Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems VOLUME 7, N° 3 2013 Map Map Construction Construction And And Localization Localization Using Using Lego Lego Mindstorms Mindstorms Nxt Nxt Jasmeet Singh, Punam Bedi Jasmeet Singh, Punam Bedi Map Construction And Localization Using Lego Mindstorms Nxt Subm.7th August 2012; accepted 17thMay 2013 Subm.7th August 2012; accepted 17thMay 2013 Submitted: 7th August 2012; accepted: 17th May 2013 Jasmeet Singh, Punam Bedi Abstract: Abstract: Maps are very useful for understanding unknown places Maps are very useful for understanding unknown places before visiting them as maps represent spatial relationbefore visiting them as maps represent spatial relationships between various objects in a region. Using robots ships between various objects in a region. Using robots for map construction is an important field these days as for map construction is an important field these days as robots can reach places which may be inaccessible to robots can reach places which may be inaccessible to human beings. This paper presents a method to use the human beings. This paper presents a method to use the data obtained from a single ultrasonic sensor mounted data obtained from a single ultrasonic sensor mounted on a robot, to construct a map and localize the robot on a robot, to construct a map and localize the robot within that map. Map of the previously unknown enviwithin that map. Map of the previously unknown environment is created with the help of a mobile robot, built ronment is created with the help of a mobile robot, built using Lego Mindstorms NXT assembled in a modified using Lego Mindstorms NXT assembled in a modified TriBot configuration. The robot is equipped with an TriBot configuration. The robot is equipped with an ultrasonic sensor and is controlled from a computer ultrasonic sensor and is controlled from a computer system running a MATLAB program, which communisystem running a MATLAB program, which communicates with the NXT over a USB or Bluetooth connection cates with the NXT over a USB or Bluetooth connection and performs complex calculations that are not possible and performs complex calculations that are not possible for the NXT itself. After the map construction, the robot for the NXT itself. After the map construction, the robot finds its position in the map by using a particle filter. finds its position in the map by using a particle filter. Implementation has been done in MATLAB programImplementation has been done in MATLAB programming environment using RWTH – Mindstorms NXT ming environment using RWTH – Mindstorms NXT Toolbox and has been successfully tested for map conToolbox and has been successfully tested for map construction of a room and localization within that room struction of a room and localization within that room with the use of a TriBot. with the use of a TriBot. Keywords: Lego Mindstorms NXT, TriBot, ultrasonic Keywords: Lego Mindstorms NXT, TriBot, ultrasonic sensor, map construction, localization, particle filter, sensor, map construction, localization, particle filter, MATLAB, mobile robot, RWTH – Mindstorms NXT MATLAB, mobile robot, RWTH – Mindstorms NXT Toolbox Toolbox 1. Introduction 1. Introduction 22 Maps are used in a variety of applications for our Maps are used in a variety of applications for our day-to-day needs. These maps can be considered as day-to-day needs. These maps can be considered as macro-scopes which are used primarily to represent macro-scopes which are used primarily to represent spatial relationships between various objects in spatial relationships between various objects in a region, on a smaller-scale. Constructing a geometa region, on a smaller-scale. Constructing a geometrically consistent map is a tedious process that rerically consistent map is a tedious process that requires determining spatial relationship between quires determining spatial relationship between various objects, which in turn requires a lot of measvarious objects, which in turn requires a lot of measurements. The presented work describes a method urements. The presented work describes a method to construct a map using a Lego Mindstorms NXT to construct a map using a Lego Mindstorms NXT based TriBot (referred here-on as simply NXT or based TriBot (referred here-on as simply NXT or TriBot), which has been successfully tested for creatTriBot), which has been successfully tested for creating an indoor map of a room. ing an indoor map of a room. This paper is divided into two main sections of This paper is divided into two main sections of Map Construction and Localization and the KidMap Construction and Localization and the Kidnapped Robot Problem. The map construction and napped Robot Problem. The map construction and localization section describes how the robot is able localization section describes how the robot is able to take readings of its surroundings, move in the to take readings of its surroundings, move in the Articles environment, and also how the constructed global environment, and also how the constructed global map is displayed based on the readings obtained by map is displayed based on the readings obtained by the ultrasonic sensor of the TriBot. The latter section the ultrasonic sensor of the TriBot. The latter section describes how the robot’s position is found within describes how the robot’s position is found within the constructed map, after it has been placed at the constructed map, after it has been placed at a random position within the mapped environment, a random position within the mapped environment, by using the readings obtained from its sensors and by using the readings obtained from its sensors and its knowledge of the map. its knowledge of the map. Previous work in localization of robots has been Previous work in localization of robots has been carried out with the use of more than one ultrasonic carried out with the use of more than one ultrasonic sensor at once [1–3]. This requires the robot to know sensor at once [1–3]. This requires the robot to know which sensor returned the reading and hence the which sensor returned the reading and hence the robot needs to distinguish between several ultrasonrobot needs to distinguish between several ultrasonic sensors that were mounted on it. With the use of ic sensors that were mounted on it. With the use of multiple sensors, the cost of the robot increases as multiple sensors, the cost of the robot increases as well. The work carried out in this paper requires the well. The work carried out in this paper requires the use of only a single ultrasonic sensor for localization, use of only a single ultrasonic sensor for localization, placed at the origin of the robot reference frame placed at the origin of the robot reference frame thereby eliminating additional computations for thereby eliminating additional computations for finding the relative positions of all the ultrasonic finding the relative positions of all the ultrasonic sensors, with respect to the reference