Welding Instruction Manual For Local 597 Pipe Fitters’ Training Center Apprentice Welding Program Pipe Fitters’ Training Center Local Union 597 Chicago 10850 West 187th Street Mokena, IL 60448 Edition No. 1, Revision No. 2, March 29, 2013 Issued June 1, 2012 Manual Number 1 1 Table of Contents General A. Statement of Policy and Authority B. Organization Chart C. Terms & Abbreviations Section 1.0 Arc Initiation & Maintaining the Arc (SMAW) Section 2.0 Plate Welding (SMAW) Section 3.0 Pipe Welding: 1G 6” Sch 80 (SMAW) Section 4.0 Pipe Welding: Position Welds 6” Sch 80 (SMAW) Section 5.0 Pipe Welding: Position Welds 2” XXH (SMAW) Section 6.0 Introduction to GTAW Section 7.0 Pipe Welding: 1G 4” STD (GTAW) Section 8.0 Pipe Welding: Position Welds 4” STD (GTAW) Section 9.0 Pipe Welding: Position Welds 2” Sch 80 (GTAW) Section 10.0 Introduction to Stainless Steel (GTAW) Section 11.0 Introduction to Inconel (GTAW) Section 12.0 Introduction to Chromium (GTAW & SMAW) Section 13.0 Introduction to GMAW & FCAW Processes Section 14.0 Introduction to Stainless Steel & Inconel Covered Electrodes (SMAW) Section 15.0 Supplementary Documents Section 16.0 Errata/Addendum with Revision No. 2, March 29, 2013 2 Revision No. 1 A. Statement of Policy and Authority This Welding Instruction Manual has been established to assure compliance with the applicable training procedures and techniques that shall be taught by all welding staff personnel. This Welding Instruction Manual is intended to be used in the training of all apprentices and journeymen while being instructed at the Training Center. The responsibility and authority for implementation of this system has been assigned to David Hintz, Welding Coordinator for Local 597. The Lead Instructor has been given the authority and organizational freedom to identify quality control and teaching technique problems and to initiate, recommend and provide solutions. Problems that cannot be resolved by the Lead Instructor shall be brought to the Welding Director for final resolution based on standard welding techniques, practices and issues in consultation with the Assistant Coordinator and also the Training Coordinator. Changes or revisions to the manual shall be reviewed with, and have concurrence of, the Welding Director, Assistant Training Coordinator and the Training Coordinator prior to implementation. Training Coordinator Signature ______________________ Date ______________________ Title ______________________ 3 B. Organization Flow Chart: Pipe Fitters’ Training Center Local Union 597 Training Coordinator-­‐ John W. Leen Assistant Training Coordinator-­‐ Kevin Lakomiak Daily Operations Manager-­‐ Matt Majszak Welding Director-­‐ Dave Hintz Welding Staff (Full-­‐Time): Glen Burch (Authorized) Calvin Gordon (Authorized) Rick Hobson (Authorized Monte Kimes (Authorized) Mike Pelegrino (Authorized) Marc Randulich (Authorized) Jon Walker (Authorized) Welding Staff Mokena (Part-­‐Time): Bob Borgia Jonathan Neu Rob Carhart Joe Newren Jim Cebulski Dean Rapp Dan Neary Aaron Rose Joe Esposito Esteban Senesias Tyler Johnson Ted Slattery Paul Kadlec Randy Smith Pete Larou Kyle White Vince Macaluso Joel Zacarias Kevin Potter Dorjan Zoni Welding Staff Volo (Part-­‐Time) Dave Barthelt Franz Quidayan Richard Hering Andrew Schlabowske Arlan Nathan Edward Whalen 4 C. Terms & Abbreviations: ANSI American National Standards, Institute, Inc. ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers CODE ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel – Section IX API-­‐1104 GMAW Gas Metal Arc Welding GMAW-­‐S Gas Metal Arc Welding – Short Arc GTAW Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (TIG) MTR Material Test Reports or certificates of compliance as applicable NDE Non-­‐Destructive Examination PQR Procedure Qualification Record SMAW Shielded Metal Arc Welding WTS Welding Test Specifications Glossary of Terms – TBD if needed 5 Revision No. 1 Section 1 -­‐ Arc Initiation & Maintaining the Arc 1.1 Two Methods – tap or scratch 1.2 Start with 1/8” E6010 • Set amps at 100 • Lower amps as they become more comfortable • Continue to lower amperage until it becomes more difficult (40 amps) 1.3 As the student becomes proficient with striking the arc have them run short beads about 2-­‐3 inches Teaching Topics: Stress the importance of amperage and its effect on welding (see attached “Six Basic Fundamentals for SMAW”) Electrode angle, travel speed and arc length shall be demonstrated by the welding instructor Note: All students will be shown a “Welding Safety” Power Point and an “Introduction to Welding” Power Point prior to starting any hands-­‐on welding. 1st year apprentices will not be allowed to weld prior to their first assigned school day. All students will be given a copy of the “Weld Shop Rules & Regulations”. This hand-­‐out will be presented to them and once understood by all they will sign-­‐off for compliance. Dismissal from the Weld Shop shall be enforced for any infraction. All welding staff personnel have the authority to address any safety violation. All Power Points, hand-­‐outs, or any other documents that are being used for the Welding Program will be provided and found in the Section “Supplementary Documents”. 6 Revision No. 1 Section 1 – Padding Plate (E6010-­‐1/8”) [Running Stringers] 1.4 Whipping technique to be demonstrated on 6” scrap pipe • Maximum whip length will be 5/32” -­‐ 3/16” • Allow weld puddle to widen to 1.5 to 2 times the electrode diameter (amperage will vary per machine, range shall be 75 -­‐125) • Direction of travel will be toward the dominant hand (Right handed – left to right, Left handed – right to left) Teaching Topic: The use of the “drag” technique shall not be demonstrated for the E6010 electrode. The instructor should watch and stop “long whipping”. Demonstrate arc length and the differences between a short and long arc. Show variances in travel speed and electrode angles and their effects on the weld bead. References to this exercise can be found in Chapter 10 of the UA Oxy-­‐Fuel Cutting & Welding and SMAW Book that each apprentice has received during their Orientation. Refer to Exercise 3, page 191. Acceptance Criteria: Apprentice shall show proficiency throughout weldment prior to moving on to the next exercise. The instructor shall evaluate the width, build-­‐up and voids in between deposited weld metal. There shall be no undercutting, excessive spatter or poor appearance to the weld bead. Bead overlap and tie-­‐ins to adjacent bead shall be uniform, leaving no “hills or valleys” (lack of fusion). 7 Revision No. 1 Section 1 – Padding Plates (E7018-­‐1/8”) [Running Stringers] 1.5 Proper arc initiation using “Low-­‐Hydrogen Electrodes” • No long arcing • Start ¼” to ½” ahead of starting point and come back • Immediately after establishing the arc, lift the electrode up a short distance from the work and holding it there for a second or two, allow a few drops of molten steel to fall from the tip of the electrode. The arc will bring the tip of the electrode up to operating temperature quickly, enabling the core wire to burn up inside the flux coating and initiate the gassing effect of the flux. Then, when the electrode is lowered to the work, the weld will be properly shielded, and porosity will be minimized. Teaching Topic: Demonstrate amperage changes, travel speed and electrode angles. Allow to the student to see the differences in the weld bead. Show possible weld bead discontinuities on their weldments. References to this exercise can be found in Exercise 6, page 196 & Exercise 7, page 197-­‐201. Acceptance Criteria: Apprentice shall show proficiency throughout weldment prior to moving on to the next exercise. The instructor shall evaluate the width, build-­‐up and voids in between deposited weld metal. There shall be no undercutting, excessive spatter or poor appearance to the weld bead. Bead overlap and tie-­‐ins to adjacent bead shall be uniform, leaving no “hills or valleys” (lack of fusion). 8 Revision No. 1 Section 2 – Plate Welding (SMAW) 2.1 2F Horizontal T-­‐joint (2”x10”x3/8” plate) • Joint Set-­‐up will demonstrated by instructor o Use 3/32” gap rod to simulate “open root” on pipe • Each pass will be demonstrated by instructor o E6010 1/8” for the root (1) pass o E7018 3/32” for the hot (1) pass o E7018 3/32” for the fill (2) passes o E7018 3/32” for the cap (3) passes • Maximum whipping motion is 5/32” -­‐ 3/16” for the root • Hot pass shall be demonstrated with either a weave technique or stringer, no figure 8’s or elongated J-­‐hook weave • Fill pass shall be demonstrated with a stringer technique or slight oscillation • Cap pass shall be demonstrated with a stringer technique or slight oscillation Teaching Topic: Instructor needs to stress MAXIMUM whipping motion is 5/32” – 3/16” for the E6010 1/8” root technique. The “Introduction to Welding” presentation will provide a descriptive procedure for 2F and also 3F plate welding. The instructor will be able to view this presentation in Section 15 “Supplementary Documents”. In the UA SMAW book Exercise 10, Step 3, page 205 depicts a “whipping” diagram. Acceptance Criteria: The use of the I-­‐Pad for acceptance of welds starts at this step. End Prep will always be accepted on plate. The “Tack-­‐up/Fit-­‐up” will either be acceptable or rejectable based on the sample being “aligned” and with a proper gap. The inspection for the welding of the root through the cap will follow the columns on the I-­‐Pad. The root pass shall not exhibit any undercutting or lack of fusion between the plates or the weld deposit in front or behind it (skips or voids). Please review the “Acceptable and Unacceptable Fillet Weld Profiles” hand-­‐out found in Section 15 of this manual. In the event of an “acceptable” weldment on a Saturday (Tack-­‐up to cap), the instructor shall have two full-­‐ time (CWI & ATR) instructors evaluate the weld based on the “1st Year Welding Criteria” specification. At no time should anyone else measure, or say it “looks good to me”, only to have the sample rejected creating a confrontational situation. Once the sample is accepted then the student will move on to the next requirement. If the “acceptable” sample is done on a week night then it will be evaluated by the Night Time Inspector (full-­‐time [CWI & ATR] instructor). NOTE: The “Cap” shall be accepted on the I-­‐Pad only by full-­‐time (CWI & ATR) instructors. 9 Revision No. 1 Section 2 – Plate Welding (SMAW) 2.2 3F Vertical-­‐Up T-­‐Joint (2”x10”x3/8” plate) • Each pass will be demonstrated by the instructor o E6010 1/8” for the root (1) pass o E7018 3/32” for the hot (1) pass o E7018 3/32” for the fill (1) pass o E7018 3/32” for the cap (1) pass • Enforce maximum whipping length 5/32” to 3/16” for root pass o Watch student for pausing at the keyhole (holding too long or holding too little) o No drag technique for root pass • Hot pass – weave technique, forward progression uphill o Pause at the side just long enough to cover the entire root pass o Must fuse into the plates • Fill pass – weave technique past edge of the hot pass • Cap pass – weave technique past edge of the fill pass Teaching Topic: Pausing and the speed across the center of the weld, show excessive convexity and review the acceptable weld profile with the student. Acceptance Criteria: The use of the I-­‐Pad for acceptance of welds continues for the remainder of the apprentice welding program. End Prep will always be accepted on plate. The “Tack-­‐up/Fit-­‐up” will either be acceptable or rejectable based on the sample being “aligned” and with a proper gap. The inspection for the welding of the root through the cap will follow the columns on the I-­‐Pad. The root pass shall not exhibit any undercutting or lack of fusion between the plates or the weld deposit in front or behind it (skips or voids). Please review the “Acceptable and Unacceptable Fillet Weld Profiles” hand-­‐out found in Section 15 of this manual. In the event of an “acceptable” weldment on a Saturday (Tack-­‐up to cap), the instructor shall have two full-­‐ time (CWI & ATR) instructors evaluate the weld based on the “1st Year Welding Criteria” specification. At no time should anyone else measure, or say it “looks good to me”, only to have the sample rejected creating a confrontational situation. Once the sample is accepted then the student will move on to the next requirement. If the “acceptable” sample is done on a week night then it will be evaluated by the Night Time Inspector (full-­‐time [CWI & ATR] instructor). NOTE: The “Cap” shall be accepted on the I-­‐Pad only by full-­‐time (CWI & ATR) instructor. 