THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH OF ST. GERTRUDE 28 School Street Bayville, N.Y. 11709 LITURGICAL SCHEDULE Masses Saturday: 8:30am & 5:00pm Sunday: 7:30, 9:30 (Family Mass) 11:30am Weekdays: 8:30am Holy Day: 5:00pm Vigil Mass 8:30 am & 7:30pm Rosary every morning after 8:30 Mass. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction 1:00pm to 3:00pm Wednesdays except holidays. Reconciliation/Confession: Saturdays: 4:00-5:00pm & by appointment CLERGY OF THE PARISH Rev. Stephen J. Brigandi, Pastor Fr. Archie Faustino, Visiting Priest Deacon Ted Kolakowski PARISH OFFICE: Phone: (516) 628-1113 Marie Levchuck, Parish Secretary Email: Michele Drago , Bulletin Editor Email: PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Thursday: 9:00am—4:00pm Friday: 9:00am - 12:00pm Fax: (516) 628-9032 Website: PARISH CENTER RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE: Phone: (516) 628-2432 Carol Tannehill, Director Email: PRESCHOOL: Phone: (516) 628-3710 Tina Mihaltses, Director Email: St. Vincent DePaul, (516) 584-4090 Email: SACRAMENTS Anointing of the Sick Last Sunday of the month following the 11:30 Mass. Baptism: Third Sunday each month at 1:00pm. Prior parent interview with priest or deacon required. Marriage: Arrangements must be made in person with priest at least 6 months in advance & prior to reception arrangements. Mass Intentions Remembering. . . Today’s Readings SUNDAY January 3 7:30am Rosary Guild, living & deceased members 9:30am In thanksgiving & special intention 11:30am George Hawxhurst + MONDAY January 4 8:30am Edward Lohrer TUESDAY January 5 8:30am Vittorio Maniscalco WEDNESDAY January 6 8:30am Moran & Genovese families THURSDAY January 7 8:30am Susan Meyer + FRIDAY January 8 8:30am Manuela Sabin + Nita DeCesare SATURDAY January 9 8:30am Caterina Primeggia + Palmaro, Sabin & Sobrino families DeCesare family 5:00pm For the Parishioners of St. Gertrude SUNDAY January 10 7:30am Joshua Bixby Abrams + 9:30am Margot Gillman 11:30am Lawrence Sullivan + The Altar Bread and Wine used at our Masses this week are offered in loving memory of: Moran & Genovese families First Reading — Rise up in splendor, Jerusalem! The LORD shines upon you and the glory of the Lord appears over you (Isaiah 60:1-6). Psalm — Lord, every nation on earth will adore you (Psalm 72). Second Reading — The mystery has been made known that the Gentiles are coheirs, copartners in the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel (Ephesians 3:23a, 5-6). Gospel — Magi from the east arrived, saying, “Where is the newborn king of the Jews?” (Matthew 2:1-12). LOOKING IN THE RIGHT PLACES “Appearances can be deceiving,” as the saying goes. As we celebrate the epiphania, the “appearing” of the eternal Word of God on earth, this is still true. What rapturous foresight must have filled Isaiah as he wrote the words we hear today. How, for four hundred years, they must have filled the hearts of the people of Israel with hope for the day when God’s glory would shine on them. How deceived some must have felt when the glory of God came to them in the lowliest and humblest of human lives. We have many expectations about how the divine presence will appear among us. But we can also set ourselves up, through these expectations, to miss the divine glory when it truly appears. We get caught up in looking for the star, forgetting that the star is not the divine sign, the babe is. It may take a persistent journey for us to come upon the true appearance of God’s glory in our lives: Jesus Christ. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. We Remember The sick of our parish: Maria Agnone Carmella Castigliola Joseph Doherty Baby Easton Friedel Alex Kiczek Roberta LoPinto Donald McGuiness Rosemary Schettino Marita Doherty Megan Farley Jeanette Furino Joyce Dinuovo Margaret Martin Joan Bruce Wanda Stone-Brady Angela Colavito Bette Dougherty Joe Giralamo Paul Napoli Richard Levine Ann Pacifico Steven Varjian Christina Savasta Edward Gormley Joann Senecal Maria Cutrone Amy Watson Joan Zahtila Robert Connolly Melanie LaBella Lynn Gormley Ruth LaBella John Mason Anthony Rowan Philip Carbone Tom Lacey Barbara Ravid Fred Mei Lindsay Gemmell Charlie Patak Please call the Parish Office to leave the names of parishioners who are homebound and would like to receive the Eucharist or would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick. Those serving in our military: “Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen” Lt. Travis J. Buffa Lt. Mary Grace Colluci LCPL Matthew Ketcham The Four LoRusso Brothers Pfc. Duncan Moskowitz Lt. Brian Peguillan Hosp. Medic Matthew D. Perez 2nd Lt. Thomas Rojek M Sgt. Donald J. Tucker Lt. Terrance Thorgramson Ltjg. Emily W. Hegarty SFC. Sean P. Schenck Lt. Melissa Buffa Major Janet R. Erazo 2nd Lt. Glenn Harvey Sgt. 5 Jose Marin Major James Nicholson Lt. Wesley John Pritchett Lt. Sean Riordan Cpl. Brendan Roethel Sp. Trevor Tebaldi 2nd Lt. James Andrew Baker