frame, as in sensors, with respect to the reference frame, as in [1, 3]. When using particle filters for solving the [1, 3]. When using particle filters for solving the global localization [1, 4], the map given as an input to global localization [1, 4], the map given as an input to the particle filter algorithm, was not built by the the particle filter algorithm, was not built by the robot itself [1] and was constructed by the user via robot itself [1] and was constructed by the user via other techniques. But here the TriBot itself conother techniques. But here the TriBot itself constructs the global map that is later used providing structs the global map that is later used providing a solution to the kidnapped robot problem [4] dea solution to the kidnappedthrobot problem [4] described in the localization s7th ection. scribed in the localization s7 ection. Mapping with ultrasonic sensors has previously Mapping with ultrasonic sensors has previously been reliant on the use of multiple sensors in ring been reliant on the use of multiple sensors in ring formation [5]. With the use of a single ultrasonic formation [5]. With the use of a single ultrasonic sensor it becomes possible to successfully map the sensor it becomes possible to successfully map the environment surrounding the NXT, while keeping environment surrounding the NXT, while keeping the computational complexity to a minimum. It also the computational complexity to a minimum. It also helps in specifying the number of readings that must helps in specifying the number of readings that must be received from the surroundings for each position be received from the surroundings for each position of NXT, without having to change the number of of NXT, without having to change the number of ultrasonic sensors in the robot’s hardware. ultrasonic sensors in the robot’s hardware. For global map construction and localization, the For global map construction and localization, the concept of occupancy grids has also been previously concept of occupancy grids has also been previously employed in [6, 7] which, though effective, depends employed in [6, 7] which, though effective, depends on the size of the grid cells. A robot when moved to on the size of the grid cells. A robot when moved to a frontier is able to see the unexplored area of the a frontier is able to see the unexplored area of the environment. By constantly moving to successive environment. By constantly moving to successive frontiers the robot is able to increase its knowledge frontiers the robot is able to increase its knowledge of the surrounding environment. Frontier based of the surrounding environment. Frontier based exploration have been coupled with occupancy grids exploration have been coupled with occupancy grids for the map construction and localization in [6] but for the map construction and localization in [6] but in the implementation of such a system multiple in the implementation of such a system multiple laser range finders, sonar sensors and infrared senlaser range finders, sonar sensors and infrared sen- Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems sors were used to make the resulting map as accusors were used make the map sors were used to toThe make the resulting resulting map as as accuaccurate as possible. amount of computation and rate as possible. The amount of computation and rate as possible. The amount of computation and complexity increases with multiple sensors, but with complexity increases with multiple sensors, but with complexity increases with multiple sensors, but with the use of aa single ultrasonic sensor amount of comthe use single ultrasonic sensor of the use of ofisalow. single ultrasonic sensor amount amountexploraof comcomputation In this work frontier-based putation is low. In this work frontier-based exploraputation is low. In this work frontier-based exploration strategy has been employed without using the tion strategy has been employed without using tion strategy has and beenonly employed without using the the occupancy grids the readings obtained at occupancy grids and only the readings obtained at occupancy grids and only the readings obtained at the current position of the robot are used for decidthe current position of the robot are used for decidthe current position of the robot are used for deciding the next frontier for the robot. ing the next for the robot. ing In theother next frontier frontier for theconstruction robot. works of map and localizaIn other works of map construction and In other works of map construction and localizalocalization, Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) tion, Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) tion, Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) has been used to localize the robot’s position as it has been used to localize the robot’s position as it has been used to localize the robot’s position as is it moves within the environment, while mapping moves within the environment, while mapping is moves within the environment, while mapping is being performed [3, 4, 8]. In the current system, each being performed [3, In the current system, being performed [3, 4, 4, 8]. 8].to In the the origin current system,ofeach each robot position is relative position the robot position is relative to the origin position of the robot position is relative to the origin position of the map and the robot has no knowledge of a prior map. map and the robot has no knowledge of a prior map. map and the robot has no knowledge of a prior map. It is also possible to implement map construction It is possible to map construction It is aalso also possible to implement implement map construction with swarm of robots in the same environment [8] with a swarm of robots in the same environment [8] with a swarm of robots in the same environment [8] to speed up the process but the implementation has to speed up the process but the implementation has to speed up the process but the implementation has been limited to a single robot so as to ensure that been limited to single robot so to ensure that been limited toisaa able single robot so as as totask ensure that aa single robot to perform the of map single robot is able to perform the task of map acreation single robot is able to perform the task of map efficiently. It is also easier for the computer creation efficiently. It also creation efficiently. It is is robot. also easier easier for for the the computer computer to keep track of a single to keep track of a single robot. to keep track of a single robot. 2. Background 2. 2. Background Background 2.1. Environment 2.1. 