10 Revision No. 1 Section 3 -­‐ Pipe Welding: 1G 6” Sch 80 (SMAW) 3.1 End Prep • Removal of dross from ID of pipe • Removal of scale on flame cut bevel without damaging the outer edge (file or grinder) • Shall be demonstrated by the instructor with a 9” grinder (all instructors shall demonstrate safe working habits) o Whole disc completely flat on pipe to create land o Portion of disc resting on pipe to create land o Remove burrs on ID of pipe prior to checking the land size • Land size shall be 1/8” o Use a 1/8” welding rod to identify the correct land size o Must conform to 1/8” prior to moving to next step o Use file to “fine” tune the land 3.2 Tack-­‐Up/Fit-­‐Up • Place 1st pipe coupon in the 2G position in pipe fixture • Use 1/8” welding rod to create 1/8” gap on 1st coupon • Place 2nd pipe coupon on top of 1st coupon • Maintain a 1/8” gap all around the joint • Use 1/8” E6010 to start tacking, explain that this step not only secures the pipe joint, but also allows the student to set the amperage based on “key hole” size • (4) equally spaced tacks are mandatory o Tack length shall be ½” o Fully penetrated, whether they are tying-­‐in or burning through Teaching Topics: Each step shall be demonstrated in groups, then individually to personalize instruction. Stress good work and travel angles while tacking. Key hole size shall be no larger than 3/16”. Acceptance Criteria: The maximum misalignment allowed is 1/16”. All four tacks shall show complete penetration and the gap shall not have any tight nor wide areas. Failure to do so will result in two outcomes, they are: either the student will have to cut it apart until it is correct, or the student will be allowed to continue but will fail the “Tack-­‐Up/Fit-­‐Up” hold point. If the sample is rejected at this time the sample will fail no matter what the other passes look like. 11 Revision No. 1 Section 3 -­‐ Pipe Welding: 1G 6” Sch 80 (SMAW) 3.3 Grinding Tacks (feathering tacks) • Heavy end of tack should be feathered edged without ruining the bevel or the land prior to the tacks • Key hole of tack shall also be feathered • Care shall be taken with the grinding disc to only make contact with the tack area • Grind one tack at a time if consuming tacks • Allowed to grind all four tacks at once if tying into tacks Teaching Topic: Care should be taken not to over grind, as this may cause the tacks to break and the joint to close up. Refer to Exercise 23, Step 6 for a descriptive drawing of the feathered tacks. Watch student while they grind and correct any bad techniques. Encourage them to purchase a 4” grinder with various sized discs for cutting and grinding. This is not a “hold” point or inspection point, just informative. 12 Revision No. 1 Section 3 -­‐ Pipe Welding: 1G 6” Sch 80 (SMAW) 3.4 Root Pass • Only two (2) techniques will be demonstrated and taught o Whip o Circle • No “Drag” technique will demonstrated or taught for the root pass • E6010 1/8” (Amperage Range: 75 – 125 DCEP) o Initiate the arc in the work area (bevels) and long arcing the rod is required prior to depositing metal o Proceed forward into keyhole • Electrode Angle o Plus or minus 5° to 10°, push to drag angle, from center line of pipe o Keep electrode perpendicular in the bevels to help avoid key holing of only one side • Key hole o Using an 1/8” electrode, the key hole size should be between 5/32” and 3/16” o Demonstrate welding the key hole o Amps and travel will be dictated by the key hole size • Penetration o Minimum acceptance criteria – flush with the ID o Maximum acceptance criteria – 1/8” past the ID • Grinding on the Root pass o Light grinding is recommended (making it all “shine”) may cause a possible burn-­‐ through on the hot pass. If this type of grinding is necessary, then this would indicate problems with the student’s welding technique and further instruction should follow. Acceptance Criteria: The root pass shall be free from excessive penetration, lack of penetration, lack of fusion between deposited weld ripples (voids/holes/under flushed craters) and undercut. Poor tie-­‐ins and double roots shall be rejected or repaired. The student shall be allowed one (1) attempt at a repair and visually inspected prior to starting the hot pass. The student should gain some proficiency with welding the roots prior to attempting any repairs. The instructor must limit the repair time to a minimum as this is counterproductive to the students’ progress. Use of a hammer and chisel to remove excessive penetration will never be allowed. The student will not be allowed to fix a root from the inside, all root repairs are from the outside only for all sizes, diameters and processes while at the Training Center. 13 Revision No. 1 Section 3 -­‐ Pipe Welding: 1G 6” Sch 80 (SMAW) 3.5 Hot Pass • E7018 3/32” (Amperage Range: 70 – 100 DCEP) o Initiate the arc in the work area o No long arcing, will cause porosity o Demonstrate starting ¼” to ½” ahead of starting point and come back • When tying into a stopping point, come back into half of the crater and continue • Width/Height o Weld the edges of the root pass to the bevels by weaving side to side with a forward progression o Hold the electrode at these points long enough to allow the arc force to dig into the bevels and tie-­‐in • One Pass for the Hot o Reiterate to student that this is the same as the 3F plate technique Teaching Topic: Grinding the root pass very deep and narrow will create problems for student on their hot pass; demonstrate good grinding techniques that will maintain the original bevel faces and opening without over grinding. Acceptance Criteria: Undercutting, porosity, slag inclusions, lack of fusion, poor tie-­‐ins and “crowning” or excessive convexity will be cause for rejection of the hot pass. Arc striking on the OD of the pipe within 2” of either side of the joint will not be tolerated. If the arc strike occurred while tacking the student should explain this to the instructor while it is being inspected during the tack-­‐up hold point. 14 Revision No. 1 Section 3 -­‐ Pipe Welding: 1G 6” Sch 80 (SMAW) 3.6 Fill Pass • E7018 1/8” (Amperage Range: 115 – 165) o Arc initiation and tie-­‐ins are the same as the hot pass o Stagger starts/stops to eliminate heavy spots and to avoid clusters of porosity Teaching Topic: The weld metal shall be 1/32” to 1/16” below flush with the outside surface. The weld metal should be “level”, without excessive convexity and concavity. If a grinder is needed to fix these problems the welder’s technique should be addressed. The welder must evaluate each pass to assure they are within tolerances. Acceptance Criteria: Undercutting, porosity, slag inclusions, lack of fusion, poor tie-­‐ins and “crowning” or excessive convexity will be cause for rejection of the fill pass. This criterion is for all positions: 2G, 5G, 6G and the 1G, including but not limited to all 6” and 2” pipe. 15 Revision No. 1 Section 3 -­‐ Pipe Welding: 1G 6” Sch 80 (SMAW) 3.7 Cap Pass • 1/8” E7018 (Amperage Range: 115 – 165) • Placement of half the electrode diameter over the edge of the bevels is recommended Acceptance Criteria: Weld reinforcement shall be flush (minimum) to 1/8” (maximum) above the outside surface. The weld shall not exceed 1/8” on either side of the joint (per the UA). Undercut is allowed up to 1/32” deep. Undercut indicates that the welder is depositing metal incorrectly. Repairs are allowed on the cap. The repairs must be 2”-­‐3” in length and must be re-­‐welded (for all diameters of pipe). Note: 2G or 6G: three (3) stringer beads are required for 6” and the 2” (bottom, middle & top). (3) Acceptable samples shall be required prior to testing. One full-­‐time welding instructor shall be required to accept or reject the final, overall weld on all samples throughout the student’s welding career at the Training Center, except for the samples being submitted to Mr. Hintz prior to a UA test, then two instructors shall be required to accept it. The proper paperwork shall be filled out and submitted to Mr. Hintz for his approval. 16 Revision No. 1 Section 4 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 6” Sch 80 (SMAW) 2G 6” Sch 80 4.1 End Prep • Refer to Section 3.1 of this manual 4.2 Tack-­‐up/Fit-­‐up • Refer to Section 3.1 of this manual Teaching Topics: All students will be given a demonstration on each “new” position. Most students progress quickly with the 2G. Reiterate that this is the same joint as their (7) pass 2F T-­‐joint. This is a “Hold Point”; do not allow the student to bypass any step. Acceptance Criteria: The maximum misalignment allowed is 1/16”. All four tacks shall show complete penetration and the gap shall not have any tight nor wide areas. Failure to do so will result in two outcomes, they are: either the student will have to cut it apart until it is correct, or the student will be allowed to continue but will fail the “Tack-­‐Up/Fit-­‐Up” hold point. If the sample is rejected at this time the sample will fail no matter what the other passes look like. 17 Revision No. 1 Section 4 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 6” Sch 80 (SMAW) 2G 6” Sch 80 4.3 Grinding Tacks (feathering tacks) • Refer to Section 3.3 of this manual Teaching Topic: The student shall be allowed to rotate the coupon in the fixture, rather than walk around it. This is a safety concern. Some students have wrapped their cords or cables around their legs and tripped. They will not be allowed to remove or flip the coupon once they start the root pass. All grinding will be done in place. The fixture shall not be allowed to change elevation (must stay at one height until complete). In order to inspect tacks or the root pass please show the student how to change from a 2G to a 5G to check the root. 18 Revision No. 1 Section 4 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 6” Sch 80 (SMAW) 2G 6” Sch 80 4.4 Root Pass • Whipping technique or circle technique shall be taught • E6010 1/8” (Amperage Range: 75 – 125 DCEP) • The key hole is to be 5/32”-­‐ 3/16” maximum • Penetration o Minimum acceptance criteria – flush with the ID o Maximum acceptance criteria – 1/8” past the ID • Grinding on the Root pass o Light grinding is recommended (making it all “shine”) may cause a possible burn-­‐through on the hot pass. If this type of grinding is necessary, then this would indicate problems with the student’s welding technique and further instruction should follow. Acceptance Criteria: The root pass shall be free from excessive penetration, lack of penetration, lack of fusion between deposited weld ripples (voids/holes/under flushed craters) and undercut. Poor tie-­‐ins and double roots shall be rejected or repaired. The student shall be allowed one (1) attempt at a repair and visually inspected prior to starting the hot pass. The student should gain some proficiency with welding the roots prior to attempting any repairs. The instructor must limit the repair time to a minimum as this is counterproductive to the students’ progress. 19 Revision No. 1 Section 4 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 6” Sch 80 (SMAW) 2G 6” Sch 80 4.5 Hot Pass • E7018 3/32” (Amperage Range 70-­‐100 DCEP) • Single pass • Technique o Stringer (drag) o Weave/oscillate • This is the same technique that was demonstrated on the 2F plate o lllll, lllll, wwwww , ______ Teaching Topic: No excessive motions, try to limit the amount of weld deposit. Over filling will not allow the fill passes to go in properly, causing the student to grind off welds. Acceptance Criteria: Undercutting, porosity, slag inclusions, lack of fusion, poor tie-­‐ins and “crowning” or excessive convexity will be cause for rejection of the hot pass. 20 Revision No. 1 Section 4 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 6” Sch 80 (SMAW) 2G 6” Sch 80 4.6 Fill Pass • (2) stringers are required • 1/8” E7018 will be used • Equal sized passes • This is the same as the 2F T-­‐joint Teaching Topic: Overfilling the joint and then grinding out the top or bottom 1/3rd of every pass shall not be demonstrated. Removal of slag or etching “lines” to see the joint shall be allowed, but not excessive, limit the practice to about 1/32”. The weld metal shall be 1/32” to 1/16” below flush with the outside surface. The weld metal should be “level”, without excessive convexity and concavity. If a grinder is needed to fix these problems the welder’s technique should be addressed. The welder must evaluate each pass to assure they are within tolerances. Acceptance Criteria: Undercutting, porosity, slag inclusions, lack of fusion, poor tie-­‐ins and “crowning” or excessive convexity will be cause for rejection of the fill pass. 21 Revision No. 1 Section 4 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 6” Sch 80 (SMAW) 2G 6” Sch 80 4.7 Cap Pass • 1/8” E7018 • (3) stringers are required • Equally sized passes Teaching Topic: Grinding shall be limited to “skimming” starts/stops, in order to check for porosity. Refer to Ch. 12 in the UA SMAW book for more details in regards to grinding. Acceptance Criteria: Weld reinforcement shall be flush (minimum) to 1/8” (maximum) above the outside surface. The weld shall not exceed 1/16” on either side of the joint (per the UA). Undercut is allowed up to 1/32” deep. Undercut indicates that the welder is depositing metal incorrectly. Repairs are allowed on the cap. The repairs must be 2”-­‐3” in length and must be re-­‐welded (for all diameters of pipe). Note: (2) Acceptable samples shall be required prior to advancing to the 5G position 22 Revision No. 1 Section 4 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 6” Sch 80 (SMAW) 5G 6” Sch 80 4.1a End Prep • Refer to Section 3.1 of this manual 4.2a Tack-­‐up/Fit-­‐up • Refer to Section 3.1 of this manual • This step is a “Hold Point” for the student Teaching Topic: All students will be given a demonstration on each “new” position. This joint is the same as the 1G, except the student is the one rolling. Relate this to the 3F T-­‐joint. No rotating to grind or change in height, once it is set in the fixture the student will mark the top and the coupon shall stay in a fixed position. Acceptance Criteria: The maximum misalignment allowed is 1/16”. All four tacks shall show complete penetration and the gap shall not have any tight nor wide areas. Failure to do so will result in two outcomes, they are: either the student will have to cut it apart until it is correct, or the student will be allowed to continue but will fail the “Tack-­‐Up/Fit-­‐Up” hold point. If the sample is rejected at this time the sample will fail no matter what the other passes look like. Notes: The welding progression is uphill. Welding shall start approximately at the 6 o’clock position, and then proceed to either 9 o’clock or 3 o’clock with the uphill progression. Downhill/Opposite direction shall be 1/2” maximum off of center. See letter that pertains to this topic in Section 15. 23 Revision No. 1 Section 4 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 6” Sch 80 (SMAW) 5G 6” Sch 80 4.3a Grinding Tacks (feathering tacks) • Refer to Section 3.3 of this manual Teaching Topic: The student will not be allowed to remove or flip the coupon once they start the root pass. All grinding will be done in place. The fixture shall not be allowed to change elevation (must stay at one height until complete). 