Sexual content in media: The individual, society & culture

Sexual content in media:

The individual, society & culture


The way an individual expresses him/herself as a sexual being

Media-dictated sexuality: of sexuality



• Porne = Prostitute

• Grafe = Writing

Material that features explicit sexual behavior and nudity h t ll t h i l psychological dominance over another

Often also contains explicit violence

Erotic media


• Eros = Love

Material that features explicit

sexual content without violence and overt power dynamics , p pornography


Legal term

Obscene materials do not have First Amendment protection

Government can restrict circulation or ban obscene matereials

Justice Byron White's Definition : "no erect penises, no intercourse, no oral or anal sodomy. For White, no erections and no insertions equaled no obscenity."

Justice William Brennan's Definition, The Limp Dick

Test : "no erections. He was willing to accept penetration as long as the pictures passed what his clerks referred there was no erection."

Justice Stewart Potter's Definition : " ... I know it

[obscenity/pornography] when I see it."


Criteria for being labeled obscene:

• whether the “average person, applying contemporary community standards” would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest

• whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined by the applicable state law, and

• whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value

The Commission on Obscenity and Pornography

1967 – created by Congress at the request of LBJ

Examined how pornography affects crime and juvenile delinquency

• Pornography = sexually explicit (not violent)

Major finding: there were no known harms caused by pornography

Commission Report's Aftermath

Trigger Hypothesis vs. Safety Valve Theory

Exposure to sexually explicit materials will provoke people to commit sex crime or...

people from their desire to commit a sex crime

Research Following the Commission Report

James Weaver (1980)

How the content affects the viewer's perceptions and behaviors

Examined contents from three categories:

> erotic (sexual fantasy) themes

> coercive/violent themes

Donnerstein (1980) found that brief exposure to violent forms of pornography can lead to anti-social attitudes and behavior

Male viewers tend to be more aggressive towards women, less responsive to pain and suffering of rape victims, and more willing to accept various myths about rape (i.e., acceptance of rape myth)

Common rape myths:

“Everyone knows that when a woman says ‘no,’ she really means ‘yes.’ ”

“The way she was dressed, she was asking for it!”

“If a woman agrees to go into a man’s apartment, she is consenting to have sex.”

“A woman has to be forced to enjoy sex.”

“If a woman doesn’t want to get raped, she shouldn’t drink.”


Behavioral Impact

Stanley Milgram’s electric shock paradigm measure obedience to authority

Behavioral Impact

Kenneth Leonard & Stuart Taylor’s electric shock tested the effects of sexually explicit material

Undergraduates viewed either neutral or erotic slides in the presence of a female

Female gave different reaction in of the 3 sessions:

“No cues” – no reaction

“Non-permissive cues” – disapproving comments

“Permissive cues” – variety of positive comments


Women tolerated inappropriate shock levels as she has tolerated the sexually explicit material on the slides

Calloused perception + tolerance portrayed

Ecological Validity used to describe how the results

(pattern of behavior) found in the experiment can be applied to the outside world.

Mundane Realism if the details from the experiment do not match up with reality.

Experimental Realism the emphasis on the meaning

Rape Myth Acceptance & The Accused

> 90% of males in the study reported that she was

“somewhat” responsible for her rape

> 66% of males in the study reported that she was

“entirely” responsible for her rape

> 54% of females in the study reported that she was

“somewhat” responsible for her rape

> 23% of females in the study reported that she was

“entirely” responsible for her rape

Social correlates

Participants in the study reported:

> Heavy exposure to television (84%)

> Heavy exposure to rap music (79%)

> Moderate exposure to heavy metal music (39%) pornography (42%)

> Heavy exposure to video games (81%)


Effects of sexually explicit content:

> Belief that rape is not a serious crime.

> High prevalence of sexual practices.

> Low satisfaction in their own sexual relationships

> Lost of trust in partners

The Meese Commission Report on Pornography

Ed Meese , 1986

Rejected by scientific community

Interviews were conducted in an unscientific way conclusion of correlation between pornography and sex offenses

Effects of TV and sex

Television’s conceptualization of sexuality is not that different from evolutionary psychologists’ conceptualization of men’s and women’s sexuality

Psychologists just say it differently:

Men want beautiful women and women want men

Effects include

> physiological arousal (elevated heart rate and blood pressure, dilated eyes and sweaty hands

> sexual arousal (specific to the sex organs)

Our exposure comes largely from television

The Committee on Public Education reported that adolescents spend more time in front of the television than they do in school or with their parents

By the time the average 18 year-old graduates from high school, s/he will have spent the days a week – of his/her life watching television


60% of adolescents report that their primary source of information about birth control comes from watching television

70% of adolescents report that watching television teaches them what “real” relationships are supposed to be like watch to be only “mildly” sexual in nature

This is a major indice of TV’s desensitizing effect

Teen sexual activity correlates to TV viewing

Longitudinal study assessed whether exposure to sexual content in 4 mass media (television, music, movies & magazines) used by early adolescents predicts sexual behavior in the middle adolescents

Measured adolescents’ Sexual Media Diet (SMD)


White adolescents in the top 20% of the SMD when 12 to 14 years old were 2.2 times more likely to have sexual intercourse when 14 to 16 years old

African-American adolescents in the top 20% of the

SMD when 12 to 14 years old were 1.2 times more likely

Online pornography addiction is the third most cited reason in marital dissolution

Fastest growing demographic affected by online pornography addiction?

Males aged 12-16

Effects of pornography

> A direct link between exposure to violent pornography and acted out behavior has been continuously demonstrated

> 77% of child molesters report having modeled their deviant behavior after pornography they had

> States that have no restrictions pm where pornographic magazines are sold also have the highest rape rates

> Approximately 70% of all pornographic materials purchased end up in the hands of minors


Music videos

Considered the most salacious content on mainstream television – representative of soft core pornography

Women in music videos wear, on average, 1/10 the amount of clothing as men i id th th t l i l content, send “sexual messages” to viewers

Let’s look at some examples

The Thong Song (Sisqo)

Cream (Prince)

A Fuck is a Fuck (2 Live Crew)

Making Good Love (Avant)

The first line of the song, “Got your legs spread all over the bed, hands clinging to the sheet, hair wild as hell I know, the only thing on your mind is sexing me.”

Lose Control (Missy Elliott)

One chorus reads,

“Let me lick I ain't scared

Girl, dat thang taste like peaches

Let me lick it

Let me lick it

Let me lick it li k it

Let me lick I ain't scared

Girl, dat thang taste like peaches

Let me lick it

Let me lick it

Let me lick it

Let me lick it”

Video games

Video games regularly objectify female characters, making them look more like adult film stars

A study of video games found that the few female characters (heroines) in games are often highly sexualized unrealistically large breasts and distorted small waists


> Video games use images of women and female sexuality and associate it with exchanging sex for money, and sex with violence

> Video game play desensitize 18-year-old males at the same rate as viewing pornography


In advertising, women’s bodies are used sexually to sell products more often than men’s

White women in roughly 62% of ads were “scantily clad”

(e.g., bikinis, lingerie) while the same was true for 53% of black women

(typically without shirt)

Women were also represented in stances of powerlessness

Black women were likely to be featured in animal prints, in predatory poses[cpdocumentid=7049578]


Context variables on the effects of sexual content:

Prevailing Tone

Seriousness or triviality

Artistic value or intent

Context variables on the effects of sexual content: Prevailing Tone

• Seriousness or triviality

• Artistic value or intent

• Necessary for story line

• Degree of explicitness

• Context of viewing

• Cultural context