2.1. Environment Environment The environment considered for the implementaThe environment considered for the The environment considered for the implementaimplementation is partially observable, with a single robot worktion is partially observable, with aa single robot worktion is partially observable, with single robot working in a continuous state space. The actual environing in a continuous state space. The actual environing in a continuous state space. The actual environment is an empty room created by temporary partiment is an room created temporary partiment is an isempty empty roomspecifically created by by to temporary partitions that available the robot and tions that is available specifically to the robot and tions that is available specifically to the robot and has no human interference, for the purposes of the has no human interference, for the purposes of the has no human interference, for the purposes of the given experiments. given experiments. given experiments. 2.2. Assumptions Taken 2.2. 2.2. Assumptions Assumptions Taken Taken — — — — — — — — — The walls of the boundary of room and the obThe walls of the boundary of The walls ofthe theroom boundary of room room and and the the obobjects within are immovable. jects within the room are immovable. jects within the room are immovable. Friction between the floor of room and the Friction between the floor room and Friction between the enough floor of of roomduring and the the wheels of robot is just so that, the wheels of robot is just enough so that, during the wheels of robot is just enough so that, during the execution of a turn at a position, the stationary execution of a turn at a position, the stationary execution of a turn at a position, the stationary wheel of the robot does not slip. wheel of the not slip. wheel of construction, the robot robot does doesthe notTriBot’s slip. first location is For map For map construction, the TriBot’s first location For map construction, the TriBot’s first location is is assumed to be (0, 0) with aa 0 degree orientation. assumed to be (0, 0) with 0 degree orientation. assumed to be (0, 0) with a 0 degree orientation. 2.3. Software 2.3. 2.3. Software Software MATLAB is used for the purposes of moving the MATLAB is used purposes of the MATLAB isreadings used for forofthe the purposes of moving movingenvithe robot, taking the local surrounding robot, taking readings of the local surrounding envirobot, taking readings of the local surrounding environment, performing calculations for map creation ronment, performing calculations for map ronment, performing calculations forcreated map creation creation and localization, and displaying the global and localization, and displaying the created global and localization, and displaying the created global map. map. map. The RWTH – Mindstorms NXT Toolbox [9], verThe RWTH – NXT [9], verThe RWTH – Mindstorms Mindstorms NXTaToolbox Toolbox [9],from version 4.04 for MATLAB, establishes connection sion 4.04 for MATLAB, establishes a connection from sion 4.04 for MATLAB, establishes a connection from the program, running on the computer, to the TriBot. the program, running on computer, to the TriBot. the program, running on the the it computer, to the TriBot. With the use of this toolbox possible to control all With the use of this toolbox it possible to control all With the use of this toolbox it possible to control all the motors and sensors attached to the TriBot. the motors and sensors attached to the TriBot. the motors and sensors attached to the TriBot. Hence, it is possible to move the robot by controlling Hence, it to move the robot Hence, it is is possible possible touse move theultrasonic robot by by controlling controlling its wheeled motors, the sensor to its wheeled motors, use the ultrasonic sensor to its wheeled motors, use the ultrasonic sensor the to detect distances from objects, and also rotate detect distances from objects, and also rotate the detect distances from objects, and also rotate the motor on which the ultrasonic sensor is mounted, motor on which the ultrasonic motor on which the program. ultrasonic sensor sensor is is mounted, mounted, through the MATLAB through the MATLAB program. through the MATLAB program. For controlling of the wheeled motors and deFor of the and For controlling controlling of movements, the wheeled wheeleditmotors motors and dedetermining the robot’s is important to termining the robot’s movements, it is important to termining the robot’s movements, it is important to find the number of degrees the motors must rotate find the number of degrees the motors must rotate find the number of degrees the motors must rotate to be able to travel a certain distance. The diameter to to be be able able to to travel travel aa certain certain distance. distance. The The diameter diameter VOLUME 7, N° 3 2013 of wheels used is 5.5 cm and hence for of the the wheels used and for thedegree wheels used is is of5.5 5.5thecm cmwheels and hence hence for aof 360 revolution the robot aa 360 degree revolution of the wheels the robot 360 degree revolution of the wheels the robot moves forward by 5.5*π centimeters. The degree of moves by 5.5*π centimeters. The degree moves forward forward by 5.5*π centimeters. The degree of of revolution, for the wheeled motors, is calculated revolution, for the wheeled motors, is calculated revolution, for the wheeled motors, is calculated according to the distance in centimeters that the according to in according to the thetodistance distance in centimeters centimeters that that the the robot is required move. robot is required to move. robot is required to move. To use the ultrasonic sensor it is necessary to To use sensor necessary to Toestablish use the the aultrasonic ultrasonic sensor it ittois isthe necessary to first serial connection NXT brick first establish a serial connection to the NXT brick first establish a serial connection to the NXT brick and to its port on which the ultrasonic sensor is atand port on the sensor is and to to its its port on which which the ultrasonic ultrasonic sensor is atattached. By using this port, the distance readings tached. By using this port, the distance readings tached. By using this port, the distance readings recorded by the sensor are returned to the MATLAB recorded by the sensor are to recorded via by the the USB sensor are returned returned to the the MATLAB MATLAB program or Bluetooth connection. program via the USB or Bluetooth connection. program via the USB or Bluetooth connection. 