24 Revision No. 1 Section 4 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 6” Sch 80 (SMAW) 5G 6” Sch 80 4.4a Root Pass • 1/8” E6010 (Amperage Range: 75 – 125 DCEP) • The keyhole is to be 5/32”-­‐3/16” maximum, using the same techniques stated earlier o Whipping o Circle • Penetration o Minimum acceptance criteria – flush with the ID o Maximum acceptance criteria – 1/8” past the ID • Grinding on the Root pass o Light grinding is recommended, remove “humps” and create an area that will enable proper welding technique on the hot pass. Stress the importance of maintaining the original bevel shape. Teaching Topic: Suggest that the student weld out on the bottom of the joint to familiarize themselves with this new position. Acceptance Criteria: The root pass shall be free from excessive penetration, lack of penetration, lack of fusion between deposited weld ripples (voids/holes/under flushed craters) and undercut. Poor tie-­‐ins and double roots shall be rejected or repaired. The student shall be allowed one (1) attempt at a repair and visually inspected prior to starting the hot pass. The student should gain some proficiency with welding the root pass prior to attempting any repairs. The instructor must limit the repair time to a minimum as this is counterproductive to the students’ progress. 25 Revision No. 1 Section 4 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 6” Sch 80 (SMAW) 5G 6” Sch 80 4.5a Hot Pass • E7018 3/32” (Amperage Range 70 – 100 DECP) • Single pass • Weave technique o Wide enough to cover the root pass o This should not fill out the remainder of the joint Teaching Topic: No excessive motions, try to limit the amount of weld deposit. Over filling will not allow the fill passes to go in properly, causing the student to grind off welds. Acceptance Criteria: Undercutting, porosity, slag inclusions, lack of fusion, poor tie-­‐ins and “crowning” or excessive convexity will be cause for rejection of the hot pass. 26 Revision No. 1 Section 4 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 6” Sch 80 (SMAW) 5G 6” Sch 80 4.6a Fill Pass • 1/8” E7018 (Amperage Range: 110 – 150 DCEP) • Weave technique, going wide enough to cover the hot pass • Single pass Teaching Topic: Overfilling the joint and then grinding out the weld pass shall not be demonstrated. The weld metal shall be 1/32” to 1/16” below flush with the outside surface. The weld metal should be “level”, without excessive convexity and concavity. If a grinder is needed to fix these problems the welder’s technique should be addressed. The welder must evaluate each pass to assure they are within tolerances. Acceptance Criteria: Undercutting, porosity, slag inclusions, lack of fusion, poor tie-­‐ins and “crowning” or excessive convexity will be cause for rejection of the fill pass. 27 Revision No. 1 Section 4 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 6” Sch 80 (SMAW) 5G 6” Sch 80 4.7a Cap Pass • 1/8” E7018 shall be used (Amperage Range: 110 -­‐150 DCEP) • Single pass, no split caps Teaching Topic: Grinding shall be limited to “skimming” starts/stops, in order to check for porosity. Refer to Ch. 12 in the UA SMAW book for more details in regards to grinding. Acceptance Criteria: Weld reinforcement shall be flush (minimum) to 1/8” (maximum) above the outside surface. The weld shall not exceed 1/16” on either side of the joint (per the UA). Undercut is allowed up to 1/32” deep. Undercut indicates that the welder is depositing metal incorrectly. Repairs are allowed on the cap. The repairs must be 2”-­‐3” in length and must be re-­‐welded (for all diameters of pipe and processes). Remind the students that the weld shall be left in the “as welded” condition; filing or grinding on the finished product shall be cause for rejection, just like a UA test. Note: (2) Acceptable samples shall be required prior to advancing to the 6G position 28 Revision No. 1 Section 4 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 6” Sch 80 (SMAW) 6G 6” Sch 80 4.1b End Prep • Refer to Section 3.1 of this manual 4.2b Tack-­‐up/Fit-­‐up • Refer to Section 3.1 of this manual • This step is a “Hold Point” for the student Teaching Topic: All students will be given a demonstration on each “new” position. This joint is the same as the 2F plate and also the 2G, except it is now on a 45° angle. No rotating to grind or change in height, once it is set in the fixture the student will mark the top and the coupon shall stay in a fixed position. Acceptance Criteria: The maximum misalignment allowed is 1/16”. All four tacks shall show complete penetration and the gap shall not have any tight nor wide areas. Failure to do so will result in two outcomes, they are: either the student will have to cut it apart until it is correct, or the student will be allowed to continue but will fail the “Tack-­‐Up/Fit-­‐Up” hold point. If the sample is rejected at this time the sample will fail no matter what the other passes look like. Notes: The welding progression is uphill. Welding shall start approximately at the 6 o’clock position, and then proceed to either 9 o’clock or 3 o’clock with the uphill progression. Downhill/Opposite direction shall be 1/2” maximum off of center. See letter that pertains to this topic in Section 15. 29 Revision No. 1 Section 4 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 6” Sch 80 (SMAW) 6G 6” Sch 80 4.3b Grinding Tacks (feathering tacks) • Refer to Section 3.3 of this manual Teaching Topic: The student will not be allowed to remove or flip the coupon once they start the root pass. All grinding will be done in place. The fixture shall not be allowed to change elevation (must stay at one height until complete). 30 Revision No. 1 Section 4 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 6” Sch 80 (SMAW) 6G 6” Sch 80 4.4b Root Pass • 1/8” E6010 (Amperage Range: 75 – 125 DCEP) • The keyhole is to be 5/32”-­‐3/16” maximum, using the same techniques stated earlier o Whipping o Circle • Penetration o Minimum acceptance criteria – flush with the ID o Maximum acceptance criteria – 1/8” past the ID • Grinding on the Root pass o Light grinding is recommended, remove “humps” and create an area that will enable proper welding technique on the hot pass. Stress the importance of maintaining the original bevel shape. Teaching Topic: Suggest that the student weld out on the bottom of the joint to familiarize themselves with this new position. Body and head placement are crucial in achieving a sound weld. Offer a different approach, such as kneeling as opposed to standing. Acceptance Criteria: The root pass shall be free from excessive penetration, lack of penetration, lack of fusion between deposited weld ripples (voids/holes/under flushed craters) and undercut. Poor tie-­‐ins and double roots shall be rejected or repaired. The student shall be allowed one (1) attempt at a repair and visually inspected prior to starting the hot pass. The student should gain some proficiency with welding the root pass prior to attempting any repairs. The instructor must limit the repair time to a minimum as this is counterproductive to the students’ progress. 31 Revision No. 1 Section 4 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 6” Sch 80 (SMAW) 6G 6” Sch 80 4.5b Hot Pass • E7018 3/32” (Amperage Range 70 – 100 DECP) • Single pass • Weave technique o Wide enough to cover the root pass o This should not fill out the remainder of the joint Teaching Topic: No excessive motions, try to limit the amount of weld deposit. Over filling will not allow the fill passes to go in properly, causing the student to grind off welds. Acceptance Criteria: Undercutting, porosity, slag inclusions, lack of fusion, poor tie-­‐ins and “crowning” or excessive convexity will be cause for rejection of the hot pass. 32 Revision No. 1 Section 4 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 6” Sch 80 (SMAW) 6G 6” Sch 80 4.6b Fill Pass • 1/8” E7018 (Amperage Range: 110 – 150 DCEP) • (2) Stringers are required • Equal sized passes • Prohibit large weaves and the use of a grinder to open joint or to remove perfectly good weld metal Teaching Topic: Overfilling the joint and then grinding out the weld pass shall not be demonstrated. The weld metal shall be 1/32” to 1/16” below flush with the outside surface. The weld metal should be “level”, without excessive convexity and concavity. If a grinder is needed to fix these problems the welder’s technique should be addressed. The welder must evaluate each pass to assure they are within tolerances. Acceptance Criteria: Undercutting, porosity, slag inclusions, lack of fusion, poor tie-­‐ins and “crowning” or excessive convexity will be cause for rejection of the fill pass. Over filling the joint (past flush) as well as “hills and valleys” shall also be cause for rejection. 33 Revision No. 1 Section 4 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 6” Sch 80 (SMAW) 6G 6” Sch 80 4.7b Cap Pass • 1/8” E7018 (Amperage Range 110 -­‐ 150 DCEP) • (3) stringers are required • Equally sized passes Teaching Topic: Grinding shall be limited to “skimming” starts/stops, in order to check for porosity. Refer to Ch. 12 in the UA SMAW book for more details in regards to grinding. Acceptance Criteria: Weld reinforcement shall be flush (minimum) to 1/8” (maximum) above the outside surface. The weld shall not exceed 1/16” on either side of the joint (per the UA). Undercut is allowed up to 1/32” deep. Undercut indicates that the welder is depositing metal incorrectly. Repairs are allowed on the cap. The repairs must be 2”-­‐3” in length and must be re-­‐welded (for all diameters of pipe). Note: (2) Acceptable samples shall be required prior to advancing to the 2G position on 2” XXH 34 Revision No. 1 Section 5 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 2” XXH (SMAW) 2G 2” XXH 5.1 End Prep • Refer to Section 3.1 of this manual 5.2 Tack-­‐up/Fit-­‐up • Refer to Section 3.1 of this manual Teaching Topic: No “bridge” tacks, or droplets of metal will be allowed for tack-­‐up. The student will be allowed to use a minimum of (3) tacks. The tacks shall be fully penetrated, no longer than 3/8” and placed at the 12, 3, 6, or 9 o’clock areas. Acceptance Criteria: This is a “Hold Point”; do not allow the student to bypass any step. The student will be allowed to rotate the coupon in the fixture rather than walk around it. The coupon will remain at one height through it’s’ entirety. The coupon can be placed in the 5G position to check the root pass. Remind the student that all grinding will take place in the 2G position. 5.3 Grinding Tacks (feathering tacks) • Refer to Section 3.3 of this manual 35 Revision No. 1 Section 5 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 2” XXH (SMAW) 2G 2” XXH 5.4 Root Pass • Whipping technique or circle technique shall be taught • E6010 1/8” (Amperage Range: 75 – 125 DCEP) • The key hole is to be 5/32”-­‐ 3/16” maximum • Penetration o Minimum acceptance criteria – flush with the ID o Maximum acceptance criteria – 1/8” past the ID • Grinding on the Root pass o Light grinding is recommended (making it all “shine”) may cause a possible burn-­‐through on the hot pass. If this type of grinding is necessary, then this would indicate problems with the student’s welding technique and further instruction should follow. Acceptance Criteria: The root pass shall be free from excessive penetration, lack of penetration, lack of fusion between deposited weld ripples (voids/holes/under flushed craters) and undercut. Poor tie-­‐ins and double roots shall be rejected or repaired. The student shall be allowed one (1) attempt at a repair and visually inspected prior to starting the hot pass. The student should gain some proficiency with welding the roots prior to attempting any repairs. The instructor must limit the repair time to a minimum as this is counterproductive to the students’ progress. 36 Revision No. 1 Section 5 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 2” XXH (SMAW) 2G 2” XXH 5.5 Hot Pass • E7018 3/32” (Amperage Range 70-­‐100 DCEP) • Single pass • Technique o Stringer (drag) o Weave/oscillate • This is the same technique that was demonstrated on the 2F plate o lllll, lllll, wwwww , ______ Teaching Topic: No excessive motions, try to limit the amount of weld deposit. Over filling will not allow the fill passes to go in properly, causing the student to grind off welds. Acceptance Criteria: Undercutting, porosity, slag inclusions, lack of fusion, poor tie-­‐ins and “crowning” or excessive convexity will be cause for rejection of the hot pass. 37 Revision No. 1 Section 5 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 2” XXH (SMAW) 2G 2” XXH 5.6 Fill Pass • (2) stringers are required • 3/32” E7018 will be used • Equal sized passes • This is the same as the 2F T-­‐joint Teaching Topic: Overfilling the joint and then grinding out the top or bottom 1/3rd of every pass shall not be demonstrated. Removal of slag or etching “lines” to see the joint shall be allowed, but not excessive, limit the practice to about 1/32”. The weld metal shall be 1/32” to 1/16” below flush with the outside surface. The weld metal should be “level”, without excessive convexity and concavity. If a grinder is needed to fix these problems the welder’s technique should be addressed. The welder must evaluate each pass to assure they are within tolerances. Acceptance Criteria: Undercutting, porosity, slag inclusions, lack of fusion, poor tie-­‐ins and “crowning” or excessive convexity will be cause for rejection of the fill pass. 38 Revision No. 1 Section 5 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 2” XXH (SMAW) 2G 2” XXH 5.7 Cap Pass • 3/32” E7018 • (3) stringers are required • Equally sized passes Teaching Topic: Grinding shall be limited to “skimming” starts/stops, in order to check for porosity. Refer to Ch. 12 in the UA SMAW book for more details in regards to grinding. Acceptance Criteria: Weld reinforcement shall be flush (minimum) to 1/8” (maximum) above the outside surface. The weld shall not exceed 1/16” on either side of the joint (per the UA). Undercut is allowed up to 1/32” deep. Undercut indicates that the welder is depositing metal incorrectly. Repairs are allowed on the cap. The repairs must be 2”-­‐3” in length and must be re-­‐welded (for all diameters of pipe). Note: (2) Acceptable samples shall be required prior to advancing to the 5G position 39 Revision No. 1 Section 5 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 2” XXH (SMAW) 5G 2” XXH 5.1a End Prep • Refer to Section 3.1 of this manual 5.2a Tack-­‐up/Fit-­‐up • Refer to Section 3.1 of this manual • This step is a “Hold Point” for the student Teaching Topic: All students will be given a demonstration on each “new” position. No rotating to grind or change in height, once it is set in the fixture the student will mark the top and the coupon shall stay in a fixed position. Students are allowed to use (3) or (4) tacks. Acceptance Criteria: The maximum misalignment allowed is 1/16”. All tacks shall show complete penetration and the gap shall not have any tight nor wide areas. Failure to do so will result in two outcomes, they are: either the student will have to cut it apart until it is correct, or the student will be allowed to continue but will fail the “Tack-­‐ Up/Fit-­‐Up” hold point. If the sample is rejected at this time the sample will fail no matter what the other passes look like. Notes: The welding progression is uphill. Welding shall start approximately at the 6 o’clock position, and then proceed to either 9 o’clock or 3 o’clock with the uphill progression. Downhill/Opposite direction shall be 1/2” maximum off of center. See letter that pertains to this topic in Section 15. 