Course Unit Title
Course Unit Code
Type of Unit
Level of Course Unit
Year of Study
Number of ECTS Credits
Course Unit Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Training & Employee Development
Second cycle
First/second year
On demand
6.0 ECTS
The aim of this course is to introduce students to key aspects of human resource
development (HRD), examining learning and training at work in both theory and
practice. Sessions will provide an overview of the concepts, processes, and practices
that form the basis of successful HRD in a variety of organizational contexts. Using
a blend of lectures, case studies and group-work we will evaluate HRD concepts
and theory and review the design, delivery and evaluation of training and employee
development interventions in work organizations. The concept of professionalism in
HRD with be a key theme running throughout the course, as we explore the ethical
and business cases for commitment to equality of opportunity and diversity in HRD
practice in organizations.
On completion of this course students are expected to be able to:
CILO 1 Critically evaluate the contextual factors impacting on the design, delivery
and evaluation of training and employee development interventions in
work organizations.
CILO 2 Evaluate a range of approaches for the identification of learning and
employee development needs at strategic and operational levels.
CILO 3 Review a range of adult learning theories and apply them to the design and
delivery of employee development methods to meet the needs of
different occupational groups
CILO 4 Review appropriate evaluation methods to assess the effectiveness of
employee development interventions.
CILO 5 Explain approaches to professionalism and scope for developing
commitment to equality of opportunity and diversity in HRD practice in
Name of Lecturer(s)
Mode of delivery
Face to Face
Prerequisites or corequisites None
Course Content
Introduction to Human Resource Development, Training &
Employee Development
Recommended or required
CILO 1,5
Identifying Learning and Employee Development Needs
Understanding Adult Learning; Theory and Practice
CILO 2,3
Designing effective HRD/Employee Development programs
CILO 3, 4
Professionalism, Equal Opportunity and Diversity
CILO 4,5
Implementing HRD/Employee Development programs
CILO 3, 5
Key trends in HRD, Training & Employee Development
CILO 1,3,4
Evaluating HRD programs
CILO 1,5
Gold, J., Holden, R. Stewart, J. Iles,P. and Beardwell, J. et al, (2013) Human
Resource Development . Theory and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan. Basingstoke
Please note: This book is available as an e-book for individuals to rent for 12 months
through coursesmart, renting access to it for a year for about £40/ €48.
You can see more about this at :
Recommended Journals:
Academy of Management Executive, Academy of Management Journal, Academy
of Management Review, Harvard Business Review, Human Resource Development
Quarterly, Human Resource Development Review, Human Resource Management
Journal, International Journal of Training and Development, Journal of Management
Studies, Management Learning, Organization Studies, Personnel Psychology,
Personnel Review.
Planned learning activities
and teaching methods
Assessment methods and
Language of Instruction
Work Placement(s)
Lectures; Case studies; Experiential exercises; team work; Videos; Multi-media
presentations; In-class debates and discussion.
Assignment: 90%
Participation and Contribution: 10%
Not applicable