University Zealand Code Number ..... PHYSICAl: SCIENCE! LII!AARY THESIS THE THERMODYNAMIC DISSOCIATION CONSTANT OF ACETIC .:..I.:..::.N_ _ MI ><ED !;._ !\C I D IN TROD UC TION The classical theory of acid and bare dissociation, characterised a.cids by their ability to split off hydrogen ions, and bases by their ability to split off hydroxyl ions when dissolved in water. These views were based on the Arrhenius theory of dissociation of electrolytes in waterlland did not explain the complementary yet opposite properties of acids and bases, nor did it extend the treatment beyond e;queous solutions .. For example, pure hydrochloric or acetic acids would not be considered as acids in themselves as hydrogen ions are not detectable in them in the pure state .. The classical theory is, therefore, incon sistent,in so far as the description ecld or base, is only allowed after the adcli tion of a second The role the water played in the substance, nen1ely water .. mechanism was for a long time unrecognised. The generalization which brought clarity and carrel lation into the whole field was advanced in 1923 by Lowry e-nd 2 Bronsted independently. They represent all such dissociations in the scheme A B acid base + ~ •..•...•........ (1) in which an acid is defined as a substance capable of donating protons, thus becoming a base. Conversely a base can accept protons and become an acid, the acld and base in each case being referred to as conjugate acid-base pair.S. It follows from (1) thB.t an acld always carries one more posi tlve charge than its conjugate base, typical conjugate pairs being NH 3 + H'" CH • coo- + H"' co 3....... 3 NH4 CH3. COOH HC03- 1- base acid The close relationship between these two groups of substances depends on their relationship to the proton, a possible parallel being found in oxid~'ttion reduction systems where the electron plays a similar role. The above scheme must be modified some·what, as it is the solvated proton which occurs in acid solutions, as shown for example, by :t high heat of hydration. + H2o Base2 ~ CH3. coo- -+ H3o+ Base 1 where subscripts indicate conjugate pairs. Acid2 In this case there- fore, water is acting as a base .. ··.It can however act equally > well as an acid The wide applicabillty of thls generalization is shown in its application to other solvents such as liquid ammonia. The ionisation of this substance gives rise to H+ and counterparts of H+ and oH- as in water. NH2 ions as Thus when an ammonium -3salt is dissolved in liquid ammonia, dissociation occurs with the production of solvated hydrogen ions. The solution there- fore functions as an acid, even to its ability to dissolve metals. NH Cl 4 NH+ 1~ NH 4 3 + Cl- + H...,. Although the general equation (1) for acid•base dissociation may fail to give a true kinetic picture of the process, this does not affect the application of the~odynamically derived relationships, such as the law of mass action, as such relationships are independent of the actual kinetic mechanism involved. It is reasonable to assume the proton is hydrated by one molecule of water, just as it unites with one molecule of ammonia.. This is in agreement with the work of Lowry3 , Bron- sted4 and others.. Its importance lies in the fact that its conjugate base is water.. This protolysis is thus· seen to be a general reaction embracing such topics as dissociation of acids and bases, hydrolysis of salts, neutralisation etc. as treated in classical theory. ACID STRENGTH AND ACIDITY. In classical theory, acidity has been defined as the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution. Such a measure cannot be treated thermodynamically with exactitude, owing to deviations of solutions from the perfect behaviour .. An exact measure would be given by the activity of the hydrogen ions AH+ as introduced -4This function has the dimensions of concen- by G. N. Lewis .. tration, and may be regarded as an effective concentration 1 the actual free energy of the hydrogen ions in the solution being given by - Go referring to a standard state. Such a term is useful only as a mathematical concept, for, as pointed out by Guggenheim 8 , the concept of individual ion activities is incapable of precise definition .. The activity of an acid is a quite separate idea depending also on the activity of the anion. Basicity is defined as the reciprocal of acidity. Acid and basic strength are defined as the quantitative tendency to lose or gain protons respectively. It has been assumed that these terms are determinable by measurements of the dissociation constant in dilute aqueous solution, as K Classically, the = U!J!i 1 ii bra.cltet terms have been measured in con- centrations, but activities give a real thermodynamic constant. In seeking a general measure of strength for va.,riations of both acid and medium, it can be seen from the general equation A B + H+ that, although strength may be measured in solutions under comparable conditions i.e .. when the ratio between the concentration of acid and base is constant, which can arbitrarily be made unity, so that K acidity Kbasicity ::: = constants are obtained which are again useful only mathematically, as they invoke a single ion activity. These constants are a measure of the tendency of a molecule to lose or gain a proton. If absolute activities are used in place concentrations, a real thermodynamic dissociation constant, as measured in the present work, is obtained, which is capable of experimental measurement .. " · Kactivi ty But this constant can only be used as a comparison of acid strengths for the same acid in different media, but this is by no means so for different actds in different media.. water, 1.6 o·... nitrobenzoic acid give K ... 6.2 lo-3 compared with lo-3 for 3:5 d.initrobenzoic acid, while in ethyl alcohol the respective constants are 2.42 such a consts.nt in di Thus in lo-9 and 8.16JI.l0-9. Thus ls to give a general scale of acid strength erent solvents. This fact emerging from Golds·chmidt 1 s5 work in methyl and ethyl alcohols and confirmed by Larrson6 and Halford?, means it is impossible to transfer a scale of acidity from one solvent to another. Before extending this analysls to actual dissociation phenomena, the influence of acld base properties of the solvent -6must be discussed. Obv.busly dissociation of an acid will be helped by the ease with which the proton is accepted by the solvent; the mechanism can be regarded as a competitive effect If the acidity of for the proton by the acid and solvent. water is defined by the method given above, a 11 rational constant" K'tcidi ty is obtained, but as an explicit value cannot be given to a n conventional" 0a2 0 1 constant is d_efined, Ko acidity and similarly 1 K.0 -lJasi oi ty -- ~· by analogy with the omission of molecular concentration in the ssociation of pure liquids. In stqueous solutions 1 a general dissociation equation of the type + B will lead to a rational equilibrium const&tnt of the form = Kr or a conventional dissociation constant :: From ( 3) ICC ~ = ~ CA .. Crt o+ • 3 ~ acid Kacidlty 1 AH-t- ••••••••• ( 4) H 0 X Kb~sici ty Thus the dissociation constant of an acid is equal to its acidity const~:mt multiplied by the basicity constant of the medium, a relationship such as would be expectedo and K0 Both Kacidity are sui table for measures of strength as long as the mediwn is kept constant.. Also both these constants are changed to the same extent by changing from one medium to another, since Kc is, according to equation (4) independent of the ratio Kacidity the nature of the acld .. As pointed out above, these rational and conventional constants are not thermodynamic quantities but are rele,ted to the true thermodynamic values by the relation A where = fc a ·= the activity or f = the activity coefficient, and may be regarded as a devisttion factor, from the perfect beha:vbur. 11 effective massn The Solvent influences acid-base equilibria in two major ways. (1) Through its dielectric constant. (2) :I'hrough its acid base properties. -8The second f.Ewtor ha.s already been discussed., It is generally recognised that the ionisation of acids and bases increases th increasing dielectric constant of the solvent, due to diminished interionic attraction. In the series of acid-:base pairs Et+ A A+ A"•·+ H+ H"'" B-B+ B + + + the ions attract each other in the first two cases, have no important electrostatic influence in the third, and repel each other in the fourth case. Thus dissociation will be decreased rst t\VO cases, unaffected in the third case, and in- in the creased in the fourth by low the di ectric constant, as by transfer from water to an acetone-water mixture .. A more quantitative tre:atment can be derived as By a consio.era.tion of the work necessary to charge follows. a small spherical particle in a given dielectric, the formula for the change in energy of an ion on transfer from a medium of one d1 electric constant to Em other is 9· 10 where t = charge on the ion r - ionic radius dielectric constants of the two media. -9Consider now one gram-molecule of weak acid HB in equilibrium Viri th the ions in estch of the two media. HB ~ 1 In the medium,solvent 1 of dielectric constant D + = where ~ GT_ represent partial molal free energies. The partial molal free energies of H+ and B- can be further analysed into ( 1) (11) The, chemical contribution of the species in the system .. The electrostatic contribution of the charge in the dielectrtc medium. Guggenheim11 points out such a decomposition into two terms is, in general, arbitrary and of no thermodynamic significance. No thermodynamic measurements could give any information concerning the separate terms, but only concerning their sum. Thus GI' ./? ::;:; G_.o1 .... RT ln 1 A-t where A + N r = = activity of H+Avagadro's number 1 oni c radius Similarly in solvent 11 of dielectric constant n11 = + RT ln L: NE2 2rl D~ + -10- In these formulae, ~ are integration constants, while the minus sign before the electrostatic term indicates the energy is possessIf we assume the undissociated molecules ed by ·the medium. fre~ possess the same energy in both solvents, a justifiable assumption in dilute solutions, and as G.;0 etc. are integration constants, RT ln But - K and RT Axm &A- ... AHB All HB so the equation reduces to ln RT ln Putting "'AII • 2r+ or A. or A ln PK K I n.. (l) (1)) NE2 2. 