5.3a Grinding Tacks (feathering tacks) • Refer to Section 3.3 of this manual Teaching Topic: The student will not be allowed to remove or flip the coupon once they start the root pass. All grinding will be done in place. The fixture shall not be allowed to change elevation (must stay at one height until complete). 40 Revision No. 1 Section 5 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 2” XXH (SMAW) 5G 2” XXH 5.4a Root Pass • 1/8” E6010 (Amperage Range: 75 – 125 DCEP) • The keyhole is to be 5/32”-­‐3/16” maximum, using the same techniques stated earlier o Whipping o Circle • Penetration o Minimum acceptance criteria – flush with the ID o Maximum acceptance criteria – 1/8” past the ID • Grinding on the Root pass o Light grinding is recommended, remove “humps” and create an area that will enable proper welding technique on the hot pass. Stress the importance of maintaining the original bevel shape. Teaching Topic: Suggest that the student adjust amperage to familiarize themselves with this new position during the welding of the root pass. Go back to the basics; remind them about the length of whipping motion. The student does not have to use one electrode to go from bottom to top. The student should stop welding as needed to maintain correct technique. Acceptance Criteria: The root pass shall be free from excessive penetration, lack of penetration, lack of fusion between deposited weld ripples (voids/holes/under flushed craters) and undercut. Poor tie-­‐ins and double roots shall be rejected or repaired. The student shall be allowed one (1) attempt at a repair and visually inspected prior to starting the hot pass. The student should gain some proficiency with welding the root pass prior to attempting any repairs. The instructor must limit the repair time to a minimum as this is counterproductive to the students’ progress. 41 Revision No. 1 Section 5 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 2” XXH (SMAW) 5G 2” XXH 5.5a Hot Pass • E7018 3/32” (Amperage Range 70 – 100 DECP) • Single pass • Weave technique o Wide enough to cover the root pass o This should not fill out the remainder of the joint Teaching Topic: No excessive motions, try to limit the amount of weld deposit. Over filling will not allow the fill pass to go in properly, causing the student to grind off welds. Acceptance Criteria: Undercutting, porosity, slag inclusions, lack of fusion, poor tie-­‐ins and “crowning” or excessive convexity will be cause for rejection of the hot pass. 42 Revision No. 1 Section 5 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 2” XXH (SMAW) 5G 2” XXH 5.6a Fill Pass • 3/32” E7018 • Weave technique, going wide enough to cover the hot pass • Single pass, due to the amount of grinding a student may need an extra fill pass to “flush” out joint, this is permissible Teaching Topic: Overfilling the joint and then grinding out the weld pass shall not be demonstrated. The weld metal shall be 1/32” to 1/16” below flush with the outside surface. The weld metal should be “level”, without excessive convexity and concavity. If a grinder is needed to fix these problems the welder’s technique should be addressed. The welder must evaluate each pass to assure they are within tolerances. Acceptance Criteria: Undercutting, porosity, slag inclusions, lack of fusion, poor tie-­‐ins and “crowning” or excessive convexity will be cause for rejection of the fill pass. 43 Revision No. 1 Section 5 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 2” XXH (SMAW) 5G 2” XXH 5.7a Cap Pass • 3/32” E7018 shall be used • Single pass, no split caps Teaching Topic: Grinding shall be limited to “skimming” starts/stops, in order to check for porosity. Refer to Ch. 12 in the UA SMAW book for more details in regards to grinding. Acceptance Criteria: Weld reinforcement shall be flush (minimum) to 1/8” (maximum) above the outside surface. The weld shall not exceed 1/16” on either side of the joint (per the UA). Undercut is allowed up to 1/32” deep. Undercut indicates that the welder is depositing metal incorrectly. Repairs are allowed on the cap. The repairs must be 2”-­‐3” in length and must be re-­‐welded (for all diameters of pipe and processes). Remind the students that the weld shall be left in the “as welded” condition; filing or grinding on the finished product shall be cause for rejection, just like a UA test. Note: (4) Acceptable samples shall be required prior to advancing to the 6G position 44 Revision No. 1 Section 5 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 2” XXH (SMAW) 6G 2” XXH 5.1b End Prep • Refer to Section 3.1 of this manual 5.2b Tack-­‐up/Fit-­‐up • Refer to Section 3.1 of this manual • This step is a “Hold Point” for the student Teaching Topic: All students will be given a demonstration on each “new” position. This joint is the same as the 2F plate and also the 2G, except it is now on a 45° angle. No rotating to grind or change in height, once it is set in the fixture the student will mark the top and the coupon shall stay in a fixed position. Acceptance Criteria: The maximum misalignment allowed is 1/16”. All tacks shall show complete penetration and the gap shall not have any tight nor wide areas. Failure to do so will result in two outcomes, they are: either the student will have to cut it apart until it is correct, or the student will be allowed to continue but will fail the “Tack-­‐ Up/Fit-­‐Up” hold point. If the sample is rejected at this time the sample will fail no matter what the other passes look like. Notes: The welding progression is uphill. Welding shall start approximately at the 6 o’clock position, and then proceed to either 9 o’clock or 3 o’clock with the uphill progression. Downhill/Opposite direction shall be 1/2” maximum off of center. See letter that pertains to this topic in Section 15. 45 Revision No. 1 Section 5 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 2”XXH (SMAW) 6G 2”XXH 5.3b Grinding Tacks (feathering tacks) • Refer to Section 3.3 of this manual Teaching Topic: The student will not be allowed to remove or flip the coupon once they start the root pass. All grinding will be done in place. The fixture shall not be allowed to change elevation (must stay at one height until complete). 46 Revision No. 1 Section 5 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 2” XXH (SMAW) 6G 2” XXH 5.4b Root Pass • 1/8” E6010 (Amperage Range: 75 – 125 DCEP) • The keyhole is to be 5/32”-­‐3/16” maximum, using the same techniques stated earlier o Whipping o Circle • Penetration o Minimum acceptance criteria – flush with the ID o Maximum acceptance criteria – 1/8” past the ID • Grinding on the Root pass o Light grinding is recommended, remove “humps” and create an area that will enable proper welding technique on the hot pass. Stress the importance of maintaining the original bevel shape. Teaching Topic: Body and head placement are crucial in achieving a sound weld. Offer a different approach, such as kneeling as opposed to standing. Acceptance Criteria: The root pass shall be free from excessive penetration, lack of penetration, lack of fusion between deposited weld ripples (voids/holes/under flushed craters) and undercut. Poor tie-­‐ins and double roots shall be rejected or repaired. The student shall be allowed one (1) attempt at a repair and visually inspected prior to starting the hot pass. The student should gain some proficiency with welding the root pass prior to attempting any repairs. The instructor must limit the repair time to a minimum as this is counterproductive to the students’ progress. 47 Revision No. 1 Section 5 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 2” XXH (SMAW) 6G 2” XXH 5.5b Hot Pass • E7018 3/32” (Amperage Range 70 – 100 DECP) • Single pass • Weave technique o Wide enough to cover the root pass o This should not fill out the remainder of the joint Teaching Topic: No excessive motions, try to limit the amount of weld deposit. Over filling will not allow the fill passes to go in properly, causing the student to grind off welds. Acceptance Criteria: Undercutting, porosity, slag inclusions, lack of fusion, poor tie-­‐ins and “crowning” or excessive convexity will be cause for rejection of the hot pass. 48 Revision No. 1 Section 5 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 2” XXH (SMAW) 6G 2” XXH 5.6b Fill Pass • 3/32” E7018 • (2) Stringers are required • Equal sized passes • Prohibit large weaves and the use of a grinder to open joint or to remove perfectly good weld metal Teaching Topic: Overfilling the joint and then grinding out the weld pass shall not be demonstrated. The weld metal shall be 1/32” to 1/16” below flush with the outside surface. The weld metal should be “level”, without excessive convexity and concavity. If a grinder is needed to fix these problems the welder’s technique should be addressed. The welder must evaluate each pass to assure they are within tolerances. Acceptance Criteria: Undercutting, porosity, slag inclusions, lack of fusion, poor tie-­‐ins and “crowning” or excessive convexity will be cause for rejection of the fill pass. Over filling the joint (past flush) as well as “hills and valleys” shall also be cause for rejection. 49 Revision No. 1 Section 5 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 2” XXH (SMAW) 6G 2” XXH 5.7b Cap Pass • 3/32” E7018 • (3) stringers are required • Equally sized passes Teaching Topic: Grinding shall be limited to “skimming” starts/stops, in order to check for porosity. Refer to Ch. 12 in the UA SMAW book for more details in regards to grinding. Acceptance Criteria: Weld reinforcement shall be flush (minimum) to 1/8” (maximum) above the outside surface. The weld shall not exceed 1/16” on either side of the joint (per the UA). Undercut is allowed up to 1/32” deep. Undercut indicates that the welder is depositing metal incorrectly. Repairs are allowed on the cap. The repairs must be 2”-­‐3” in length and must be re-­‐welded (for all diameters of pipe). All samples that are to be turned in for approval by Mr. Hintz shall be free from any repairs, whether it is the root pass or the cap pass. Checking of the root pass after the hot pass goes in shall not be allowed. The UA testing procedure does not accept this practice. Note: th (4) Acceptable samples shall be required prior to testing. The 4 sample shall be turned in for Mr. Hintz’s approval before the student tests. A “Request to Test” form shall be generated and signed by two instructors, one of which will be a full-­‐time, ATR and CWI. 50 Revision No. 1 Section 6 -­‐ Introduction to GTAW 6.1 The Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Process/Getting Started • All students shall be issued a “TIG Kit” from the Training Center • The items that have been provided shall be used for all training purposes while practicing for the UA 15 and the UA 41 • The “TIG Kit” includes the following items: o Weld Craft Torch WP-­‐17V, with coupler and 10ft Argon Hose o (3) Pieces of 1/8”-­‐ 2% Thoriated Tungsten (unsharpened) o (1) # 4 Ceramic Cup o (1) # 6 Ceramic Cup o (1) # 8 Ceramic Cup o (1) Pin vise o (1) Long Tail Cap o (1) 1/8” Collet Body/Holder o (1) 1/8” Collet o (1) Klein Bag o (1) Klein Side Cutter • The use of non-­‐issued items shall not be used for training until the student advances past the UA 41. Welding practices done outside of the Training Center shall remain outside of the Training Center. Teaching Topic: The instructor shall provide an explanation of the GTAW process. Demonstration of machine set-­‐up along with the assembly of the torch shall be done with each student on an individual basis. Stress the difference in the polarity that will be used on the GTAW process, DCSP as opposed to DCRP. All couplings and threaded attachments shall be tightened with an adjustable wrench rather than a pair of “channel locks”. Suggest purchasing a couple of adjustable wrenches. nd All 2 Year apprentices will be shown a Power Point regarding “GTAW Basics” by Lincoln Electric prior to rd starting their 3 Year. Refer to Section 15 of this manual to view this presentation. 