ARTICLE IN PRESS Review TRENDS in Cell Biology TICB 143 Vol.not known No.not known Month 0000 In a mirror dimly: tracing the movements of molecules in living cellsq Matthias Weiss1 and Tommy Nilsson2,3 1 MEMPHYS-Center for Biomembrane Physics, Physics Department, University of Southern Denmark, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark Department of Medical Biochemistry, Gothenburg University, 413 90 Gothenburg, Sweden 3 Swegene Centre for Cellular Imaging, Gothenburg University, 413 90 Gothenburg, Sweden 2 The random movement of molecules (diffusion) is fundamental to most cellular processes, including enzymatic reactions, signalling, protein –protein interaction, as well as domain and pattern formation. Despite playing a central role, diffusion is, to a large extent, underappreciated in the cell biology community. One reason for this is that diffusion is rather challenging to study in living cells. This article is intended to explain, at least in part, how we can go about studying diffusion of molecules in living cells, why it is important and how it provides us with important clues about biological systems. As the title ‘In a mirror dimly’ suggests, we do this by monitoring faint light emitted by fluorescent probes or proteins using advanced optics (e.g. mirrors) and electronics. The data are then fitted and interpreted with mathematical and physical models, providing a glimpse into the world of molecules. In 1827, Robert Brown observed through his microscope that small pollen particles exhibit a rather erratic motion in aqueous solution, an effect now known as Brownian motion or, simply, diffusion (for an explanation of diffusion, see later). Since then, many studies have been devoted to the process of diffusion (i.e. how molecules or particles move in response to thermal noise), and in a seminal article Einstein developed an elegant theoretical basis to describe diffusion [1]. Our everyday experience tells us that diffusion is an irreversible process that flattens out existing concentration gradients (e.g. an ink droplet spreading in water). Diffusion, therefore, acts according to the second law of thermodynamics [2] (i.e. the molecules spread to achieve a state of maximum entropy, or maximum disorder). It is often overlooked, however, that diffusion can also bring order into a system by destabilizing homogeneity. Such a drive towards self-organization tends to happen when a reaction does not take place in a well-stirred mixture so that components have to seek each q The title ‘in a mirror dimly’ refers to how we must often extrapolate from indirect representations (such as fluorescent light) to construct a more complete picture. The quote is taken from the New Testament, I Corinthians 13.12: ‘…di’esoptrou en ainigmati…’ (‘Now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall understand fully.’) Corresponding authors: Matthias Weiss (, Tommy Nilsson ( other out with the help of Brownian motion (diffusion). It is under these conditions that the emergence of selforganizing spatiotemporal patterns, so-called Turing patterns, can be observed [3]. In such cases, local domains are enriched in a particular chemical, whereas others are devoid of it. Despite its tendency to flatten out any concentration gradient, diffusion promotes the appearance of these domains because of its poor ‘self-mixing’ property [4,5]. Diffusive mixing on interfaces such as membranes, for example, is far less efficient than in bulk solution [6,7]. Thus, when molecules that react or otherwise interact with each other diffuse on membranes, they will selforganize more readily into patterns or domains than when diffusing in solution. In any event, it is clear that quantifying the diffusion of molecules in solution and on membranes is of major importance when studying biological processes. In this article, we will attempt to highlight important features of diffusion, why diffusion is highly relevant to cell biological processes and how it can be accessed experimentally in vivo using light microscopy techniques. Diffusion as a facilitator for pattern and domain formation In 1952, Turing discussed in the context of embryonal morphogenesis [8] a set of simple chemical reactions (socalled reaction-diffusion systems), one of which we will explain in more detail (Figure 1a): namely, a spontaneously synthesizing and autocatalytically reproducing morphogen X (the activator) produces its own inhibitor Y, which tries to prevent the production of X. Both species are subject to degradation and are also capable of diffusing to another location, albeit with different mobilities (i.e. the inhibitor Y diffuses faster than the activator X). Despite its apparent simplicity, this reaction scheme yields an interesting phenomenon when the diffusional mobilities of X and Y are sufficiently different. Instead of observing a uniform distribution of both chemicals, X and Y appear to segregate and form domains where either X or Y dominates. The emergence of this self-organized Turing pattern relies crucially on the diffusional mobility of the reagents and can be understood as follows: as inhibitor Y quickly diffuses out of regions where the slowly diffusing activator X is more dominant, the Y-induced degradation 0962-8924/$ - see front matter q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tcb.2004.03.012 ARTICLE IN PRESS 2 Review TRENDS in Cell Biology (a) Synthesis Vol.not known No.not known Month 0000 Local activation (b) Autocatalysis Activator species X TICB 143 Slow diffusion Activation + Inhibition – Inhibitor species Y – Fast diffusion Lateral inhibition Degradation (c) (i) (ii) (d) (iii) (iv) MSD (µm2) 10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 Time (s) TRENDS in Cell Biology Figure 1. The concept of Turing-pattern formation. (a) Schematic representation of a reaction-diffusion system involving two particle species, activator X and inhibitor Y. The activator X is synthesized at a certain rate and catalyses its own production, as well as participating in creating Y molecules, which in turn inhibit the production of X. Additionally, both species are subject to degradation and can diffuse to other loci, although inhibitor Y diffuses faster than activator X. (b) Because of the difference in diffusion, a local (autocatalytically driven) activation is obtained (i.e. enrichment of X and a long-range inhibition where Y dominates). (c) An example of Turing-pattern formation on a membrane. For simplicity, only the colour-coded activator concentration is displayed (blue to yellow represents low to high concentration). Starting from a random initial concentration profile (i), a ‘patchy’ steady-state pattern is obtained (ii) when assuming that the number of reacting molecules is huge. Using small amounts of reacting molecules, the pattern does not become stable (iii) because strong concentration fluctuations oppose pattern formation. However, even in the presence of these concentration fluctuations, the pattern formation can be stabilized when the activator species X is slightly subdiffusive (iv). (d) The mean square displacement (MSD) values of the activator molecules, as used in panels (i)– (iv), are displayed as broken and unbroken lines, respectively. Note the qualitative difference in the increase of the MSD (solid line: normal diffusion, MSD , t; broken line: subdiffusion, MSD , t 0.9). of X molecules slows down. Via autocatalytic feedback, this locally enhances the number of X molecules, while the spreading inhibitor Y suppresses the production of activator molecules in the surrounding region, resulting in local activation and long-range inhibition (Figure 1b). An example of the formation of such a Turing pattern on a membrane is shown in Figure 1c, where for simplicity only the concentration profile of activator X is shown. Starting from a random initial configuration [Figure 1c (i)], a stable, patch-like array of domains [Figure 1c (ii)] is obtained at steady-state, assuming that the number of reacting molecules is sufficiently high that a meaningful concentration can be defined (in the physics literature this is called the mean-field limit). Of course, this surprising effect depends very much on the nature of the (nonlinear) type of reactions involved [3] and their kinetic parameters (reaction rates). Importantly, the stability of the pattern is very sensitive to the values of the diffusion coefficients [3] and even to the type of diffusional motion [9] [see later and Figures 1c (iii) and (iv)]. The concept of Turing patterns has helped to elucidate many forms of pattern formation, especially in physics and chemistry (see, for example, Refs [3,10] for reviews). A classical example of reaction-diffusion systems that display Turing patterns is the Belousov-Zhabotinskii reaction (see, for example, Ref. [11] for a recent experimental realization). In biology, a famous example is the GiererMeinhard model [12], which describes the self-organized development of the freshwater polyp Hydra. More recently, studies on pattern formation in cell biology have also been addressed using Turing’s concept. A nice example is the positioning of the septum in dividing bacteria [13– 15] or in the slug formation of Dictyostelium discoideum [16 – 18]. Many more Turing-like self-organizing systems in cell biology will undoubtedly be discovered in the future. Not a simple matter of diffusion As noted before, the formation and maintenance (or stability) of patterns depends crucially on the reaction rates and diffusion involved. Investigating pattern formation such as Turing-pattern mechanisms is therefore only possible if relevant in vivo parameters can be accessed. Before attempting this, however, it is important to understand a bit more about diffusion. In its simplest form, diffusion is the very same behaviour that a person displays when trying to get back home after an extensive pub-crawl (for the uninitiated, a pub-crawl involves the sometimes arduous task of frequenting as many pubs or bars as is physically possible in one night, always ARTICLE IN PRESS Review TRENDS in Cell Biology consuming at least one alcoholic beverage in each place). Staggering from street lamp to street lamp, the drunk person instantly forgets from