30ft{'RT A. From measurements of PK values, a value for (1 ) ( i5') 11 A11 may be calculated, or if it varies in the two solvents, a msan value may be obtained. B tonsted4 consi<lers this dielectric. ef'fect to predominate. 12 Hartley and co-workers consider that in mixed aqueous solvents ions tend to associate with water ra.ther than the other solvent present .. They have sho'Am lith iu.m ions behave almost iden- tically in water and in 30% alcohol-water mixture. Also the addition of a small amount of water into a non-hydrox.ylic solvent causes a marked change in di ssociati.on. -111 Pring 3 (1923) showed electrometrioally that monovalent bases (aniline and derivatives) underwent no large change of PK on transfer from water to a 90% acetone-water mixture. Cray and Westrip1 4 (1925) in the same laboratory investigated numerous indicator and buffer properties in 90% Acetone-water mixture, as well as hydrochloric,, phthali concluded that monovalent acetic ancl chloracetio acids. carb~ylic PK units in this solvent (D = 26). They acids are weakened by 4 - 5 They used a quinhydrone electrode, and it is not olea>r that this woula. function satisfactorily in such a high proportion of acetone, owing to its greatly increased solubility. 1 AFFECT OF TENWERATURE ON ACID STBENGTH 5 The curve obtained by plotting l;og K against tempera>ture shows a maximum value, which may occur at different temperatures with different acids. Thus butyric acid shows a maximum value about 10° while lactic acid shows a maximum about 20°. The curves out at approximately 15° , so it follows that above this temperature lactic acid is the stronger, while below it, n.butyric acid is the stronger. Everett and Wynne-Jones16 give these so . ca"lled "inversion temperatures 11 for a number of acids which lie within the range of temperature examined experimentally. Until recently it has been assumed that the thermodynt:tmic dissocia.tion constl'mt gave a measure of relative strength 1 but these constants were usually recorded at room temperature. The fact that these constants vary differently with temperature, maLe -12- it difficult to ascribe a precise meaning to relative acid strengths, unless such comparison is made at a given temperature. This discussion shows that the concept of absolute acid strength is by no means simple, A precise definition involves such inaccessible terms as individual ionic activities and electrostatic energy factors. In practice, we can only deal with relative strengths of acids and bases in the same medium and at the same temperature. DI SSO OIATION CONSTANT MEASUREMENTS. Four main methods have been used up to the present for determining these constants. (1) (11) (111) They can be grouped as follows. Conductivity method. Catalytic effects of hydrogen ions. E.M.F. measurements, includi electometric ti tre,tions. The conductivity method has probably been applied most intensively. Ori ne.lly used by Ostwald17' Walden l8 and others, this gives a conventional constant, Kc, which varies with dilution. It was assumed that the Arrhenius coefficient gives the degree of dissocic;tion, an assumption which is not strictly accurate, as it requires that coefficient, is equal to 1. J1:. , the mean activity By applying the Debye-Hucket-Onsager theory, however, a corrected conductimetric method has been 20 1 vised by Davies 9, Saxton , Macinnes and Shedlovsk~ 1 , Sherrill and Noyes 22 · and others. Thermodynamic constants ce.n thus be -13determined which agree well with those found from E.M.F. measure- ments. Thus for acetic acid in water 1 Macinnes and Shledoosky found K •753 x lo-5, whereas Hamed and Ehlers 2 3 obtained K = 1 .. 748 x lo-5 from E.~vl.F .. data~ after correcting thelr value from molal to volume concentrations. The second method is by measuring the number of hydrogen ions by their catalytic effect on the velocity of any suitable reaction, such as ester hydrolysis. In this method, it is necessary to know which ion catalyses the reaction, and also the relationship between the activity of the hydrogen ion and the rate of reaction. These facts must be determined for every case, and .the method therefore is not a general or fundamental one. Glasstone 2 4 considers the evidence is inconclusive as to whether catalytic power is proportional to concentrations or to activities. The method of electrometric Titration, has been extensively used. The calomel electrode is used in conjunction th various types of salt bridge to eliminate the liquid junction potential. This gives a constant which is better than Kc but still varies somewhat with lution. The main source of error arises from uncertainty as to the 11 annulled 11 liquid junction potential. Hamer and Acree 2 5 in 1936 investigated the errors in measurements of pH, dissociation constants, hydrogen ion activity,co-efflcients etc.. They uged a saturated calomel electrode 3 and sodltun malonate buffer solutions. They found partial corrections lead to larger errors than no corrections at all. in may be only Also although maximum errors 4-2%, the maximum errors in derived quantities -14such as dissociation constants may become as great as 46%. In 1930 Harned and Owen26 evolved a method sub- sequently modified by Harned and Eh1.ers23 , which uses cells without liquid junction, and gives a thermodynamic dissociation constant, K :::::: a __&_A.~- ~ which is independent of dilution. Various acids have been measured by this method, some values obtained being formic 27 23 28 1.77 x 1o-4 acetic 1.754 x lo-4 propionic 1.34 x l0-5 29 30 chloracetic 1.38 x lo-3 glycollic butyric 1. 51 x lo-5 31 32 2nd carbonic 5.86 x lo-ll • The method is 1. 48 X 10-4 probably limited in application to ionisation constants of order lo-3 or less, the theory being discussed later. Harned and Owen 2 6 expect agreement between the corrected conductimetric method and the electromotive force method, of the order of 1%. Very little accurate work has been done on solvents other than water. In order to get a broader view of such phenomena as solubility, dissociation constants etc., a wider range of solvents is required. Harned and Embree33 have measured Ka for acetic acid in 10% and 20% methanol-water mixtures, and Harned and Kazanjian 34 in 20%, 45% and 70% di~ane­ water mixtures. The dissociation constants for oxalic acid in 10% and 20% methanol3 5 , and the value of Ka for benzoic acid 6 in 10% and 20% 3 methanol have been dete~1ined in this laboratory. In the present work, this method of Harned and co-workers is used to measure the dissociation constant of acetic acid in an acetonewater mlxture, consisting of 1 part of acetone to 10 parts of water by weight. -15The basis of the method lies in having a known con. centration of hydrogen ions in a solution of halogen acid, and computing that of the unknown solution by using a sui table cell. It follows that the exactness of the method is dependent on the accuracy with which the hydrogen ion concentration in the real .,- .< halogen acid solution is known. The cell used in measuring"~the dissociation constant was 0H3- COON a (A) No.,Cl m3 m2 in which one electrode is reversible to the hydrogen ion and one to the chloride ion. The electro-motive force is therefore given by where E0 is the normal electrode potential of the cell ~ l HOI , Ag 01 1 .Ag etc. represent molal concentrations and activity coefficients of the species indicated by subscripts. The product mH+ fH+ can be eliminated with ~he expression for the thermodynamic dissociation constant of the acid = eombining these equations~ the formula =is obtained. log Ka- log coOJ 3 f'cH coo3 f'cr-fcH -16This equation is easy to use if values of E0 are known over the desired temperature range. The left hand side can be evaluated experimentally, as The value of mH+ is found by the method of successive approximations. the first place mH+ is assumed zero~ which will be almost correct for a weak acid in the presence of its sodium salt, and a value of - log Ka , or pka analogy w1 th pH, is calculated. by From this value of pK, a new value of mH"i" is calculated which is used in evaluating a second value of pK. change in pK occurs. This process is carried on until no Weak acids such as acetic or benzoic require only one or two approximations, while for a stronger acid such as oxalic acids first dissociation35 1 as many as 14 approximations are· required. This is probably the upper limit of accuracy of the method. T.he term on the right hand side involves the logarithm of the activity coefficient ratio of two univalent ions and the logarithm of the activity coefficient of a neutral molecule, both of whtch.have be~n shown 26, 37 to vary linearly with the ionic strength in dilute solutions. A plot of the left hand side of the equation against the ionic strength therefore, can be extrapolated to)l 7ct- fcH3COOH = o, where log equals 0 by definition, and a value of pK fc:w.3coo&termlned. Such cells are suited to the measurement of dissociation coneants, as buffer action controls the hydrogen ion concentration in the solution and renders the hydrogen THE EVALUATION OF The formula for the electromotive force of the cell HC\ (m) I Ag I C\ Ag in which one electrode is reversible to the chloride ion and one to the hydrogen ion is given by E e = E0 where Eo - RT T ln · - fL.FTln .A,J, and m,Ere activities, Dl:H+ AH-t J A 01 H+ _ mc' - J Ci - activity coefficients and molalities of the ions denoted by subscripts. All the evidence of modern theory37 and investigation23 shows hydrochloric acid to be a very strong electrolyte, i.e. the equilibrium lies almost entirely., if not wholly to the right. The law of mass action applied in this case would give K.a . AH+Ac,- ~Cl co. Lewis39 prefers ,to equate the dissociation constant to unity 1 than to use the extremely large value of K obtained above. The activity of the undissociated molecules, is therefore defined as -18a mean ionic activity = for a unive.lent electrolyte. Similarly, a mean e.ctivity co- efficient is defined or assuming complete dissocie,tion, a stoichiometric aotivi ty coefficient != This function{ includes deviation from perfect behavlour and also from compl e dissociation. The formula therefore reduces to E Thus ... Eo ln - Eo 2RT 'lr ln m ln J .... (1) Eo can be eve.luated by mee.suring E at any values of m for which activity coefficients