Ltjg. Elizabeth G. Hegarty Pfc. Mark Chuisano Cmdr. Cynthia Keating Lt. Col. Paul J. LoBue Airman Bryan Mollitor Lt. Col. Sean Patak Cpl. Stephen Malusa Corp. Jason Roland Sp. Chase Tucker Sgt. William Trotta, Jr. Cpt. Chad Lennon Ensign James Figari If you would like to inform us of any family member or friend who has been called to active service, please call our rectory office. Below is a link to a new Amazon Program that enables shoppers to easily donate to their favorite charities. The Parish of St. Gertrude extends its prayerful condolences to the families and friends of those in our parish who have died. Amazon will donate 0.5% of the purchase to Society of St Vincent de Paul. To donate furniture, please call 516-746-8250 Parish Financial Summary Sunday collection (including Faith Direct) December 20, 2015: $ 9,032.00 Faith Direct Why not make a change in the way you generously support St. Gertrude? Sign up with eGiving through Faith Direct, which is the most convenient and secure way for you to make your weekly offering to St. Gertrude. Your automatic contributions through Faith Direct will save valuable time for both you and our parish staff. To enroll, please visit Faith Direct's website and use our parish code NY83. You can also fill out and mail a Faith Direct enrollment form from the parish office. Thank you!! YEAR OF MERCY December 8, 2015 – November 20, 2016 On this, the World Day of Peace, we especially implore our Blessed Mother’s intercession that the Lord may grant peace in our day; peace in hearts, peace in families, peace among the nations. The message for the Day of Peace this year is “No Longer Slaves, but Brothers and Sisters”. All of us are called to be free, all are called to be sons and daughters, and each, according to his or her own responsibilities, is called to combat modern forms of enslavement. From every people, culture and religion, let us join our forces. May he guide and sustain us, who, in order to make us all brothers and sisters, became our servant. Pope Francis To: All The Parishioners of St. Gertrude's Church A very sincere & warm "Thank You" to every one who participated in the Giving Tree this year. Your generosity & love was truly appreciated. We were able to service "87" Angels and many clients from the United Cerebral Palsy Center & Rosewood On The Sound Nursing Home. Thank you, again, for making their Christmas so special! Wishing you a Joyous & Blessed New Year! Sincerely, The Giving Tree Committee Family Life Classes resume on Monday, January 4th. December Mass Reflections are due for grades 6,7, 8 Our annual Christmas Pageant was a huge success! Thank you to all the boys and girls who participated, their parents, catechists, musicians, 7th and 8th grade helpers and all who made this such a wonderful evening. It reminded us of the true meaning of this season. PRE-SCHOOL NEWS: The preschool is closed for the Christmas holiday until January 4th. From the preschool family to your family, we wish all of the parishioners at St. Gertrude’s a happy and healthy 2016! The preschool is looking for a two year old class teaching assistant starting the middle of January 2016. The hours are Tuesday – Thursday 9:15 to 12 noon. If interested, please call the preschool office at 628-3710 or email at In And Around Our Parish PRE-SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP NEWS The IDA BARNAO PRE-SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP IS OFFERED to a 2, 3 or 4 year old whose family is a member of St. Gertrude’s Parish. A letter of intent should be sent to the Rectory to the attention of Ida Barnao Pre-School Scholarship Committee. Please mark CONFIDENTIAL on the front of the envelope. Upon receipt of the letter, an application will be mailed to you. Contents of the letter and application are strictly confidential on part of the Committee. Deadline is January 31, 2016. Letters received after the deadline date will not be considered. We are excited to say that THIS MARKS OUR 20th YEAR OF AWARDING THE SCHOLARSHIP! (A total of 32 Scholarships amounting to $56,870) For further info. please contact either Catherine Carbone at 628-1441, Mary Ryan at 628-1270 or Barbara Savinetti at 676-5227. Ms. Bernadette Anderson, a U.S. Army veteran and a valued member of Nursing Service, is taking her well deserved retirement after 40 years of dedicated and faithful service to fellow veterans. Those who have had the pleasure of knowing Bernadette, know of her genuine concern for veterans, their families, and fellow employees. While her official last day at Northport is December 31, a celebration of her life’s work is being planned for after the start of the New Year. Details for the party will be shared as soon as they are finalized. Thanks you for all you have done to enhance the lives of others at Northport VAMC, Bernadette, and best wishes for a long, healthy and happy retirement! The Life Center is in desperate need of the following items: • Clothes