Search terms used to identify genetic testing laboratories

Hudson Supplementary Methods
Search terms used to identify genetic testing laboratories
Terms and combinations searched included genetic test, gene test, DNA test, molecular
test, molecular genetic test, at-home genetic test, genetic testing laboratory, esoteric
laboratory, esoteric testing, DNA reference laboratory, DNA laboratory, molecular
diagnostic laboratory, molecular laboratory, DNA diagnostics, biochemical laboratory,
buy gene test, buy genetic test, buy DNA test, test gene, cosmeceuticals, nutrigenetics,
nutragenetics, nutragenomics, addition test, alcohol gene test, nicotine gene test, check
my genes, DNA and gender test, DNA and health, DNA and diet, genes and diet, genes
and wellness.
Method for estimating total number of eligible directors
Estimating the number of eligible directors in the pool of non-respondents assumes that
equivalent proportions of the respondents from each of the different lists of potential
participants were eligible to participate. If some source lists were unlikely to yield any
eligible directors, then extrapolating from the respondents to the non-respondents would
be invalid. However, similar proportions of respondents from each of the source lists
were eligible - the proportions did not vary significantly from one source list to another.