are known. are available for obtaining activity data. Several methods These will be briefly summarised. This gives an accurate method of obtaining activities as methods have been dev oped, note.bly by Harkins4° 1 of measuring depressions to the fourth place of decimals. The rigorous analytical method of calculating the activity is somewhat involved. -19been developed by The elevation of boiling point Smi th41 at Yale to the same degree of c:wcuracy, and by reclucing the pressure over water_, he has obte.ined activity data from 70°- 100°. (11) Vapour Pressure Method~. Accurate methods of deriving activity coefficients (from ve.pour pressure measurements) now available, notably the isotonic method, first ested by Ostwald and improved by 6 Berkeley and Hartley 3 and others, and more recently the iso- ao piestic method developed by Robinson and Sinclair. (a) a quantity EO usually m*. E6 m T m .... ln/ lnf are plotted a.gainst some function of m, Since when m • o, . follows a value of desired E0 • ln T may be defined as ln Then values of 2RT E = Eo From equation (1) E6 jC =1 by definition 1 it extrapolated to m =o should give the This method has been used by Lewis and Randall43 for aqueous HCl, but they find the extrapolation is linear only extreme dilution, where measurements of E.M.F. are difficult. Also the solubility of the AgC'l. can no longer be regarded as having no effect on the ionic concentration. This method has been used by Harned and Ehlers28, Linhart44, Nonhebel45 1 Scatchard46 and others, to obtain Eo· Their results have been analysed by Prentiss and Scatchard47 , who give a value -20- This method is not used in modern work. of .. 2225 volts. (b) It had been suggested at intervals, that strong electrolytes are completely dissociated, and. their anomalous behaviour, compared with weak electrolytes, might be due to electrostatic attraction between the ions.. In 1912 Milner48 undertook a mathematical investigation, but owing to the complexity of his tree.tment, his work did not attract much attention although his equations represented the form of the deviations. In 1923, Debye and Huckel49 treated the question in a more straightforward way by introducing Poisson 1 s equation .. The fundrunental Debye-Huckel assumption is that dissociation is complete in strong electrolytes, a fact supported by modern theory and investigotion. for the activity coefficient ln /= They derive a theoretical equation A, where A is the Debye Ruckel constant varying as (DT)- ~ andp 9 is the ionic strength in traduced by Lewis and Rsmdall and defined by JU' == l: ir ( czz) where Z is the valency of the ion present in concentration C. This function can be regarded as a measure of field intensity existing in the solution. Thus the Debye·Huckel theory gives a theoretical basis for the empirical discovery of Lewis and Randa115° that the activity coefficient of an ion depends on its ionic strength. The Debye Ruckel rels.tionship is a limiting law, giving better agreement as dilution increases. Other assumptions made in the theory were. that the ions were point charges and that the solvent is a continuous dielectric. Extensions have been made to the theory, notably by Gronwall, La Mer and Sandvea_5l and others, to allow for these additional fe.ctors. A more eocact equation is A./;i! lnJ = where llall I + '~ is the average effective diameter of the ions, B a Then equation {11) function of (DTjt. E = 2~T ln Eo .... 1 2;T m lnf becomes, by substituting k for E t where.)U = = Eo ~.mzZ - 1 2k· log m 1 -taB ~}icr~ m being the molal concentration. In mixed solvents, this is extended further to 2k log m -+ 2kA ~let 1-aB .(iJlf.. _ 2k log ( 1+• oo.zG0 m) where G0 is the mean molecular weight of the solvent; in the present work where Me .::: molecular wt. of the acetone M1 = molecular wt. of the water. The Debye Ruckel function was first applied to the evaluation of E by Hi tchcock5 2 • 'l his worker reca.lcula·ted 1 0 values for E0 as a function of M and calculatedJU• only the original Debye-Huokel expres s.i on He used E0 = E + 2k log m 2A ./ji He got a good value for E0 which was more constant in stronger solutions than nharti) using method lll(a) Harned and Ehlers 28 value using the Debye ··Ruckel equation for the Ag/AgCt electrode in hydrochloric acid solution at 25° is given as .2224 volt. Harned and co-workers at Yale to-day publish values to five places and claim an accuracy .05 m.v. EO MATERIALS Hydrochloric Acid. Constant boiling point acid was prepared from Hopkin and Williams' "Analarll Hyclrochloric Acid by the methocl of Foulk and Hollingsworth53.. This actd was made approximately .1M by dilution and was standardised by volume and weight by gravimetric analysis as silver chloride, using a sintered glass crucible. Most of the water on the precipitate was removed by washing with e.lcohol followed by ether, 54 and then drying at 18o 0 .. This was checked by analysis against Sodium Carbonate, the results checking to .. 05%· Sodium Hydroxide. Carbonate free Sodium Hydroxide was prepared by the method recommended by Vogel 55. A saturated solution of 11 .Analarn Sodium Chloride was electrolysed using a mercury cathode. A separating funnel was used as a cell, to enable the Sodium Amalgam to be run off rapidly .. Contact w1 th the mercury was made by a platinum wire sealed in a glass tube, while the anode consisted of a platinum iridium plate, sealed to a glass tube.. Vogel recommends a current of .. 5 - 1 amperes at a potential of 6 - 8 volts, but a current -24of 2 amperes was found more satisfactory in the cell used .. The cell was cooled by immersion in circulating cold water. Current efficiency was found to be about 60%. After 36 hours, the amalgam was run off into freshly boiled and cooled distilled water, and washed rapidly until the washings gave no test for chloride. The amalgam was then run into a Pyraw flask of boiled distilled water, the· air above the solution displaced by hydrogen and the flask closed with access to air through a soda lime tube. 12 - 18 hours. The amalgam is 75% decomposed in This solution was standardised against the HCl standard, the value being checl{ed by titration against 11 Analar 11 Potassium Hifdrogen Phthalate recrystallis above 30° and dried at 125°. Acetic Acid .. from water These two values checked to IIAnalarn Acetic Acid was purified in a PyreX apparatus, by distillation through a spiral condenser. Difficulty was experienced by the vapours attacking the rubber stoppers in the apparatus giving a clear distillate, but an opalescence on dilution due to the rubber separating in a colloidal form. trouble to a less extent. Cork stoppers gave the same This was finally overcome by using cork stoppers, and separating them from the vapours by at least two inches of closely packed glass wool. The glacial Acetic Acid was distilled three times through an efficient still head -2530 ems. high, the first two times, from a 2% solution of chromic anhydride as recommended by Harned and Ehlers 2 3 1 to remove oxidisable impurity. The middle fraction of the third distillate was diluted to form an approximately 2M. solution, which was standardised by titration against the standard NaOH using an N.P. L. standardised burette. from the mean of several titrations was not more than Deviation .05%· IIAnalarll Sodium Chloride was Sodium Chloride. purified by precipitating a saturated solution with pure HCl gas. 'rhese. crystals were washed rapidly with cUstllled water to remove excess HCl and were then recrystallised from distilled water. This was followed by dry- ing and heating in a muffle furnace to 500° to constant weight as recommended by Kalthoff and Sandell56. The purified salt was stored in a dessicator. Acetone,. May and Baker's B.P. Acetone was purified by methods given by Weissberger and Proskauer57; The Acetone was stood over freshly dried potassium carbonate for two days, with frequent shaking and was then filtered off and distilled, the first and last fractions being rejected. The middle fraction was stood over calciwn chloride for a week, and was then filtered off through a sintered glass filter. Instead of using reduced pressure under the filter, a column of acetone two metres high was used above the filter. This -26cut down losses caused by using reduced pressure. The acetone cient still head rejecting was then distilled off through an Any polymerides formed during the first and final fractions. drying over Calcium Chloride would be high boiling point products, so a larger end fraction than usual was rejected. The middle fraction was kept in a storage vessel fitted with a The following constants siphon and calcium chloride tube. were determined and agreed well with values list in the literature .. Densi t~,. A series of determinations of density using a quartz pycnometer~ gave a value of • 7914 at 20°, Other valt:tes cited_ are • 7910 58 1 The most recent value (1940) of ·7960 61 • 7912 59 , •7916 60 . seems higher than the average .. Using a calibrated Abbe refractometer, a value of the literature are not in N~ 00 = 1,.3595. Values ement emong themselves. 