51 Revision No. 1 Section 6 -­‐ Introduction to GTAW 6.2 Practical Understanding of the GTAW Process/Preparation • Practice shall start on 6” scrap from the dumpster o Removal of the coating Grind off coating using a grinder Clean the pipe, leaving the weld intact • Torch Set-­‐up o Use adjustable wrenches for all threaded connections o Check all connections for leaks • Argon o Argon flow should be set at 20-­‐25cfm for adequate coverage in the shop (depending on other variables at the time of welding, i.e. drafts or excessive air movement) • Sharpening of Tungsten(2% Thoriated 1/8” shall be used for all GTAW) o Pedestal Grinders shall be used – NEVER sharpen with a hand grinder o Taper approximately 2-­‐3 times the diameter of the tungsten o Sharpen so striations are lengthwise, not winding or rotational around the tungsten; refer to Section 15 for more information by viewing the hand-­‐out from “Arc Zone”. o Encourage the use of the whole face of the grinding wheel on the pedestal grinder • Sharpening of Tungsten Safety o Clear safety glasses shall be worn at all times o Gloves should be avoided near rotational equipment o Face shields shall be worn (at all times) over the safety glasses while grinding o The use of a drill to sharpen the tungsten is allowed and may also be a safer alternative to using the pin vise NOTE: The Instructor shall demonstrate all safe working practices while demonstrating any procedure in the shop! 6.3 Practical Understanding of the GTAW Process/Method and Technique • Use wrap-­‐around to trace lines on the outer diameter of the pipe, this will become their “guide” • Practice arc initiation by using the scratch method • Practice “walking the cup” without the machine turned “on” following the “guide” lines o once proficiency has been achieved then advance the student to the next step • Practice “walking the cup” without filler wire while the machine is “on” • The instructor shall assess the quality of work o Once proficiency has been achieved then advance the student to the next step • Practice “walking the cup” with 1/8” filler wire (ER70S-­‐2) • The student shall be instructed to use the #4, #6 and the #8 cups while walking over the wire o Once proficient at this task the student shall start welding on 4” pipe Teaching Topic: The instructor shall demonstrate all steps listed in Section 6. The width of the walking motion will vary with each cup size, varying amps and speed should be demonstrated prior to moving on to 4” pipe. Please keep in mind 52 that the torches are rated for 150 amps, if the student burns-­‐up their torch they will purchase a new one from the Training Center (price to be determined by the rate of our supplier). Please refer student to the UA Weld Test Specification Binder for more details in regards to the test they are working on. The UA 15 gives an amperage range of 75-­‐165 for 1/8” filler wire. Revision No. 1 Section 7-­‐ Pipe Welding: 1G 4” STD (GTAW) 7.1 End Prep • Clean back on ID and OD of 4” pipe using pencil grinder o Booth 107 is designated for prepping coupons • Bevels should stay intact, unless a land is present, then remove the land 7.2 Tack-­‐up/Fit-­‐up • Use 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 for the gap rod • Tack-­‐up o Place in the fixture and tack in the 2G position o Place in the angle iron on the table and tack in the 1G position o Free hand or walking can be utilized • Use 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 for the consumable filler metal on the tacks • All tacks shall be equally spaced around the joint, (4) tacks are required • All tacks should be approximately ½” long • No bridge tacks or droplets of metal shall be accepted for this “Hold Point” • All tacks shall be fully penetrated and the gap should be approximately 1/8” wide o The 1/8” filler metal should not drop through, nor should the bottom of the wire rest completely on top of the joint o Protrusion of filler metal prior to welding should be noted 7.3 Grinding Tacks (feathering tacks) • Feathering can be accomplished by use of: o File o Grinder • Care shall be taken to remove weld metal only and not contacting the bevel face • Grind one tack at a time if consuming tacks • Grind all 4 tacks if tying into them by creating a ramp-­‐like area Teaching Topic: End Prep and Fit-­‐Up is a hold point and also an inspection point on the I-­‐Pad. Do not allow the student to advance until these steps have been followed correctly. Remind the student that over grinding may create other problems while welding, such as: joint to close up, or excessive penetration approaching and leaving tack. If the student does not have a 4” grinder at this time, then encourage them to purchase one. Feel free to have the student cut apart their coupon if it is not done correctly and reassemble it the right way. 53 Revision No. 1 Section 7-­‐ Pipe Welding: 1G 4” STD (GTAW) 7.4 Root Pass • Students shall be instructed to use the #4 ceramic cup for the root pass o Maximum tungsten stick-­‐out shall be approximately 1/8” past the end of the cup o Maximum Argon shall be 35cfm (20-­‐25cfm provides sufficient coverage in the shop) • Filler Metal o 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 shall be used for the root (as well as the remainder of the joint) o Amperage Range for 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 specifies 75 -­‐ 165(per UA 15) • Technique o Use a side to side motion past the edge of the filler wire o We will instruct the student to use a wash over method o No “dip transfer” o No free handing • Penetration o Minimum – flush with the ID o Maximum – 3/32” past the ID Teaching Topic: Demonstrate changes in amperage (up and down) to show penetration and fusion issues. Show the angle of the torch in relationship to the filler metal and the joint, discussing the “balling up” of filler wire and keyholing of joint. Demonstrate variances in travel speed and discuss the differences between the two. Acceptance Criteria: The root pass shall be inspected on the ID and the OD to ensure proper welding techniques have been used. Lack of fusion at the bevel face shall be cause for rejection. Review possible causes of the defects. Grinding and filing should be limited to tacks and cleaning, not grinding the whole root until it shines to remove lack of fusion. The student should gain some proficiency with welding the roots prior to attempting any repairs. Welds can be acceptable after repairs have been made, but if all tie-­‐ins need to be fixed then teaching better techniques should employed rather than “piecing” the root in. 54 Revision No. 1 Section 7-­‐ Pipe Welding: 1G 4” STD (GTAW) 7.5 Hot Pass • The student shall be instructed to use a # 6 ceramic cup o Tungsten stick out shall be no further than the ID of the ceramic cup o Tungsten stick out should not have any unground areas protruding beyond the cup • Filler Metal o 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 shall be used for the hot pass o Amperage Range for 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 specifies 75 -­‐ 165(per UA 15), torch is only rated to 150 amps • Technique o The weave pattern shall be wide enough to cover the root pass o Walking over the wire shall be shown o One pass Teaching Topic: Stress the importance of good fusion at the bevel face with a flat appearance, remind the student to remove the “glass-­‐like” material prior to welding the next pass. Acceptance Criteria: No lack of fusion, undercut, or suckback shall be allowed. Travel speed and amperage need to be high enough not to burn up the root pass. 55 Revision No. 1 Section 7-­‐ Pipe Welding: 1G 4” STD (GTAW) 7.6 Fill Pass • The student shall be instructed to use a # 6 or #8 ceramic cup o Tungsten stick out shall be no further than the ID of the ceramic cup o Tungsten stick out should not have any unground areas protruding beyond the cup • Filler Metal o 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 shall be used for the fill pass o Amperage Range for 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 specifies 75 -­‐ 165(per UA 15), torch is only rated to 150 amps • Technique o The weave pattern shall be wide enough to cover the hot pass o Walking over the wire shall be shown o Fill joint to flush or slightly below flush Teaching Topic: If joint is not filled enough, allow an extra pass prior to capping. Etching “lines” should be avoided. Refer to “Hand-­‐out” in Section 15 for more details. Stress importance of cleaning in between passes and allowing the pipe to cool down without quenching in water. Suggest sharpening tungsten in between passes or cutting wire for the subsequent pass. Avoid resting the fume extractor on the sample. The practice of cleaning the coating off of the filler wire will not be demonstrated. Acceptance Criteria: Voids in between the weave pattern, lack of fusion, undercut, porosity or any other defect shall not be accepted. Visual examination as described in ASME Section, QW-­‐194 is used to determine that the final weld surfaces meet specified quality standards. Each pass shall be considered a “final” weld surface. 56 Revision No. 1 Section 7-­‐ Pipe Welding: 1G 4” STD (GTAW) 7.7 Cap Pass • The student shall be instructed to use a # 8 ceramic cup • Filler Metal o 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 shall be used for the cap pass o Amperage Range for 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 specifies 75 -­‐ 165(per UA 15), torch is only rated to 150 amps • Technique o The weave pattern shall be wide enough to cover the fill pass, ensuring that the weld metal has been carried wide enough to cover the edges of the joint o Walking over the wire shall be applied • Reinforcement o The cap pass shall be minimum flush to outer surface o The cap pass shall be maximum 1/8” past the outer surface o Weld bead should not be wider than 1/16” on either side of joint Acceptance Criteria: Discontinuities such as lack of fusion, undercut (past 1/32”) porosity, underfill or any other item listed on the welder tracking sheet shall not be accepted. Use a V-­‐Wac gage to determine underfill, undercut or excessive height reinforcement. All roots passes shall be visually inspected one more time. If the root pass has been “suck backed” then the weld shall not be acceptable any longer and the cap pass will be marked as “rejected” on the I-­‐ Pad. Note: (2) Acceptable samples shall be required prior to advancing to the 2G position 57 Revision No. 1 Section 8 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 4” STD (GTAW) 2G 4” STD 8.1 End Prep • Refer to Section 7.1 of this manual 8.2 Tack-­‐up/Fit-­‐up • Refer to Section 7.2 of this manual 8.3 Grinding Tacks (feathering tacks) • Refer to Section 7.3 of this manual Teaching Topic: End Prep and Fit-­‐Up is a hold point and also an inspection point on the I-­‐Pad. Do not allow the student to advance until these steps have been followed correctly. Remind the student that over grinding may create other problems while welding, such as: joint to close up, or excessive penetration approaching and leaving tack. Feel free to have the student cut apart their coupon if it is not done correctly and reassemble it the right way. 58 Revision No. 1 Section 8 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 4” STD (GTAW) 2G 4” STD 8.4 Root Pass • Students shall be instructed to use the #4 ceramic cup for the root pass o Maximum tungsten stick-­‐out shall be approximately 1/8” past the end of the cup o Maximum Argon shall be 35cfm (20-­‐25cfm provides sufficient coverage in the shop) • Filler Metal o 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 shall be used for the root (as well as the remainder of the joint) o Amperage Range for 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 shall be 75 -­‐ 150 • Technique o Use a side to side motion past the edge of the filler wire o We will instruct the student to use a wash over method o No “dip transfer” o No free handing • Penetration o Minimum – flush with the ID o Maximum – 3/32” past the ID Teaching Topic: Demonstrate changes in amperage (up and down) to show penetration and fusion issues. Show the angle of the torch in relationship to the filler metal and the joint, discussing the “balling up” of filler wire and keyholing of joint. Demonstrate variances in travel speed and discuss the differences between the two. Offer suggestions on the height of the coupon and head/body placement. This weld may be rotated in the fixture rather than walking around it. There shall be no change in height once the welding has started. Acceptance Criteria: The root pass shall be inspected on the ID and the OD to ensure proper welding techniques have been used. Lack of fusion at the bevel face shall be cause for rejection. Review possible causes of the defects. Grinding and filing should be limited to tacks and cleaning, not grinding the whole root until it shines to remove lack of fusion. The student should gain some proficiency with welding the roots prior to attempting any repairs. Welds can be acceptable after repairs have been made, but if all tie-­‐ins need to be fixed then teaching better techniques should employed rather than “piecing” the root in. 59 Revision No. 1 Section 8 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 4” STD (GTAW) 2G 4” STD 8.5 Hot Pass • The student shall be instructed to use a # 6 ceramic cup • Filler Metal o 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 shall be used for the hot pass o Amperage Range for 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 shall be 75 -­‐ 150 • Technique o The weave pattern shall be wide enough to cover the root pass o Walking over the wire shall be shown o One pass Teaching Topic: Stress the importance of good fusion at the bevel face with a flat appearance, remind the student to remove the “glass-­‐like” material prior to welding the next pass. Wire brushing in between passes is highly recommended. Acceptance Criteria: No lack of fusion, undercut, or suckback shall be allowed. Travel speed and amperage need to be high enough not to burn up the root pass. 60 Revision No. 1 Section 8 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 4” STD (GTAW) 2G 4” STD 8.6 Fill Pass • The student shall be instructed to use a # 6 or #8 ceramic cup • Filler Metal o 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 shall be used for the fill pass o Amperage Range for 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 shall be 75 -­‐ 150 • Technique o The weave pattern shall be wide enough to cover the hot pass o Walking over the wire shall be shown o Fill joint to flush or slightly below flush o One pass is required Teaching Topic: Etching “lines” should be avoided. Refer to “Hand-­‐out” in Section 15 for more details. Stress importance of cleaning in between passes and allowing the pipe to cool down without quenching in water. Acceptance Criteria: Voids in between the weave pattern, lack of fusion, undercut, porosity or any other defect shall not be accepted. 