2.4. Sensor 2.4. Sensor and and Motors Motors 2.4. Sensor and Motors The ultrasonic sensor used with the TriBot The sensor with the TriBot The ultrasonic ultrasonic sensor used used with of thehigh TriBot measures the time-of-flight of a burst fremeasures the time-of-flight of a burst of high fremeasures the time-of-flight of a burst of high frequency sound wave. The value returned by the senquency sound wave. The value returned by the senquency sound wave. The value returned by the sensor is is aa single single number sor number representing representing the the straight straight line line sor is a single number representing the straight line distance of an object from the sensor. These values distance of an object from the sensor. These values distance of an objectand fromare theread sensor. These values are in in centimeters, centimeters, by the the MATLAB are and are read by MATLAB are in centimeters, and are read by the MATLAB program. The The ultrasonic ultrasonic sensor sensor is is able able to to detect detect disdisprogram. program. The ultrasonic sensor is to able tometers detectwith distances ranging from 4 centimeters 2.3 tances ranging from 4 centimeters to 2.3 meters with tances ranging from 4 centimeters to 2.3 meters with an average average precision precision of of 3 3 centimeters centimeters and and returns returns an an average precision of 3object centimeters and returns better readings when the to be detected has better readings when the object to be has better when the hits object tosurface be detected detected has aa hard hard readings surface. If a wave the at a wide surface. If aa wave hits the surface at aa wide aangle hardfrom surface. If wave hits the surface at wide the surface surface normal normal [5] [5] it it may may not not return return angle from the angle from theinsurface normal [5] it may not return to the sensor, which case a value of 255 is received to the sensor, in which case aa value of 255 is received received to the sensor, in which case value of 255 is from the the sensor, sensor, indicating indicating an an error. error. The The wave wave may may from from the sensor, indicatingsurface an error. The wave may also bounce off a separate and create a ghost also bounce off aa separate surface and create aa ghost also bounce off separate surface and create ghost image. image. image. The interactive interactive servo servo motors motors of of the the TriBot TriBot are are The The interactive servo motors of the TriBot are equipped with an integrated encoder which records equipped with an integrated encoder which records equipped with an integrated encoder which records count value value of of 360 360 for for aa single single circular circular revolution revolution aaa count count value of 360rotates for a single circular revolution i.e., when the motor by 360 degrees, count i.e., when the motor rotates by 360 degrees, aaa count i.e., when the motor rotates by 360 degrees, count of 360 is recoded. This encoder has an accuracy of of 360 is recoded. This encoder has an accuracy of of 360 is recoded. This encoder has an accuracy of 1 degree. The motor is able to return this count to 1 degree. The motor is able to return this count to 1 degree. The motor is able to return this count to the program program via via the the serial serial connection. These These motors motors the the program via maximum the serial connection. connection. Theseencoder motors have a default speed of 1000 have aa default maximum speed of 1000 encoder have default maximum speed of 1000 encoder counts per per second second which which means means the the robot can can travel travel counts counts per second which means the robot robot can travel in a straight line at approximately 48 centimeters in a straight line at approximately 48 in straightFor line approximately 48 centimeters centimeters perasecond. second. theatpurpose purpose of experimentation, experimentation, the per For the of the per second. For the purpose of experimentation, the wheeled motors have a fixed speed of 800 encoder wheeled motors have aa fixed speed of 800 encoder wheeled motors have fixed speed of 800 encoder counts per per second second (approximately (approximately 38.4 38.4 centimecentimecounts counts per second (approximately 38.4 centimeters/second) and maintain a constant torque during ters/second) and maintain aa constant torque during ters/second) and maintain constant torque during motion. The program can also set the tacho limit of motion. The program can also set the tacho limit of motion. The program can also set the tacho limit of the motor, which specifies the integer number of the motor, which specifies the integer number of the motor, which specifies the integer number of encoder counts (or degrees) that a motor executes encoder counts (or degrees) that aa motor executes encoder counts (or degrees) that motor executes before coming coming to to an an abrupt abrupt stop stop when when this this limit limit is is before before coming to for an abrupt stop whenone thiscentimelimit is reached. In order the NXT to move reached. In order the to one centimereached. order for for the NXT NXT both to move move centimeter in in the theInforward forward direction, the one motors must ter direction, both the motors must ter in the forward direction, both the motors must move in the same direction by a tacho limit of apmove in the same direction by aa tacho limit of apmove in the same direction by tacho limit of approximately 21 encoder counts. The two wheels are proximately 21 encoder counts. The two wheels are proximately 21 encoder counts. The two wheels are 11 centimeters centimeters apart apart and and so so to to turn turn the the robot robot by by 11 11 centimeters apart and sowheel to turn the robot the by 1 degree, while moving one and keeping 1 degree, while moving one wheel and keeping the 1 degree, while moving one wheel and keeping the other wheel wheel stationery, stationery, the the motor motor must must move move by by other other stationery, the on motor must move by aa tacho tachowheel limit of 4. The motor which the ultrasonic of motor on which the ultrasonic asensor tachoislimit limit of 4. 4. The The motor which ultrasonic mounted rotates at aaon speed of the approximatesensor is mounted rotates at speed of approximatesensor is mounted rotates at a speed of approximately 400 400 counts counts per per second. second. So, So, aa 360 360 degree rotation rotation ly ly 400 counts persensor second.and So, detection a 360 degree degree rotation of the ultrasonic of distances of the ultrasonic sensor and detection of distances of the ultrasonic sensor and detection of distances after every every 6 degrees degrees takes 30 30 seconds, on on average. after after every 6 6 degrees takes takes 30 seconds, seconds, on average. average. 2.5. Robot Used 2.5. 