61 62 Some values given are N020°~ 1.3 602 , 1.3590 • Drude 63 gives a value of lo 3606 , increasing with water content to a maximum at 66%. Boiling Point .. super~heat, The tendency of Acetone to caused difficulty in the determination of boiling point. The method of Cumming,Hopper & Wheeler 64 was used in which the Acetone is heated in a small tube, into which dips the open end of a sealed melting point tube. -27As heating progresses a point is reached when a regular stream of bubbles is emitted from the tube, and on cooling, the liquid is seen to suddenly re-enter the capillary. The mee;n is taken as the boiling point. seyeral determinations gave a value of listed are 56.24 061 and 56.3 062 A mean of 55.8°. Values • The stock solution was made up from Stock Solution. the Sodium hydroxide within a day, to prevent eny attacking of the glass by the caustic solution. It was made by mixing the solutions in the rat:to 2 moles Acetic Acid : 1 mol Sodium Hydroxide. A 1 : 1 buffer solution is ideal experimentally, and as 2 kilograms of solution were made up on a balance sensitive to .01 gr. this was readily accomplishedo The molal strength of the Acetic Acid solution and of the Sodium Hydroxide solution being known, the molar quantities of Acetic Acid and Sodium Acetate could be calculated, after An a~lowing equ~olecular for the water formed during neutralisation. emount of Sodium Chloride was added, and this stock solution kept in a storage vessel fitted with a siphon and calcium chloride tube. The molalities of the acetate components were considered known to .05% while the error in salt concentration was much less. From this stock solution, cell solutions for the determination of PK values were made up by weight dilution. In all cell solutions, the requisite -28amount of pure Acetone was weighed into the solution after As the weight of Acetone added each time was of d.ilution. the order of 30 grs., the Acetone concentration was considered known to • 04%· Pure electrolytic Hydrogen. from a cylinder. h~drogen was obtained The only impurity present was therefore oxygen, which was readily removed. It was forced through the cells by means of an aspirator, after passing over platinised asbestos in a combustion tube maintained at 250° C. in an electric furnace. Macinnes and Cowperthwaite 66 observed differences up to 50 m.v. when c omm erci al hydrogen is used. Lorch 67 also points out the necessity of purification. Platiniseci asbestos had been shown by previous workers in this labore.tory to be more efficient than a copper catalyst e.t 400 0 C. Macinnes and Cowperthwaite also detected oxygen diffusing through the rubber connections and in the present work.,•glass rubber connections were made as far a.s possible. In addition, the full pressure of the aspira.tor was maJ.ntained in the a.ppa.ra.tus right up to the hydrogen bubbling tube, where it waR stepped down by a screw clip. ELECTROD~. The li tere.ture does not record any previous instance when hydrogen electrodes have been used in e.cetone water mixtures. Prevbus workers in this laboratory have used the -29quinhydrone electrode in acetone water mixtures. The hydrogen electrode has been made to function satisfactorily in dioxanwater, methanol-water, ethanol-water and isopropanol-water .mixtures. In the present work, the hydrogen electrode functioned satisfactorily in the cell, NaCl Solvent (x) Ha..O (Y) Pt, H2.. INaAc. lAg C1- Ag HAc despite the very low concentration of hydrogen ions. In the cell Pt, H~ I HCl Solvent (x) H\0 (Y:) the cell required longer to come to equilibrium. I AgCl - In general 1 it a< the hydrogen electrode functions best in buffered solutions .. Hydrogen Electrodeq. The bases of the platinum ·electrodes were constructed of platinum foil {1.5 ems. by 1 em.) welded to a platinum wire sealed in the end of a glass tube. Electrod-es were cleaned by electrolysing as the anode for 15 minutes in concentrated hydrochloric acid (Analar), a current density being used such that no evolution of chlorine was visible. pair of electrodes was found most efficient. .15 amp. per A thin bright coating of gold was then deposited from a solution of potassium aurocyanide, 2. 5 milliamperes per pair of electrodes being passed for 30 minutes. These were then washed in tap water followecl by distilled water, and the platinum black deposited from a 2% solution of chloroplatinio acid containing .. 02 grs. lead per 100 co. ..5 amps. per pair of electrodes being -30sed for 5 minutes. The electrodes were again washed and hydrogenated as cathodes in a 7% sulphuric acid solution to remove occluded chlorine. Electrodes were stood in distill er prior to use • . Beans and Hammett 68 do not consider gold plating an advantage, but Lewis Brighton and Sebastian69 find a gold Its function seems to be due plated electrode superioro to the fact that gold, unlike platinum, does not absorb large e.mounts gases end equilibrium is therefore attained more rapidly .. A much more adherent film of platinum is formed on gold, but the mein advantage is that it makes electrolytic cleaning possible7°. In the platini sing lead is objectionable. no delet electrodes 1 Ellis7 2 suggests Denham and Allmand73 maintain lead has ous effect, and Britton74 considers its presence increases the efficiency. Ellis also prescribes platinising until the coat of platinum is thick enough to fall o , but Clari0 recommends only sufficient platinum black should be depo ted to cover the glint of the polished metal. Popoff and Kunz 75 show not only does a thick coating require a longer time to equilibre.te, but is also more liable to poisoning. In the present work, all electrodes were used once only, to vent any pol soning. The silver chloride electrode has been extensively studied by Jalm7 6 and o by Halla77. In modern practlce, three -31forms are commonly used. They are the thermal, thermal elec- trolytic» and electrolytic types, the latter two being the more popule"r. Smith and Taylor7 8 investigated the three types and showed their potentials all agreed to .02 m v. Freshly prepared electrodes must be allowed to age, as fresh electrodes behave as cathodes to aged electrodes, due to a smaller concentration of electrolyte in the interstices of the Chloride. lver The graph of E.M.F. against hours, shows an initial excess liii. F. of up to • 8 m. v. falling sharply in the first 20 hours end assuming their true value after about f:JJ hours, depending on the porosity of the deposit; and the concentration of the ageing solution. In this work, the electrolytic tspe of electrode was They consisted of .75 em. squares of platinum gauze used. welded to a square of platinum wire which was sealed in the glass tube containing the mercury for making contact. Elec- trodes were cleaned by removing Silver chloride with .880 ammonia, and after washing, the silver was removed in warm c.) dilute (1:1) nitric acid. (50° They were then rinsed in tap water and stood in distilled water until required for plating. AgNo 3 Silver was depos1 ted from a cyanide solution (7 grs. + 10 gra. KCN 1n.200 co. distilled water,) using a lver rod as anode; for 16 hours .. 2 milliamps per electrode being passed The excess potassium cyanide dissolves the silver cyanide as it is formed at the anode. ectrodes were -32then washed in running tap water for 8 hours and stood overnight in distilled water. Thorough washing is essential to Plated electrodes were remove the poisonous cyanide ion. chloridised by electrolysing in .lN 11Analar11 hydrochloric acid, as anodes with a current of 6 milliamps. per electrode, as recommended by Allmand and Hunter.79 Electrodes were allowed to age by standing in the acid solution for at least 100 hours; followed by washing in stilled water, and stand- ing overnight in distilled water prior to use. so prepared were tested found to .,1 m.v. or less. ectrodes intervals before use 1 and agreement In some cases, divergences occurred due to either cracks in the seal or a fferent modification of Silver chloride being thrown down for some unexplained reason. This was of a lighter colour than the usual de of the Silver Chloride. Macinnes and Parkerso: Cells. plum colour Its formation was also noticed by Such electrodes were rejected. The U -tube type of cell as used by Harned and co-workers was used. ( F'i I) The 1 t hand s.rm, A, contained the silver chloride electrode mounted in a rubber stopper, while the right hand arm B cant ned the hydrogen electrode and bubbling tube, o mounted a rubber stopper .. Harned and Morrison 81 state that contact of liquid or vapour with rubber, renders measurements erratic. In the filling process described below, the liquid does not come in contact with rubber, while the stoppers in the cells were given a thin coating of acetone collodion. The capillary tube C -J >.. DIAGRAI11. D A c -3430 ems. long provided an outlet for the hydrogen without allowing back diffusion of oxygen. This deviee is considered satisfactory by C1a.rk71 .. The side arm D and tap were used for filling the cell. Hydrogen was admitted to the compartment B by capillary tubing drawn out into a small curved jet as shown so that the small bubble played on the platinum surface of the electrode as they rose through the solutlon. Hamer and Acree8 2 point out that the hyirogen electrode functions best when only partially immersed in the solution. The cells were therefore only filled to the level shown. Before ent ng the electrode side arm, the hydrogen passed through two double bulb saturators immersed in a thermostat and containing pure solvent. In addition it passed through an ordinary straight tube saturator half filled with solvent. The empty space in the latter was provided as a safety measure to prevent any solvent being forced over into the cells if a sudden increase in hydrogen pressure occurred as discussed later. The dilution of solutions was such that the difference in vapour pressure of solvent and solution could_ be neglected .. Complete saturation of the hydrogen is important in preventing concentration changes, e.g. the vapour pressure of the solvent at 45° is 167.4 m.. m.. Confirmation of adequate saturation was found in the constancy of E.M.F. over a test period of 36 hours. -1 ~- -39Although the resistance of the cells was considerable especially in the more dilute solutions 1 changes of .1 m.v .. could be .detected on the galvanometer used. Between runs, the cells, hydrogen tubes and taps were cleaned in a hot chromic actd bath, washed thoroughly in tap water followed by distilled water, and finally dried in an atr oven. Cell Mantnulation. Prevtous investigators have shown elimtna tion of air from cells and solution to be essential. This was found to be particularly so in measuring E0 values, slight traces of air causing not only extension of the equilibrium time 7 but in some cases, upsetting readings altogether. A modified vacuum technique based on that used by Harned and Morrison8 1 , and Hamer and Acree82 diagram. was used for filling the cells, and is shown in the The purified hydrogen enters at 1, while a vacuum pump ·capable of 15 m.m. is connected at 6.. The advantage of the otherwise compltcated apparatus is that everything is maintained in an atmosphere of hydrogen once a run is begun. (a) Removal of Air from the Apparatus.