> From the infinitely small to the infinitely large > INTRODUCTION THE COLLECTION 1 > The atom 2 > Radioactivity 3 > Radiation and man 4 > Energy 5 > Nuclear energy: fusion and fission 6 > How a nuclear reactor works 7 > The nuclear fuel cycle 8 > Microelectronics 9 > The laser: a concentrate of light 10 > Medical imaging 11 > Nuclear astrophysics 12 > Hydrogen FROM RESEARCH TO INDUSTRY 1 > The atom AT THE HEART OF MATTER: ATOMS CHEMICAL ELEMENTS AND ISOTOPES THE FOUR FUNDAMENTAL INTERACTIONS NUCLEAR PHYSICS © Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives, 2005 Communication Division Bâtiment Siège - 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex www.cea.fr ISSN 1637-5408. From the infinitely small to the infinitely large 1 > The atom From the infinitely small to the infinitely large 1 > The atom 2 > CONTENTS > INTRODUCTION Every atom consists of a nucleus surrounded by a cloud of electrons. CHEMICAL ELEMENTS AND ISOTOPES Chemical elements Isotopes The periodic table THE FOUR FUNDAMENTAL INTERACTIONS Strong interaction Electromagnetic interaction Weak interaction Gravitation NUCLEAR PHYSICS A brief description of the nucleus Nuclear ‘microsurgery’ The nuclear furnace T 4 5 5 6 6 8 9 9 11 12 13 13 14 14 15 introduction he concept of the atom was due to philosophers such as Leucippus and Democritus, who, in an attempt to answer questions about the beginning and end of the cosmos and the sameness and difference of material things, found a common denominator for all things, for the whole Universe: the atom. As the centuries passed, this desire to understand the origin of the world led physicists to consider the atom as a physical object. This “small unit of matter” enabled great progress to be made in understanding our Universe, and it remains at the center of much research today. But it has not yet yielded all its secrets. HISTORY © Palais de la découverte/Ph. C. Greutz AT THE HEART OF MATTER: ATOMS The composition of atoms The size of an atom and its nucleus The mass of an atom The electrical charge of an atom © PhotoDisc The atom © Roger-Viollet From left to right: Joseph John Thomson, Ernest Rutherford and James Chadwick. • In the fifth century BC, Leucippus, then Democritus, named this everlasting, unlimited “small unit of matter” in constant rapid movement, the “atom” (from the Greek “atomos” meaning “cannot be cut”). Electrostatic shower. • More than 2,500 years passed before anyone expanded upon this understanding. Then, in 1897, Joseph John Thomson discovered one of the atom’s components, the electron. By 1904, he believed that atoms were spheres filled with an electrically positive substance and stuffed with negative electrons. • In 1911, the English scientist Ernest Rutherford saw that particles projected on to matter passed through it as if it were a vacuum, apart from a very few that altered their course or bounced back like bullets fired into a big wide hedge containing a few small hidden steel balls. He had discovered the nucleus of the atom, in which almost all the atom’s mass is concentrated in a volume one hundred thousand times smaller than the atom itself. 16 16 19 • The next discovery to be made was that the nucleus’ positive electrical charge is carried by several corpuscules, known as protons. And in 1932, James Chadwick discovered the neutron, the neutral constituent of the nucleus. On its own, it disintegrates into a proton and an electron, but when inside the atom’s nucleus, it is stable. • In 1969, physicists bombarded nuclei with a beam of particles (electrons) traveling fast enough to penetrate the core of nucleons. And the Rutherford story was repeated within the nucleon, as some of these electrons rebounded in an apparently bizarre way. This could only mean they were bouncing against even smaller corpuscules. And so, quarks were discovered. There are three quarks inside every nucleon. • One day perhaps we’ll discover even smaller particles inside quarks! We would need even more powerful particle accelerators though. The smaller we want to see, the larger our “microscope” must be. Designed and produced by Spécifique - Cover photo by © PhotoDisc - Illustrations by YUVANOE - Printed by Imprimerie de Montligeon - 04/2005 From the infinitely small to the infinitely large 1 > The atom From the infinitely small to the infinitely large 1 > The atom 3 4 > AT THE HEART OF MATTER: ATOMS AN ATOM IS MADE UP OF A NUCLEUS OF PROTONS AND NEUTRONS, AND A CLOUD OF ELECTRONS. At the heart of matter: atoms THE COMPOSITION OF ATOMS The planets, air, water, stones and living organisms, in fact all bodies within nature are made up of atoms or atom assemblies (molecules, etc.). Contrary to what its etymology suggests, Assemblies of several atoms held together by chemical bonds. the atom is not indivisible. So what’s in it? An atom consists of: • a central nucleus, which is a collection of protons and neutrons. Protons and neutrons are the nucleons (from the Greek word “nucleus”); • a peripheral cloud of electrons, which orbit around the nucleus at amazing speeds. It’s impossible really to predict their trajectories; we can only, using mathematical formulae, predict the areas in which they are most likely to be found inside the cloud they make around the nucleus. There are lots of different atoms, but they are all made from protons, neutrons and electrons. 10-15 meters, which is nearly 100,000 times smaller than the atom with its electron cloud. REPRESENTATION OF THE ELECTRON CLOUD IN A LITHIUM ATOM The lithium atom shown has three protons, four neutrons and three electrons. It is not possible to give the exact position of the three electrons in the lithium atom’s electron cloud. In this representation, the electrons are most likely to be in the darker areas. This image is the result of mathematical formulae. Atomic nucleus THE SIZE OF AN ATOM AND ITS NUCLEUS Electron cloud © PhotoDisc The atom’s spherical electron cloud is about 10-10 meters in diameter. This is truly miniscule. To make a centimeter, you would need to line up 100 million atoms. The nucleus is much smaller still. It occupies a sphere with an average diameter of From the infinitely small to the infinitely large 1 > The atom From the infinitely small to the infinitely large 1 > The atom 5 6 > AT THE HEART OF MATTER: ATOMS 7 > AT THE HEART OF MATTER: ATOMS “The space between the nucleus and the electron cloud is empty.” approximate mass of an atom. However the result of the calculation is only an estimate (see the Nuclear energy: fusion and fission booklet). THE ELECTRICAL CHARGE OF AN ATOM © PhotoDisc © PhotoAlto © PhotoDisc Of the three parts that make up an atom, only the neutron does not have an electrical charge: it is neutral, hence its name. Protons are positively charged and electrons negatively charged. An atom in its normal state has as many protons as electrons. It is therefore electrically neutral. However, under certain conditions (e.g. chemical reactions), atoms can gain or lose one or more electrons and can therefore become positively or negatively charged. They are then called ions. © MNHN © PhotoDisc Mass is not distributed evenly throughout an atom. The protons and neutrons have about the same mass, but they are approximately 2,000 times heavier than an electron, so almost all the atom’s mass is concentrated in the nucleus, and the matter making up a nucleus is a million billion times denser than ordinary matter. If all the Earth’s nuclei were put together so they were touching, the planet would be little more than a hundred meters in diameter and a grain of sand would weigh more than a metric ton. To estimate the mass of a nucleus, you simply have to know how many nucleons it has (also known as its mass number). Once you know that the mass of a nucleon is approximately 1.67x10 - 2 7 kg, it’s easy to calculate the © PhotoDisc THE MASS OF AN ATOM In nature, all bodies are made up of atoms or atom assemblies (molecules). From the infinitely small to the infinitely large 1 > The atom From the infinitely small to the infinitely large 1 > The atom 8 > CHEMICAL ELEMENTS AND ISOTOPES ATOMS FALL INTO DIFFERENT CATEGORIES ACCORDING TO THE NUMBER OF ATOMS THEY HAVE Chemical elements and isotopes The atom An aluminum atom (Al) 14 neutrons An aluminum nucleus 13 protons 13 electrons CHEMICAL ELEMENTS © PhotoDisc A chemical element is a set of atoms each with the same number of protons. It is denoted by a symbol of one or two letters (e.g. 1H for hydrogen, which only has one proton, or 26Fe for iron, which has 26 protons). The atoms naturally present on the Earth belong to 90 chemical elements with between 1 and 92 protons. The chemical elements technetium (Tc) with 43 protons and promethium (Pm) with 61 protons, do not exist in the