which of the two neighbouring lamps he or she came from and hence will stagger randomly to either one of them; in other words, having a complete lack of any sense of direction. This lack of direction is an intrinsic property of diffusion and it is obvious that such movement is a much less efficient way to move compared with directed motion (simply to go straight home). Nevertheless, the mean square displacement (MSD) of the person as seen from his or her starting position will grow linearly with time (Figure 1d); that is, MSD(t) , Dt, with a prefactor that measures the diffusional mobility. This factor is known as the diffusion coefficient, D. Let us now suppose that, as soon as reaching one lamppost, the person does not immediately move on to the next one. Instead, he or she will remain at each lamppost for a certain time (e.g. hugging the lamppost or admiring its beauty). Such ‘resting’ times might not only be random but also sometimes quite long; that is, one can still define a mean resting time, but the standard deviation from it might become arbitrarily large. In this case, the MSD will grow qualitatively more slowly than for normal diffusion (i.e. MSD , ta, where a , 1; Figure 1d). In other words, although we still observe an ‘unbiased’ random walk, the efficiency of moving away from the starting point (the last pub) has decreased qualitatively as it now takes more and more time to explore the same area. Whereas the random movement without the rests is called normal diffusion (a ¼ 1), diffusional movement with long rests is called anomalous subdiffusion (a , 1). There are several reasons for subdiffusion, such as obstructed diffusion imposed by molecular crowding or by almost immobile obstacles such as membrane domains [19]. Another possible mechanism giving rise to subdiffusion has already been outlined above (i.e. particles take long rests between periods of free diffusional motion). The reason for these rests can be manifold, such as special binding or trapping events with immobile partners, where the properties of the ‘trap’ can be time-independent (binding without memory) or time-dependent (binding with some memory). Readers are referred to Refs [20– 22] for details. Regardless of the underlying reason for subdiffusion, its mere occurrence has major implications for biological processes. The degree of subdiffusion dramatically influences the rate at which biological reactions take place [23], the time-course of enzymatic reactions [24] and, most importantly, the efficiency with which spatiotemporal patterns form [9]. The latter is demonstrated in Figure 1c, where a well-characterized reaction-diffusion system, the so-called Schnakenberg model [25], is simulated on a membrane (see Ref. [9] for technical details). Initially, the reacting molecules (activator X and inhibitor Y) are distributed randomly on the membrane [Figure 1c (i)]. Using the mean-field limit (i.e. assuming that a huge number of X and Yparticles make up the reaction-diffusion system), we end up with the stationary Turing pattern shown in Figure 1c (ii). When using the same reaction rates and diffusion coefficients but reducing the number of particles to a few thousands (a realistic number in Vol.not known No.not known Month 0000 TICB 143 3 biological processes), the observed pattern disappears [Figure 1c (iii)]. This is because the low particle number locally leads to strong concentration fluctuations, which counteract and overcome the drive towards pattern formation. When one of the reagents is made slightly subdiffusive (a ¼ 0.9), however, the pattern is restored [Figure 1c (iv)]. This demonstrates that subdiffusion promotes the formation and maintenance of patterns, enabling improved efficiency, a higher degree of compartmentalization and, consequently, increased specificity of biological processes (e.g. signalling). Determining (sub)diffusion using light microscopy Several excellent studies exploring the nature of subdiffusion, both theoretically and experimentally, already exist in the physics field (see Refs [26 – 28] for extensive reviews). Despite its powerful and important implications, however, subdiffusion has largely been neglected by the cell biology community. This is now about to change. Elegant single-particle tracking experiments have already revealed subdiffusion of neural adhesion molecules [29] and the major histocompatibility complex [30] on the plasma membrane of neurons and HeLa cells, respectively. This approach, however, is limited to studies on the plasma membrane or reconstituted systems and is not yet really applicable to intracellular events. Intracellular movements are instead more easily accessed by monitoring fluorescent proteins, most commonly the green fluorescence protein (GFP), fused to the protein of interest. We outline below two techniques that are particularly useful when studying diffusion in living cells: fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS). As will be explained, FCS is well suited to determining the degree of subdiffusion. The FRAP method was introduced in its basic form in the late 1970s [31,32] and was