• The hydrogen supply was cut off at 1, and the saturators cut off at 10. The apparatus was then evacuated by opening the vacuum lead at 6. open, except All other clips were left 1S, 16 and 7, which opened to the atmosphere. In -37this w~ the saturators were evacuated through the hydrogen bubbling tubes, thus preventing liquid being drawn into the hydrogen line, marked in blue. The saturators were then isolated by closing cllps 11 and 12, the vacuum stopped by closing clip 6, and hydrogen cautiously allowed to enter by opening the hydrogen supply at 1. When the apparatus was full of hydrogen, the gas was allowed to enter the saturators slowly by opening clip 10. This prevented the liquid in the saturators from being forced from one to the other. The hydrogen supply was then cut off at 1 and the evacuation r eated as above. This process was repeated three times. After the apparatus had been filled with hydrogen, any last traces of air were swept out of the cells as follows. All clips were shut except those leading hydrogen to clip 9· This was left open as were 13, 14 : 15, 16. In this way a rapid stream of hydrogen was passed through the cells end out to the atmosphere at 15 and 16. {b) Removal of Air from the Solution,. All clips were closed except the following. Hydrogen was admitted to the cells through the saturators by opening 1 5 10 11 and 12. In this way the gas was se_turated with acetone and water vapour in the correct proportions and allowed to escape by passing through 13 and 14, then bubbling through the s olu.ti on and escaping to the atmosphere through a. capillary tube of medium bore at 7• Complete elimination of air is stressed by Harned and Morrison 81 . (c) Fi!ling the Cells. All clips were closed except the following. Clips 1, 2 end 8 allowed the hydrogen pressure to reach the solution in the filling flask A. Clips 15 and 16 were then slightly opened to allow the hydrogen in the cells to come to atmospheric pressure. On opening taps 13 and 14, solution was forced over into the cells by the hydrogen pressure, at A. {d) As'l-J.g,.§j;h_ng_ :the Level o.f Liquid. The filling procedure outlined above causes liquid to be higher in the hydrogen electrode compartment than in the other, so these levels must be adjusted. Taps 13 end 14 were closed and most of the solution in the filling tube B was forced back into the flask by momente.rily opening 9· To prevent any back diffusion of air at 15 and 16 during level adjustment, hydrogen was allowed to pass through the hydrogen line by opening 5 10 11 and 12 slightly. Pressure in the filling cell A WI:;< s then reduced by opening the vacuum clip 6 for a short time, thus reducing the pressure above the taps 13 and 14. By cautiously opening -39these, the solution was slowly dre.vm back to an equal level in each compartment. The hydrogen bubbling through the electrode bubbling tubes and leaving the cell at the clips· 15 and 16, prevented air entering the c • The amount of liquid used in filling the cells, so that the final level covered only h'alf the hydrogen electrode, could only be estimated after some experience in manipula.tion of the apparatus. A further advantage of this method, is the possibility of flushing a cell out with fresh solution should any discrepancy se. In some cases where cells differed by a millivolt or so, changing the solution would bring the values back to the usual agreement.. ~iusted The rate of hydrogen flow was ad- to about two to three bubbles a second, although withtn fairly \rlde limits the potential was independent of the rate of bubbling, unless cells were unsatisfactory, as scussed on p. 6. In measuring E0 values, potentials were sometimes sensitive to hyclrogen pressure, the results obtained being erroneous. As would be expected on theoretical grounds 1 too rapid a flow in all cases, increased the electro,motive force. Cell Measurements. The cells and saturators were immersed the thermostat at such a level that all vapour and liquid spaces were below the surface. Cells were measured in duplicate, values more than £.1 m. v. from the mean value being considered -40erroneous. In measuring Pk values, the cells were allowed to equilibre,te overnight at 15°, preliminary experiments showing the time varied from 4 - 6 hours at this temperature. In measuring E0 values 1 a much more elaborate equilibration 48 hours at 15°. It was finally found that equilibration at 45° for 12 hours was, in most was required, as much as cases, satisfactory, but occasionally even this procedure needed longer. Constancy of E.M.F. over a 45 minute inter- val· was regarded as an indication of equilibrium. Each set of cells was measured over the complete temperature range of 15°- 45° C., while typical cells were in some cases returned to 15° through the whole range again, and showed no temper- ature hysteresis. Measurements were reduced to a normal pressure of 760 m.m. by the thermodynamic formula log 760 ~b - Pv where Pb is the barometric pressure and Pv the vapour pressure of the solvent in millimetres of mercury. The values for Pv were obtained from data given by This correction is important, amounting to approximately ·3 m.v. at 45°, corresponding to .. 052 PK units .. Any back pressure due to the 1 - 2 em. head of solution under which the hydrogen bubbled out, was considered sufficiently small to be safely neglected. A correction was so applied for variation of E.M..F. in the standarCl. Cadmium cell from data -41given by Wolff 84 (1908) .000041 (t - 20) The temperature of the water thermostat was maintained constant ± .02°, fluctuations being recorded on a Beckmann thermometer. Constant stirring wEw maintained by an aluminium propeller c:md an i h.p. electric motor. During the changing of temperatures, stirring speed was incree.sed by means of a variable resistance. The thermoste.t was heB·ted by gas, controlled by a mercury toluene regulator. Temperatures were recorded by a thermometer graduated in 1/lO's of a degree and calibrated against the laboratory standard. Control 15° was maintained by a cooling coil consisting of three turns of 1/2 inch lead piping pla.ced at the inside wall at the bottom of the thermostat, through which water of known. temperature passing through a pre-cooling coil. ''laS circule.ted, after The electromotive forces v.rere mea.sured on a Cambridge Instrument Co. potentiometer of range 0 - 1.8 vol ment Co. 11 accurate to .1 m.v. A Cambridge Instru- pot 11 galvanometer with a sensitivity of 170 m.m,. scale divisions per micro-ampere was used, being supported on a vibrationless stand. Contact bet\~een the insult3ted potentiometer leads and electrodes in the cells was by mercury contained in the glass tube formi the electrode support. effects could be detected. No thermoelectric The solvent consisted of 10 parts of water 1 acetone by weight .. I Dielectric Constants. 0 These were obtained by data due to Akerlof 85 , by assuming linear interpolation over the short range of acetone concentration from his values in 10% acetone water mixtures. D 75·34 log D 1.8770 250 300 40° 73·52 71.86 68 .. 53 1.8664 1 .. 8565 This 1. 8359 These can be expressed as a function of temperature log D = 1.8770 from which values at 15° T.O C D 35° .. 00 20 6 ( t and 450 - 20) were calculated. 30° 35° 71.86 70.16 40° 68.53 -43II Vapour Pres sur~. Acetone water mixtures show a large positive deviation from Raoults Law. Vapour pressure corrections of E.M.F. measurements are very important. Modern values for the vapour pressure of the solvent were not listed in the literature, the values used in the present work being interpolated linearly over a short range from vapour pressure measurements on water and 10% acetone water mixtures due to Taylor83 (1900) %Acetone 25° 23 .. 5 0 55 107 82 65 10 139 71·5 177 92 221 These values could_ be expressed by P = 4 2.69 (t r 25) + .142 which expresses the data with fair agreement. was used to calculate values at (t- 25} This formula 15P 20° 1 the values then being linearly interpolated to 10 parts water : 1 part acetone. T.. V.P., The desirability of more accurate data of partial vapour pressure over mixed solvents is stressed by Robinson and Harned86 • -44Density .. The value of the density was found by direct measurement using a quartz pycnometer. In filling this~ care had to be talr.en to prevent the relative quanti ties being a~tered by excessive heating. A vacuum technique was used to fill most of the pycnometer. With its exit tube dipping under the surface of the solution in a small container~ it was placed in an empty desiccator, which was rapidly evacuated and filled with air alternately. The change in solution composition due to the rapid evacuations was considered small enough to be neglected. The final filling was done by careful warming e.nd cooling in the usual way. T? C d .. 15° 20° ·9881 .9864 25° ·9846 30° 35° 40° 45° ·9827 ·9806 ·9784 ·9759 -45~CULATION A. OF RESULTS. A. Eo Values The method used for the calculation of E0 values, was a modified form of Hitchcock 1 s5 2 method, in which the Debye Ruckel expression for the activity coefficient was used as In this work the expression lll/ ; 1 A Jjjj'(L + aB j'iiid:' + bm b being some funetion, or the full expression E~ = E + 2k 2kA~ log m - 1 + aB ( § where The factors A m 2k log (1 + .OO:l.lnG) Introduction) and B are given by 1 e 8J 2 1Q6 X (DT) 3/2 B - "a" = 5·034 (DT) 109 X i 4 • 3 l (assumed) Other terms in the equation are m =molality (grs. HCl per 1000 grs. mixed solvent) d =density of the solution at the appropriate temperature. -46As the solutions were dilute, d was calculated from d = d0 + .0178 m at all tempere"tures.. The value .0178 was that used by Harned and Calmon87 in 10% Ethanol use is justi water mixtures, and i ed for measurements of the order of accuracy obtainable in this work. The value used for tt an, of the ions, is also important. the me en effective diameter Harned and ers28 calculated values of llan in water from 0°- 6o 0 and found it is constant over this range of temperature~ and Thomas8 8 found the same the value being 4·3 @ A. Harned ect in methanol water mixtures. the present work, the value of 4·3 was taken as the most probably value. From the equation, values of ~ are calculated, and plotted again mi end extrapolated to m ~ o, thus giving the required standarcl molal ectrode potenti of the Ag - 01 These results are drawn up in the following tables, electrode. while Graph I was used for the extrapolation. In Te_ble IX are listed for purposes of comparison, the values for the standard potential of the silver -silver chloride electrode in various orgctnic solvent-water mixtures ·Constants used in 2.303 -~ s\ ( D·ll Con st.) B ( 0-H Con st.. ) P (Vap. press., in d0 (Solvent) m.