle of deformation can develop if the lithospherecontains two boundary of Venus is stabilizing, then for compressionand competentlayers separatedby an incompetentlayer; it is not extensionincreasingS3will decreaseand increase,respectively, necessary for both of the competentlayersto be unstable. the longerdominant wavelength.However, over a broad range of S3 valuesthe changesin the longer dominant wavelengths Effectsof BuoyancyForcesand StrengthStratification are not significant.As densityvariationswithin the crust and If the stressesrequired for deformation are large, then mantle would be expectedto be less than that at the Moho, buoyancy forces arising from density contrasts within the the effectsof variations of S2 and S4 should be even lessthan lithospherewill havea negligibleeffecton the patternof unstable thoseof S3.Thus the wavelengthsof tectonicfeaturesobserved flow. However, buoyancyforceswill dominatewhen deviatoric at the surface cannot provide meaningful constraintson the stresses in thelithosphereareinsufficientto dynamicallysupport subsurfacedensitystructure. the topography arising from unstable deformation. In this The dominant wavelengthsand growth rates can also be formulation, the parametersSi, listed in Table 2, relate the consideredin termsof the internalstrengthstratificationof the buoyancyforcesarisingfrom densitycontrastsat eachinterface lithosphere.The parametersRi, which are definedin Table 2, lOO i 1 ' i lO( i i i i Compression i Extension o.125 50 I 0.125 5t l 0.25 0.25 ! o.5 k d 0.5 Xa/h1 10 1, - kd2 • I 10'4 I 10-2 -- I 1 ! kd2 2 I 100 Sl- (P•'Po)gh• "1'1 102 0'4 10'2 100 102 (I9 •'PO) ghl Sl= 'T1 Fig. 8. Relationships betweendominantwavelength,Xd, dominantwave number,kd', and the dimensionless ratio, S], of the buoyancyforceat the surfaceto the averagestrengthof the surfacelayer for compressional and extensionalinstabilities in a multilayeredmedium.The dominantwavelengths are normalizedto the thicknessof the strongsurfacelayer h•. The subscripts1 and 2 referto the longerand shorterdominantwavelengths, respectively. E548 ZUBER: VENUS LITHOSPHERIC STRUCTURE representthe strengthsof the subsurfacelayers and substrate in terms of the strengthof the surfacelayer. In the C model the strengthin the mantlesubstratevarieswith depth.For this model the substraterheology is describedby a, the ratio of the decay depth of the substratestrengthto the thicknessof the surfacelayer. Zuber et al. [ 1986]and Zuber and Parmentier [1986] have investigatedthe influenceof theseparameterson the unstableflow in layeredmedia. Thesestudiesshowedthat if the mediumhasa plasticsurfacelayer and is nonlinearviscous otherwise,changesin the internal strengthin most casesdo not significantlyaffect the dominant wavelengths.Therefore uncertaintiesin the strength stratification do not markedly influence estimationsof the dominant wavelengths.However, sinceinstabilitygrowthisdrivenby differences in strengthacross interfacesin the medium, the growth rate factors do depend on thestrengthstratification. The effectof increasing thestrength contrast at an interface is to increasethe growth rate factor and vice-versa.In other words, increasingthe relative strength of a competentlayer with respectto an incompetentlayer increasesthe degreeof instability.For modelsthat exhibit two dominant wavelengths,increasingthe relative strengthof the strongsubsurfacelayer with respectto the strongsurfacelayer resultsin an enhancedlongerwavelengthof instability.Similarly, increasingthe relativestrengthof the strongsurfacelayer with respectto the strongsubsurfacelayer increasesthe growth rate of the shorterwavelengthof instability. If the relative strength of the surfacelayer is more than a few timesgreaterthan that of thestrongsubsurface layer,thelongerwavelength of instability can be suppressed. The longerwavelengthcan alsobe suppressed if strength contrastselsewherein the lithosphereare small becauseof the couplingof strong layersdescribedpreviously. In contrast,if the relativestrengthof the mantlelayer is many times greaterthan that of the surfacelayer, both wavelengths of instability will still occur. The shorter wavelengthis not suppressed in this casebecausethe growth rate factor varies directlywith the power-lawexponentsof the stronglayers.The plasticsurfacelayercanbeunstableevenif it ismarkedlyweaker than the strongsubsurfacelayer, as long as both are stronger than the intermediatelayer