Genetics Unit Gregor Mendel Cells Nucleus Chromosome Gene DNA Allele Crossed Punnett Square Phenotype Co-dominant Reproduction Recessive Dominant Growth Repair Homozygous Blood type Genotype Inheritance/heredity Heterozygous Genetics Vocabulary Review Fill in the large blank with the best word from the word list. Each word is used one time. Genetics Unit _________________________ Father of Genetics _________________________ traits that show up frequently in a population _________________________ passing of traits from parent to offspring _________________________ gene combination represented by letters _________________________ 4 types: A, B, AB, and O _________________________ two different alleles, ex. Aa _________________________ two of the same alleles, ex. BB _________________________ hides when a dominant form is present _________________________ X-shaped structures, made of wound up DNA, located in the nucleus _________________________ build all living things _________________________ describes an organism’s physical appearance (what the trait looks like) _________________________ a form of a gene; either dominant or recessive _________________________ contains the information that tells the cell what to do (contains the DNA) _________________________ a 2x2 grid that helps determine how alleles are inherited _________________________ sections, or bands, of a chromosome, that code for a certain trait (ex: eye color) _________________________ what chromosomes and genes are made of; a chemical that holds the recipe for life _________________________ Mendel did this with 2 plants in order to produce offspring _________________________ when genes are (?), they show up together (ex: blood type) _________________________ Cells divide to make more cells. When we make more cells, we can grow bigger. We have more cells now, as teenagers, than we did as babies. These cells are exact copies of the first cell that made us. _________________________ Cells have a lifespan and eventually die. We need to make more cells to replace the dead cells. Cells can also become damaged and die (i.e. a burn, a cut, a broken bone). Cells need to divide to fix the injury. These cells are just like the body cells we make to grow – exact copies of our first cell. _________________________ Males have special cells called sperm. Females have special cells called eggs. These cells contain half of a person’s genes. When a sperm cell meets an egg cell, the genes combine to make 1 cell with a full set of genes. This is the first cell to make a human being.