VOCABULARY WORDS – VIOLENCE & DATE RAPE • 1. Acquaintance Rape: Assailant is personally known to the victim, usually in the context of a dating relationship. Also known as “Date Rape”. • 2. Battering: A violent act directed against another, such as hitting, slapping, beating, stabbing, shooting, or threatening with weapons. • 3. Date Rape: Assailant is personally known to the victim, usually in the context of a dating relationship. • 4. Incest: Sexual intercourse between individuals too closely related to marry, usually interpreted to mean father/daughter, mother/son, or brother/sister. • 5. Marital Rape: Forced sexual contact by a husband with his wife; legal definitions of marital rape differ among states. • 6. Patriarchal Terrorism: Extreme male-on-female violence in which men use violence, threats, isolation, and other tactics to subjugate and control their partner. • 7. Pedophilia: Adult sexual attraction to prepubescent children that is intense and recurring; an adult’s use of children for sexual purposes. • 8. Rape: Sexual act against a person’s will or consent as defined by law, usually including sexual penetration by the penis or other object.