~} ° t5° 20° .. 057t7 .5469 • 058l6 • 059l5 5522 .5585 .. 338 48.7 • 9881 • 339 51..7 .340 .,9864 .9846 0 25 61.2 30° 35° 40° 45° .,060 l5 ,.5636 .34l 77.4 • 9827 .. 06Ll4 .. 5702 .342 101 .9806 • 06213 ,.5765 ,.344 l3l.4 • 9784 .. 063l2 .5835 .345 167.4 .9759 -47~E I 150 1 Acetone •• E'0 lVI .08002 • 3581 .2200 .06o02 ·3719 .2208 .04736 ' . 3823 ·2205 .03001 • 4031 .2204 .00998 ·4549 • 2208 .00909 ·4589 • 2203 Extrapolated TABLE Eo .2206 .;::; II 20° M Ecorr. E~ .08002 • 3575 .2170 .. 06o02 • 3715 .2178 .04736 ·3821 .2173 .. 03001 • 4033 .2174 .. 00998 ·4559 .. 2176 .00909 ·4603 .2175 Extrapolated Eo = • 2175 10 water -48III TABLE 250 M E Corr. E~ (D-H factor Ea 0 .08002 • 3569 .2138 .21)7 .06002 • 3707 .. 2142 .2134 .04736 ·3816 :.'2140 .2118 .03001 • 4033 .2141 .2106 .. 00998 -4566 .2143 .2101 .. 00909 .4615 .2145 .. 2086 Extrapolated E0 TABLE = .2143 IV 300 M Ecorr., E'0 .08002 . 3567 .2110 .. 06002 • 3701 .2109 .04736 • 3812 .2107 .03001 • 4032 .2107 .00998 ·4575 • 4620 .2110 .00909 .2108 Extrapole.t ed E0 = .2110 Eo = .2143 -49- 35° E Ea 0 Corr. .08002 • 3559 .2078 .06002 • 3690 ,.2070 .04736 • 3810 .2076 .03001 • 4031 .2073 .00908 ·4581 .2076 .00909 •4Q26 .2072 Extrapolated E0 = 40° M .2074 El E Corr. 0 .08002 ·3550 .2044 .06002 ·3687 .2040 .. 04736 ·3808 .2044 .03001 • 4031 .. 2041 .00908 ·4591 .. 2044 .00909 .. 4636 .2040 Extrapolated E0 .... 2042 -50TABLE VII 45° M Ecorr. E'0 .08002 • 3538 .2006 .06002 • 3675 • 380'4 .. 2000 . 4031 .2007 ·4595 . 4642 .2007 .04736 .03001 .00998 .00909 Extrapolated TABLE .. 2012 .2004 E6 • .. 2005 VIII Standard molal potentials of the Silver chloride electrode • 150 .. 2206 20° .2175 25° .2143 .. 2110 30° .2074 35° 40° . 2042 45° .2005 0 L LJ - - 51- r 4. ~ <'.i l I ...i I. :1:-+ t - 0 . .. ""';._ . a .... I. 1 r-~ + .....e c:o q N - c;> Si -52- The Values Of -o ~· a t each t empera t ure are plotted as a function of mi , and extrapolated to zero concentration. The extended Debye Ruckel expression for the activity coefficient was used 1 and a practically horizontal plot obtained, showing the value of 11 an = 4.. 3 A is the same in this solvent. This is in agree- ment with the ,}:fork of Harned and Thomas88 who found the same value for nan in methanol water mixtures over an extended temperature range. The values of obtained by using the original Debye Huckel aqua tion - ZA ..1}1,'" at purposes. 25° are plott lnJ = as a function of m for comparison The plot is again practically linear with consid- erable slope, extrapolating to the same value of E0 • As can be seen from the extrapolations (Ref.l) the points at each temperature lie on a straight line... Harned and eysher 89 and Butler and Robertson9° have found in stronger solutions the points lie on a slight curve. It was found measurements below .01 M were difficult to and also the cells became less stable ove approximately 35°. The circles are drawn with a radius of • 2 m.. v. as an estimated possible error .. GRAPILll. o--o Ref. 1. G---0- -Ref. 2. ~ef. 3. ef. 4. ,f. 5. •z-2eo Jef. 6. -{ef.l-7. Eo I \Jl VJ I == 0 ....J L.'"> .- 0> .~2IDQO 1.0 =• oc LL.I fJJ -54- Reference D Solvent Born equation 1 .. 2 .. Methc:mol water .. II 3· ~0 §o. Ethanol water II II 74.0 .2154 69e2 ..2088 72.8 .2144 67.0 .. 2074 10 Harned & Thomas88 tl II Harned & Calmon87 II II Harned and Morrison9 1 4· Dioxan water 6o.8 • 2030 5· Isopropanolwater 71·4 .2136 .Harned 6 .. Glycerol-water 77·0 .2196 7· Acetone-water 73·5 .2143 Present work. 8 & ,.Cll:ilmon7 Lucasse9 2 It can readily be seen that no simple relationship sts between the dielectric constant of the solvent D and the value of the standard potenti It would seem possible and even likely that some such relationship would exist for a s es of alcohols in their mixed aqueous solution .. 1 In Graph II, the data list are plotted against the reciprocal of the dielectric constant. plots at the left is the E0 value in er. The origin of the The straight black line (Ref.l) sho·wn is obtained from the simpli as used by Harned and Calmon87 rr ed Born equation 5iNhere Eo(w) is the stano.ard electrode potential in water E0 the standard in the mixed solvent which differs in dielectric constant by b.(~), 2:(~ J and the sum of the reciprocals of the ionic radii in !ngstrom units. this is 0.9 The vs~ue 4·3A as us corresponding to employed for in the Debye Huckel All the lines obte,ined are slightly curved and expression. all deviate from the Born equation& rrhe three monohydric alcohols show the best agreement.t and also a certain regularity The value for Acetone-water is rather iso- among themselves. lated as only one point is available. A comprehensive review of the work done in the thermoo.ynamics of strong electrolytes is contained in a recent paper by Robinson and Harned~ 6 An interesting relationship between the standard electrode potential of the AgCl mixed aqueous solvents is also developed. electrode in They consider the sts.ndard potential of the cell, H2/ HCl (m) Solvent (N 2 ) Water (N\ ) / Ag Cl The various standard potential expressions on the molality, ( concentrationt E~ 0 EN Eg 1:; = ru1d mol fraction scales 0 E41l -t .. 1183 ( log .. 1183 log do 1000 Mxy where for mixed solvents lVlxy is defi nect as IVIxy = 100 X m\ + il.. E~ are related by 6where x and y are ·wetght percente,ges of the two solvents of molecular weight m, and mll,. The trensfer from water to water- solvent of the acid is treated as follows. these cells at E E 11:1 - 25° Eg ~~ The E.M.F. of c may be represented as - &05915 log m,,,f, ~ .. 05915 log m H {~ m ~t~~ • • • • • • • (a) f~l •.•••.• (b) Where ~is the standard potential in a purely aqueous solution, JH j'ct is the activity coefficient in any of these solutions I ~'·"~ relative to unl ty at infinl te dilution in water, and is the standard potential in any mixture relativeto unit activity coefficient f~ f,,' at infinite dilution in that solvent. These equa. tions combine to give Eg' = .05915 • •••••. • (c) log " By using the thermodynamic rele.tionships of the reaction ••••••••••• (d)· equations (e.) (b) t:md (d) may be combined to give ( - ( If.:g' ..... 05915 ' log Aw) ..05915 .... log Gi f~l~t where the superscipt is used when a transfer of an electr.olyte from one medium to another is un<ler consideration, and the activity of we.ter in the mixture. Eg - (Eg 9 - .05915 log Aw) • By convention Aw for pure water = 1. Eg'- .05915 is Simile,rly .. 05915 log Cl fH-P' f<=•' Vapour pressure data indicate we ce.n replace Aw by N, the mol fraction.. suggests a plot of Aw log N, against This ' , and is lf -57and is shown on the lower part of Graph II. observed the poi It will be for all solvents including the present work fe"ll very. nearly on the same line.. This observetion, as pointed out by the authors may prove of considerable value in correlating data. -58- The formula used for the dissociation constant is: + log fc1 /cH~cooH = = 3 jcH Coo~' [Cl jCH 3cooH jcH3coo- log ~, The first term on the left contains E ch is measured ln Section B. second term, the true molalities acid MCH COOH + PK' ch was found in 0 Section A, and E _log K1 In the the undissociated acetic tmd of the acetate ion must be evaluated by 3 arithmetical approxlma ti on .. its disso zero. As acetic ation, for the fi The first term on the ~;wid is very weak in approximation MH was assumed ght he.nd side involving the logarithm of the activity coefficient ratio of two univalent ions and the logarithm of the activity coefficient of a neutral molecule, has been shown to vary linearly with the ionic strength in dilute solutions.26,37, left hand sicle of the equation the ionic strength n therefore can be exflrapolated to., r A p 1 o t o_r th. e =o where log equals zero by defin:l ti on a.nd a value of ..fiJ .£cHJCOQ!I 3co CH found .. From the equation PK + log M CH cooH 3 \!ihich is v icl for a weak acid in a not too lute solution -59the of the solution can be found by assuming MCH . and MCH COOH 3 -= M1 - 3 coo- £tnd hence a new value which is used in a second e"ppr6ximation. approximations e"re repeated until PK does not vary.. The In the present work it was found; as by Harned smd Embree33 that (M1 - MH) ~nd (~+ MH) could be replaced by M1 and M2 with- out causing error grectter than the experimental .. The ionic rength was calculated as follows from the Lewts and Randall 49formula where This summation m = molality of each ion '2. = valence of each ion is for all ions present. are present acetic acid !IJI1 hydrogen ions ~ In this case there which has dissociated to give , also sodium acetate M2 and sodium chloride M • As both the latter are salts 1 complete dissociation was 3 assumed. Then CH3·COO-(M ) N+ 2 + a (M2) -60That is, the ions are: H+ ::;; = = cH coo3 Na+ Cl- "' •. u = t = M2 1 .:::: MH (1)2 + M3 lVIH M2 + MH M2 + M3 M3 + * (M2+~) (1)2 +• (" (lli12+M3) (1)2 + MH The importance of using molal concentrations in investigations over an extended range of temperature is that there is no change in value th varying temperature as occurs with con- centration expressions .. (1)' -61TABLE X Electromotive Force of the Cells. H2 (1 atmos .. ) H Ac(M-) ~l Na Ac(M ) 2 10 Water : Ag Cl- Ag Na Cl(,, l1Jl3) 1 Acetone (in Volts) ~=M2M3 150 20° 25° 300 35° 40° 45° .09039 ·5659 • 5685 • 5706 ·5732 ·5750 . 5769 ·5788 .06244 ·5750 . 5775 ·5797 .5B22 .5851 .5878 ·5917 .04366 .. 5830 .. 5859 .. 5885 ·5915 ·5941 • 5969 ·5995 .00908 . 6216 "6245 • 6273 • 6304 .. 6333 • 6364 • 6394 .00543 • 6340 .. 6378 .. 6416 • 6455 .. 6493 • 6537 .. 6549 .00262 -.6519 .6562 .. 6601 .. 6644 .. 6696 • 6719 0 676o -62- j I ~ 4. 94 F -S. I 0 • 4, 93 - ""',~4. S9 0.. 0'1 0 ....J I ~ ~ f 1:: ~ 4.:93 t t •9 4. 93 ,. ; t i I ~ ......... 4. 99 .. • ~9 Ionic -s trength =)J. '' TABLE .)1 15° 20° 4·999 4-990 25° XI 30° 4-978 35° 4·978 4·956 4·959 40° 45° 4·950 . 18078 .12488 .. 08732 . 01816 .. 01086 4·973 4· 968 ,.00524 4·964 4·979 4·952 4·987 4·972 4·975 4·973 4·970 4·965 4·974 4-966 4-964 4-964 4-962 4· 963 4·957 ( 4· 942) (4. 930) ( 4· 924) ( 4· 914) (4.911) 4·961 4·958 . 