and substrate. Compressionaland ExtensionalGrowth Rates The model lithosphere in Figure 7 is more unstable in compressionthan extension,as evidencedby the fact that the peak in the growth rate functionof the former is greaterthan that of the latter.This is a generalcharacteristic of hydrodynamic instabilitygrowth [Smith, 1975, 1977]. For the range of cases examinedin this study, a model lithospherewith at least one strong layer is always unstable (i.e., always exhibits at least one dominant wavelength) in compression,while a model lithospherein extensioncan be stablefor largeS• and/or small internal strengthcontrasts.Extensionalinstabilitycan also be suppressed if the surfacelayer is characterizedby a viscous(1 •<n• •<3) ratherthanplastic(n• = o•)rheology.The predominance of viscousbehavior near the surfacewould be expectedfor a lithospherewith a sufficientlyhigh thermal gradient. Whether a theoretically unstable medium is unstable in practicedependson the dominant growth rate, the amplitude of an initial perturbation,Ai(k,0), andthe meanhorizontalstrain, gxxt.As illustratedby equations(3) and (4), if any of the above are sufficientlysmall, the amplification of the instability will be negligible. APPLICATION TO VENUS LITHOSPHERE The previoussectionillustrateshowvariousmodelparameters affectthe dominantwavelengthsand growthratesand describes in generaltermshow unstabledeformationcanoccurfor a range of conditionsin an extending or compressingdensity- and strength-stratifiedmedium. By consideringthe resultsin the contextof the wavelengths and characteristic widthsof observed surfacefeatureson Venus, we can place broad constraintson the structureof the lithosphere. SurfaceLayer Thicknessand Strength The widths and spacingsof tectonicfeaturessummarizedin Table 1 and the relationships betweenha/h and S• in Figure 8 allow constraintson the thicknessof the strongsurfacelayer. In intervalswhereha/h variesmarkedly with S•, the thickness of this layer is constrainedby its strength.This criterionis met for a rangeof S• for the longerwavelengthof instability. To estimatethe thicknessof the surfacelayerfrom the longer wavelengthfeatures,first observefrom Table 1that thesefeatures have spacingsor widths of approximately300 and 150 km, respectively, for compression and extension.For the conditions assumedin Figure 4 it can be seenthat the strengthof the uppercrustdoesnot exceeda few hundredMPa. Compressional and extensionalstrengthsof 200 and 100 MPa, respectively, are assumed,bearing in mind the considerableuncertainties associated with thesevalues.If parametervaluesin thenumerator of S• of p• - 3.0g cm-3,/90 -- 0.0 g cm-3,andg -- 887cm -2 s are appropriate for Venus, then the compressionaland extensionallong wavelengthrelationshipsimply surfacelayer thicknessestimatesof about 16 and 8 km, respectively. It is also possibleto estimateh• from the spacingsof the shorter wavelengthstructures;however, becausethe dominant wavelength does not vary significantly with S• in either compressionor extension, the layer strength provides no constraint.The ratio ha/h for both compressionand extension fallsin the range2.7-4, whichfor a featurewith a 10-kmspacing yieldsan upper crustallayer thicknessin the range 2.5 < h• < 3.7 km. For a 20-km spacing,5 • h• • 7.4 km. The best agreementbetweenthe short and long wavelengthresultsoccurs if for compressionS• • 0.5 and for extensionS• • 1, but the constraintsprovidedby the layer strengthare violated. Given the uncertaintiesin the strength,however,a broaderrange of stresses than considered above cannot be ruled out. For a wide range of Ri, Si, and a, the models predict h• to be between approximately2 and 22 km. The upperpart of thisrange,which corresponds to the limit of large S• for the longerwavelength compressional features,isinconsistent with therangedetermined from the shorterwavelengthspacings.More refined estimates of h• will requirebetter knowledgeof the flow behaviorof the crust and mantle, the regional strain rates and geothermal gradients,and morerealisticmodelsof the rheologicalstructure of the lithosphere.For the broadrangeof parametersexamined in this study,most of the rangeof h• is consistentwith earlier resultsof Solomon and Head [1984]. In their models,which did not considera strongsubsurfacelayer, this parameterwas found to be between 1 and 10 km. Figure8 illustratesanotherinterestingoutcomeof themodels. For the