61 Revision No. 1 Section 8 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 4” STD (GTAW) 2G 4” STD 8.7 Cap Pass • The student shall be instructed to use a # 8 ceramic cup • Filler Metal o 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 shall be used for the cap pass o Amperage Range for 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 shall be 75 -­‐ 150 • Technique o Walking over the wire shall be applied o (2) passes are required o The instructor shall demonstrate proper placement of the filler wire and of the weld beads • Reinforcement o The cap pass shall be minimum flush to outer surface o The cap pass shall be maximum 1/8” past the outer surface o Weld bead should not be wider than 1/16” on either side of joint Acceptance Criteria: Discontinuities such as lack of fusion, undercut (past 1/32”) porosity, underfill or any other item listed on the welder tracking sheet shall not be accepted. Use a V-­‐Wac gage to determine underfill, undercut or excessive height reinforcement. All roots passes shall be visually inspected one more time. If the root pass has been “suck backed” then the weld shall not be acceptable any longer and the cap pass will be marked as “rejected” on the I-­‐ Pad. Note: (2) Acceptable samples shall be required prior to advancing to the 5G position 62 Revision No. 1 Section 8 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 4” STD (GTAW) 5G 4” STD 8.1a End Prep • Refer to Section 7.1 of this manual 8.2a Tack-­‐up/Fit-­‐up • Refer to Section 7.2 of this manual 8.3a Grinding Tacks (feathering tacks) • Refer to Section 7.3 of this manual Teaching Topic: End Prep and Fit-­‐Up is a hold point and also an inspection point on the I-­‐Pad. Do not allow the student to advance until these steps have been followed correctly. 63 Revision No. 1 Section 8 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 4” STD (GTAW) 5G 4” STD 8.4a Root Pass • Students shall be instructed to use the #4 ceramic cup for the root pass o Maximum tungsten stick-­‐out shall be approximately 1/8” past the end of the cup o Maximum Argon shall be 35cfm (20-­‐25cfm provides sufficient coverage in the shop) • Filler Metal o 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 shall be used for the root (as well as the remainder of the joint) o Amperage Range for 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 shall be 75 -­‐ 150 • Technique o Use a side to side motion past the edge of the filler wire o We will instruct the student to use a wash over method o No “dip transfer” o No free handing • Penetration o Minimum – flush with the ID o Maximum – 3/32” past the ID Teaching Topic: Show the angle of the torch in relationship to the filler metal and the joint, discussing the “balling up” of filler wire and keyholing of joint. The use of a flashlight to show where the arc is generated in relation to the filler and the joint could be a useful illustration by using the angle iron on the table as the “joint”. Offer suggestions on the height of the coupon and head/body placement. This weld shall remain in the fixture without any rotating. There shall be no change in height once the welding has started. Progression shall be from bottom of pipe to the top in an uphill fashion. The top of the coupon should be marked in some manner to show top of pipe. Acceptance Criteria: The root pass shall be inspected on the ID and the OD. Lack of fusion at the bevel face shall be cause for rejection. Review possible causes of the defects. Grinding and filing should be limited to a minimum. The student should gain some proficiency with welding the roots prior to attempting any repairs. 64 Revision No. 1 Section 8 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 4” STD (GTAW) 5G 4” STD 8.5a Hot Pass • The student shall be instructed to use a # 6 ceramic cup • Filler Metal o 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 shall be used for the hot pass o Amperage Range for 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 shall be 75 -­‐ 150 • Technique o The weave pattern shall be wide enough to cover the root pass o Walking over the wire shall be shown o One pass Teaching Topic: Stress the importance of good fusion at the bevel face with a flat appearance, remind the student to remove the “glass-­‐like” material prior to welding the next pass. Wire brushing in between passes is highly recommended. Acceptance Criteria: No lack of fusion, undercut, or suckback shall be allowed. Travel speed and amperage need to be high enough not to burn up the root pass. 65 Revision No. 1 Section 8 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 4” STD (GTAW) 5G 4” STD 8.6a Fill Pass • The student shall be instructed to use a # 6 or #8 ceramic cup • Filler Metal o 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 shall be used for the fill pass o Amperage Range for 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 shall be 75 -­‐ 150 • Technique o The weave pattern shall be wide enough to cover the hot pass o Walking over the wire shall be shown o Fill joint to flush or slightly below flush o One pass is required Teaching Topic: Etching “lines” should be avoided. Refer to “Hand-­‐out” in Section 15 for more details. Stress importance of cleaning in between passes and allowing the pipe to cool down without quenching in water. Acceptance Criteria: Voids in between the weave pattern, lack of fusion, undercut, porosity or any other defect shall not be accepted. 66 Revision No. 1 Section 8 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 4” STD (GTAW) 5G 4” STD 8.7a Cap Pass • The student shall be instructed to use a # 8 ceramic cup • Filler Metal o 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 shall be used for the cap pass o Amperage Range for 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 shall be 75 -­‐ 150 • Technique o Walking over the wire shall be applied o One pass is required • Reinforcement o The cap pass shall be minimum flush to outer surface o The cap pass shall be maximum 1/8” past the outer surface o Weld bead should not be wider than 1/16” on either side of joint Acceptance Criteria: Discontinuities such as lack of fusion, undercut (past 1/32”) porosity, underfill or any other item listed on the welder tracking sheet shall not be accepted. Use a V-­‐Wac gage to determine underfill, undercut or excessive height reinforcement. All roots passes shall be visually inspected one more time. If the root pass has been “suck backed” then the weld shall not be acceptable any longer and the cap pass will be marked as “rejected” on the I-­‐Pad. Note: (2) Acceptable samples shall be required prior to advancing to the 6G position on 2” Sch 80 67 Revision No. 1 Section 9 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 2” Sch 80 (GTAW) 6G 2” Sch 80 9.1 End Prep • Refer to Section 7.1 of this manual 9.2 Tack-­‐up/Fit-­‐up • Refer to Section 7.2 of this manual 9.3 Grinding Tacks (feathering tacks) • Refer to Section 7.3 of this manual • Minimum of (3) tacks are allowed, omitting the fourth tack, not equally spaced around the joint Teaching Topic: End Prep and Fit-­‐Up is a hold point and also an inspection point on the I-­‐Pad. Do not allow the student to advance until these steps have been followed correctly. 68 Revision No. 1 Section 9 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 2” Sch 80 (GTAW) 6G 2” Sch 80 9.4 Root Pass • Students shall be instructed to use the #4 ceramic cup for the root pass o Maximum tungsten stick-­‐out shall be approximately 1/8” past the end of the cup o Maximum Argon shall be 35cfm (20-­‐25cfm provides sufficient coverage in the shop) • Filler Metal o 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 shall be used for the root (as well as the remainder of the joint) o Amperage Range for 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 shall be 75 -­‐ 150 • Technique o Use a side to side motion past the edge of the filler wire o We will instruct the student to use a wash over method o No “dip transfer” o No free handing • Penetration o Minimum – flush with the ID o Maximum – 3/32” past the ID Teaching Topic: Offer suggestions on the height of the coupon and head/body placement. This weld shall remain in the fixture with the top of pipe being marked. There shall be no change in height once the welding has started. Acceptance Criteria: The root pass shall be inspected on the ID and the OD to ensure proper welding techniques have been used. Lack of fusion at the bevel face shall be cause for rejection. Review possible causes of the defects. Grinding and filing should be limited to tacks and cleaning, not grinding the whole root until it shines to remove lack of fusion. The student should gain some proficiency with welding the roots prior to attempting any repairs. Welds can be acceptable after repairs have been made, but if all tie-­‐ins need to be fixed then teaching better techniques should employed rather than “piecing” the root in. 69 Revision No. 1 Section 9 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 2” Sch 80 (GTAW) 6G 2” Sch 80 9.5 Hot Pass • The student shall be instructed to use a # 6 ceramic cup • Filler Metal o 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 shall be used for the hot pass o Amperage Range for 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 shall be 75 -­‐ 150 • Technique o The weave pattern shall be wide enough to cover the root pass o Walking over the wire shall be shown o One pass Teaching Topic: Stress the importance of good fusion at the bevel face with a flat appearance, remind the student to remove the “glass-­‐like” material prior to welding the next pass. Wire brushing in between passes is highly recommended. Acceptance Criteria: No lack of fusion, undercut, or suckback shall be allowed. Travel speed and amperage need to be high enough not to burn up the root pass. 70 Revision No. 1 Section 9 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 2” Sch 80 (GTAW) 6G 2” Sch 80 9.6 Fill Pass • The student shall be instructed to use a # 6 or #8 ceramic cup • Filler Metal o 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 shall be used for the fill pass o Amperage Range for 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 shall be 75 -­‐ 150 • Technique o The weave pattern shall be wide enough to cover the hot pass o Walking over the wire shall be shown o Fill joint to flush or slightly below flush o One pass is required Teaching Topic: Etching “lines” should be avoided. Refer to “Hand-­‐out” in Section 15 for more details. Stress importance of cleaning in between passes and allowing the pipe to cool down without quenching in water. Inform students that the practice coupons have a slightly thinner wall than the test coupons due to the ID bore of the machining process. Acceptance Criteria: Voids in between the weave pattern, lack of fusion, undercut, porosity or any other defect shall not be accepted. 