2.5. Robot Robot Used Used The robot used for the purposes of experimentaThe robot for the of The robot used used forLego the purposes purposes of experimentaexperimentation is based on the Mindstorms NXT TriBot, tion is is based based on on the the Lego Lego Mindstorms Mindstorms NXT NXT TriBot, TriBot, tion Articles 23 Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems with a few modifications. The TriBot is equipped with a few modifications. The TriBot is equipped with one ultrasonic sensor, mounted on an interacwith one ultrasonic sensor, mounted on an interactive motor. It is possible to create a ring of 60 sensor tive motor. It is possible to create a ring of 60 sensor readings in one complete circular turn by rotating readings in one complete circular turn by rotating the sensor anticlockwise by 360 degrees and taking the sensor anticlockwise by 360 degrees and taking readings after every 6 degree interval. The ultrasonic readings after every 6 degree interval. The ultrasonic sensor has been placed at the origin of the robot sensor has been placed at the origin of the robot reference frame [2]. reference frame [2]. Fig. 1. Top view of the Lego Mindstorms NXT TriBot Fig. 1. Top view of the Lego Mindstorms NXT TriBot based robot with an interactive servo motor and the based robot with an interactive servo motor and the ultrasonic sensor attached on top ultrasonic sensor attached on top VOLUME 7, N° 3 2013 Figure 2 shows the front view of the TriBot used. Figure 2 shows the front view of the TriBot used. The wheeled motors, on either side of the robot, are The wheeled motors, on either side of the robot, are synchronized so that if one wheel moves forward the synchronized so that if one wheel moves forward the other also moves forward by the same degree and at other also moves forward by the same degree and at the same speed. Hence both the wheels move in the same speed. Hence both the wheels move in unison and it is not necessary to control the power unison and it is not necessary to control the power and tacho limit for each motor separately. This is and tacho limit for each motor separately. This is important when the robot moves forward or backimportant when the robot moves forward or backward to ensure that it follows a straight line and ward to ensure that it follows a straight line and does not drive in a curve. It is also possible to control does not drive in a curve. It is also possible to control a single wheeled motor separately when the robot a single wheeled motor separately when the robot executes a turn. executes a turn. Figure 3 shows the schematic diagram of the Figure 3 shows the schematic diagram of the TriBot. The ultrasonic sensor is represented by TriBot. The ultrasonic sensor is represented by a yellow triangle, and the orange circle in the center a yellow triangle, and the orange circle in the center of the robot represents the motor on which the senof the robot represents the motor on which the sensor is mounted. The intersecting perpendicular lines sor is mounted. The intersecting perpendicular lines within the robot represent the robot reference within the robot represent the robot reference frame. Origin of the robot reference frame is at the frame. Origin of the robot reference frame is at the point where these lines intersect. The two wheels on point where these lines intersect. The two wheels on either side of the robot and a swiveling wheel are either side of the robot and a swiveling wheel are also shown in the figure using round edged rectanalso shown in the figure using round edged rectangles. gles. Fig. 3. Schematic representation of the Lego Fig. 3. Schematic representation of the Lego Mindstorms NXT TriBot based robot depicting the Mindstorms NXT TriBot based robot depicting the robot reference frame robot reference frame 3. 3. Map Map Construction Construction and and Localization Localization Map construction process involves recording and Map construction process involves recording and displaying the robot’s surrounding environment. It is displaying the robot’s surrounding environment. It is implemented as a continuous cycle of two steps implemented as a continuous cycle of two steps namely, sensing and motion, as shown in Figure 4. namely, sensing and motion, as shown in Figure 4. Fig. 2. Front view of the Lego Mindstorms NXT TriBot Fig. 2. Front view of the Lego Mindstorms NXT TriBot based robot with the ultrasonic sensor pointing forbased robot with the ultrasonic sensor pointing forward ward 24 The central component of the TriBot is the NXT The central component of the TriBot is the NXT brick which is essential for establishing a connection brick which is essential for establishing a connection with the computer and controlling the sensors, and with the computer and controlling the sensors, and motors. Figure 1 shows the TriBot used for experimotors. Figure 1 shows the TriBot used for experimentation purposes. mentation purposes. Articles Fig. 4. Map construction process used by the TriBot in Fig. 4. Map construction process used by the TriBot in implementation implementation Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems The robot is able to navigate around in an area and record the features of that space. It initially starts at the origin position around which the global map is constructed. In this system, the origin of the robot reference frame is initially assumed to coincide with the origin of the map and the Cartesian coordinates of the robot in the map are (0, 0) with an orientation of 0 degree with respect to the X-axis. A position of the robot in the map is the single set of values, of its X and Y coordinates and its orientation, with respect to the origin of the map. These positions are recorded as distinct rows in a matrix in the MATLAB program; where origin of the map is saved as the first position of the robot. The ultrasonic sensor mounted on the robot is initially assumed to be pointing in the 0 degree direction with respect to the X-axis of the map. 3.1. Sensing In this step the robot senses its current local surroundings by using the ultrasonic sensor. The TriBot takes a set of 120 ultrasonic readings of the area around its current position by rotating the motor by a 6 degree interval in the counter-clockwise direction, for a total of 720 degrees, instead of a revolution of 360 degrees, which decreases the probability that the recorded readings are representative of a ghost image. The values thus obtained are relative to the origin of the robot reference frame and denote the robot’s immediate neighborhood. Angles, at which these readings are recorded, are also saved along with the distance values which depict the recorded straight line distance between the robot and an object at that angle. The motor is rotated till the sensor points at an angle of 714 (or 354) degrees with respect to the positive X-axis. These 120 readings, saved in a two-column matrix, represent the local map of the robot at that position and the columns in the matrix represent the radius and angle of the Polar coordinates of the objects from the current position of the robot. After obtaining a set of readings, for each distance reading of 255 the value is deleted and the corresponding angle of that reading is also deleted, so that these readings are not considered for map construction. The sensor is then rotated back to the 0 degree position, as it was before the readings were taken. To display the map, Polar coordinates of the objects taken with respect to the robot reference frame are converted into Cartesian coordinates. The map is initially empty and the set of readings taken at the origin of the global map, are then added to the map. For all the next sets of readings representing the TriBot’s local map, at some known position relative to the origin of the map, the calculated Cartesian coordinates of the readings are shifted by the X and Y values of the TriBot’s current position before being added to the existing map. The robot’s current position, with respect to the global origin, is also plotted onto the map. This process continues till the robot keeps exploring the room, and the then existing map is treated as the final map of the room. The robot stops at each new position and records the local map readings of that position, a process which takes 60 seconds to obtain 120 readings. The VOLUME 7, N° 3 2013 error in the readings obtained is dependent on the ultrasonic sensor and so an average error of 3 centimeters is possible in the readings, which is a fairly acceptable value for this kind of sensor. 