4o 958 4·963 4·939 4·936 4·961 4·954 4·955 4·954 4·946 4·954 Extra.p.O 4·966 4·960 4·995 4·982 4·956 DISCUSSION Great difficulty was experienced in making the electrodes behave reversibly in the acetone-water mixture. In measuring E0 values with the HCl solution it was found many times that the hydrogen electrode potential was ~ sensitive to rate of bubbling, thermal hysteresis 1 and similar effects .. were prepared The reason for this is obscure, as cells ch functioned normally and well.. Absolute exclusion of air was of the utmost importance and a long period of equilibration was so required, especially in the HCl solution ·when a period of 36 hours equilibratlon Altogether more than 50% of completed was found neces runs had to be disca_rded or repeated as unsatisfactory.. The same tr·ouble was experienced in the measurement of the dissociation conste.nt, when for no reason the PK values obtained would suddenly show a drop (Table XI }l = .01816). This cell on the whole Wcls much easier to use the.n that for measuring E0 values ana_ only 30% of the runs had to be discarded. PK value is very sensitive to both E and E0 ~md The hence there is a cumulative error due to both these being measured in the present work. Values 40° ru1d 45° could not be obtained, for the following probable reasons:- (1) ( Uncertainty in the extrapolation of E0 at these temperatures .. ) m. culty in the measurement of E values .. -65High vaBour pressure corrections; especially at 45 where the correctlon amounts to .051 PK units. (111) For these reasons, only the values of PK from 15°- 35° are consldered. The dissociation constant of acetic acid has been measured by the same method in water anc1 in dioxane-water mixtures. 'rhese results are compared later. A regularity in change of slope of the plots with temperature was observed similar to that obtained by Harned ~md Ehlers93 with propionic acid ancl also with acetic acid 2 3 in aqueous solution • The circles are dra' 1m with radius • 005 PK units which Harned considers the limit of experimental error. Previous workers in this laboratory35' 3 6 have measured eli ssociati on constants of acids in methanol-water mixtures and have not apparently had the same dif{iculties in that solvent. It would thus seem likely that one of the electrodes used does not function as v:rell as might be expected in mixed aqueous solvents contt::dning acetone. It would seem probEJb1e that the trouble arises in the hydrogen electrode, as this v~ould affected to any degree. certainly be the one which would be Whether it is due to imperfect saturation of the Platinum black with hydrogen or some similar reason, cannot be decided until more work has been done with the hyc1rogen electroc:te in Acetone-vw,ter mixtures. -66- ~e C'l 0 .....J OBOn :q_ I ·+-.. CTI:" i ~ -E#J:.. t- -. 6M Ref. 1. 0 ltef. 2. Ref.- 3. R-ef• 4. -67- ~,cetic Acid in Acetone-Hater 8 .. 29,.2° Q .. Log Km= 5.045 22.,60 Log Km .. 5.. 244 s) 0 (t-e)2 Lng K !1'14.. 2 5. 24l7 ... 0 002 6 -- • 005 -9.,2 5.. 2437 - .,000 -46 5,.044 ·-..oot .. 4.2 5.,2440 - .ooo t2o4 30 5.044 -. 001 +0.8 -.,DOl ljo7.4 35 5. 041 M.004 -t5.. 8 5.. 2430 5. 2375 5. 23ll ·.... oo7 +l2.,4 - • Ol3 +L7. 4 - • 021 +22.4 t 0c Log K L5 5,.034 -.... Oll 20 5,040 25 Log K <!l- Log Km 40 Log K - Log Km "' 45 5.. 2227 REFE~ENGE ( 3) REFERENCE .(4l Formic Acid in Hata1• B "' 24.7° Log K01 t 0c Log K l5 5.,2417 20 5o 2437 25 So2440 30 5.,2430 35 So 2375 5. 23tl 5. 2227 .. ~~l-Hater 4. 248 ~- 45 . 21.2° Log K10 6135 (t- 9) 0 Log K Log K - Log Km ... 002 • 7o6 5.602 - • 0115 -l2.2 - .ooo - .ooo - •oot .. 46 '"' .... 0035 - 7.. 2 + 2.4 5. 6l3 .,0005 - 2.2° t 7.4 5.,613 ·v .0005 + - • 007 +l2.4 5.,610 .... 0035 + 7. 8° Ol3 tH.4 - .,0085 +L2. 8° - • 021 +22.4 ... 0155 +17. 8° Log K ... Log Km ~ 40 (t- M • s. 610 (t-rU 0 0 0 ., 5.605 5. 598 Q z. ao - -~o s GRAPH V. ~_ -:oGO ~ 1~ ~ ~ + I i + ;- +t ...,..._ I I I t t- • OQ339 I + + l • 003441 ·~ .' ~0!49 . I ~ Q--0- ~ ef. 1. ef. 2. ~·I t~~~~-----+---<-- ~-:-- ~ l !l ¥·1 I - ~ .._ 44. 8 (1og K - ~0 Log T) 45J 0 ~ t- -69- t 0c Log K pt2 (Log K + 15 20 5.034 5.040 .011 .020 ; .. 045 5.o6o 5·035 ;.041 25 30 5·044 5.044 5. 041 .031 .045 .061 5.075 5.089 5.102 5.044 5.045 5.043 35 G t0c 20 = 29.2°c Log T .1 T0 Abs. 15 20 49-20 49·41 .003467 .003388 25 49·484 30 49· 63 49·774 .003356 .003300 .003245 35 Log ~ pt2) Log K (calculated) = 5·045 Log K (Log K + 20 5.034 5·040 ;.044 44·234 44·450 44·528 5-044 '5.0 LjJ. 44·674 44.815 Log T) -70- In 1934, Harned and Embree2 7 at Yale were able to show that the varla_tion of dissociation conste.nt with temperature of the we:::1k electrolytes measureCl. at Yale, could be expressed as a uniform function. It was observed that the dissociation constants passed through a maximum, and on plotting log K against t 0 c, the curves were superposable as shown on Graph IV. Thfs Graph also shows data for the plot of (Log K - Log Km) e,gainst ( t - e), where Km is the maximum observed value of the dissociation constant, e.nd e the temperature at which this maximum occurs for each electrolyte. In the neighbourhood of the maximum (:I: 7. 5°) the curve was shown to be parabolic .. Thus the equation Log K - Log Km • - p ( t - e) 2 ................. (1) or (Log K + pt 2 ) = {Log Km- pe 2 ) + 2pt was obtained, p being a parameter. F,or acetic acid, the best value of p was found to be 5 x lo-5 degree - 2 while for boric acid and oxaLic acid (second dissociation) the values were 8 x lo-5 and 6 x lo-5 respectively. The second form of the equation is very simple to use. A plot of (log K + pt 2 ) against t gives a straight line of slope 2p whose intercept as shmm in Graph V. calculated .. t t = 0°c nee p is knovm, e is (log KID - pe2) and Log ~ were -71On substituting the successive values of t in the equation Km Log K - log (t - e)2 = values of K were obtained ch agreed well with the observed values, the largest divergency at 35° of .002 pK units, being within experimental error. Harned and Embree consider there is no general quantitative rel on between e as a very rough generalization, Ace electrolyte. and Km• e They state that is greater for a weaker c Acio in dioxan water fall in line, e decreasing with K. - xtures does not In the present work, 6 he,s a ve.lue 29.20 Log Km ... '5.045 while Harned and Embree find for ac c acid in water e = 22.6° Log Km= -5.244 .. The theoretical interest of e has already be en discussed in the ght of work by Everett and Wynne Jone temperBtures 11 6 on lltnversion Any discussion of dissociation conste.nts • e constitution of the ionising electrolyte in the light of should evidently be made a.t the maximum or corresponding temperatures. By cUfiferentiation of equation ( 1) illli th respect to solute temperature = anc1 combining th the d ln K dT = -2p (t- 0) ........... (2) Van 1 t Hoff Isochore OHo :RirE' -72where R equals the t, an equation for the h cons content change on dissociation into ions from the neutral molecule at unit activity, is obtained x ... 4· 575 ther eli x lo-4 -2p ( t - e) e) •..••••••• ( 3) T2 ( t - eren tia tion with respect to 'I' 1 gives the corres- poncUng heat ca"paci ty change 4• 575 x 10-4 ))..... (4: T (T + 2 ( t The standard free energy change is obtai from the Vant Hoff Isotherm RT 1 og K •••••.. • • • •• ( 5) and the standard entropy change from the fundamental therm.odynamic relationship • T • • lit •• 0 0 •••• e. • ( 6) These quanti ties have been calculated at the various temperatures ancl are shovvn in Table XIV. The exact form of the equation connecting the ionisation const~:mt of a weak acid wi temperature cannot be predicted as yet from purely theoretical grounds.. this reason purely empi For cal relationships have been advanced from time to time since it was observed that a characteristic -73of such a dissoci on was the occurrence of a critical temperature, 6 1 which log K was a maximum. s led form of Harned and Embree 1 s equation, to the generalis log K = log Kn1ax.- p(t - e) 2 ••••••e•<t••ll!••••••(7) From this equation the values of the various thermodynamic ~0 quanti ties .bH 0 listed above are calculated. p Lewis and RB. ndall42 arssume heat content changes can be expressed as a power series in T, the T2. required bei t exponent Molft equations are based on this Thus if the equation for as sump ti on. ~o • it follows by A - BT - D ff eren is given by 8880ftjo01fll>•R•ettll'a•aa<;a8808(8) on, and Vatit Hoff Isochore etc. 4e<•••••••oC~olle•••••••••••o(9) a.,G0 = A + BT ln T - CT + DT2 .............. ( 10) AS 0 ~ (C- B)- B 1n T- 2DT •............ (11) ed these equations, and a critical Other workers have survey of these equatlons has been made by Robinson94., They show ed and ve equations have been advanced as senting the temperature variati.on of the ionisation constants weak ectrolytes. of these represent the observed data within the limits of e erimental error. They are e.a.o = A+ BT ln T t:rJJO = A+ BT ln T Jl(JO A -. CT = + DT 2 CT ................... ( 12) :.-&··············~···(13) -74Computations involving equations (10) and ( ) are extremely ect equation (13) as the most useful laboriou.s, and they s as it is particularly well adapted to the evaluation of the parameters by the method of least squares. From equation (13) 1 t follows A-D~ 2DT c - 6 o • e • o • o o e * • 0 • • .- • • 0 6 • • • * • 0 • • • 0 ( 14) ···········Cl··················(l5) 2D~e ............................... ( 16) The values of these quenti ties obtained from these equations are also sted in Table XIV 1 the equa·ti on for evaluateo_ by least squares from being values obtained team equat:lon (5). An interesting point concerning the value of' is that equation (15) while the value for shows it to depend on the temperature 1 - - B derived from equation ( 12) shows it to be ind.ependent of the temperature. Harned and Robinson point out as each is equally applicable, over the limited temperature range available, each equation is equally applicable end therefore it cennot as yet be stated whether on temperature or not. If o.Cp is a function depends temperature it does not change by more than about .1 cal. deg. The importence of the thermochemice.l quanti ties derived from Harned end Embree 1 s equation, rneri ts some brief discus on as to their accuracy. -75The value of ~0 is accurate the error in its estlmation is less than 0.1%, with the order of accuracy claimed by Harned and co-workers. Gla.Sstone95 points out the measurement of M by this means has long been recognised as more convenient and exact than thermochemical measurements .. Owing to the di by di culty of determining a quantity erentiation the values of are subject to a, large error estimated of the order of 100 calories. This error is due to empirical curve fitting, and so is minimj.sed by the study of a large· temperature range. deriv work therefom>e, cannot be consi In the present from Harned and. Elnbree 1 s equa t:t on red as accurate. tzer96, however, estimates the error in direct calorimetric determinations at 3 - 15% and that the values of obtained by the two methods generally lie within these limits. The absolu:be value of this quantity is probably 1 known within± 3 calories deg: error is less than this, as in IJ.he error in but the relative H0 • is determined by the error in ana_ therefore amounts to approximately 0. 