71 Revision No. 1 Section 9 -­‐ Pipe Welding: Position Welds 2” Sch 80 (GTAW) 6G 2” Sch 80 9.7 Cap Pass • The student shall be instructed to use a # 8 ceramic cup • Filler Metal o 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 shall be used for the cap pass o Amperage Range for 1/8” ER70S-­‐2 shall be 75 -­‐ 150 • Technique o Walking over the wire shall be applied o (2) passes are required o The instructor shall demonstrate proper placement of the filler wire and of the weld beads • Reinforcement o The cap pass shall be minimum flush to outer surface o The cap pass shall be maximum 1/8” past the outer surface o Weld bead should not be wider than 1/16” on either side of joint Acceptance Criteria: Discontinuities such as lack of fusion, undercut (past 1/32”) porosity, underfill or any other item listed on the welder tracking sheet shall not be accepted. Use a V-­‐Wac gage to determine underfill, undercut or excessive height reinforcement. All roots passes shall be visually inspected one more time. If the root pass has been “suck backed” then the weld shall not be acceptable any longer and the cap pass will be marked as “rejected” on the I-­‐ Pad. Note: rd (3) Acceptable samples shall be required prior to testing. The 3 sample shall be turned in for Mr. Hintz’s approval before the student tests. A “Request to Test” form shall be generated and signed by two instructors, one of which will be a full-­‐time, ATR and CWI. 72 Revision No. 1 Section 10 – Introduction to Stainless Steel (GTAW) Practice on 4” STD 1G Position • All students shall start on 4” pipe (I-­‐Pad will not track this sample) • Necessary coupon to introduce the student to Stainless Steel 10.1 End Prep • Refer to Section 7.1 of this manual 10.2 Tack-­‐up/Fit-­‐up • Refer to Section 7.2 of this manual • Filler Metal o 1/8” ER 309 o Amperage Range – 1/8” 75 -­‐ 125 • Backing Gas (Argon) shall be incorporated at this time prior to tacking up o Argon shall be set at 5 to 15 CFH o The use of a 4” adapter and back cap shall be used for tacking and throughout the weldment • Purge time should be approximately 1-­‐2 minutes maximum for the samples being welded in the shop o This practice should not be incorporated out on a jobsite o Explain that diameters and lengths of pipe will vary as well as the purge time • The joint should be sealed adequately to prevent the presence of Oxygen • Tailing out on the bevel is an important technique used to avoid a “fisheye” or hole at the termination point on the weld 10.3 Grinding Tacks (feathering tacks) • Refer to Section 7.3 of this manual • Failure to remove “fisheye” at this point will most likely be a cause for the root being rejected 73 Revision No. 1 Section 10 – Introduction to Stainless Steel (GTAW) Practice on 4” STD 1G Position 10.4 Root Pass • Students will continue to use the #4 ceramic cup that was issued to them by the Training Center • Filler Metal o 1/8” ER 309 o Amperage Range – 1/8” 75 -­‐ 125 • Backing Gas (Argon) o Purge should still be applied with the joint taped and the end of the pipe adequately sealed o 5 – 15 CFH • Technique o Walking over the wire, side to side with good fusion at the bevel faces o NO DIP TRANSFER o No free handing • Penetration o Minimum flush to 1/8”maximum protrusion Teaching Topic: Backing gas is used for the prevention of an Oxygen rich environment. Oxygen will cause the weld surface to be rough and coarse with a heavy black oxide layer. If there is slight discoloration -­‐a golden hue – then it is an indication that a bit of Oxygen was still present. Acceptance Criteria: The root pass shall be inspected on the ID and the OD to ensure proper welding techniques have been used. Lack of fusion at the bevel face should be discussed. Review possible causes of the defects. Grinding and filing should be limited to tacks and cleaning, not grinding the whole root until it shines to remove lack of fusion. 74 Revision No. 1 Section 10 – Introduction to Stainless Steel (GTAW) Practice on 4” STD 1G Position 10.5 Hot Pass • Students will continue to use the #6 ceramic cup that was issued to them by the Training Center • Filler Metal o 1/8” ER 309 o Amperage Range – 1/8” 75 -­‐ 125 • Backing Gas (Argon) o Purge should still be applied and the end of the pipe adequately sealed o Lower purge to 5 CFH • Technique o Walking over the wire, side to side with good fusion at the bevel faces Teaching Topic: Stress the importance of good fusion at the bevel face with a flat appearance. Instruct the student to use a Stainless Steel wire brush when welding Stainless Steels and various other materials. Wire brushing in between passes is highly recommended. Acceptance Criteria: Discontinuities shall be discussed and solutions shall be demonstrated by the instructor. 75 Revision No. 1 Section 10 – Introduction to Stainless Steel (GTAW) Practice on 4” STD 1G Position 10.6 Fill Pass • The student shall be instructed to use a # 6 or #8 ceramic cup • Filler Metal o 1/8” ER 309 o Amperage Range – 1/8” 75 -­‐ 125 • Backing Gas (Argon) o Purge may still be applied and the end of the pipe adequately sealed o Lower purge to 5 CFH • Technique o Walking over the wire, side to side with good fusion at the bevel faces o The weave pattern shall be wide enough to cover the hot pass o Fill joint to flush or slightly below flush o One pass is required Teaching Topic: Stress importance of cleaning in between passes and allowing the pipe to cool down without quenching in water. Interpass temperatures should be under 600°F. Temperature sticks are available at the Training Center. Explain that the “color” change also indicates the temperature; faint straw -­‐ 390° F, light straw -­‐ 445°F, dark straw -­‐ 465°F, all the way up to purples reaching 540°F to blue which is 575°F. The blue would be the indicator prior to reaching 600°F. These colors may not be as evident on the carbon steel coupons. Acceptance Criteria: Voids in between the weave pattern, lack of fusion, undercut, porosity or any other defect shall be pointed out. 76 Revision No. 1 Section 10 – Introduction to Stainless Steel (GTAW) Practice on 4” STD 1G Position 10.7 Cap Pass • The student shall be instructed to use the #8 ceramic cup • Filler Metal o 1/8” ER 309 o Amperage Range – 1/8” 75 -­‐ 125 • Backing Gas (Argon) o Purge may still be applied and the end of the pipe adequately sealed o Lower purge to 5 CFH • Technique o Walking over the wire, side to side with good fusion at the edges o The weave pattern shall be wide enough to cover the fill pass o Fill joint up to 1/8” past flush o One pass is required Acceptance Criteria: This coupon is not being tracked on the I-­‐Pad, but it is required. Teach the basic fundamentals using the 4” first, and then proceed to 2” Sch 80 in the 6G position. This is your opportunity to introduce the student to Stainless Steel. This is typically where the student actually wants to learn how to weld. The student may need to do an extra coupon prior to starting 2” Sch 80. It will be the instructor’s good judgment to make that decision. 77 Revision No. 1 Section 10 – Introduction to Stainless Steel (GTAW) 2” Sch 80 6G Position 10.1a End Prep • Refer to Section 7.1 of this manual 10.2a Tack-­‐up/Fit-­‐up • Refer to Section 7.2 of this manual • Filler Metal o 1/8” ER 309 o Amperage Range – 1/8” 75 -­‐ 125 • Backing Gas (Argon) shall be incorporated at this time prior to tacking up o Argon shall be set at 5 to 15 CFH o The use of a 2” adapter and back cap shall be used for tacking and throughout the weldment • Purge time should be approximately 1-­‐2 minutes maximum for the samples being welded in the shop o This practice should not be incorporated out on a jobsite o Explain that diameters and lengths of pipe will vary as well as the purge time • The joint should be sealed adequately to prevent the presence of Oxygen • Tailing out on the bevel is an important technique used to avoid a “fisheye” or hole at the termination point on the weld 10.3a Grinding Tacks (feathering tacks) • Refer to Section 7.3 of this manual • Failure to remove “fisheye” at this point will most likely be a cause for the root being rejected 78 Revision No. 1 Section 10 – Introduction to Stainless Steel (GTAW) 2” Sch 80 6G Position 10.4a Root Pass • Students will continue to use the #4 ceramic cup that was issued to them by the Training Center • Filler Metal o 1/8” ER 309 o Amperage Range – 1/8” 75 -­‐ 125 • Backing Gas (Argon) o Purge should still be applied with the joint taped and the end of the pipe adequately sealed o 5 – 15 CFH • Technique o Walking over the wire, side to side with good fusion at the bevel faces o NO DIP TRANSFER o No free handing • Penetration o Minimum flush to 1/8”maximum protrusion Teaching Topic: Backing gas is used for the prevention of an Oxygen rich environment. Oxygen will cause the weld surface to be rough and coarse with a heavy black oxide layer. If there is slight discoloration -­‐a golden hue – then it is an indication that a bit of Oxygen was still present. Acceptance Criteria: The root pass shall be inspected on the ID and the OD to ensure proper welding techniques have been used. Lack of fusion at the bevel face should be discussed. Review possible causes of the defects. Grinding and filing should be limited to tacks and cleaning, not grinding the whole root until it shines to remove lack of fusion. The same criteria shall be used to evaluate these samples. This coupon is being tracked on the I-­‐Pad; it should be Step/Weld # 43. 79 Revision No. 1 Section 10 – Introduction to Stainless Steel (GTAW) 2” Sch 80 6G Position 10.5a Hot Pass • Students will continue to use the #6 ceramic cup that was issued to them by the Training Center • Filler Metal o 1/8” ER 309 o Amperage Range – 1/8” 75 -­‐ 125 • Backing Gas (Argon) o Purge should still be applied and the end of the pipe adequately sealed o Lower purge to 5 CFH • Technique o Walking over the wire, side to side with good fusion at the bevel faces Teaching Topic: Stress the importance of good fusion at the bevel face with a flat appearance. Wire brushing in between passes is highly recommended. Acceptance Criteria: Discontinuities shall be discussed and solutions shall be demonstrated by the instructor. The same criteria listed on the I-­‐Pad shall be used to evaluate these samples. 80 Revision No. 1 Section 10 – Introduction to Stainless Steel (GTAW) 2” Sch 80 6G Position 10.6a Fill Pass • The student shall be instructed to use a # 6 or #8 ceramic cup • Filler Metal o 1/8” ER 309 o Amperage Range – 1/8” 75 -­‐ 125 • Backing Gas (Argon) o Purge may still be applied and the end of the pipe adequately sealed o Lower purge to 5 CFH • Technique o Walking over the wire, side to side with good fusion at the bevel faces o The weave pattern shall be wide enough to cover the hot pass o Fill joint to flush or slightly below flush o One pass is required Teaching Topic: Stress importance of cleaning in between passes and allowing the pipe to cool down without quenching in water. Interpass temperatures should be under 600°F. Temperature sticks are available at the Training Center. Acceptance Criteria: Voids in between the weave pattern, lack of fusion, undercut, porosity or any other defect shall be cause for rejection. 81 Revision No. 1 Section 10 – Introduction to Stainless Steel (GTAW) 2” Sch 80 6G Position 10.7a Cap Pass • The student shall be instructed to use the #8 ceramic cup • Filler Metal o 1/8” ER 309 o Amperage Range – 1/8” 75 -­‐ 125 • Backing Gas (Argon) o Purge may still be applied and the end of the pipe adequately sealed o Lower purge to 5 CFH • Technique o Walking over the wire, side to side o (2) stringers shall be required o Wide enough to cover the edges, not exceeding a 1/16” on either side o Fill joint up to 1/8” past flush Acceptance Criteria: The coupon shall be free from defects as noted on the I-­‐Pad. Note: (2) Acceptable samples shall be required prior to testing. The 2nd sample shall be turned in for Mr. Hintz’s approval before the student tests. A “Request to Test” form shall be generated and signed by two instructors, one of which will be a full-­‐time, ATR and CWI. THIS COMPLETES THE STUDENT’S WELDING REQUIREMENTS HE OR SHE WILL NO LONGER BE TRACKED ON THE I-­‐PAD 82 Revision No. 1 Section 11 – Introduction to Inconel (GTAW) 11a Terminology: • Explain to students this is basic, not advanced and encourage the Clad Class at night • Inconel-­‐ a nickel containing NiCrMo (ER NiCrMo-­‐10 or 3 will be provided by the Training Center) • Nickel Oxides – surface oxide coating which needs to be removed prior to welding subsequent passes. This oxide melts at approximately 1000°F above the melting point of the base metal. This oxide will not be consumed and will cause lack fusion imperfections. Clean surface with a suitable tool; grinder or brush. • Nickel Alloy Weld Metal – characteristics include the sluggish nature of the molten weld metal which does not spread and the lower weld penetration inherent with nickel alloys. The nickel alloy conducts heat much more slowly than carbon or certain stainless steels. This accelerates warping and shrinkage in the weld joint. Due to the slower diffusion of heat the metal remains hotter longer, allow coupon to cool slightly prior to welding again. • Dip Transfer Method – technique developed for the GTAW process for open root joints. Special parameters and procedures are involved: bridge tacks are recommended, internal shielding (Argon), key hole dip transfer by using the cup walking method. 11b Tools and Materials • Hand grinder with abrasive discs and cut-­‐off wheels • Stainless steel wire brush • Aluminum tape or masking tape, whichever is available • Backing purge adapters and caps for 4” and 2” samples • 4” and 2” carbon steel coupons ( STD, Sch 80 or XXH, depends on availability) 11c Welding Materials • ERNiCrMo-­‐3 or 10 (Inconel 625 or 622 respectively) depends on availability • 3/32” and 1/8” diameter (stored on the UA side in a controlled cabinet) 11d Torch Assembly • Gas Lenses o Large o Jumbo • Cup Sizes o No. 6, 8, 10 or 12 • 2% Thoriated Tungsten o Allow 3/32” per UA test specifications 83 *References for this Section: “CRA Technology and Welder Training Manual” in conjunction with UA Weld Test Specifications 35 & 66 and field related “good working” practices Revision No. 1 Section 11 – Introduction to Inconel (GTAW) Practice on 4” STD 1G Position • All students shall start on 4” pipe • Necessary coupon to introduce the student to Inconel 11.1 End Prep • Clean back on ID and OD of pipe with a pencil grinder • Land may be desired on larger bore pipe, the UA 35 and the UA 66 allow up to 1/8” land • During training keep “knife” edge intact 11.2 Tack-­‐up/Fit-­‐up (Referenced per UA 35 & UA 66) • Root gap – 1/8” • Bridge tacks may be demonstrated at this point • Traditional tacks may be demonstrated also • Purging techniques learned prior will be incorporated o Shielding gas – Argon 12 – 25 CFH (determined by welding conditions in the shop) o Backing gas – Argon 3 – 5 CFH (determined by welding conditions in the shop) • 3/32” ERNiCrMo-­‐10 or 3 shall be used to tack o Amperage Range – 40-­‐70 11.3 Grinding (feathering tacks or start/stops)/Removal of bridge tacks • Same as previously taught for starts or stops • Removal of bridge tacks without ruining bevels o These tacks are not incorporated into the weld 84 Revision No. 1 Section 11 – Introduction to Inconel (GTAW) Practice on 4” STD 1G Position 11.4 Root Pass • Demonstrate the dip transfer method for the open root o Select a #6 or 8 for the root pass with the gas lens • 3/32” ERNiCrMo-­‐10 or 3 shall be used for the root pass o Amperage Range – 40-­‐100 • Purging shall be maintained Teaching Topic: Commit to adding wire, do not approach the keyhole slowly or the wire will ball up. Maintain good shielding on the wire, being careful not to pull it out of the shielding shroud. This distance is approximately 1” from the OD of the cup. The oxidized wire tip should be removed prior to adding additional weld metal. Referencing the UA Test Specifications the maximum interpass temperature shall be 300°F. Use a temp stick to assess the heat of the coupon. Allow the piece to cool in between passes by staying busy in the weld booth. There should be no need for the student to quench their coupon. Welded surfaces shall be free from coarse ripples, grooves, overlaps, abrupt ridges and valleys. Before welding over deposited weld metal, all slag and oxides shall be removed and the weld and the adjacent base metal shall be brushed clean. Suitable methods of cleaning include the use of abrasive discs, filing or brushing. No power brushes will be allowed while training, but are allowed on UA tests in a controlled environment away from the masses, using all safety protocol. The weld should have a slightly convex surface. Flat and concave surfaces should be avoided. 