R-1 Review of Important Material from Previous Courses R-2 Previous Topics of CHEM 2311 • Nomenclature (alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alcohols, ethers) • Interpretation of 1H and 13C NMR spectra • Stereochemistry (chirality, isomerism, optical activity) • Reaction chemistry: nucleophilic substitution (SN1, SN2), elimination reactions (E1, E2), and addition reactions) CHEM 2312 Spring 2016 Notes: C.J. Fahrni R-3 Models of Bonding: An Overview • Lewis structures • Valence-shell electron pair repulsion rules (VSEPR) • Molecular orbital theory • Valence bond model: Hybridization • Combined valence bond/molecular orbital model 1.3-4 R-4 Lewis Theory: The Octet Rule Lewis theory of bonding (1916) was one of the earliest models to have success Octet Rule: Main group elements are surrounded by 8 valence electrons when forming covalent compounds. Works well with second period elements, but runs into problems with all others! provides no insights into molecular shapes, orbitals, or distributions of electrons CHEM 2312 Spring 2016 F F Single bond: bond order = O O Double bond: bond order = N N Triple bond: bond order = Notes: C.J. Fahrni 1.5 R-5 Formal Charges Formal charges are calculated by dividing shared electrons equally between the bonded Formal charge = valence shell electrons – unshared electrons – 1/2 shared electrons How realistic are formal charges? (CH3)3OBF4 (Meerwein reagent): CH 3 O CH 3 H 3C –> Formal charges should be seen primarily as a book-keeping tool! R-6 Oxidation Number Oxidation numbers are calculated by assigning shared electrons to the more electronegative atom Oxidation number = number of electrons in valence shell – number of assigned electrons General rules for assigning oxidation numbers in molecules: – Group 1 metals: – Group 2 metals: – Al is only Al3+ – F is always F– – O is always O2– CHEM 2312 Spring 2016 Notes: C.J. Fahrni 1.7 R-7 Lewis Structures of Organic Molecules For convenience, C-H bonds and lone pair electrons are typically not explicitly drawn in organic structures. Note: Be careful when working with formal charges! 1.16 and Atkins/Jones: 3.1.-3.3 R-8 The Shape of Molecules: VSEPR Theory Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory is useful for predicting the geometry of main group compounds Molecules adopt the geometry for which the repulsion between electron pairs (bonding or nonbonding) are as small as possible: CHEM 2312 Spring 2016 Notes: C.J. Fahrni R-9 Problem 1: Use VSEPR to predict the shape of the following molecules. Draw Lewis structures which include lone pair electrons and formal charges and determine the oxidation number of the central atom. POCl 3 (CH 3)2CO (CH 3)2SO R-10 Atomic Structure: The Schrödinger Equation The probability distribution and energy levels for electrons in atoms and molecules can be calculated using the Schrödinger equation: H = E H: Hamilton Operator (Energy) E: Energy of solution : wavefunction Erwin Schrödinger 1887-1961 Each solution of the equation corresponds to a different electron probability distribution with a distinct energy E (The probability of nding an electron at some point is proportional to *; with * being the complex conjugate of ). CHEM 2312 Spring 2016 Notes: C.J. Fahrni Atkins/Jones: 1.9 R-11 Obital Shapes and Signs Note: The orbital represents a probability function [(r) (r)* or 2], whose sign is always positive. Only (r) or is a signed quantity. For a comprehensive overview of all atomic orbitals, check out the orbitron web-page by Mark Winter at url: http://winter.group.shef.ac.uk/orbitron/ R-12 The Five d Orbitals As for the p orbitals, only one d orbital (3dz2) corresponds directly to the value of ml (= 0). The wavefunction solutions with ml = ±1 and ±2 are exponential imaginary functions. A real wavefunction is again obtained by linear combinations of these solutions. CHEM 2312 Spring 2016 Notes: C.J. Fahrni 1.10-1.11 R-13 Molecular Orbital Theory In principle, the electronic structure of molecules can be worked out in the same way as for atoms: –> solve the Schrödinger equation! This gives molecular orbitals rather than atomic orbitals –> compared to valence bond theory, electrons are not conned to the bonding region between two atoms but highly delocalized Challenge: It is difcult to solve the Schrödinger equation for molecular species (only through approximation!) But: Approximate MOs can be also constructed through linear combination of AOs or group orbitals => qualitative molecular orbital theory (QMOT) R-14 Diatomic Molecules CHEM 2312 Spring 2016 Notes: C.J. Fahrni R-15 energy Atkins/Jones: 3.8-10 R-16 Molecular Orbital Theory: Methane CHEM 2312 Spring 2016 Notes: C.J. Fahrni 1.12 and Atkins/Jones: 3.4-6 R-17 Valence Bond Theory: Hybridization The valence bond description utilizes four equal hybrid orbitals to describe the C-H bonds in methane Hybrid Orbital Description