applied to the study of diffusion of lipids and proteins in living cells [33]. The concept is straightforward: after bleaching an area of interest with high laser intensity (i.e. irreversibly destroying all fluorophores in this region), the temporal recovery of fluorescence in the bleached region is monitored under low laser power. This recovery can be due to the simple diffusional influx of particles into the region and/or the binding of particles to a structure (e.g. an intracellular membrane) in the bleached area. The experimentally obtained time-course of the fluorescence recovery FðtÞ is then fitted with an appropriate theoretical formula to extract the desired information about reaction rates and/or diffusion coefficients. For example, binding kinetics of a peripheral membrane protein to a membrane of interest can be assessed by bleaching the membrane-bound pool and then monitoring the recovery due to new binding events. This approach has recently been used to explore the membrane-binding kinetics of peripheral Golgi proteins such as ARF-1 and coatomer, which are involved in the formation of COPI vesicles [34,35]. In such studies, diffusion-limited binding events such as that observed for coatomer have to be taken into account [35]. In other words, any recovery rate observed by FRAP might not be determined just by the particular binding kinetics but might also be influenced by the diffusion of molecules into ARTICLE IN PRESS 4 Review TRENDS in Cell Biology the region. Another aspect worth emphasizing when performing FRAP is that the shape of the bleached region plays a crucial role because the functional form of the recovery depends on the shape. In other words, bleaching a circular region and fitting experimental data with a theoretical expression derived for a narrow strip will give an incorrect value for the diffusion coefficient, thus invalidating the entire study. Despite these caveats, FRAP has been applied frequently, and usually successfully, to assess the mobility of soluble proteins in the cytoplasm and nucleus [36] and of membrane proteins, for example, in both the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the Golgi apparatus [37]. When using FRAP, it is important to remember that it is rather challenging and imprecise to determine the diffusion coefficients of membrane proteins (this also applies to FCS, see below). First, the unknown geometry of the membrane leads to uncertainty in protein mobility by a factor of two or more [38,39]. Second, the diffusion coefficient of a protein diffusing in a membrane depends only logarithmically on the size of its membrane-penetrating domain [40], whereas the diffusion coefficient of a (globular) protein in bulk solution is inversely proportional to its size [2]. This is crucial to understand when attempting to translate the measured mobility (i.e. the diffusion coefficient) into particle or complex size. If there is uncertainty in the mobility by a factor of two (caused, for example, by the particular but hidden geometry of the membrane or variability in measurements), this translates into uncertainty regarding the size of the traced particle or complex by a factor of ten. To give a concrete example, the diffusional mobility of glycosylation enzymes on the ER and Golgi membranes was determined by FRAP and shown to be rather high [37]. A conclusion that could be drawn from these studies (e.g. by the cell biology community) is that this would negate the possibility that enzymes exist as larger complexes (kin complexes [41]) in the Golgi cisternae. In fact, in that study, it was impossible to distinguish a dimer from complexes of at least 400 molecules [39]. Third, the diffusion of membrane proteins is often anomalous; that is, the MSD does not increase linearly with time (see above) and must therefore be interpreted with the help of a generalized diffusion coefficient. With regard to this last point, FRAP can potentially be used to determine anomalous diffusion [42], but the measurement usually does not permit one to distinguish between subdiffusion or a mixture of fastdiffusing monomers and slow-moving complexes (i.e. multiple populations having different diffusional mobilities). It is here that FCS has proved to be more valuable. The origins of FCS can be traced back to the early 1970s [43], but it was not until the 1990s that the technique became feasible and sufficiently sensitive [44]. In FCS applications, a laser beam with a bell-shaped (gaussian) intensity profile is focused onto a spot of interest inside a living cell and a pinhole is then used to discriminate the fluorescent light emitted from different focal planes (Figure 2a). In this way, the collection of photons is effectively constrained to a confocal volume of , 1 mm3, the minimum size the diffraction limit permits for. In contrast TICB 143 Vol.not known No.not known Month 0000 to FRAP, it is not the average fluorescence but rather the fluctuations around the mean that are of interest because the fluorescence signal rises or falls when a fluorescent molecule enters or leaves the confocal volume (Figure 2b). The Brownian