Rise of Totalitarianism: Italian Fascism & Spanish Civil War

Rise of Totalitarianism: Italy
The Italian Fascist Experience
Davey w/Motivation from Bean
Italy Ripe for Change
• Versailles
– Land Cheated
• Weak Government (Orlando Vs. Giolitti)
– Inflation/Unemployment
Premier Vittorio Orlando
Giovanni Giolitti
Was appointed
to the position
of Prime
Minister of Italy
five times
between 1892
and 1921. He
unsuccessful in
keeping Italy
out of World
War I
Heading a divided cabinet and lacking personal courage, he failed to take decisive action
when the Fascists marched on Rome (October 28), even though the chief of staff and the
military commandant of Rome were prepared to quell the impending insurrection.
Pressured by Liberal leaders, Facta at the last moment proposed to proclaim a state of siege
and order the army to protect the government. The king, however, refused to sign the
decree, in order to avoid civil war. Facta was forced to resign in favour of Mussolini. He
Davey w/Motivation from Bean
made no open opposition to Fascism,
and Mussolini nominated him as senator in 1924.
Benito Mussolini (Il Duce)
• “Rise of Fascism in Italy
– Basic Ideas
exalts nation and sometimes race above the individual
uses violence and modern techniques of propaganda and censorship to
forcibly suppress political opposition. For militarism of the state and the army
Against Democracy
Against Marxism
engages in severe economic and social regimentation
engages in corporatism
implements totalitarianism
No Immutable Beliefs
Davey w/Motivation from Bean
How Did He Take Over?
Conditions in Economy and Government
Rise of Communism
Appeal of Nationalism
Leadership of Mussolini
March on Rome (Black Shirts)
– Government’s response
• Initial Actions
– Acerbo Law: 25%-66%
– Assassinations
Davey w/Motivation from Bean
Italy Under Fascism
• Government: Il Duce, No dissent
– Bureaucracy
• Corporate State
– Labor
– Industry
• Religion: Lateran Pacts (1926 - 1929)
– Pope sovereign ruler of Vatican
– Italy pays for Papal states
– Catholicism is state religion.
Davey w/Motivation from Bean
Italy Under Fascism
• Militaristic Nationalism:
– Lack of Raw Materials
Mare Nostrum
– Initial steps:
• Ethiopia
– Warning
–Rome Berlin Axis
–Spanish Civil War
Davey w/Motivation from Bean
A Fascist Detour: Spain
Dictator in Spain from 1936-1975
Youngest General in any European Army
in 1926
1931 Spanish Monarchy falls
1933 right-wing party gains power
1936 left-wing and republican parties
align and win narrowly
Franco takes command of rebellious
colonial army in Morocco; conflict
degenerates into Spanish Civil War
Davey w/Motivation from Bean
• Spanish Civil War (1936-39)
• Between 500,000 and 1 million killed
• Republican government (supported by some moderates,
anarchists and socialists) vs. fascists under Generalissimo
Francisco Franco (who established rule in Spain from 1939
until his death in 1975)
• Attracting volunteers to both sides from around Europe and
beyond (Huxley, Hemingway, Picasso on Republican side,
Salvador Dali and many Irish Catholics on fascist side)
• Mussolini and Hitler supporting Franco with troops,
Stalinists aiming to control Republican movement
Davey w/Motivation from Bean
Spanish Civil War: Events
Manuel Azana becomes president
Army generals launch rebellion, capture 1/3 of
the total Spanish Territory
Social revolution spreads throughout the
Franco named head of state by nationalists
• International volunteers join the popular
front. Organized under the aegis of the
Comintern, and who also sought to "make
Madrid the tomb of fascism
• July 1938 Republicans initiate the Battle of the
Ebro and advance into Nationalist territory.
• November 1938 Nationalists win the Battle of
the Ebro, devastating the Republican army.
• April 1939 After weeks of fighting, Madrid
surrenders to the Nationalists on March 27,
and on April 1 Franco declares victory, ending
the war.
• 1939-1975 General Franco rules Spain as
caudillo (supreme leader) until his death on
Davey w/Motivation from Bean
The Spanish Civil War
“Reds” liberals and moderates supporting democratic
principles, anarchists, communists
“Blacks” landed elite, urban bourgeoisie, Roman
Catholic Church, conservatives
• Franco’s Nationalists
(conservative, favor
centralization of power)
ultimately defeat republicans
by 1939
• Casualties estimated at
500,000 to 1,000,000
Scene during the Siege of Teruel, Spain, April 1 1938
Davey w/Motivation from Bean
• British Union of Fascists
– Founded by Oswald Mosley
in 1932
– Modeled on Mussolini
– Anti-communist and
protectionist; later shifted
heavily towards anti-semitism
– Members wore black shirts as a uniform
– October 4, 1936—Battle of Cable Street between police
backing fascist marchers and anti-fascist locals (e.g.
Jews, communists)
– Violence led to Public Order Act of 1936, forbidding the
wearing of political uniforms during marches and
requiring police consent for marches (led to decline)
Davey w/Motivation from Bean
Fascism’s Legacy in Italy
Jealousy of Hitler’s new prestige and power
-WW2 (France and Greece)
A movement to rehabilitate the legacy
of Benito Mussolini as an Italian hero is
gathering momentum, breaking a 50year taboo surrounding Italy's fascist
There are now about
400 guards, volunteers
who come from all over Italy.
Davey w/Motivation from Bean