Overview Chapter p 1 Definition DNA: DNA the th genetic ti material t i l Genes and proteins Genes, Genomes Genes and Genetic Analysis Definition Genetics The study of trait inheritance at the cellular (molecular genetics), organismal g ((developmental p genetics), g ), familial (factorial and quantitative genetics), population (population genetics) and species level (evolutionary genetics) A very powerful experimental approach g p phenomena. to dissect biological Invented by Mendel. Inborn errors off metabolism (Garrod 1908) Genetic analysis O One gene – one enzyme hypothesis h th i (Beadle (B dl & T Tatum t 1941) DNA structure and replication G Gene expression: i th the Central C t l Dogma D Mutation Genes and Environment The Molecular Unity of Life Definition Genetics Definition Genetics Definition Genomics The study of trait inheritance at the New discipline resulting from the convergence of molecular genetics, robotics and bio bio-informatics. informatics. Studies … cellular (molecular genetics), organismal g ((developmental p genetics), g ), familial (factorial and quantitative genetics), population (population genetics) and species level (evolutionary genetics) A very powerful experimental approach g p phenomena. to dissect biological Invented by Mendel. Entire genomes (all the DNA at once) Entire transcriptomes (all the RNAs at once) Entire proteomes (all the proteins at once) Overview DNA: the genetic material Definition DNA: DNA the th genetic ti material t i l Genes and proteins Chromosomes are good candidates and contain DNA Griffith 1928 Avery, McLeod & McCarty 1944 Hershey & Chase 1952 Inborn errors off metabolism (Garrod 1908) Genetic analysis O One gene – one enzyme hypothesis h th i (Beadle (B dl & T Tatum t 1941) DNA structure and replication G Gene expression: i th the Central C t l Dogma D Mutation Genes and Environment The Molecular Unity of Life Griffith 1928 Avery, McLeod & McCarty 1944 Hershey & Chase 1952 Overview Definition DNA: DNA the th genetic ti material t i l Genes and proteins Inborn errors off metabolism (Garrod 1908) Genetic analysis O One gene – one enzyme hypothesis h th i (Beadle (B dl & T Tatum t 1941) DNA structure and replication G Gene expression: i th the Central C t l Dogma D Mutation Genes and Environment The Molecular Unity of Life Inborn errors of metabolism (Garrod 1908) Inborn errors of metabolism (Garrod 1908) Overview One gene – one enzyme hypothesis (Beadle & Tatum 1941) Definition DNA: DNA the th genetic ti material t i l Genes and proteins Inborn errors off metabolism (Garrod 1908) Genetic analysis O One gene – one enzyme hypothesis h th i (Beadle (B dl & T Tatum t 1941) DNA structure and replication G Gene expression: i th the Central C t l Dogma D Mutation Genes and Environment The Molecular Unity of Life One gene – one enzyme hypothesis (Beadle & Tatum 1941) One gene – one enzyme hypothesis (Beadle & Tatum 1941) One gene – one enzyme hypothesis (Beadle & Tatum 1941) One gene – one enzyme hypothesis (Beadle & Tatum 1941) Overview DNA Structure and Replication Definition DNA: DNA the th genetic ti material t i l Genes and proteins Inborn errors off metabolism (Garrod 1908) Genetic analysis O One gene – one enzyme hypothesis h th i (Beadle (B dl & T Tatum t 1941) DNA structure and replication G Gene expression: i th the Central C t l Dogma D Mutation Genes and Environment The Molecular Unity of Life Crick & Watson DNA Structure and Replication Overview Definition DNA: DNA the th genetic ti material t i l Genes and proteins Inborn errors off metabolism (Garrod 1908) Genetic analysis O One gene – one enzyme hypothesis h th i (Beadle (B dl & T Tatum t 1941) DNA structure and replication G Gene expression: i th the Central C t l Dogma D Mutation Genes and Environment The Molecular Unity of Life The Central Dogma The Central Dogma Transcription Translation The Genetic Code Overview Definition DNA: DNA the th genetic ti material t i l Genes and proteins Inborn errors off metabolism (Garrod 1908) Genetic analysis Mutation O One gene – one enzyme hypothesis h th i (Beadle (B dl & T Tatum t 1941) DNA structure and replication G Gene expression: i th the Central C t l Dogma D Mutation Genes and Environment The Molecular Unity of Life Mutation Overview Genes and environment Definition DNA: DNA the th genetic ti material t i l Genes and proteins One gene can affect more than one trait (“pleiotropy”) Any trait can be affected by more than one gene Msot traits are affected by environmental factors as well as by genes (=“complex” traits) Inborn errors off metabolism (Garrod 1908) Genetic analysis O One gene – one enzyme hypothesis h th i (Beadle (B dl & T Tatum t 1941) DNA structure and replication G Gene expression: i th the Central C t l Dogma D Mutation Genes and Environment The Molecular Unity of Life Overview Definition DNA: DNA the th genetic ti material t i l Genes and proteins Inborn errors off metabolism (Garrod 1908) Genetic analysis O One gene – one enzyme hypothesis h th i (Beadle (B dl & T Tatum t 1941) DNA structure and replication G Gene expression: i th the Central C t l Dogma D Mutation Genes and Environment The Molecular Unity of Life The Molecular Unity of Life The Molecular Unity of Life