movement of the particles is thereby reflected in the fluctuations of the fluorescence signal FðtÞ and the fluorescence fluctuations become stronger and more easily visible when fewer labelled particles are in the confocal volume. In other words, FCS works best at very low overexpression concentrations (1 nM is sufficient). This is at the level of single molecules in the confocal volume and cells can therefore be studied almost in their native state without perturbing them. The fluctuations of the fluorescence time series FðtÞ (Figure 2b) are then evaluated by calculating the autocorrelation function C(t), which essentially describes the decreasing average probability that a particle inside the confocal volume will stay in the focus for at least the time period t. A typical example of what C(t) looks like is given in Figure 2c. Depending on its mobility, size and interaction with other molecules, the labelled molecule will dwell for shorter or longer time periods inside the confocal volume until it leaves. Using some simplifying assumptions, C(t) can be calculated analytically for different diffusion types (e.g. for diffusion in the cytoplasm or on membranes [39,44,45]) and fitted to the experimental data to obtain the time point tD at which the autocorrelation function C(t) has dropped to half of its value (Figure 2c). This half-time is inversely proportional to the diffusion coefficient of the traced protein, which is the desired quantity. Furthermore, the mean number of particles in the confocal volume (i.e. the local concentration of particles) can be deduced from the maximum value C(t ¼ 0). FCS has several advantages over FRAP. It works at much lower levels of overexpression, there is no destruction or bleaching of the dye (GFP), the time resolution is in the microsecond range (this will also soon be possible with FRAP, thanks to a new generation of confocal microscopes) and local concentrations on the scale of single molecules can be determined. The range of FCS applications so far includes in vitro studies on the hybridization kinetics of DNA probes to RNA [46]; the real-time kinetics of enzymatic reactions [47]; the spatiotemporal changes of signalling proteins involved in regulating bacterial motors [48]; in vivo studies on the diffusion of fluorescent probes in the nucleus [49]; the dynamics of the COPI vesicle machinery [35]; and the occurrence of anomalous diffusion of Golgi-resident proteins [39]. Subdiffusion has also been found and characterized using FCS for membrane proteins of the plasma membrane [50], as well as for proteins in the nucleoplasm [49]. In most cases, the degree of subdiffusion was simply calculated by fitting the autocorrelation decay C(t) with a model for anomalous diffusion. This is not very precise because a two-component system (e.g. a mixture of fast-diffusing monomers and slow-diffusing complexes) might exhibit a subdiffusive ‘signature’ and vice versa; thus an alternative approach is required. It turns out that the fluctuating fluorescence seen by the FCS detector is actually a fractal curve (i.e. it appears to have a similar appearance on all scales when zooming into the curve; see successive magnifications in ARTICLE IN PRESS Review TRENDS in Cell Biology 5 Vol.not known No.not known Month 0000 (b) (a) TICB 143 (c) Confocal volume 1.2 Optical pathway Correlation Focused laser beam 1.0 Fluorescence Cell Detector 2 0.6 0.4 0.2 Laser Detector 1 0.8 0 2 4 6 Time (s) 8 10 τ ττ 0.0 5 4 1 × 10 1 × 10 1 × 103 1 × 102 1 × 101 Time (s) TRENDS in Cell Biology Figure 2. The concept of fluorescence (cross)-correlation spectroscopy. (a) A green laser beam is focused into a living cell, and the fluorescence from the focus (the confocal volume, yellow) is collected by highly sensitive detectors. A second (red) laser beam can also be applied and discriminated by appropriate filters. Ideally, the confocal volumes of the red and green laser light should be congruent. (b) Time series of the fluorescence as measured by the detectors fluctuates strongly around a well-defined mean (the average intensity). On zooming into the fluorescence curve, it can be seen that it has a similar appearance on several scales (see successive magnifications of the green fluorescence time series). In other words, the curve is neither a line nor a plane, but rather a fractal object [39] in between. The fluctuations in the fluorescence arise from the ‘dancing’ of fluorescently labelled molecules to the ‘music’ of thermal noise (i.e. they diffuse into and out of the focus). A departing particle reduces the fluorescence and an incoming particle leads to increased fluorescence. (c) By calculating the autocorrelation curve of the fluorescence fluctuations, one obtains a sigmoidally decaying curve in a semilogarithmic plot (shown in red and green for the different laser beams). The half-time tD of the decay (broken line) is related to the diffusional mobility of the dancing molecules. If red- and green-labelled molecules form complexes, the cross-correlation curve of the red– green fluorescence can be calculated (shown in black). Not only is the decay