3 calories per degree. -7 The e,bove method of computation' gives best results in the neighbourhood of the maximum of log K i.e. 10° - 40°· Also the above mentioned errors are of the same order temperatures within this range. all Unfortunately no the1~0- chemical data is avellab1e for comparison in the present work. Pi tzer96 has pointed out ,that for most of weak electrolytes so far measured is of the order - 40 cals. ~~ If this value is assum de g. ionisation constant to apply to the first electrolytes, then by the follow- of ing thermodynamic formulae £).H = £~G ~So T + ln T RT ln K = = bOp + ~Cp T, T.. t:Cp ( T - T 1n T) - / some temperature say T then K is known, and hence G - = (T - T+ 1 T T - T ln T) end T" :::::: = -40 298.1° then = 246 5425 8.1 T + 40 T T or an equation 1n K • ln K which terms of = Const. + T A+ i cons t • - 20 log T 20 log T the srune form as arbitrary expressions for log Kin T~ as simplified by the C!ICP assumption.. This -77TABLE XIV Derived 'I!!J?rmochemica1 Quantities -P :::: 5 10 Water X 10-5 1 Acetone¥ tOe e:.G0 Cals. l:s.H0 Cal s. Equation ( 3) R.& R. Is Eguati~m Eguatio!!iSl. H.& R. 1 s Eguatio 150 539·1 614 6546 6547 20 361..4 419 6651 6652 25 169.2 222 6757 6760 30 -33·6 21 6871 6871 35 -251.7 -185 6990 6986 (~0~ ca1s. deg. -a Equation ( 4) H.&.R.}s Equation ~0 -1 Ca1s. deg. Equation ~ 6) H. &IL I 8 Equation 150 - 34· 21 -38·59 -20.85 -20.60 20° -36· 81 -39.26 -21.47 -21.27 250 -39. L16 -39.93 -22.11 -21.94 300 -42.23 -40.60 -22.79 -22. 61 35° -44.89 -41.27 -23 .. 51 -23.28 -78data, including the present work as shown equation expresses in Graph V, and extends over a wider temperature range, even water for vrhi includi e n in This is off-set by a consi.derable loss in simplicity, es the two parameters A and B must be obtained to a reproduc and 11 ficant figures if log K is to be e number of si atively within experimental error. For ease of calculation ence, therefore, the relationship of Harned ide rule" conv and Embree is to be preferred. Pi tzer 1 s equation contains two arbitrary constants A and B as does that of H.9.rned and Embree, and he points out that for T = 298.1° and e 25° (t- e) 2 = -40 .. 6 - o.273 (25 e) the two equations yield essentially the same results. where e is not of water, Pitzer's equation 0 is the closer approximation. dissoci cases He also estimated 80 the first calories, an ion constt7.nts to be of the observation confirmed in the present work .. The above s has been confined to purely a thermodynamical treatment of the ioni a consid.eration of interparticle forces. on eqtlilibrium, without Moelwyn-Hughes95 has derived from 1cinetic considerations a n sem:l.-empi for the dissociation constant of cal 11 equation ectrolytes, From -79equilibrium constant measurements little or no informe.tion concerning the absolute rB.te of the for~Jvard and back reactions can be obtained,·but the converse is not true. Moelwyn-Hughes obtains expresstons for the ra. te of dissociation of unionised molecules a.nd the re.te of recombin.s.tion of tb.e ions, whence K & = He clerives vo.1ues of K, the eq1J.i1tbrium constant, of the kli!,. orcler 10-5 which on differentiation give ACS - 38 calories. He points out thet it is noteworthy that in only one type does ocg fall below -30.0) nernely for amino acids functioning as bases. In all other cases 1 c~ is - 30 calories. observation in this same paper, is that ~C~ values increase slightly v.ri th tempere.ture as is predicted by the theoretical equation he derives NoZa Zg, £'17"' T. + (112.) Dr v;rhere ZA (lf)p = charge on positive ion (+1 in this case Za - = charge on negative ion (-0} ~J where HT 2 (( llln ::::: viscosity coeff. )T )P D = eli electric cons te.nt of the rnedi um N0 r = = mean <'listB.nce of anoroach of the ions L - latent heat per mol. of solvent, for which most AV<").gadro 's Number of the aveilable data refers to aqueou.s solutions e.t 25°. This is a.n improvement on Pi tze!'' 1 s assumption that pencl.ent of temperature. 6C:B is inde- -80Gurney 98 has carri ect the analy e electrostatic forces and non electro- proposed to s ste.tic forces, and has interpreted hes been la erent types of ionic s basis. equilibria on r s further ties99; to show some interesting in general, reections mey be ed in three groups HA + H o+ H2o H 3 <- +NH 3RCOOH NH2R COO H0 0 o+ + 3 coo- + Oir H20 + +NH 3Rcoo- ts vri th a common comparing all the erence reaction, such as the ionisation of water, the relati becomes more signifl01mt. Then from the above HA + H2o + H20 +NH R 3 coo- +H 2o +H2o This classi (1) H o+ A- 3 + !::! orr 01 +NH R COOH - og- 3 NH2 R coo- cation J is more clos to +H o+ 3 sever~tl y associ -41 • • • • • 41 • • ( a) 0 ......... (b) 5 •••••.••• (c) - 20 ....•... ' • (d) important conclttsl ons. ed VJi 1;h the type of ree.ction than the other thermodynamic quan and o ties -81- The i soelectri c reaction prod.uces prEwti cally ( 11) no cha.nge in hea. t capacity, while equation (a) forming ions from neutral molecules produces the e:reatest chaJ1ge in heat capacity. m.eactions (c) and (d) are of the same electrical ( 111) type but give rise to C0° p of quite different magnitudes. By subtracting equation (c) from equation (d) a second isoelectric reaction is obtained with a characteristic value of Cl,Cp. This clearly shows chemical as well as electrical type of reaction is important in determining the magnitude of t~Cc I The Medium and Dissociation Constant. The change in dissociation constant with solvent can be discussed on1y in an approximate1y quantitative manner. As the d.lelectric constant is lowered, inter-ionic attraction increases, and the dissociation const8nt falls as shown in-values at 1 against f) 25°. It was shown on page 10 that a plot of PK should give a straight line. Harned and IDnbree33 considered this relatl on ship holds for acetl c acid in methanol water mixtures, .s.nd the graph shows this is also the case for the second dissociation constant of Oxalic Acid in meth<mol- -82GRAPH VI , Ref. 3, Ref. 4. o--o • 0150 ±.......L L 1 I ~ Refo-5• L L h_CL t .e ~6o L L i.L...l~ !+!: Acid in m (Vvater) D = D = D "" PK PK = 4· 415 - • 4.904 5.079 34 D • .(vV'ater) D D = ::: PK 78.04 73·52 PK PK = - ::: 4· 415 4·956 36 (Water) (Water) D D :::::: D ::: D = D ::: = D . = 78.04 74.05 69 .. 20 78.04 74.05 69.2 PK ::: PK ::::: PK ::: PK • PK = 4-201 4·387 4-721 4· 300 = 4-455 4.825 le for benzoic acid, the three points water mixtures, available are insufficient to decide. J:lhe graph does show, however, that the dielectric 1 constant is the predomi factor. '" ¥1ynne J ones 100 has suggested e extrapolation of this mixed solvent data to a hypothetical D electrostatic effects are eliminated. extrapolated K as the 11 whereby desi es the intrinsic strength 11 , and suggests and Embree state the.t extrapolation of 40% methanol 1 s not valid, This change has 1 ng K to acid constitution. its usefulness in cons = Harned r data beyond_ :nly not to D =JI>. cert ssociation constant with en the study of electric 101 zutani , chaell s 102 1 nderstrom - Long , Pring 3, Cray and Westrip 1 4 practi and turned use analy acids such as HCl are not affect others cal chemistry. by of Strong ectric consta.nt, b ei:ng completely di ssocla ted, v.rhereas weak acids such as <we ectr c constant lowering of acetone. r:n tra on of a mixture ti on of' say 90% the a s in water 1ni 11 therefore give the to tit to the strong acid dity e the This has proved of for exe.mple, in the 10 tents for llfl"ee HCln. 3 and acidity wh1le on in 90(7~ acetone solution will bi ochemi. by a c acid are practically suppress v e in sis of gastric con- -85- 1 .. From measurements of cells vvi thout liquid junction, the standard molal potential of the Ag 01 - Ag electrode 5° intervals from 15° - 45° in- has been evaluated e.t acetone 1 part. elusive, in a solvent of water 10 parts 11. Using the method of He>rned and Ehlers of cells without l:Lquid junction, the dissociation constant of acetic acid has been evaluated from 15° - 35° at 5° intervals in the same solvent. 111 .. The empirict:tl relationship of HE1rned and Embree Log K- Log Km = 5 x lo-5 ( t - 6) 2 •..•.... (a) is shown to reproduce the experimental dissociation constants within experimental error. lV. From equation (a) the heats of ionisation O.H 0 , the difference of specific heats of the ions and undissociated v. 0 0 molecule Cp' the free energy change b»G change of the ionisation reaction have been calcule.tect. The values of [)H 0 and the entropy S0 from Harned and Robinson 1 s equ.a ti on have been computed and compared with the values obtained above. Vl.. empi relations of Pitzer and Mo Hughes have been discussed. rrhe appll cation Vll .. acid tration been these results to differential cated,. ...87.-. REFERENCES 1. LOWRY Chem.. and Ind .. 2. :BRONS TED Rec. Trav. Chim. Chem. Rev .. 3· . LOWRY J.c.s. 43 (1923) 718 231 { 1923) ( 1928) l?l 1371 (1925) AS 4· BRONS TED J. Phys.Ohem. ..lQ 777 (1926) 5· GOLDSCHMIDT z. .91: 46 (1916) 6. LARRSON 11 D1sset::'tet1on 11 1· HALFOF.D J .A. O. S. !i2 2944 ( 1931) 8. GUGGENHEIM GUFNEY 842 1758 p. 1 ( 1929) (1930) 9· J. Phys .. Chem. .3.3 J • Phys. Chem. .3.4 "Ions in So1utionll 10.. BOP.:N Z. Physik 45 (1920) 11. GUGGENHEIM "Modern Thermodynsm1ce 11 12. HARTLEY et.· elt. "Chemistry at the Centennial Meeting" Brit. Assn. Adv. Science (1932) 13. PRING Trans. Fare.d. Soc. 19. 705 (1924) 14 .. ORAY AND WESTRIP Trens. Fer ad. Soc. 21 326 ( 1925) 15e DIPPY AND JENKINS Trans Fere.d. Soc .. Jl 366 ( 1941) lb .. BVEBETT AND WYNNE-JONES Trans .. Soc. Jl 373 (1941) 17. OSTWALD Physik. 11 427 { 1895) 18. 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