of Covalent Bonding: Valence bond approach: –> Bonds described as localized interactions of TWO electrons Bonding between two atoms is described as overlap of two hybrid orbitals, which represent the correct valence geometries –> A hybrid orbital is a linear combination of AOs of a SINGLE atom -> different linear combinations will result in different geometries Molecular Orbital Theory: Electrons are distributed over entire molecule (including core shell electrons) 1.12 R-18 Forming Hybrid Orbitals sp hybrid orbitals sp2 hybrid orbitals sp3 hybrid orbitals CHEM 2312 Spring 2016 Notes: C.J. Fahrni 1.12 R-19 Hybridization of Hypervalent Atoms Atkins/Jones: 3.7 R-20 Combined Valence Bond/MOTheory Combination of hybrid orbitals provide a localized description of the bonding interaction, each with an in-phase (bonding) and out-of-phase (anti-bonding) interaction: CHEM 2312 Spring 2016 Notes: C.J. Fahrni 1.13 R-21 Example: Ethene (H2CCH2): The remaining two 2px orbitals (Figure c) are perpendicular to the three hybrid orbitals (Figure b) and contain one electron each –> Delocalization yields one additional orbital with -symmetry: In-phase (bonding) overlap 1.14 R-22 Example: HCN (Hydrogen cyanide): The two remaining p-orbitals (Figure c) contain one electron each –> Delocalization of these two electrons yields two orbitals with -symmetry (and a 90° angle spacing): CHEM 2312 Spring 2016 Notes: C.J. Fahrni R-23 Problem 2: Assign the hybridization of all non-hydrogen atoms in the following structures. C O POCl 3 N R-24 Polar Bonds: Electronegativity Pauling (1930): Electronegativity = the ability of an atom to attract electron density towards itself in a molecule Based on differences in bond strength: –> For a polar molecule A–B the strength of the A–B bond is greater than the average of the strengths of the A–A and B–B bonds (due to an ionic contribution to the bonding) –> This difference in bond strength, , was related to the difference in electronegativity using the expression: –1 = 96.49( A B )2 ( in kJmol ) E is the electronegativity of element E –> The larger the difference between the electronegativities for a pair of atoms in a bond, the more the bond is polarized: CHEM 2312 Spring 2016 Notes: C.J. Fahrni 1.3A R-25 Periodic Trends in Electronegativity R-26 Electronegativity and Hybridization Radial distribution of the 2s and 2p wavefunctions: 4r2R(r)2 2s wavefunction offers better stabilization of electrons due to increased nuclear penetration compared to 2p 2p 2s Within a molecule, the electronegativity of a bonded atom increases with increasing s character of the hybridized atom: sp3 < sp2 < sp CHEM 2312 Spring 2016 Notes: C.J. Fahrni R-27 Polar Bonds C C 3.4 C O R-28 Reactions between Electrophiles and Nucleophiles If the wave functions of the nucleophile (typically the HOMO) and electrophile (typically the LUMO) are matched in energy and symmetry, a reaction can occur that yields a new bond: The nucleophile ALWAYS provides the two electrons for formation of the new bond! CHEM 2312 Spring 2016 Notes: C.J. Fahrni R-29 Nucleophiles and Electrophiles Nucleophiles: contain an electron pair of relatively high energy (HOMO) Lone pairs: Sigma-bonds: Pi-bonds: ROH, RO–, R3N, R2N–, X–, RSH, R2S typically highly polarized M-C or M-H bond: RLi, R2CuLi, RMgBr,BH4–, AlH4– typically pi-electrons of carbon double (or triple) bond Electrophiles: contain an relatively low-energy empty orbital (LUMO) for bond-making Lewis acids: Sigma-bonds: Pi-bonds: typically lack full octet: carbocations, boron compounds, aluminum compounds E-X (X = leaving group) Leaving group ability closely related to pKa: The less basic a leaving group is, the better it is its leaving group ability. Polarized double (or triple bonds), or C=C (or triple) bonds attached to an electrophilic atom 3.1-2 R-30 Brønsted-Lowry Acids and Bases A Brønsted-Lowry acid is a compound that can donate a hydrogen ion A Brønsted-Lowry base is a compound that can accept a hydrogen ion HA + acid B base BH+ + conjugate acid A– conjugate base Example: O O + NaOH CHEM 2312 Spring 2016 Na + H 2O Notes: C.J. Fahrni 3.5-6 R-31 The Strength of Acids and Bases Acids are classied as strong or weak depending on whether their reaction with water to give H3O+ (aq) go to completion or reach an equilibrium: Ka HA + H2O H3 O+ + A– [H3O+ ][A ] Ka = [HA] The acidity constant Ka (also called acid dissociation constant or acid ionization constant) is a quantitative measure of the strength of the acid in a given solvent (in this case water) –> the larger Ka the stronger the acid and the weaker its conjugate base A– For convenience, acidity constants are typically written as pKa values: pKa = –log Ka R-32 Problem 3: Predict the outcome for each of the following reactions: OH + NaH + NaNH 2 N CHEM 2312 Spring 2016 NH 2 + HCl (aq) Notes: C.J. Fahrni R-33 R-34 CHEM 2312 Spring 2016 Notes: C.J. Fahrni