natural state. They can, however, be created From the infinitely small to the infinitely large 1 > The atom From the infinitely small to the infinitely large artificially, as can other chemical elements with more than 92 protons, such as plutonium (Pu) for example, which has 94 protons. ISOTOPES Nuclei do not consist only of protons. They also contain neutrons. Atoms of a chemical element with a different number of neutrons are isotopes of that element. For example: • All the isotopes of hydrogen have one proton and zero, one or two neutrons. They are light hydrogen (often referred to simply as hydrogen 1 > The atom 9 10 > CHEMICAL ELEMENTS AND ISOTOPES > CHEMICAL ELEMENTS AND ISOTOPES Mendeleev’s periodic table of elements “Isotopes are rather “sibling” atoms, with the same chemical properties but different numbers of neutrons.” 2A ALKALINE EARTH METALS 4A 1 1 Isotopes 2 3 Tritium 3H or T 6.941 6 1 electron Nucleus: {1 proton } Nucleus: 1 electron 1 proton 1 neutron { because it is the most common form), heavy hydrogen or deuterium, and tritium (see diagram below). • All the isotopes of carbon have six protons. The most common ones have six, seven, or eight neutrons. An atom is referred to using the name of its chemical element followed by its total number of nucleons: carbon-12, carbon-13 and carbon-14. The chemical properties of an atom depend solely on the number and arrangement of the electrons in its electron cloud; all isotopes of the same element have the same chemical properties. However, the slight difference in the mass of their nucleus means that their physical properties are very slightly different. From the infinitely small to the infinitely large } 1 electron 1 proton Nucleus: 2 neutrons { } 9.0122 12 Na Mg 20 K Ca 39.0983 40.078 Rb 38 85.468 Sr 87.62 Sc 22 44.956 39 Y Ti 47.88 40 88.906 13 Zr 91.224 23 24 V 50.942 41 42 Nb Cr 25 26 Mn Fe 27 Co 28 51.996 54.9309 55.847 58.9332 92.906 Mo 43 44 Tc Ru 45 Rh 29 46 Cu 63.546 47 Pd Ag 30 Zn 31 65.39 48 Cd 87 Fr 88 (223) Ra 226.025 ACTINIDES 49 It is referred to using the name of its chemical element followed by the total number of nucleons it has (mass number). For example, oxygen-16, iron-59. The chemical element’s name tells us the number of protons it has. By subtracting the number of protons from the number of nucleons, we can find out how many neutrons it has. 1 > The atom Si 71 89 to 103 Ge 72.61 50 In 72 Hf 73 74 Ta W 75 76 Re 178.49 180.948 183.85 186.207 104 Rf 105 Db 106 (261.11) 262.11 91 90 92 89 Pa Ac Th U Sg 263.12 Os 190.2 107 108 Hs Bh 264.12 265.13 77 Ir 192.22 109 Mt 268 78 79 Pt 195.08 Au Hg 81 82 Tl 196.967 200.59 204.383 111 110 80 Uun Uuv 269 272 112 Sn 277 103 101 97 93 95 99 96 94 98 102 100 Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr 38 231.036 38.029 237.048 (244) (243) 227.028 232.0 2 (247) (247) (251) (252) (257) (258) (259) Pb 207.2 KEY Uub 8 9 O F 10 Ne 15 P 16 17 S 33 As 34 51 Sb Se 35 78.96 74.9216 52 Br 79.904 53 Te Cl 18 Ar 35.4527 39.948 I 36 Kr 83.80 54 Xe 127.60 126.905 131.29 83 Bi 208.980 84 Po 85 (209) Atomic number Symbol Atomic mass At 86 (210) Rn (222) 1 H 1.00794 The figures between brackets indicate the mass number of the most stable isotope. (260) According to Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, th 74 Ed. 1993, CRC Press and Pure and Applied Chemistry, 1997, 69, 2471 ATOM NAMES An atom is characterized by the number of protons (identical to the number of electrons) and the number of neutrons it has. N 67 65 69 71 61 63 59 64 70 62 66 60 68 Ho Lu Tb Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Er Tm Yb Dy Gd 1 1 58 57 La Ce to 32 Ga 69.723 57 Ba 7 101.07 102.906 106.42 107.868 112.411 114.82 118.710 121.75 (98) 95.94 Ni 58.69 55 56 C 12.011 14.0067 15.9994 18.9984 20.1797 14 Al 15 40.908 44.24 (145) 50.36 51.965 57.25 158.925 62.50 164.930 67.26 168.934 73.04 174.967 1 1 1 1 1 1 138.906 140.1 Cs 6 B 10.811 LANTHANIDES 132.905 137.327 7 5 26.9815 28.0855 30.9736 32.066 21 He 4.00206 7A MANGANESE family NOBLE METALS 1B 8A 8B 8C Period 4: MAGNETIC METALS Period 5: PALLADIUM METALS Period 6: PLATINUM METALS Be 2 ZINC family 2B 22.9898 24.3050 37 5 4 Li 4B TRIVALENT METALS 3B 6A CHROMIUM family 1.00794 19 4 TETRAVALENT METALS AND METALLOIDS 5A VANADIUM family H 11 Deuterium 2H or D TRIVALENT METALLOIDS 5B 3A RARE EARTHS Period 3 Hydrogen 1H MONOVALENT HALOGEN METALLOIDS 7B NOBLE