Fall and Winter 2012 LMS Cougar Pride POST A MESSAGE FROM YOUR ADMINISTRATORS: Dear Parents/Guardians and Community Members, Important Dates and Times: December 6: Holiday Concert December 20- Jan. 1: No School, Winter Break January 9: What’s Brewing 6:15pm January 21: No School, MLK Jr. Day January 25: First Semester Ends -1/2 half day January 28: No School Semester Break February 24th: Fundraiser Kick-Off LMS SCHOOL HOURS: Full Day 7:29am- 2:10pm The 1st Quarter has come and gone quickly! As we begin 2nd Quarter we have collected student data with the expectation to help students experience academic success. However, grades are just one piece of the puzzle! As a school we analyze our students MSP Scores (state test), MAP Scores (internal math and reading measure), classwork, and grade reports. From this information we create a yearly School Improvement Plan (SIP) and beginning this year an Area of Focus Plan (the details of both plans are posted on our website). As a school and district we have been writing annual School Improvement Plans for years. Writing an Area of Focus is new for us. The goal of which is to deepen the work we do with our students each day. The LMS Area of Focus for 2012-2013: Student talk will reflect specific habits of thinking and ways of communicating when analysis, synthesis, and evaluation concepts are being taught. In other words our intention is to increase the rigor of our instruction. We will begin this journey using Bloom’s Taxonomy, which is a strategy for teaching our student’s critical questioning skills. There are six levels to Bloom’s Taxonomy that distinguish the different levels or outcomes of learning. These levels include: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation. Our intent is to have students raise their study habits/skills and move from basic knowledge level questioning to a more sophisticated synthesis and evaluation strategy. Please call us if you have any questions. Check out our SIP and Area of Focus plans on the website: http://www.lwsd.wednet.edu/lms/site/default.asp Sincerely, 1/2 Day 7:29am - 11:10am Mrs. Crystal Knight Principal Dr. Michael Mack Director of Student Services LMS HOLIDAY CONCERT WHAT’S The Band and Choir will be performing a Holiday Concert. Thursday, December 6th @ 7:00pm in the commons! BREWING? We hope you can join us for a fun festive night. LMS ALL SCHOOL DANCE CONTEST Parents and other spectators welcome. Stop by for an informal discussion to share ideas to improve LMS. Wednesday, December 19th Wednesday, January, 9th from 6:15-7:15pm in the commons. 1:20 pm 8th grade mixed ballroom 7:30am 6th grade Swing Contest. 9:17am 7th grade Salsa Contest contest, swing, salsa and waltz. Lakewood News Page 2 LMS ATHLETICS Lakewood Middle School feels strongly that academics come first. Therefore, students must not have any failing grades. Students are expected to maintain a 2.0 GPA. Grade checks are done every 2 weeks of each sports season. If a student has a failing grade, they are placed on a two week probation to raise their grade. During that time, students may participate in practices, but they may not participate in actual games. If a student is absent from school, he/she will not be able to participate in practice or games scheduled that day. In order for an athlete to participate in athletics, all paperwork must be completed prior to the first practice. Athletic registration packets are available on our website or may be picked up at the Middle School Office. The athletic packet includes parent permission, emergency card, physical paperwork, insurance information, sport waiver, and concussion information sheet. The packet must be turned in to the Lakewood Middle School office. The athlete will also be required to purchase an ASB card and pay a $30 participation fee per sport. All athletes are required to have insurance if they participate in school sports. Accident and Sickness Insurance can be purchased through Myers/Stevens/Toohey . Please stop by our office for more information and an enrollment form should you need to purchase insurance. Currently girls soccer and boys basketball seasons are in progress. Wrestling and girls basketball seasons will begin the end of January. If you child would like to participate, please be certain they have an updated physical on file with the school. The Nurses’ Corner Tracking Absences Flu Season To assist the school district in Lakewood School District asks for your help in keeping our students and staff as healthy as possible! FLU SYMPTOMS (seasonal and H1N1) Typical symptoms of the flu include: FEVER (100.4 degrees or higher) AND cough and/or sore throat often accompanied by body aches and fatigue. PLEASE KEEP YOUR CHILD HOME WITH THE FLU! gathering accurate and meaningful health absence information, we ask when you phone and/or send a note for your child’s absence, please indicate the reason why your child was absent. Our attendance staff may ask additional questions to clarify your child’s reason for being absent. Examples of categories are as follows: Cold or flu symptoms (sore throat, stuffy nose, body aches, chills) Fever with or without other symptoms Asthma or asthma-like symptoms (wheezing, shortness of breath) Rash (Red spots on skin, with or without fever)] Headache Stomach symptoms (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) Injury or accident Dental condition’ Other health condition We appreciate your assistance in implementing this enhanced health absence tracking system. Lakewood School District policy states: No return to school until fever has been gone for 24 hours without fever reducing medicine (for most flu cases, this usually means a minimum of 3-5 days away from work/school– up to 7-10 days usually). If your child has been sent home or stayed home with a fever, we will be closely monitoring their status upon return to school to prevent other students and our staff from becoming ill. For more information, please visit the Lakewood School District website: www.lwsd.wednet.edu Medications at School Please remember that cough drops are considered a type of over-the-counter medicine and can not be used at school without a completed medication authorization. In addition, the cough drop package also needs a pharmacy label. An acceptable alternative to cough drops would be hard candy. Please write a note, so your child's teachers know the hard candy is here for a reason. If you have any questions, please contact your middle school nurse, Laura Bry @ 360-6542123 Page 3 Page 3 Grief Support Group For Kids and Teens Providence Hospice and Home Care offers a monthly support group called Standing Together for kids and teens who have experienced the loss of a loved one. This resource is free of charge and gives kids an opportunity to be with others of similar age to share experiences and get support. Some topics include feelings, special holidays, sleep and dreams, self-care, how to share with friends, and more. There is also a parent group that meets at the same time. The group meets on the third Saturday of each month in Everett, and a free pizza lunch is included. You can find out more by calling 425-261-4807 or contact your school counselor. Registration is required. Free Services for Parents of Teens! Cocoon House Project SAFE of Cocoon House offers the following FREE services for parents of teens: Confidential 90-minute phone consultation with a Masters’ level Therapist. During this call parents can discuss what concerns they have with their teen, develop an action plan, and find other resources in the community. Parenting workshops in the Everett area in November. Class topics focus on some of the larger concerns parents have about the teen years. Current classes include Your Teen's Quest for Identity, Successful Communication with your Teen, and Understanding and Preventing Substance Abuse. WayOUT, a 2-day seminar for parents and teen to attend together. This is a great way to build communication and decision making skills. WayOUT is usually offered monthly. College Bound Scholarship Have you heard about the College Bound Scholarship? This state-sponsored program can help your student pay for college! The Scholarship is available to current 7th and 8th grade students who meet one or more of the following criteria: Are eligible for the free/reduced school lunch program Are a youth in foster care Or meet the family income standards as described on the College Bound brochure (found below) Receive TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) benefit Application packets were mailed home to qualifying families in October. However, we may not be aware of your Weekly Drop-in Support Group for parents of teens at Cocoon Complex, 2929 students' circumstances so if you meet the criteria above Pine in Everett. and have not received an application, you can obtain one In-depth family counseling in the comfort of your own home. A Masters level therapist will work with the entire family to work on the goal of better communi- from Mrs. Bartness or online at www.hecb.wa.gov/ collegebound. Online, you will also find applications in cation and stabilizing the home. Spanish, Russian and other languages. In order to receive Phone consultation, parent support group, parenting workshops, and WayOUT seminar are also available in Spanish. Contact our bilingual/bicultural counselor the scholarship in a few years, students must: at 425 339-4179. 1) graduate from high school, 2) maintain a GPA of 2.0 or higher (C average) and 3) be a good citizen and remain crime free. Visit our LMS Counseling Center website! Find lots of helpful information and websites about: Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Anti-Bullying and Internet Safety College Bound Scholarship Information Community Resources Grades/Family Access Information Help for Struggling Students Parenting Resources and Websites Registration Information To get to this website, go to www.lwsd.wednet.edu and select Lakewood Middle School. Once you're on the LMS homepage, open the "School Information" dropdown menu and select "Counseling Center." If your student keeps this pledge and your family remains financially eligible (family income is verified at graduation) then the State of Washington will pay for tuition and books for up to four years at a Washington State public or private university, a community college, or a technical college. The catch is...you can only sign up in 7th or 8th