Minerals A large nugget A Cut Diamond Quartz Hexagonal crystals (six sided) Quartz Concoidal fracture (like a bottle breaking) K-spar (Potassium Feldspar 2 planes cleavage-one plane fracture Fig. 03_02C Hornblende Crystals on left- 2 planes of fracture on right Minerals form rocks! Polymorphism 2 minerals-same composition-different crystal form Atomic Structure Figure 3.5 Ionic Bonding Gain/Lose (to get 8 in outer shell) Salt/Halite Periodic Table Figure 3.7 Colvalent Bonding Electron Sharing (to get 8 in outer) Chlorine Figure 3.8 Crystal form is expression of internal structure Salt/Halite in cubes? Diamonds-all carbon Strong bonds in all directions create form Graphite-all carbon Weak bonds in plane make it soft Pyrite FeS Cubic crystals, metallic luster Quartz Glassy luster Use of a streak plate Moh’s scale of hardness •Goes up to 10 •Diamond is 10 •Minerals on left •Tools on right Figure 3.14 Cleavage Mica-1 plane What is this mess!!!!! Relax-its not that hard Why minerals have certain cleavage? Cleavage represents internal structure/bonding and defines the mineral groups Cleavage in minerals Mica Group Feldspar Group Hornblende Group Halite Calcite Fluorite Fracture Concoidal fracture in quartz K-spar (potassium feldspar) 1 plane fracture (top)-2 planes cleavage Magnetite Guess what-its magnetite! Mineral groups defined by crystal structure Elements-relative abundance Minerals on earth-relative abundance Quartz Hexagonal Crystals No cleavage Conchoidal fracture Figure 3.26 Quartz Small amounts of impurities change color K-spar (potassium feldspar) Salmon, 2 cleavages at 90 degrees-fracture 1 plane Plagioclase Feldspar White, Grey, 2 cleavages at 90 degrees Fracture 1 plane Note Striations Biotite Mica 1 cleavage-sheets Pyroxene vs. Amphibole Groups Pyroxene-90 degree cleavage Amphibole-60/120 degree cleavage Amphibole Group 2 cleavages at 60 and 120 degrees Pyroxene Group 2 cleavages at 90 degrees Olivine Group Concoidal fracture-no cleavage Table 3.2 Non-silicate minerals Carbonates Calcite (Ca) Dolomite (Ca-Mg) Halides Fluorite Halite Oxides Hematite (Iron Ore) Corundum (Ruby-red and Sapphires-blues) Sulphides Galena (Lead Ore) Pyrite (Iron ore) Sphalerite (Zinc Ore) Cinnabar (Mercury Ore) Sulphates Gypsum (Calcium) Anhydrite (Calcium) Near Surface At Depth Natives Diamonds Precious Stones Beryl Emerald Corundum Sapphire-blues Ruby-red