GASES BIVALENT METALLOIDS 6B 1A ALKALI METALS Al C Cd Carbon Cadmium Hg In Pb Mercury Indium Aluminum From the infinitely small to the infinitely large Co Cr Cobalt Si Lead Chromium Tl Silicon Ge Germanium W Thallium Tungsten 1 > The atom 11 12 > THE FOUR FUNDAMENTAL INTERACTIONS IN NATURE, ALL OBJECTS ACT UPON EACH OTHER. WE SAY THAT THEY INTERACT. The four fundamental interactions I n nature, objects are subject to all kinds of forces exercised at a distance. So for example, two masses attract each other and two electrical charges attract or repel each other depending on their sign. Objects act upon each other. They interact. There are four fundamental types of interactive force (or simply, interactions), governed by the nature of the objects: strong interaction, electromagnetic interaction, weak interaction and gravitation. STRONG INTERACTION Strong interaction, or strong nuclear force, keeps the nucleus together by making the nucleons attract each other strongly. It only operates over very short distances of several nucleus diameters. Over an equal distance, it is 100 to 1,000 times more intense than electromagnetic interaction. “A compass is disturbed by lightning during a storm: this is one manifestation of magnetic force, which comes from the movement of electrical charges.” infinity, but it is four times weaker at twice the distance (inverse-square law). It underpins the chemical properties of atoms. Electric force governs phenomena such as lightning and is involved in the electromagnetic interaction. © Palais de la découverte/Ph. C. Greutz Electromagnetic interaction manifests itself in two forms, electric force and magnetic force. The first governs electrical phenomena such as lightning and hair standing on end when there is electricity in the air, and the second, magnetic phenomena such as compasses and electromagnets. Magnetic force is an effect of the movement of electrical charges, which is why a compass is disturbed by lightning during a storm. This interaction makes two electric charges of the same sign (e.g. two protons) repel, and two charges of opposite signs (an electron and a nucleus) attract. It extends to From the infinitely small to the infinitely large 1 > The atom From the infinitely small to the infinitely large © PhotoDisc ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERACTION 1 > The atom 13 14 15 > THE FOUR FUNDAMENTAL INTERACTIONS NUCLEAR PHYSICS IS THE STUDY OF ATOMIC NUCLEI AND THEIR COMPONENTS. “Gravitation varies with distance. When we fall from a height, we hurt ourselves!” Nuclear physics WEAK INTERACTION Weak interaction, or weak nuclear force, is responsible for certain radioactive phenomena (e.g. beta radioactivity). Its range is extremely short – just a few hundredths of the size of a nucleon – but it governs the thermonuclear reactions that enable the Sun and stars to produce energy. It is approximately 100,000 times weaker than strong interaction. GRAVITATION © CEA/GANIL © PhotoDisc Gravitation, which is responsible for the attraction of masses, explains weight (the pull of gravity) and the movement of the heavenly bodies. It varies with distance according to the same law as electromagnetic force. It is the weakest force of the four by far, being 10-40 times weaker than electromagnetic force! However, it is the one we experience most: when we fall from a height, we hurt ourselves! This is because the mass attracting us – the Earth – is gigantic. But although we may sometimes break a leg, we will never break an atom and still less a nucleus. Gravitation, which is weak compared with the other forces, is nevertheless the one we experience most. From the infinitely small to the infinitely large 1 > The atom From the infinitely small to the infinitely large 1 > The atom > NUCLEAR PHYSICS > NUCLEAR PHYSICS “In the core of an atom, protons and neutrons are “dancing” at more than 30,000 km/s. However, they are held together by nuclear force.” Characteristics of elementary particles ELECTRON ATOM PROTON QUARKS NUCLEUS NEUTRON A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE NUCLEUS From the infinitely small to the infinitely large FIRST FAMILY SECOND FAMILY FERMIONS Ordinary matter is made up of particles in this group. For the most part, these particles existed just after the Big Bang. Today they are only found in cosmic rays and near accelerators. THIRD FAMILY So an