shorterwavelengthinstability,ha/h is approximately the samefor compression and extensionover the rangeof S•. Thus for similar surface layer thicknesses,the dominant ZUBER: VENUS LITHOSPHERIC STRUCTURE wavelengths for theseextensionaland compressional instabilities should be comparable.From Table 1 it can be seenthat the shortwavelengthspacings of featuresinterpretedas extensional and compressional fall in the samerange.Alternatively,for S• < 1 and a given surfacelayer thickness,the longer dominant wavelengthfor compressionis considerablygreater than that for extension.On Venusthe ridge belts,which are thoughtto haveformedin compression, havea spacingof approximately 300 km. In contrast,rifts,whichformedin extension,havewidths that do not exceed200 km. If the thicknessesof the strong surfacelayers in regionsin which these features are present are not significantlydifferent, then the predicteddominant wavelengthsfor unstableextensionand compressionshownin Figure 8 may explain the differencesin scalesof the longer wavelengthfeaturesand the similaritiesin the spacingsof the shorterwavelengthfeatures.However,on the basisof the models alone, it is not possibleto distinguishbetweenan extensional and compressional originfor surfacefeaturesthat exhibit only the shorterwavelengthspacing. E$49 mantle layer; the spacingof thesefaults controlsthe width of the rift. In terrestrialrifts wheregood quality gravity, seismic, and heatflow data exist,evidencefor a coherentdown-dropped mantle block is not apparent[cf. Rambergand Morgan, 1984]. If through-goingnormalfaultsasimpliedby the Vening-Meinesz model exist in the Venus mantle and control the widths of rift zones,then subsurfacedeformation associatedwith rifts on this planet must be fundamentallydifferentthan that characteristic of the best-studied terrestrial rift zones. Crustal Rheology and Thickness In the Resultssection,we notedthat in a multilayeredmedium the longer wavelengthof instability can be suppressed if the mantle layer is weaker than the upper crustallayer. If tectonic features that exhibit two dominant wavelengthsformed in responseto unstabledeformation,then their presencein a given regionimpliesthat the upper crustin that area is either weaker or at least not significantlystrongerthan the upper mantle. This is consistentwith the depth distributionof lithospheric strengthshownin Figure 4. Unfortunately,this doesnot better Mantle Rheology constrainthe compositionof the Venus crust, as a range of For the arbitrarily chosencrustalthicknessshownin Figure plausiblecrustalmaterialssatisfythis requirement. 4, deformation in the mantle just below the base of the crust The existenceof two scalesof deformation requires strong occursin a brittle manner.However,if the crustweresufficiently crustaland mantle layersthat are separatedby a weaker lower thick, deformationeverywherein themantlewouldbedominated crust.For anupperlimitof thethermal gradient of 25 K km-•, = 10-•5s -1,anda diabase composition, theminimum crustal by ductileflow. For the parametervaluesassumedin Figure •-xx 4, this would occurfor crustalthicknesses greaterthan 17 and thickness for which a weak lower crust occurs is about 5 km. 11 km for extensionand compression,respectively.Previous A lower strain rate or a dominant crustal mineral with a weaker studieshave shown that the growth rates of extensionaland ductilestrength(e.g.,feldspar)wouldpermita somewhat,though compressional instabilities varydirectlywith the stressexponents not significantly,smallervalue. An approximateupper limit of the strong layers [Smith, 1977; Fletcher and Hallet, 1983; of the crustalthicknessin a regionthat containstwo wavelengths Zuberet al., 1986].Thereforea modellithospherewith a plastic of deformation is 30 km, given an estimatedlower limit for (brittle) mantle layer is more unstablethan that with a power- thethermal gradient of 10K km-• andtheconditions assumed law viscouslayer.The resultsshownthusfar havebeencalculated above. For a thicker crust the lithospheredoes not contain a assuminga nonlinearviscous(n3- 3) mantlelayer;substitution regionof uppermantlestrength.Variationsin thermalgradient, of a plastic layer would slightly decrease the dominant strain rate, and compositionwould alter this value in a manner wavelengthof the longerwavelengthof instabilityand increase similar to that describedabove. For example, for dT/dz = 25 is about15 km. The the dominant growth ratesof both long and