AP Biology Homework Chapters 14-15 Chapter 14

AP Biology Homework
Chapters 14-15
Chapter 14- Mendel & the Gene Idea part 1 (p251-262)
1. (This question required for all students regardless of last test score!)
Complete problems 1-8 on page 272, make sure to show your work!
2. A) In your own words, what is Mendel’s Law of Segregation? B) What is the Law of Independent
Assortment and how does this “law” relate to meiosis? C) provide your own examples for each
3. Define and then explain in your own words both the Rules of Multiplication and the Rules of
4. A) Explain what is meant by the phrase spectrum of dominance. B) Contrast codominance and
incomplete dominance. C) Why do we need to look at genetics at both organismal and the
molecular level?
Chapter 14 – Mendel & the Gene Idea Part 2 (p. 262-270)
1. (This question required for all students regardless of last test score!)
Complete problems 9-17 on page 272, make sure to show your work!
2. A) what are multiple alleles? Provide an example b) What does the term Pleiotropy maen?
Provide an example
3. In your own words, explain epistasis using an example different than what’s found in the book.
4. What would be your “clue” that a character would have polygenic inheritance pattern?
5. What is a pedigree and how does it help in our understanding of genetics?
6. Describe and discuss the genetics of the following inhierited disorders:
a. Cystic Fibrosis
c. Achondroplasia
b. Sickle cell disease
d. Huntington’s disease
Chapter 15 - The Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance Part 1 (p. 274-281)
1. Required for all!! - - Complete problems 1-5 on pg. 291. Show your work!!!!!
2. IN YOUR OWN words, explain what is demonstrated by 15.2 on page 275.
3. Morgan made a great contribution to our understanding of genes and their positioning on
chromosomes. Describe his contributions and make sure to address the following: a) what does
wild type mean? B) Why was Morgan’s choice of fruit fly such a good one for genetic
experiments? C) How did Morgan associate traits with the sex of the fruit fly?
4. A) what does it mean when genes are linked or we can say there is a linkage? B) what are
recombinants and in what step of meiosis would recombinants form and why? C) what is the
difference between a genetic map, a linkage map and a cytogenetic map?
Chapter 15 - The Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance Part 2 ( p. 282-290)
1. Required for all to do today!!!! Problems 6-14 p. 292. Show your Work!!!!!!!
2. What is the SRY gene and why is it important?
3. Describe what a sex-linked gene is and it’s modes of inheritance.
4. What is X inactivation? (make sure to include and discuss Barr bodies)
5. A) Describe the way in which and when chromosomes aneuploidy may occur. b) Describe the
four ways in which chromosome structure may be altered and the outcomes of those on the
structure. C) Explain the following human disorders that result from chromosomal alterations. 1.
Down Syndrome. 2. Klinefelter Syndrome 3. Turner Syndrome 4. CML
6. What is genomic imprinting?
7. What are extranuclear genes”