atom is rather like a miniature solar system, in which mini planets (electrons) are revolving around a mini sun (the nucleus). Nuclear physics is the study of atomic nuclei and the enormous force – strong interaction – that binds together their components, the nucleons (protons and neutrons). The nucleus is an extremely dense, complex and tiny object. Like a Russian doll that contains more dolls getting smaller and smaller, the nucleus contains nucleons, each containing three quarks. There are two sorts of nucleon: protons, which are positively charged, and neutrons, which are neutral. In this minuscule space, not only are the protons repelling each other very strongly because they have the same electrical charge, but the protons and neutrons are dancing a dizzying ballet at more than 30,000 km/s (more than a tenth of the speed of light, i.e. around the Earth in 1.34 seconds)! However the nucleus does not shatter into a shower of nucleons, but remains bound together. Within it, a colossal force of attraction is at work between the nucleons, a force much greater than the electric force keeping the protons apart. This nuclear force or strong interaction, which maintains the cohesion of the nucleus, is the most powerful of the four fundamental interactions or forces of nature. LEPTONS Can move about freely. Particle accelerator at CERN, in Switzerland. © CEA 16 QUARKS Prisoners of larger particles; they are not observed individually. ELECTRON Responsible for electricity and chemical reactions. It has a charge of - 1. ELECTRON NEUTRINO It has no electrical charge and interacts very rarely with the surrounding environment. DOWN (d) It has an electrical charge of –1/3. Protons contain one and neutrons two. UP (u) It has an electrical charge of +2/3. Protons contain two and neutrons one. MUON A companion to the electron but with greater mass. MUON NEUTRINO Properties similar to those of the electron neutrino. STRANGE (s) A heavier companion to Down. CHARM (c) A heavier companion to Up. TAU Even greater mass. TAU NEUTRINO Properties similar to those of the electron neutrino. BEAUTY (b) Even greater mass. TOP (t) PHOTON Elementary grain of light, which mediates electromagnetic force. GLUON Mediates the strong interaction between quarks. NUCLEAR “MICROSURGERY” This is the study of the nucleus as a collection of nucleons that move and attract, the detailed mechanisms of their attraction and the influence of quarks on their properties and behavior. Nuclei have to be probed with a kind of microscalpel in proportion to their dimensions. An accelerated particle beam (see box on page 18) is used to see what proportion of the particles has been deflected and what proportion absorbed. It is also used to see how the nuclei react, e.g. by ejecting nucleons or producing other particles. Some amazing things 1 > The atom VECTOR BOSONS Fundamental particles that transmit the forces of nature. HIGGS BOSONS? W-, W+, Z0 Mediators of the weak interaction, responsible for some forms of radioactive disintegration. GRAVITON Assumed to be the mediator of gravitational force. Responsible for breaking electroweak symmetry. From the infinitely small to the infinitely large 1 > The atom 17 > NUCLEAR PHYSICS > NUCLEAR PHYSICS “For the study of atoms, some scientists are going back in time by recreating extreme conditions similar to those that existed in the first moments of the Universe.” © CEA/Gonin © CEA/Dapnia 18 can be achieved in this way. It is possible to see the difference in size between a proton on its own and a proton in its nucleus, and to measure the influence of the rotation of quarks on the rotation of the nucleon that contains them, i.e. to determine how three small spinning tops turning perpetually in a sort of HOW CAN WE “SEE” NUCLEI AND PARTICLES? SPIRAL TAKES US FURTHER In reality, we don’t actually see nuclei. We can only determine their size and shape by bombarding them with accelerated particle beams. We will now look at how these particles bounce off or are absorbed and how the nucleus reacts. This process is not very different from the way our vision works. Objects reflect back to our eyes the light used to illuminate them, sometimes absorbing part of this light. We also see their size, color, etc. Now, light is at the same time a collection of light particles, known as photons, and a vibration or wave, like the swell at