85 Revision No. 1 Section 11 – Introduction to Inconel (GTAW) Practice on 4” STD 1G Position 11.5 Hot Pass • The student shall be instructed to use a #6 or #8 ceramic cup • Filler Metal o 1/8” ERNiCrMo-­‐10 or 3 o Amperage Range – 85 to 150 (torch limitations) • Backing Gas (Argon) o Purge should still be applied and the end of the pipe adequately sealed o Lower purge to 5 CFH • Technique o Walking over the wire, side to side with good fusion at the bevel faces o The weld should have a slightly convex surface. Teaching Topic: Before welding over deposited weld metal, all slag and oxides shall be removed and the weld and the adjacent base metal shall be brushed clean. Suitable methods of cleaning include the use of abrasive discs, filing or brushing. 86 Revision No. 1 Section 11 – Introduction to Inconel (GTAW) Practice on 4” STD 1G Position 11.6 Fill Pass • The student shall be instructed to use a # 6, #8 or #10 ceramic cup • Filler Metal o 1/8” ERNiCrMo-­‐10 or 3 o Amperage Range – 85 to 150 (torch limitations) • Backing Gas (Argon) o Purge may still be applied and the end of the pipe adequately sealed o Lower purge to 5 CFH • Technique o Walking over the wire, side to side with good fusion at the bevel faces o The weave pattern shall be wide enough to cover the hot pass o Fill joint to flush or slightly below flush o One pass is required but may need an extra pass to flush out More passes will be required when using thicker materials, such as 2” XXH and also the “Super” coupons Demonstrate what “flushed out” is Teaching Topic: Stress importance of cleaning in between passes and allowing the pipe to cool down without quenching in water. The maximum interpass temperature shall be 300°F. 87 Revision No. 1 Section 11 – Introduction to Inconel (GTAW) Practice on 4” STD 1G Position 11.7 Cap Pass • The student shall be instructed to use a #8 or #10 ceramic cup • Filler Metal o 1/8” ERNiCrMo-­‐10 or 3 o Amperage Range – 85 to 150 (torch limitations) • Backing Gas (Argon) o Purge may still be applied and the end of the pipe adequately sealed o Lower purge to 5 CFH • Technique o Walking over the wire, side to side with good fusion at the edges o The weave pattern shall be wide enough to overlap 1/16” past the original joint o Cap joint flush to 1/8” past OD surface o One pass is required unless doing 2G and 6G position welds Teaching Topic: Once the student has become proficient with the 4” pipe they shall be advanced to the 2” Sch 80 or XXH in the 6G position. *Please note that all techniques in Section 11 shall be employed on the 2” samples* 88 Revision No. 1 Section 12 – Introduction to Chromium (GTAW & SMAW) 12a Terminology • Chromium -­‐ this pipe has become a standard in the power generation industry and the petro-­‐chemical industry, not only because of its tensile strength, corrosion resistance and high-­‐temperature strength, but also for its cost-­‐effectiveness. Grades P-­‐11, P-­‐22, P-­‐91 & P-­‐92 are prevalent for the power industry, while P-­‐5&P-­‐9 are the major refinery processing grades utilized. These steels are designed to provide improved creep strength, fatigue, oxidation, and corrosion resistance at elevated temperatures. • UA 91 – This test will introduce the student to the use of different filler metals and also to different covered electrodes using welding processes that they have become skilled with already. 12b Tools and Materials • Hand grinder with discs • Stainless steel wire brush • Aluminum tape or masking tape • Backing purge adapters and caps for 2” pipe • 2” XXH carbon steel coupons 12c Preheat • Oxy-­‐fuel torch set with a preheat tip • Minimum preheat of 400°F • Temp stick • For training purposes only the preheat will start after the tacks have been put in due to the size of the coupon (safety while handling) • Possible use of induction heating on jobsites 12d Welding Materials • ER 90S-­‐B9 • 3/32” or 1/8” diameter (stored on the UA side in a controlled container) • E 9015-­‐B9 or E9018-­‐B9 • 3/32” or 1/8” diameter (stored in cabinet by Booth 1) DO NOT PUT IN ROD OVENS WHILE TRAINING *PLEASE DO NOT MIX THIS WITH THE OTHER ELECTRODES OR FILLER WIRES* 89 Revision No. 1 Section 12 – Introduction to Chromium (GTAW & SMAW) Practice on 2” XXH 6G • All students are allowed to use 2” XXH 12.1 End Prep • Clean back on ID and OD of pipe with a pencil grinder 12.2 Tack-­‐up/Fit-­‐up (Referenced per UA 91) • Root gap – 1/8” • Traditional tacks • Purging techniques learned prior will be incorporated o Shielding gas – Argon 12 – 25 CFH (determined by welding conditions in the shop) o Backing gas – Argon 3 – 5 CFH (determined by welding conditions in the shop) • 1/8” ER 90S-­‐B9 o Amperage Range – 40-­‐130 12.3 Grinding (feathering tacks) • Same as previously taught for starts or stops 12.4 Root Pass (GTAW) • Same techniques previously taught on UA 15 may be demonstrated • Flush to 1/8” maximum penetration • Welding will begin once coupon is heated to 400°F 12.5 Hot Pass (GTAW) • ER 90S-­‐B9 • Interpass temperature will be maintained at 400°F • (1) Pass only is allowed 12.6 Fill Pass (SMAW) • E 9015-­‐B9 or E 9018-­‐B9, 3/32” diameter electrodes • Amperage Range – 40-­‐80 • Stringer techniques learned previously shall be demonstrated • (2) passes required, possible second layer of fill passes may be needed to flush out 12.7 Cap Pass (SMAW) • (3) or (4) stringers are allowed • Cap width will not exceed 1/16” either side of original joint Acceptance Criteria: The completed sample coupon shall be inspected after tack-­‐up/fit-­‐up and then after each pass (root, hot, fill pass or second layer of fill passes and then the cap). This is to ensure the student continues with good welding practices. 90 Note: (1) Acceptable sample shall be required prior to testing. The sample shall be turned in for Mr. Hintz’s approval before the student tests. A “Request to Test” form shall be generated and signed by two instructors, one of which will be a full-­‐time, ATR and CWI. Revision No. 1 Section 13 Introduction to GMAW and FCAW 13a Terminology • GMAW – Gas metal arc welding or MIG (metal inert gas) • UA 30: manual welding process with the direction of rolling away from welder • GMAW-­‐S ; the “S” stands for short-­‐circuit mode of transfer • FCAW – Flux core arc welding, uses tubular wire with the flux inside 13b Tools and Materials • Hand grinder with discs • Wire brush • Wire cutters 13c Welding Materials • 6” Sch 80, carbon steel pipe • GMAW machine • Table positioner 13d Welding Wire and Shielding Gas • ER 70S-­‐3 or 6, .035” or .045” (solid wire) • E 71T-­‐1, .035” or .045” (tubular wire) • 75% Argon/25% CO² cylinders 13e Parameters for Short Circuit Transfer: • 17-­‐20 Volts • Amperage Range-­‐ 100-­‐175 • WFS 76-­‐175 ipm • Nozzle size (cup) ½” to ¾” ID • Stick out ¼” to 3/8” from cup while welding • Gas set at 25-­‐45 CFH, adjust per shop conditions 13f Parameters for FCAW Globular/Spray Transfer: • Switch Guns • 24-­‐32 Volts • Amperage Range-­‐ 140-­‐430 • WFS 120-­‐500 ipm • Nozzle size (cup) ½” to ¾” ID • Stick out ¼” to 5/8” from cup while welding • Gas set at 15-­‐40 CFH 91 Revision No. 1 Section 13 Introduction to GMAW and FCAW 13.1 End Prep • Clean 1” back on ID and OD • Establish 1/16” to 3/32” land as desired 13.2 Tack-­‐up /Fit-­‐up • Gap at 1/8” • Tack up in the 2G position • ¾” tacks, (4)evenly spaced • Tail in to tack by starting on bevel and tail out of tack by ending on bevel 13.3 Grinding Tacks (feathering) • Remove the “tails” off of bevel faces • Feather both ends of tacks, keeping enough metal in the middle to stop joint from closing • Do not reduce lands at end of tacks 13.4 Root Pass ER 70S-­‐6 GMAW-­‐S • Start weld downhill from 12 o’clock • Tail into center of tack, heating up for tie-­‐in • If the gap is too wide simply weave torch for the first 1 ½” or so to help bridge metal across gap • Hold torch 45° to 55° from vertical toward the puddle , staying on the leading edge • Continue welding while positioner is moving away from the welder • Keep torch in the 1-­‐2 o’clock range • Grind all start and stops 13.5 Hot Pass E71T-­‐1 FCAW • Clean the root pass, remove “glass-­‐like” material • Remove crown of root pass, as this will hinder the hot pass • Make the root surface fairly flat to avoid stubbing of wire • Follow parameters listed above • Weave pattern wide enough to ensure good fusion 13.6 Fill Pass E71T-­‐1 FCAW • Clean hot pass • Remove crown if needed • Weave wider without filling entire joint • Leave 1/16”-­‐3/32” below flush 13.7 Cap Pass E71T-­‐1 FCAW • Clean fill , flatten out remove crown if needed • Weave enough to cover edges and ensure joint is filled completely 92 Acceptance Criteria: Once the student becomes proficient and the coupon has been accepted from root to cap then it may be submitted following the same protocol for any other test. Revision No. 1 Section 13 Introduction to GMAW and FCAW 13g Position Welds • Once student passes their test (UA 30) they may either proceed to the 2G, 5G and 6G positions to test in the 6G with these processes (Or) • The student may proceed to the UA 79 using the Short circuit and the Spray/Pulsed transfer mode 13h UA 79 • Parameters for the UA 79 shall be adhered to, please refer to the Weld Test Specification • Basic parameters for the Pipe Pro Miller machine are attached to the machine itself • Root Pass should be #4 on panel display • Balance should be #8 on panel display • Root should be at the 2 o’clock position • Stay on top for the balance • No movement for the root pass technique • Root gap can be up to 5/32” along with a land size to 1/8” as per UA 79 specification Acceptance Criteria: Student shall become proficient with process and then submit a sample for the UA 79. The request form will be filled out in the same manner as any other UA test sample. Students will be asked to proceed to 1” thick plate in preparation for the UA 23, UA 9T or the UA 78. These weldments shall also be used to gain experience with stainless steel covered electrodes, Inconel covered electrodes and larger diameter carbon steel covered electrodes. 93 Revision No. 1 Section 14 -­‐ Introduction to Stainless Steel & Inconel Covered Electrodes (SMAW) 14a Objective: • To gain experience with stainless steel covered electrodes, using different diameters and classifications, such as E309-­‐15 or 309-­‐17, 3/32” or 1/8” • To gain experience with Inconel covered electrodes, using different diameters and classifications, such as ENiCrFe-­‐3 or ENiCrMo-­‐3, 3/32” or 1/8” Acceptance Criteria: The instructor shall accept or reject each pass following the same criteria that has previously been followed for all welding samples and UA tests. Once the student has produced an “acceptable” sample a “Test Request” form shall be filled out and the sample shall be sent to Mr. Hintz for his approval. The student will be encouraged to continue their welding education by being challenged with advanced techniques and processes under the supervision of their welding instructors. This may include, but is not limited to: position welds in field-­‐like conditions, socket welds, sleeves, saddles and branch connections, projects based on drawings that are provided, mock-­‐up of pressure vessels or any other UA test they would like to attempt. 94 Revision No. 1 Section 15 – Supplementary Documents Document 1: Welding Safety PPT (Provided on “Faculty Folder”) Document 2: Introduction to Welding PPT (Provided on “Faculty Folder”) Document 3: Weld Shop Rules & Regulations (Separate binder located outside of Weld Shop) Document 4: Six Basic Fundamentals (Separate binder located outside of Weld Shop) Document 5: Lincoln Electric Low Hydrogen Article (Separate binder located outside of Weld Shop) Document 6: Acceptable Weld Profiles (Separate binder located outside of Weld Shop) Document 7: UA Oxy-­‐Fuel / SMAW Manual Chapters 8-­‐12 (Separate binder located outside of Weld Shop) Document 8: Feathering Tacks (Separate binder located outside of Weld Shop) Document 9: Down Hand Progression (Separate binder located outside of Weld Shop) Document 10: Arc Zone Tungsten Preparation (Separate binder located outside of Weld Shop) Document 11: Request to Test Form (Sample) (Separate binder located outside of Weld Shop) Document 12: Shop Floor Plan (Separate binder located outside of Weld Shop) Document 13: Apprentice Welding Criteria per Year (Separate binder located outside of Weld Shop) 95 Revision No. 2 Section 16 – Errata/Addendum Revision No. 2, March 29, 2013: Newly Defined Progression List of Weldments for the Apprentice: 1. UA 21 2. UA 76 3. UA 15 4. UA 41 5. UA 35 6. UA 14 & 45 (to be done at the same time) 7. UA 91 8. UA 30 & 79 (to be done at the same time) 9. UA 77 and/or TIP TIG (dependent on availability) 10. Advanced/individualized training (various SMAW Electrodes and also GMAW/FCAW in position) 96