3.2. Motion After sensing the environment surrounding the robot, the distance in centimeters and the direction of the next frontier from the robot’s current position is computed and the robot then proceeds to move toward this new frontier location. The robot moves to a new frontier location so that it is possible to detect the objects in the previously unexplored area of the room. To ensure that the TriBot is able to explore the complete room efficiently, the 120 distance readings obtained for the current position of the robot are sorted and one of the four farthest values of the recorded distances is randomly selected. Random selection is chosen, as it is possible that the distances recorded are erroneous readings due to a ghost image. The TriBot turns according to the angle of the direction of the farthest point selected with respect to the robot reference frame and it is then moved half the distance to that point. The distance is halved to counteract the possibility that the point selected represents a ghost image. Every new position of the robot depends only on the relative displacement from the previous position which in turn depends on the readings taken on that position. The robot’s relative displacement from the previous position to the new position is stored in a matrix. The relative orientation from previous position is the angle which the robot turned, found during the new frontier location calculation. The X and Y coordinates representing the new position achieved by displacement from previous position are found by converting the distance moved and the angle rotated with respect to the previous position into Cartesian values. The current position of the robot relative to the origin of the map is calculated by taking the arithmetic sum of all previous relative displacements and adding it to the displacement from last known position to the current position. Hence the robot’s position is localized by calculating the sum of all the displacements. The sensing and motion steps are repeated continuously, many times, to construct the final map by the robot through exploration of the environment and to find the position of the robot after every relative displacement. The readings taken at each position contribute to the calculation of the next frontier for the robot and the robot has no knowledge of the readings taken previously. The robot also has orientation information relative to the X-axis of the global map, though it may have approximately 0.25 degrees of error from the previous position of the robot. All the Cartesian coordinates of the objects observed and the robot positions are stored in separate matrices which are later stored as files, so that it becomes possible to recreate the map after the robot has finished collecting the readings from the environment. A single reading, consisting of X and Y coordinates values of the room takes roughly 16 bytes of file space. So, for 120 readings taken at 100 posiArticles 25 Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems tions, for a total of 12000 records, the file size will be tions, for of records, tions, for aa total total188 of 12000 12000 records, the the file file size size will will be be approximately kBytes. approximately kBytes. tions, for a total188 of 12000 approximately 188 kBytes.records, the file size will be 4. Kidnapped Robot Problem approximately 188 kBytes. 4. Kidnapped Robot Problem 4. Kidnapped Robot Problem 4. The Kidnapped Problem algorithm implemented and The algorithmRobot implemented and discussed discussed here here is is The algorithm implemented and discussed here is used by the TriBot to find its approximate location in an used by the the TriBot to to find its its approximate approximate location in an an The algorithm implemented and discussed here is used by TriBot find location in existing map by taking the readings of its surroundings. existing map by taking the readings of its surroundings. used by the TriBot to find its approximate location in an existing map by taking the readings of its surroundings. During the map construction process, the robot finds its existingthe map by construction taking the readings ofthe its surroundings. During map process, robot finds its position through the relative displacements from the During the map construction the robotfrom findsthe its position through the relativeprocess, displacements origin of the map. In a situation where the robot only position through the relative displacements from the origin of the map. In a situation where the robot only knows the coordinates of the objects ofthe the map only and origin ofthe thecoordinates map. In a situation whereof knows of the objects therobot map and does not know its position relative to the origin, the knowsnot theknow coordinates of the objectstoofthe theorigin, map and does its position relative the robot’s position is localized within the environment by does not know is itslocalized positionwithin relative the origin, the robot’s position thetoenvironment by taking measurements from its immediate surroundings robot’smeasurements position is localized within the environment by taking from its immediate surroundings and bymeasurements moving it within theitsarea for which the global taking from immediate surroundings and by moving it within the area for which the global map is available. Figure 5 the depicts these two steps. and by moving itFigure within5 areathese for which the global map is available. depicts two steps. map is available. Figure 5 depicts these two steps. Fig. 5. 