sea. The more energy the wave is carrying, the faster it vibrates, or in other words, the closer together its undulations. The distance between two successive peaks is known as the wavelength. The shorter the wavelength, the more energy in the wave, and the more finely From the infinitely small to the infinitely large we can see. The wavelength of visible light is between 0.4 and 0.8 micrometers (millionths of a meter). That’s about the size of a microbe. We can see this size of object with an optical microscope, but if we want to see anything smaller, an optical microscope is of no use. To see atoms, we need an electron microscope in which a beam of accelerated electrons plays the role of light, because it behaves like a wave, but with a wavelength in the region of a fraction of a nanometer (billionth of a meter). The electron microscope, whose electron “wave’’ has 10,000 times more energy than visible light, lets us see approximately the diameter of an atom (i.e. 10,000 times smaller than the diameter of a microbe). To “see” a nucleus, our powers of observation must be at least 100,000 times more precise and that means we need a beam with at least 100,000 times more energy than that of the most powerful electron microscope. This is possible with particle accelerators. CERN in Geneva, in partnership with CEA, will soon be home to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). This particle accelerator, the biggest in the world, will contain 400 quadrupole magnets, which will focus proton beams to produce collisions at an energy of 14 TeV (14,000 billion electronvolts). One of the aims is to see the Higgs boson. Top left: a quadrupole magnet for the LHC. Top right: the SIMS analytical microscope is used to determine the location of radionuclides emitting weak rays. It operates on the principle of a scanning electron microscope and replaces the primary electron beam with a beam of ions, enabling analysis of the elements in solid surfaces. 1 > The atom Spiral is a facility based at Ganil (Grand accélérateur national d’ions lourds, or French large heavy ion accelerator) in Caen, and is used to produce and accelerate light and mediumheavy nuclei, known as exotic nuclei, which do not exist on Earth. Studying these is essential in many fields of nuclear physics, but also astrophysics, particularly for understanding the formation of the nuclei of atoms within stars and supernovae. Although physicists already know how to synthesize exotic nuclei in the laboratory, the Spiral installation will enable them for the first time to produce exotic nuclei in large quantities, accelerate them, observe their collisions with other nuclei and thereby understand their structure. Compared with other existing installations, Spiral also gives much greater scope for expanding the range of exotic elements produced and the energy range accessible. glue and enclosed in a spinning top a thousand times bigger (yet itself minuscule) can be partly responsible for its rotation. THE NUCLEAR FURNACE This is the ‘overall’ study of the nucleus as a sample of the very dense nuclear matter the properties of which we know so little about. To find out more, we can study it in extreme conditions like those that existed when the Universe began. This is like winding back time. The method involves projecting bursts of nuclei onto one another, accelerated to speeds close to the speed of light. This creates shocks of an unbelievable violence. The nuclei find themselves in extreme states of temperature, pressure, deformation and instability, and they fuse, form new nuclei, most of which do not exist on Earth, split, and above a certain temperature, explode, literally evaporating in a shower of nucleons. This is a fantastic gift for physicists, because this is the temperature below which nuclei formed when the primordial soup resulting from the Big Bang cooled. Fifteen billion years later, they can actually measure it. In September 2001, Spiral produced its first beam with an exotic nucleus: neon-18. By observing the collisions of this beam with a solid hydrogen target, it was possible using Spiral to discover the structure of sodium-19, a nucleus that is not known on Earth, in particular to understand some of the thermonuclear reactions involved in the creation of the elements in the Universe. From the infinitely small to the infinitely large 1 > The atom 19