grade, so don't delay! If your student has school, personal or social issues they or you may make an appointment with our school counselor, Mrs. Bartness @ 360-652-4510 x3009 or mbartness@lwsd.wednet.edu Page 4 Check Your Student’s Grades and Assignments Online! Mark these important Dates on Your Calendar: November 6th—1st quarter ends: online report card January 25th—1st semester ends: online report card April 12th—3rd quarter ends: online report card June 14th—2nd semester ends: online report card Report Cards and Progress Reports Report cards and progress reports are accessible thru Family Access approximately ten school days after the end of each quarter and semester. Please contact our office should a hard copy of your student’s report card be necessary. Check Grades and Assignments Regularly Family Access provides parents with access to their child's assignments and grades online. Students will be given their login and password information during the first month of school. We recommend that parents check Family Access on a weekly basis. If you do not have Internet access, your student can arrange to check Family Access in the LMS computer lab. Contact Your Student’s Teachers Teacher email addresses are available on the district website at www.lwsd.wednet.edu Lost and Found Visitors There are currently many items in the lost and found located in the commons! To eliminate excessive amounts of items in the lost and found, items not claimed are donated to Kids’ Kloset monthly. Please take a few extra minutes to mark your child’s name on their clothing and please have your child check the lost and found for any misplaced items. Parents/guardians are welcome to visit the school. However, all classroom visitors must be arranged at least 24 hours in advance with the principal. All visitors are required to register in the LMS office to obtain and wear a visitor badge while on campus. Parents/guardians are required to wait in the office for their student. ATTENDANCE Regular school attendance is necessary for mastery of the educational program provided to students. At times, students may be appropriately absent from class. Absences due to illness or a health condition, religious observances, school approved activities, and family emergencies shall be excused. Given individual circumstances, students with lengthy or multiple absences may be asked to produce a doctor’s note verifying the illness or physical ailment. Absences that are considered unexcused include student or parent oversleeping, missed bus or other transportation problems, student needed for babysitting or student job requirements. Parent/Guardians: Please call the school secretary by 8:00 AM on the day your student will be absent. For your convenience, you may leave a message at 360-652-4510 twenty-four hours a day. Please do not contact your students teachers directly to report an absence. If a phone call is made, the student does not need to bring a note to school from the parent/guardian indicating the reason for absence on the day he/she returns to school. All other students MUST produce a written excuse signed by the parent/guardian and present it to the office staff on the day the student returns. If your student knows ahead of time they are going to be absent from school for an extended period of time, they need to complete a pre-arranged absence form available in the office. Important– Update Contact Information/Health Concerns If you have a change of address, phone number or health concerns, please notify us as soon as possible. Legal concerns including restraining orders and parenting plans will need to be brought to our attention. Legal paperwork must be provided. Three years to four years old: LAKEWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT #306 CHILD FIND Does Your Child Need Help To Learn? Children who meet state eligibility guidelines are evaluated for special services in one or more qualifying areas. These areas include: Hearing . . . Cognitive development (thinking skills) Show awareness of noises such as tele- Speech and language development Gross and fine motor development (large and small muscle usage) Social/emotional development Visual impairment Hearing impairment Significant health impairment Adaptive (self-help) Does your child: Jump, run, throw, maintain balance Draw lines and circles using crayons Use materials to make things Answer simple who or where questions Enjoy playing with other children Ask many questions “Why” or “What” Use a voice that is too loud or too soft, Use speech that is understandable to others Enjoy picture books or being read to maintain a moderate level on the television, radio, record player etc. Use 2-3 word sentences regularly phone, door knock or television. Come to you when called from another Four years old to five years old: room Imitate sounds (after one year of age) Enjoy playing with children of same age Enjoy using large muscles to play Draw a recognizable face Child Find . . . Seeing . . . Dress self with little help Quarterly, Lakewood School District Special Services Department conducts a child find search in order to locate children who may need individual assessment and intervention services. Does your child: Say questions: “What, where, who, or The intention is to locate children who are presently not attending school between the ages of birth and 21, who are showing signs of possible disorders or delays in behavior, self help skills, physical aspects, learning, and communication. Look at your eyes Follow an object with his eyes Look at things without covering one eye Hold objects at normal distance Look at people and things without squinting or without eyes crossing Have clear eyes, not encrusted, or red- dened Children go through many stages of development. They experience their fastest rate of Can your child do the growth during their first years of life. If you suspect your child may be having particular following? difficulty in any of the following areas of develBirth to one year old: opment, please contact your local school district and have your child referred for an evalua Lift head and chest tion. There is no cost for the evaluation. Make gurgling or cooing sounds Please do not hesitate to contact us, early in Smile in response to you tervention is very important. Pick up a toy within reach Laugh out loud Feed themselves with fingers Copy speech sounds Know parents from strangers why” Say most speech sounds clearly except:: s, z, th, or r. Say first and last name Use words that mean size and quantity (big, many) Five years old to six years old: Enjoy playing group games Follow three step directions in order given Have good balance when playing games involving large muscles Cut with scissors Dress self: snaps, zips, and buttons Say name, age, and sex Show interest in writing and reading words When speaking use many words and sentences In Conclusion . . . If you have concerns that your child may not be developing at the same rate as their peers, please contact Lakewood School District Special Services Department. One year old to two years old: Walk Put two words together Take socks and shoes off Feed themselves Asks for things using words Point to several things or pictures when named CONTACT: Lakewood School District #306 Special Services Department P.O. Box 220 N. Lakewood, WA 98259 ( 3 60 ) 652-4500 Page 6 School Bus Rules PTSA Coming To LMS PTSA Formation Meeting: December 5th @ 2:30pm in the LMS Library Students must obey the driver and any other staff member assigned to the bus. Students may only ride their assigned bus unless prearrangements have been made. Students are not allowed to depart the bus at any stop other than their assigned stop. Students must remain in seat assigned by the driver Students shall observe classroom conduct on the bus. Noise shall be kept to a minimum, and no obscene language or gestures. Please plan to attend our LMS PTSA—Parent Teacher Student Association meeting! We will discuss our plans for the year and nominate officers. The PTSA is slightly different from PTA, in that students are an integral part of this program. Please plan to attend and bring your student (s). We look forward to seeing you there! Science, Technology, Engineering and Math LMS is exploring the world of STEM education. STEM stands for Students shall remain quietly seated, not exhibit disruptive Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, and it’s part of a nabehavior and turn off all noise-making devices at rail grade tion-wide initiative to educate students in these subject areas and crossings. prepare a STEM-literate workforce for the future. Staff and famiStudents shall not smoke or ignite lighters or matches on lies participated in STEM night on October 23rd, where information the bus. No eating or drinking on the bus unless specifically allowed by the driver. about STEM education was shared and teams worked collabora- Students must keep all body parts inside the bus at all times. students “Where’s the Science? Where’s the Technolo- Students shall go directly to a seat upon loading the bus and remain properly seated at all times while on the bus. (seated facing forward) STEM projects and learning into Math classes throughout the Students must load and unload the bus in an orderly manner, not pushing or shoving ployers in STEM industries can attest to the need for accurate and tively on a hands-on engineering project. In STEM, teachers ask gy? Where’s the Engineering? Where’s the Math?” Our Math Items prohibited on the bus include: sticks, breakable con- department has taken the lead in planning STEM experiences for tainers, weapons (real or toy), skateboards and large and students, particularly for those in STEM Math (which is our 2bulky items that cannot be held on lap or between legs on the floor. period, 6th grade level math class). The Math team will incorporate Students shall not cross behind the bus. Always cross in front when loading or unloading the bus. school year. English Language Arts also plays a pivotal role. Emunderstandable technical reports along with effective communication skills for sharing knowledge and design with others. STEM skills are essential, but reading and writing continue to form the Students shall go directly to their home after leaving the bus. foundation for mastery in these areas. We are forming partnerships Students shall use lap belts on buses if equipped maritime and other STEM industries. If you, or someone you Students shall follow emergency exit drill procedures as instructed by drivers. know, might be interested in sharing aspects of your profession, Students shall not tamper with emergency doors or equipment. links between school, home and STEM-related industries and busi- Parents of students identified causing damage to buses shall be charged with the cost of incurred damage. Student misconduct shall constitute sufficient reason for suspending transportation privileges. with business professionals and parents in aerospace, construction, please contact Dr. Michael Mack at LMS. We are excited to create Page 7 TRANSPORTATION BUS PASSES Transportation information line: 652-4501 Students wishing to ride a bus other than their regularly assigned bus must secure a bus pass in advance. The parent/guardian is asked to provide the student with a written note indicating the day and bus route for which the pass is to be issued. Bus passes cannot be issued over the phone. You may fax a note to 360-652-4512, attention Heidi Hesselman. Bus passes will not be issued on half days without notification at least one day in advance. Office Hours: 6:30am-4:30pm school days Anytime that traffic and/or road conditions affect the operation of school buses, a recorded message will be updated providing you as much information as possible. The information Line can be reached by dialing direct 652-4501, and pressing ext. 9061. During inclement weather, every effort is made to update this line and department voicemail by 5:30 am when there are conditions that will affect transportation service. Video/Audio Recording on Buses WEATHER CONDITIONS and SCHOOL For safety and student behavior management, activity on school buses is now recorded by video/audio recording systems installed in Lakewood School District buses. Every effort is made by the district to operate schools every day of the school year. However, on those rare occasions of extreme weather conditions, school starting times may be delayed, bus transportation may be limited, or school may be closed altogether. School Bus Stops Students should be waiting at their designated school bus stop at leave five minutes prior to the published stop time for the stop. Drivers are instructed not to arrive at stops early, and also not to wait at stops for students who are not there. Please help us to be on time by being at your stop five minutes early. Students are allowed to depart the bus only at their assigned stop. Exceptions to this can only be made by pre-arrangement with a note from a parent delivered to the school office. Families should listen to AM radio stations KWYZ (1230), KRKO (1380), KOMO (1000) for updated school information on school closures. To hear a recording regarding bus route and schedule changes due to adverse weather conditions, please call 360-652-4501 ext. 9061. This information is also available on our website, http://www.lwsd.wednet.edu, and the LMS office message machine. If your student stays home from school, the office still needs a phone call from a parent or guardian stating that your child is home due to weather or transportation. FERPA FORM BOOK FAIR EMAIL ADDRESS If a parent/guardian DOES NOT want their student’s photo in any school paper, website, yearbook, newspaper, or any other printed publication that LMS or the school district publishes, please contact the office and complete a FERPA form. Mrs. Roys, our librarian would like to extend her gratitude to all that purchased books and other materials at the fair. Your contributions help to bring more books to our library! Email has become a great form of communication. It is becoming as routine as phone or mail and offers an additional method of emergency communication. We would appreciate it if you would forward your email address to our office at the following address: NON-DISCRIMINATION NOTICE Lakewood School District complies with all federal and state rules and regulations and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation (including gender expression or identity), the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. District programs will be free from sexual harassment. This holds true for all students who are interested in participating in educational programs and/or extracurricular school activities. Board Policy #3210 and associated procedures outline the steps taken to secure an equitable solution to a justifiable complaint. NON-DISCRIMINATION GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES Students, and/or parents, staff or other individuals acting on behalf of students of the district are eligible to participate in the complaint procedure. The complaint procedure is designed to assure that the resolution of real or alleged violations will be directed toward a just solution that is satisfactory to the complainant, the administration and the school board. If you have questions, or need assistance with the process, please contact the District Compliance Officer, Joyce Scott at 360-6524500. TITLE IX/RCW 28A.640 COMPLIANCE OFFICER SECTION 504/ADA COORDINATOR DISTRICT COMPLIANCE OFFICER Joyce Scott, Director of HR & Learning Support Services 17110 16th Dr NE Marysville, WA 98271 360-652-4500