5. Localization Localization process process used used by by the the TriBot TriBot Fig. Fig. 5. Localization process used by the TriBot Fig. 5. Localization process used by the TriBot The position position of of the the particles particles which which represent represent the the The The position of the particles represent guesses of the the robot’s robot’s possible which position within the the guesses of possible position within the The position of the particles which represent the guesses the robot’s possible position map, are areoftaken taken as the the initial initial belief for the thewithin particles. map, as belief for particles. guesses the robot’s possible position within the map, areoftaken as the initial belief for of thethe particles. The particles particles then update their belief robot’s The then update their belief of the robot’s map, are taken as the initial belief for of thethe particles. The particles then update their belief robot’s position by by using using the the measurements measurements taken taken by by the the position The particles then the update their belief of the robot’s position by using measurements taken by the robot’s ultrasonic ultrasonic sensor which leads leads to to survival of robot’s sensor which survival of position by using sensor the measurements taken by the robot’s ultrasonic to survival of only aa few few of the the particles particleswhich with leads probable initial bebeonly of with probable initial robot’s ultrasonic sensor which leads to survivalbeof only few of the particles probable liefs. aThis This selection of the the with particles with initial probable liefs. selection of particles with probable only aThis few selection of the particles with probable initial beliefs. of the particles with probable beliefs is is repeated repeated continuously, continuously, by by moving moving the the robot robot beliefs liefs. Thisrepeated selection of the particles with the probable beliefs by and moving robot and the theisparticles particles by bycontinuously, some distance distance taking subsesubseand some and taking beliefs isparticles repeatedbycontinuously, by and moving thesubserobot and themeasurements, some taking quent till distance all the the particles particles are clusclusquent measurements, till all are and themeasurements, particles by some distance and taking subsequent till all the particles are clustered around around aa single single position position within within the the map map which which tered quent measurements, till all the particles arewhich clustered around a single position within the map can safely safely predict the robot’s robot’s approximate location. can predict the approximate location. tered around a single positionapproximate within the map which can safely predict the robot’s location. 4.1. Particle Filters can safely predict the robot’s approximate location. 4.1. Filters 4.1. Particle Particle Filters Particle filters are used used in in this work work as as they they are 4.1.Particle Particlefilters Filtersare Particle filters are used in this thisvalue workproblems, as they are are easier to program program for continuous continuous as easier to for value problems, as Particle filters are used in thisvalue workproblems, as they are easier to program for continuous as compared to to Kalman Kalman Filters Filters [10, [10, 11]. 11]. Particle Particle filters filters compared easier to program for Filters continuous valueParticle problems, as compared to Kalman [10, 11]. filters also work work better better than than Histogram Histogram Filters Filters [11] [11] in in highhighalso compared to Kalman [10, Filters 11]. Particle filters also work better than Filters Histogram [11] higher-dimensional spaces. Table 1 1 compares compares theinHistoHistoer-dimensional spaces. Table the also work betterspaces. than Histogram Filters [11] inHistohigher-dimensional Table 1 compares the gram, Kalman, Kalman, and and Particle Particle filters filters on on the the basis of of two two gram, er-dimensional spaces. Table 1 compares the of Histogram, Kalman, and Particle filters on the basis basis two characteristics. characteristics. gram, Kalman, and Particle filters on the basis of two characteristics. characteristics. Table 1. Comparisons between Histogram, Kalman and Table 1. Comparisons Table 1.Filters Comparisons between between Histogram, Histogram, Kalman Kalman and and Particle Particle Filters Table Comparisons between Histogram, Kalman and Particle1.Filters Particle Filters Filter Name Name State-Space Belief Filter State-Space Belief Filter Name Histogram Filter Name Histogram Histogram Kalman Histogram Kalman Kalman Particle Kalman Particle Particle 26 Particle Articles State-Space State-Space Discrete Discrete Continuous Discrete Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Belief Belief Multi-Modal Multi-Modal Uni-Modal Multi-Modal Uni-Modal Uni-Modal Multi-Modal Uni-Modal Multi-Modal Multi-Modal Multi-Modal VOLUME 7, N° 3 2013 4.2. Localization using Particle Filters 4.2. 4.2. Localization Localization using using Particle Particle Filters Filters After satisfactory map construction the room, the 4.2.After Localization using Particle Filtersof satisfactory map construction of After satisfactory map construction of the the room, room, the the robot is is kidnapped kidnapped i.e., i.e., removed removed from from the the environment environment robot After satisfactoryi.e., map construction of the room, the robot is kidnapped removed from the environment and then placed randomly somewhere inside the area area and placed randomly somewhere inside the robotthen is kidnapped i.e., removed from the environment and then placed randomly somewhere inside the area represented by the global map. The current position of represented by global map. The position of and then placed randomly somewhere inside the area represented by the the global map. The current current position of the robot within the map is unknown and is deterthe robot within map is unknown and is deterrepresented by thethe global map. The current position of the robot within the map is unknown and is determined by by finding finding distances distances to to nearby nearby objects objects with with the the mined the robot within distances the map is unknown and is determined by finding to nearby objects with the use of of the the ultrasonic ultrasonic sensor, sensor, and and calculating calculating aa good good use mined finding distances to nearby objects with the use of by thedistribution ultrasonic sensor, and calculating a good posterior of where the robot is based on posterior where the robot is based on use of thedistribution ultrasonic of sensor, and calculating a good posterior distribution of where the robot is based on those readings. those readings. posterior distribution of where the robot is based on those readings. Each particle represents the possible position Each particle the possible position those readings. Each particleof represents represents the possible position and orientation the robot in the map. Set of hunhunand orientation of the robot in the map. Set of Each particleof represents the possible position and orientation the robot in the map. Set of hundreds of such (N) particles together comprise an dreds of (N) particles an and orientation of the robot intogether the map.comprise Set of hundreds of such suchrepresentation (N) particles together comprise an approximate of the posterior distriapproximate representation of the posterior distridreds of suchrepresentation (N) particles of together comprise an approximate the posterior distribution of of the the robot robot [11]. [11]. In In the the beginning, beginning, all all the the N N bution approximate representation of the posterior distribution of the robot [11]. In the beginning, all the N particles are uniformly scattered, and the filter alparticles and the filter