Name: Test Date: Industrial Revolution/Discriminatory Laws Study

Name: _________________________________ Test Date: ____________________________
Industrial Revolution/Discriminatory Laws Study Guide
1. The change in economy was from one based on agriculture and trade to one based on
the production of manufactured goods
2. Raw materials—factory—US
Hogs & Cattle shipped to meat processing plants then served for dinner
Iron Ore shipped to processing plants to create steel
3. What are the 4 factors of production?
a. Land
b. Labor/Workers
c. New ideas (technology)
d. Capital
4. Using your notes, define technology
new ideas about how to do something as well as the equipment needed to do it
Complete the chart below
Andrew Carnegie
Bessemer Process
Henry Ford
First used the assembly
line to manufacture cars
Impact of Contribution/Invention
Converted iron into steel which was used for railroads
and steel girders for skyscrapers and bridges
Mass produced goods quickly and efficiently
Samuel Morse
Improved communication; helped railroads
communicate, placed orders for goods, & made sure
raw materials and finished products were delivered
to the right place at the right time
Alexander Graham Bell
Improved communication and replaced the telegraph
Thomas Edison
Improved the light bulb
The Wright Brothers,
Orville & Wilbur
Motorized Airplane
Changed the way factories operated
Contributed to the rise of the U.S. as a world power
5. What was the purpose of Jim Crow laws?
To keep the African American majority under control—like Black Codes
6. Using your notes, define segregation
Setting someone or something apart from other people or things
7. Using your notes, define disenfranchisement
To deny someone a right or privilege
8. What was the goal of Jim Crow laws and what court ruling validated them?
The goal of Jim Crow laws was to maintain white supremacy by keeping the races socially separated
and the African American in a position of social inferiority. Plessy v. Ferguson validated them.
9. What amendment did the Jim Crow laws violate?
Jim Crow laws violated the 14th amendment
10. What did the court ruling of Plessy v. Ferguson say?
Separate facilities were legal as long as the facilities were equal
11. Is the statement “separate-but-equal” true? Why or why not?
No, because the “separate” part was enforced while the “equal” part was ignored
12. Give 3 examples of how Jim Crow laws affected the lives of African Americans
schools, neighborhoods, theaters, on trains, water fountains, bathrooms, restaurants
13. List 3 examples of disenfranchisement:
a. Literacy test
b. Poll tax
c. Grandfather clause
14. How did literacy tests keep people from voting?
All voters were supposed to be able to read selections from the Constitution
15. Who all did literacy tests affect?
Irish-Catholic immigrants and African Americans
16. Who did poll taxes affect and why?
Poll taxes affected poor farmers because it was collected months before the harvest
17. How much were poll taxes and why was the price an issue?
Poll taxes were $1.00 and $1.50. They were expensive and you had to pay back taxes for the years you
could have voted and did not vote
18. What did the grandfather clause say and how did that affect African Americans?
Said that if their grandfather could vote, before 1870, regardless of the literacy test or poll tax, then
they too could vote. Most grandfathers of African Americans had not been allowed to vote so neither
could they
19. How were African Americans treated in the North?—use your notes and be specific.
Lived in racially segregated neighborhoods, last hired and first fired from jobs, and had little political