short wavelength K km-•, the maximumcrustalthickness instabilities.The implicationsof this are that the lithosphere overallrange of crustalthicknesses in regionsthat exhibit two would be even more unstablethan suggestedby the resultsup scalesof deformation as determinedfrom the presentmodels to this point. To producemultiple wavelengthsof lithospheric is lessthan the thicknesspredictedon the basisof petrological deformationin the presentmodel, the upper crust and upper argumentsregardingthe depth of partial meltingin the Venus mantle mustbe strongerthan the lower crust,but the dominant mantle [Anderson, 1980], but is in general agreementwith style of deformationil• the strongpart of the mantle can be estimates from thermal [Morgan and Phillips, 1983] and either brittle or ductile. For the strain rate and compositions lithosphericstress[Banerdt,1986]models. The existenceof a single,shorterwavelengthof deformation assumedin Figure 4, thermal gradientsup to approximately 25K km-• willaccommodate a strong mantleregionofsufficient in a region can be explainedeither by a lithospherein which thickness(only a few kilometers)to permit the development the crustis thick enoughthat the underlyingmantleis too weak of a long wavelengthof instability. This range of thermal to allow the growth of a long wavelengthinstability, or a gradientsis consistentwith estimatesderived from thermal lithospherethat containsa strongupper mantle but in which The latter modelsthat assumeboth purelyconductive[Solomonand Head, the longerwavelengthinstabilityhasbeensuppressed. 1982] and hot spot [Morgan and Phillips, 1983] heat loss on is possibleif strengthcontrastsin the lithosphereare small. Venus. Of the tectonicfeaturesdiscussed in this study,only the banded The style of deformation in the Venus upper mantle as terrain in Ishtar Terra exhibits a single, short wavelengthof suggested by the geometriesof tectonicfeatureshas also been deformation; however, in radar maps of the Venus northern addressedby Banerdt and Golombek[1986], who applied the hemisphereproducedfrom the Venera 15/16 data [Barsukov wedgesubsidencemodel of Vening-Meinesz[1950] to explain et al, 1986; Basilevskyet al., 1986], many ridge-and-groove the widths of rifts. In their study, extensionof a model Venus patterns that display only short wavelength spacings are lithospherecontaining a brittle mantle layer results in the apparent.Morgan and Phillips[ 1983]determinedthat a crustal formationof a simplegrabenin themantle.The grabenisdefined thicknessof up to 60 km is required in Ishtar Terra on the by normal faults that bound a down-droppedsectionof the basisof isostaticcompensationmodels,but noted that in other E550 ZUBER: VENUS LITHOSPHERIC STRUCTURE areasa thick crust is not required by the gravity data. A thick crustin Ishtar hasalsobeensuggested by Banerdtand Golombek [1986] in an applicationof the elastic-plasticbucklingmodel of McAdoo and Sandwell[1985]to the bandedterrain.In other regionsof Venus that exhibit only the shorterwavelengthof deformation, the modelsdescribedin this study suggestthat detailsof the lithosphericstrengthstratificationcan explainthe absenceof longer wavelengthtectonicfeatures.An underlying thick crustcannotbe ruled out, but is not required. CONCLUSIONS We have invoked unstable deformation in a density- and strength-stratified lithosphere to explainthecharacteristic widths and spacings of many tectonic features on Venus. For compression and extensionwe haveshownthat two wavelengths of deformationcan occurif the lithospherecontainstwo strong brittle or ductile layers, one at the surface and the other at depth,that are separatedby a weakerductilelayer.We interpret the strong layers as the upper crust and upper mantle, and the intermediatelayer asthe lower crustin the Venuslithosphere. The upper crustal layer primarily controls the geometriesof featureswith spacings in the range10-20 km suchasthe banded and ridge-and-grooveterrains,while the strongmantle region primarily controls the geometriesof featureswith widths or spacingsof 100-300 km, suchas rift zonesand ridgebelts. The modelspredictthat the smallerscalecompressional and extensionalfeaturesshould exhibit comparablewavelengths. This is consistent with the observation that surface features in and the style(s)of tectonicsare to be discerned[e.g., Kaula and Phillips, 1981;Head et al., 1981]. 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