bution of are the uniformly robot [11].scattered, In the beginning, all thealN particles are uniformly scattered, and the filter allows them them to to survive survive in in proportion proportion to to how how consistent consistent lows particles are uniformly scattered, to and theconsistent filter allows them to survive in proportion how these particles particles are are with with the the sensor sensor readings, readings, such such these lows them to survive in proportion to how consistent these particles are with the sensor readings, such that the particles which are more consistent with the that the particles which more consistent with the these particles are withare the sensor readings, such that the particles which are more consistent with the sensor measurements are considered fitter and are sensor fitter and are that themeasurements particles whichare areconsidered more consistent with the sensor measurements are considered fitter and are more likely to survive. Measurements of the robot’s more likely to survive. Measurements the robot’s sensor measurements are considered of fitter and are more likely to survive. Measurements of the robot’s surroundings are are recorded recorded and and applied applied to to all all the the surroundings more likely to are survive. Measurements of the robot’s surroundings recorded and applied to all the particles individually. individually. As As aa result, result, closer closer the the particle particle particles surroundings are recorded and applied to particle all the particles individually. As amore result, closer the is to the correct position, likely the possibility is to the correct position, likely the possibility particles individually. As amore result, closer the particle is to the correct position, more likely the possibility that the the measurements measurements belong belong to to that that particle, particle, and and that is to the the measurements correct position,belong more to likely possibility that thatthe particle, and higher the likelihood of its survival. The particles higher likelihood of its survival. particles that thethe measurements belong to that The particle, and higher the likelihood of its survival. The particles which are are highly highly consistent consistent with with the the measurements measurements which higher thehighly likelihood of its with survival. The particles which are consistent the measurements form clusters clusters around around aa single single position position in in the the map form which are highly consistent with the measurements form clusters around a single position in theofmap map which approximately represents the position rowhich approximately the position roform clusters around represents a single position in theof map which approximately represents the position of robot as it localizes itself within the map. bot as localizes itself within the map. which represents the position of robotEach as it itapproximately localizes itself within the map. particle has its own importance weight and particle has own importance and botEach as it localizes itselfits the map. weight Each particle has itswithin ownthe importance weight and survives at random, though probability of its its sursursurvives at random, though the probability of Each at particle hasthough its ownthe importance weight and survives random, probability of its survival is is proportional proportional to to its its importance importance weight. weight. Larger Larger vival survives at random, though the probability of its survival is proportional to its importance weight. Larger the weight weight of of the the particle, more more likely likely it it is is that that it it reprereprethe vival is proportional to itsmore importance weight. the weight of the particle, particle, likely likely it is that it Larger represents the robot’s position and more that it sursents the robot’s position and more that surthe weight of the particle, more likely likely it is that it it represents the robot’s position and more likely that it survives. After resampling i.e., randomly drawing N new vives. After resampling i.e., randomly drawing sents the robot’s position and more likely that N it new survives. After resampling i.e., randomly drawing N new particles from from the the old old ones ones in in proportion proportion with with their their particles vives. After resampling i.e., randomly drawing N their new particles from the old ones in proportion with importance weights, weights, with with replacement, replacement, the the smaller smaller importance particles from the oldwith onesreplacement, in proportionthe with their importance weights, smaller weighted particles representing less probable robot weighted particles less probable robot importance weights,representing with replacement, the smaller weighted particles representing less probable robot positions are are likely likely to to be be discarded. discarded. positions weighted particles positions are likely torepresenting be discarded.less probable robot 4.3. Noise positions 4.3. Noise 4.3. Noiseare likely to be discarded. Three of noise values [11] are considered dur4.3.Three Noisetypes types Three types of of noise noise values values [11] [11] are are considered considered durduring Three the localization of the robot, as follows: types of noise are considered during the localization of thevalues robot,[11] as follows: — noise of – the Therobot, errorasvalue, in centimeters, ing Forward the localization follows: — Forward noise – Theinto error value, in centimeters, that must be taken account when the robot must be taken account the — that Forward noise – Theinto error value,when in centimeters, that must be taken into account when the robot robot moves in the forward direction. moves in direction. that must beforward taken into account when the robot moves in the the forward direction. — Turn noise The error value, in degrees, which in the––forward direction. — moves Turn noise The error value, in when degrees, which must be taken into consideration the robot be taken into consideration the robot — must Turn noise – The error value, in when degrees, which must be taken into consideration when the robot executes a right or left turn on its current position. executes a right or left turn on its current position. must be ataken whenposition. the robot executes right into or leftconsideration turn on its current — Sense noise – The error value, centimeters, that a right or left turn on itsin position. — executes Sense noise – The error value, incurrent centimeters, that must be taken into account due to the ultrasonic be taken into account due the ultrasonic — must Sense noise – The error value, in to centimeters, that must be taken into account due to the ultrasonic sensor’s inability to measure exact distances. sensor’s to distances. must be inability taken into account exact due to the ultrasonic sensor’s inability to measure measure exact distances. 4.4. Particles inability to measure exact distances. 4.4. