the Press Book - Global Entrepreneurship Summit

Marrakech hosts the 5th Edition
of the Global Entrepreneurship Summit
Entrepreneurship at the service of Human Development
World’s entrepreneurs Key Event
PROGRAM GES 2014 Marrakech
Three days to do together
Marrakech, November 19th, 2014
Global Innovation through Science & Technology
GES 2014Marrakech IN BRIEF
300 young students registered for free
to the GES 2014 Marrakech
GES 2014 Marrakech in 6 questions
Global Entrepreneurship Summit I 2014
Global Entrepreneurship Summit I 2014
Under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI,
this year’s edition is the first on the African continent.
This year’s summit will be under the theme:
Marrakech is hosting
the 5th Edition of the
Global Entrepreneurship Summit - GES
Following Washington,
Istanbul, Dubai and Kuala
Lumpur, Marrakech is
hosting this year, the
fifth annual Global
Entrepreneurship Summit
(GES), from the 19th to the
21st November 2014.
Harnessing the power of technology
to the service of innovation and
entrepreneurship ».
More than 3,000 people from over 50 countries are expected to
come to Marrakech in order to discuss, debate and create new
opportunities for partnership and business. Business men and
women, diplomats, officials, project leaders, entrepreneurship
experts, investment funds representatives, financial institutions,
NGOs, universities, etc.
A special site is being set up in the city of Marrakech for this
occasion, where all the summit works will be hosted. This space
will contain a marquee dedicated to all the plenary sessions,
three spaces for the organization of thematic workshops, an
innovation village and various dining and networking areas.
GES Marrakech 2014 is jointly organized by the Kingdom of
Morocco and the United States of America. It is also supported
by several public and private institutions that are fully
involved in its organization, namely the Economic, Social and
Environmental Council (CESE), the General Confederation of
Enterprises of Morocco (CGEM), the Professional Association of
Banks in Morocco (GPBM), Maroc Telecom, Attijari Wafa Bank, in
addition to several Moroccan and international media partners.
Global Entrepreneurship Summit I 2014
Global Entrepreneurship Summit I 2014
Entrepreneurship at
the service of human
A choice that reflects the active role that the Kingdom of
Morocco plays in the overall development of the African
continent and also its leadership in supporting entrepreneurship
and the integration of young people and women in all human
development processes.
While enjoying a perfect political and social stability, Morocco
has started implementing for the last few years, a series
of profound political and economic reforms, enabling the
establishement of the Rule of Law and the consolidation of the
national economy competitiveness.
Innovative sectoral strategies have positioned Morocco as a
reference operator in some new business feilds namely the
automotive and aerospace industry, renewable energy, electrical
industry, pharmaceutical industry and offshoring.
So-called traditional sectors, such as tourism and agriculture
have also benefited from strategic development plans and clear
visions for the next 20 years.
His Majesty King
Mohammed VI and
President Barack Obama
agreed during the Royal
Visit to Washington
in November 2013, to
organize the fifth annual
Summit in Morocco.
Morocco is also a major player in the new African dynamics.
In addition to the various historical, cultural and political ties
binding the Kingdom to several African countries, Morocco now
has got a clear and consistent vision of South-South partnership.
A promising partnership for progress, growth and development
to local people. The Kingdom is therefore a privileged gate to a
continent of challenges and opportunities.
Global Entrepreneurship Summit I 2014
Global Entrepreneurship Summit I 2014
A global platform for exchanging ideas and experiences. An
invitation to open up to the world, to discover new opportunities,
to develop innovative business plans and seal strong alliances
key event
Over the years, the Global
Entrepreneurship Summit
has established itself as a
key hub for young leaders
and entrepreneurs around
the world.
between entrepreneurs worldwide.
When announcing the creation of the Forum in 2009, President
Barack Obama stated that
« Entrepreneurship was one of the
most powerful levers of development
which helps improving people’s
economic conditions and living
standards,» and that it was therefore
necessary to «provide entrepreneurs
with the necessary skills and
resources in order to compete and
thrive during the 21st century ».
The first edition of GES took place in Washington (USA) in 2010.
The forum moved later on to Istanbul (Turkey) in 2011, then to
Dubai (United Arab Emirates) in 2012 before landing in Kuala
Lumpur (Malaysia) in 2013, the fifth edition in Marrakesh will be
the first in Africa since these series of events have started.
Global Entrepreneurship Summit I 2014
Global Entrepreneurship Summit I 2014
GES Site
The Market Place
at the service
of entrepreneurs
The Market Square is placed at the middle of the site hosting the event. It is an open, friendly place
where participants meet with each other, discuss and explore various partnership possibilities. The
market will allow participants to make contacts with other entrepreneurs, investors and government
officials. It will provide them with opportunities for technology transfer, investment, and mentoring
(providing expertise, investment and training), as well as direct support in required areas (Field
Support, partnership projects, etc.).
Plenary sessions
In order to facilitate and streamline the exchanges between participants, an application was developed
by the organizers. It allows entepreneurs involved in the works of the summit to recognize each
other online, arrange to meet on site and exchange continously.
12 plenary sessions will be held during the GES 2014 Marrakech.
Panelists and keynote speakers will talk about their experiences,
share their views and debate with participants around major
themes such as sustainable growth, business climate, exports,
social responsibility, etc.
GES 2014 Marrakech is
The workshops
planed on a Site dedicated
to Entrepreneurship.
Participants may attend GES 2014 Marrakech Workshops address different topics
meetings of the forum, such as smart cities, social entrepreneurship, innovation and
exchange and dine on site. health, agriculture and food security, etc.
Global Entrepreneurship Summit I 2014
Global Entrepreneurship Summit I 2014
The Innovation Village
At the GES 2014Marrakech, the Innovation Village is a dynamic
space where most promising and innovative entrepreneurs from
Africa exhibit their products, participate in constructive debate
and establish successful cross-border partnerships.
Participants in the Innovation Village (entrepreneurs, youth and
women) will have special stands. They will also be supported
by mentors and will attend lectures by leading international
Some sequences of the Innovation Village will finally be
broadcasted live on the Internet in more than 80 countries
Global Entrepreneurship Summit I 2014
Global Entrepreneurship Summit I 2014
Three days to do
do business together
The theme of the fifth edition of the Global Entrepreneurship
Summit has almost been naturally straighforward for the
organizers. Technology is indeed no longer the monopoly of a
few insiders. Thanks to the extraordinary Internet and new tools
of fixed and mobile communication, technology is now embeded
in millions of people’s lives in several areas fostering their
developement and economic growth more easily.
In the world of entrepreneurship, technology offers new
opportunities and increases great potential for dynamic
collaboration. It builds social capital, fosters human development
and facilitates the exchange of information and ideas.
Participants are invited to
register in the village where
the works of the forum
will take place, in order
to network and build
initial partnerships.
the Future
Participants discover paths of
outstanding entrepreneurs,
attend workshops on
smart cities, on regional
connectivity, on new trends of
entrepreneurship, etc.
Act as an
Through innovation,
knowledge based solutions
and opportunities for
participants will develop their
entrepreneurial thinking
and improve their
own business projects.
Global Entrepreneurship Summit I 2014
Global Entrepreneurship Summit I 2014
08h00 – 17h00 :
09h00 – 09h40 :
08h00 – 17h00 :
Networking / GIST Track Training /Innovation Village / Global
Connects Lounge Track
Plenary 1
Transforming the speed and scale of entrepreneurship
09h40 – 10h20 :
Plenary 2
12h00 – 14h00 :
Women’s Entrepreneurship Day Celebration Lunch
From crowdsourcing to social investing
17h30 – 18h30 :
Speakers Welcome Reception
Innovations in financing entrepreneurship
19h30 – 20h30 :
Thematic Dinners
10h40 – 11h40 :
Plenary 3
Innovative solutions to integrate the informal sector into the formal
economy :
GIST Track/ Innovation Village / Global Connects Lounge Track
11h40 – 12h15 :
Knowledge Based Entrepreneurship Opportunities
13h30 – 15h00 :
09h00 – 09h40 :
Official opening plenary : Special address from Morocco,
USA, international officials
09h40 – 10h20 :
Plenary 2
Innovation, technology and entrepreneurship :
trends for inclusive growth
10h45 – 11h20 :
Plenary 3
What inspired me to change the world :
Plenary 4
Workshop : Culture and Media
15h00 – 16h30 :
Workshop : Agriculture and Food Safety
16h30 – 17h15 :
17h15 – 17h40 :
Plenary 5 - Official closing ceremony
Plenary 6
Special remarks from a US Cabinet Secretary, Moroccan Cabinet
tales of challenge and innovation GIST Track / Innovation
Village / Global Connects Lounge Track
11h30 – 12h15 :
Plenary 4
How entrepreneurs and talents transcend borders
13h30 – 15h00 :
Workshop : From Talent to Entrepreneurship
15h00 – 16h30 :
Workshop : Regional Connectivity
17h00 – 17h45 :
Smart Cities
Social Entrepreneurship
Séance plénière 5
Creating the conditions and culture for entrepreneurship
17h45 – 18h30 :
Séance plénière 6
Innovation and technology for sustainable growth
Global Entrepreneurship Summit I 2014
Global Entrepreneurship Summit I 2014
November 19th , 2014
The purpose of this event is to bring together women
entrepreneurs and other stakeholders in order
to exchange ideas, share best practices, present
success stories aiming to encourage the spirit of
entrepreneurship among women.
The organization of the event also aims to ensure that women
entrepreneurs in the region can benefit from three existing
international initiatives, which will be broadcasted live at the
forum in Marrakech, through an interconnection with the Day on
Women Entrepreneurs organized by the United Nations in New
York; along with the active contribution and support of the OCDE
and the involvement of the African Women Entrepreneurship
Ambassadors Initiative (AWEA).
Challenges for the Kingdom of Morocco :
The event «Women’s Entrepreneurship Day» will be the
appropriate occasion for the Kingdom to :
• Respond partially to Morocco’s commitments made within
the framework of the Equal Futures Partnerships initiative,
including the Kingdom’s efforts for a better economic
integration of Moroccan women.
• Emphasize the centrality of women in Morocco’s vision,
particularly with respect to the various entrepreneurship
reforms that the Kingdom has put together namely in the
feild of business climate, sectoral strategies, and structural
• Reaffirm the commitment of the Kingdom of Morocco to
develop female entrepreneurship through launching new
• Highlight the Moroccan vision of Africa, in
A second plenary session will consist of a
presentation and a discussion on new innovative
tools for financing women’s projects and
• Strengthen partnership between the Kingdom of
Lunch - High Level Dialogue :
particular regarding the integration of African
women entrepreneurs in the economic matrice,
which should help foster inclusive growth of the
Morocco and the United States of America in the
feilf of entrepreneurship and innovation.
Participation :
A high-level participation is expected at this
event, Moroccan and American, both from the
government and private sector, along with
international organizations and civil society.
An average of nearly 3000 people are foreseen at
this event: Governmental representatives, CEOs
of large companies, active NGOs in the field of
women’s entrepreneurship.
Program of the event:
Plenary sessions :
Following official openings and key note speeches,
the day will beging with a testimony from a
famous Woman Entrepreneur who will talk about
her successful experience.
The first plenary session will be dedicated to
women entrepreneurs experiences from subSaharan Africa, Morocco, MENA and South East
Asia, all of whom have managed to grow their
businesses internationally.
With the participation of senior government
officials, business leaders, representatives of
international organizations and civil society, this
lunch is meant to be a high-level dialogue platform
on current trends, reforms and programs
catalyzing women entrepreneurship innovation in
the world.
The luncheon will be the ideal platform under
which Morocco will highlight the progress made by
the country to support women’s entrepreneurship.
B to B meetings and Live Pitch session :
The B to B meetings allow women entrepreneurs
to meet with officials and representatives of
multinational financial institutions in order to
discuss, exchange information, seek support and
develop business contacts for their businesses.
The «Live Pitch» session will allow women
entrepreneurs interested by presenting their
business activities in front of a jury, with the
presence of a public audience. A prize will be
awarded to the best business presentation.
Global Entrepreneurship Summit I 2014
Global Entrepreneurship Summit I 2014
GIST Prize
On the sidelines of GES 2014Marrakech, an innovative competition
Global Innovation
of Moroccan and sub-Saharan students, and to encourage
for young people will be organized to promote pioneer ideas
through Science
entrepreneurial thinking whithin young undegraduates offering
Technology &
The Gist prize will be awarded to winner entrepreneurs during
GES 2014 Marrakech. Launched by the U.S. State Department,
the GIST initiative (Global Innovation through Science and
Technology) aims to foster technology entrepreneurship
through the contribution of social media, developing skills and
new funding tools. The annual GIST TECH-i contest has been
designed to encourage young entrepreneurs in 43 countries by
offering them business advice and ennabling initial funding for
their projects.
them to connect with the business community present at GES
300 young students
activities of the Forum in addition to connecting with investors
registered for free to
GES 2014 Marrakech
Following this contest, some 300 young students will be
registered for free at GES 2014Marrakech ennabling them to
attend all plenary sessions, workshops, conferences and other
and entrepreneurs from around the world.
Student projects will also be presented in a special display at
the Innovation Village area.
In order to participate, applicants must be enrolled full-time at a
university. They must also submit their projects on the website
The 2014 edition was launched few weeks ago. 30 finalists,
representing two categories: Idea and Start Up will participate in
GES 2014 Marrakech, during which the winner will be announced.
SHEAPPLY, a Moroccan start-up, will be among the contenders
for the prize.
of GES 2014 Marrakech . Selection criteria will be mainly based
on the originality, clarity, innovation and feasibility of each
A particular interest will be given to innovations fostering the
integration of youth and women in the economy and to projects
who benefit people living below the poverty line.
Global Entrepreneurship Summit I 2014
Global Entrepreneurship Summit I 2014
GES 2014
in brief
GES 2014 iMarrakech
in 6 questions
What is it?
Why Morocco?
global vision of south south partnership. The Kingdom of Morocco has committed during
the past 15 years to implement a series of political and economic reforms, making of it an
undisputed leadership in Africa and in the Arab region.
• An international event that promotes and highlights youth
• A forum for discussion and opportunity Opening up to
the world, aiming to develop innovative business plans and
integrate a network of global expertise
• An innovative and creative space where everything is possible
Aims ?
• Share, discuss, learn, compare views, broaden horizons
• Develop your network, find partners and funders, new
business ideas
Who attends GES 2014 Marrakech ?
More than 3,000 participants from 50 countries are
expected to attend the GES 2014Marrakech. They are
entrepreneurs, academics, investors, experts, diplomats,
institutional representatives, political figures, etc.
• A politically stable, economically powerful country, open to the world (52 FTA) with a
• The Kingdom puts human development at the heart of all its sectoral strategies and all
its economic reforms.
Who organizes the GES 2014 Marrakech ?
Supported and sustained by His Majesty King Mohammed VI and President Barack Obama, the
GES 2014Marrakech involves a wide varity of government and national institutions. The event
will also be attended by a large Moroccan and international business communit.
How to participate in GES 2014 Marrakech ?
All persons wishing to participate in GES 2014Marrakech are invited to register on the
following website : They will find all the information
required for registration including their travel and stay in Marrakech.
Global Entrepreneurship Summit I 2014
Global Entrepreneurship Summit I 2014
GES 2014 Marrakech
Salaheddine Mezouar
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
Mbarka Bouaida
Minister Delegate to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
Mohamed Hassad
Minister of the Interior
Charki Draiss
Minister Delegate to the Minister of the Interior
Mohamed Boussaid
Minister of Economy and Finance
Moulay Hafid Elalamy
Minister of Industry, Trade, Investment and Digital Economy
Mamoun Bouhdoud
Minister Delegate to the Minister of Industry, Trade, Investment and the Digital
Miriem Bensalah Chaqroun
President of the General Confederation of Enterprises of Morocco (CGEM)
Othman Benjelloun
President of the Professional Association of Banks in Morocco (GPBM)
Mohamed Kettani
Vice Chairman of the Professional Association of Banks in Morocco (GPBM)
Abdeslam Ahizoune
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Maroc Telecom
Global Entrepreneurship Summit I 2014
Global Entrepreneurship Summit I 2014
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