Mineral Notes 1. What 6 things make something a mineral? 2. What

Mineral Notes
What 6 things make something a mineral?
What is another name for Pyrite?
How many minerals are in the earth’s Crust?
What are the mineral names for Ruby and Sapphire and why are they Gems?
What are a mineral’s properties controlled by?
What are diamonds made out of?
What is graphite composed of? What causes it to have different properties than
8. What are minerals composed of?
9. Describe the 3 parts of an atom? Include where it is found .the charge and relative
10. Describe a covalent bond. Give Strength and Example
11. Describe an ionic bond. Give an example.
12. Describe Anion , Cation , Ions and Isotopes.
13. What shape does Halite have and why?
14. What bonds hold oxygen and silicon together and what is the shape called?
15. Name 3 other types of bonds with examples.
16. What is ionic radius and why is it important?
17. What are the 3 basic shapes that Anions and Cations will form?
18. What determines the external shape of the mineral?
19. Name 3 minerals with cubic shape.
20. What is quartz made out of?
21. What is a polymorph? Give an example.
22. What are the 8 most abundant elements in Earth’s crust in order? With symbols,
draw the picture graph.
23. What is the most abundant mineral group?
24. In what ways can the silica tetrahedron be put together and how does this affect
mineral shape and properties?
25. What is going to determine if a mineral is light in color or dark in color?
26. What is cleavage in a mineral?
27. What is asbestos and why is it no longer used?
28. Describe mica.
29. Why does mica have one good cleavage plane?
30. Why do some minerals fracture and what type of fracture does olivine have?
31. What makes quartz have different colors?
32. What makes amethyst and rose quartz have different colors?
33. What are inclusions in a mineral?
34. Does quartz fracture or have cleavage?
35. How do you tell the difference between quartz and feldspar?
36. What are the 5 other mineral groups? List the main building blocks for each and
give examples.
37. How are minerals identified?
38. List the main physical properties of minerals. Tell what they are and how to find
39. What controls physical properties?
40. List out the minerals in Moh’s Hardness scale and the common materials.