of the curve somewhat slower than that of the separate red and green molecules (the dancing couple experiences more friction during the dance; i.e. the diffusional mobility is lower) but also, from the offset of the curve at t ¼ 0, the fraction of couples and red or green individuals can be estimated. In other words, the affinity of the reaction [red] þ [green] $ [red–green] can be determined. Figure 2b). Characterization of this fractal property of the fluorescent signal in more detail reliably revealed subdiffusion of membrane proteins in both the Golgi and the ER [39]. Although FCS is a valuable tool to assess subdiffusion, it suffers from the same drawbacks as FRAP when it comes to calculating particle size (i.e. the degree of oligomerization) from the measured diffusion coefficient: geometrical constraints (e.g. the shape of the host membrane) can considerably influence the diffusion and thus hinder estimation of the size of the tracked protein [38,39]. A recent FCS development, however, circumvents this problem. Termed fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS), two differently labelled particle species are monitored at the same time. FCCS effectively eliminates the uncertainties imposed by the geometrical constraints using FCS and FRAP. Here, two laser beams are superimposed to yield a congruent confocal volume to monitor, for example, a red- and a green-labelled protein species at the same time (Figure 2). The recorded fluorescence time series, Fr ðtÞ and Fg ðtÞ; of the two dyes can be used to determine, for example, the diffusion coefficient, as described for FCS. When the erratic motion of some particles of the red species influences the diffusion of some particles of the green species (i.e. when some of them form a complex), the cross-correlation function G(t) between Fr ðtÞ and Fg ðtÞ can be calculated. This function essentially describes the average probability that a green particle will stay for at least a time period t in the confocal volume when a red particle is currently in it. Similar to C(t), G(t) is a decaying curve with a typical half-time tD that is determined by the diffusion coefficient of the red – green complexes (Figure 2c). As long as red and green particles do not form complexes, G(t) is always zero, whereas it becomes non-zero when complexes form. The fraction of complexes can be determined from the red and green autocorrelation curves and the cross-correlation curve (i.e. the affinity between protein species on the level of single molecules) can be estimated in vivo. So far, FCCS has been used to demonstrate the cleavage of DNA by endonucleases [51]: upon cleavage, the differently labelled parts of the DNA diffused away from each other and the cross-correlation approached zero. Also, the output of the polymerase chain reaction was studied on the level of a few molecules by observing the emergence of a non-zero crosscorrelation when a double-labelled piece of DNA was constructed [52]. The application of FCCS to membrane systems was further demonstrated by monitoring the association of a labelled IgE receptor with differently labelled raft domains [53]. More recently, FCCS has been applied to the endocytic pathway of living cells to study the passage of the cholera toxin along the endocytic pathway [54]. Another very new and exciting development that should be mentioned is the combination of FCS or FCCS and total internal reflection microscopy [55,56]. This approach makes use of the fact that incident laser light is almost totally reflected at the glass– water interface and only a very thin layer (, 100 nm) of the sample (i.e. the cell) is illuminated. The fluorescent light is then collected in the same way as in conventional FCS. This approach enables a reduction of the illuminated volume (i.e. the lateral resolution stays the same while the ‘height’ of the confocal volume is decreased approximately tenfold). With this promising approach, diffusion and reactions near to and on the plasma membrane can be studied with very high sensitivity, a technique perhaps ideally suited to explore lipid domains. Concluding remarks We hope that we have managed to highlight some important aspects of diffusion and explain why it is ARTICLE IN PRESS 6 Review TRENDS in Cell Biology important that we study it, as well as how we can access it experimentally. For cell biologists considering embarking on more-advanced imaging and the necessary data-fitting or modelling, it is worth pointing out that there are highly competent people in the fields of (bio)physics who already know a great deal. What is important for the cell biologist is to have some level of appreciation of the complexity involved. In turn, for (bio)physicists, cell biologists have a lot to offer in terms of formulating important questions that await the curious. Therefore, we hope that our article will help to stimulate cross-disciplinary work on fascinating problems in cell biology. Acknowledgements The MEMPHYS-Center for Biomembrane Physics is supported by the Danish National Research Foundation (M.W.). 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