for girls and boys (Sizes 0-6 and 18-24 months especially needed) • Receiving Blankets, Blankets • Onesies, stretchies, bibs • WIPES • Toiletries (i.e. wipes, baby soaps, shampoos, diaper rash creams, powders, etc.) • Crib sheets • Bottles • Hooded towels, Wash cloths • Diaper bags • Non Drop Side Cribs / Bassinets/ Pack n Plays • Car seats (both infant and toddler) • Strollers Thank you for any help that you can provide to help us support these women, especially those who are in crisis. Donations can be dropped off at our Deer Park location: 1767 Deer Park Ave Deer Park, NY 11729 (across the street from St. Cyril & Methodius Roman Catholic Church, and next door to BoydCarratozollo Funeral home) Any further questions can be answered at (631) 243-2373. Riverhead Location: 631-591-9017 Massapequa Location: 516-798-9100 Hempstead Location: 516-408-6300 Wills and Bequests have the power to impact future generations. It’s so easy to include our Parish in your Will and still provide for loved ones. You may be able to make a simple bequest by adding the following language: “I give and bequeath the sum of $ _________ (or the % of), to be used for the general program of St. Gertrude Parish, a Catholic Church in the Diocese of Rockville Centre.” Ensure the future vitality of our Parish with your charitable bequest or consider other Estate Planning options, such as designating our Parish as beneficiary of a life insurance policy or an IRA account. To receive a brochure about Wills and Bequests, please call Barbara Kilarjian at 516-379-5210 ext. 229 Camp Fatima for boys and Camp Bernadette for girls are now accepting registrations for the 2016 summer season. The camps, located in the Lakes region of NH, offer 2-week overnight sessions for children, ages 615. Round trip bus transportation is available out of Long Island. To request a brochure and DVD, contact Michael Drumm at (603)364-5851 or email or visit us on the web at Please don’t wait as sessions fill up quickly. FAMILY, MARRIAGE AND INDIVIDUAL THERAPY Family, marriage and individual therapy, provided by New York State licensed therapists, are available to our parishioners at 147 other parishes. This program, under the direction of Dr. George Giuliani, has been conducted in the diocese for the past 41 years for the convenience of parishioners. It is provided by the Catholic Counseling Center, which is independent of and not controlled or supervised by the parish or diocese. Most insurance policies, including Medicare, are honored. For confidential information and appointments, please call Dr. Giuliani at the Catholic Counseling Center at (631) 243-2503 or go to our website at: RETREATS, WORKSHOPS AND DAYS/EVENINGS OF PRAYER At the Ronkonkoma Cenacle ONGOING PROGRAMS AND SERIES SPIRIT-FILLED SPA MORNINGS –FIRST FRIDAYS OF EACH MONTH 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. at the Retreat Center, 9:00 a.m. registration and tea Come treat yourself to a monthly morning of rest and relaxation before the weekend begins. Join other women who desire to nourish their body, mind, and spirit, with all the beauty and love that God creates for us and is within us. Our mornings will include prayer, presentation, reflection, and a health conscious lunch. Body work offered for an additional offering as available. 2016: February 5, March 4, April 1, May 6 Facilitator: Valerie Dunne, Cenacle Staff Associate and subject matter experts each month. Offering: $40 per month- Lunch included - $15 deposit required to hold your monthly reservation CONTEMPLATIVE SINGLES at the Maude Adams House Sundays, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 2016: Jan. 17, Feb. 21, Mar. 20, Apr. 17, May 15, June 19, July 17, Aug. 21 Join other faith-based singles as we explore God’s desire for each of us and discuss our call to action in the Ministry of Single Life. Facilitator: Joan McGovern, Cenacle Staff Associate Offering: $35 each month. Lunch included - $15 deposit required to hold your monthly reservation CENTERING PRAYER AFTERNOON at the Retreat Center Sundays, 2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 2:00 Arrivals and refreshments 2016: Jan. 17, Feb. 21, Mar. 20, Apr. 17, May 15 DVD by Thomas Keating O.C.S.O., Centering Prayer, and discussion. You do not need to have any experience, simply the desire to rest in God’s Presence. “Be still and know that I AM God” (Psalm 46:10). Facilitators: Sr. Margaret Rohde r.c. and Diane Robinson Offering: Freewill Registration Required: Call 631-588-8366 T’ai Chi at the Maude Adams House Mondays, 9:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. 2016: January 25, Feb. 1, 8, 15, 22 (5 sessions) Offering: 2015: 6 sessions paid in advance = $72 2016: 5 sessions paid in advance = $60 OR $15 per session. Advanced Registration Required. Facilitator: Sr. Pamela Falkowski, r.c. One Wednesday of each month, September 2015 through May 2016— INTERNATIONAL FILM SERIES! 7:30 p.m. Your Guide: Fr. Larry Lewis M.M.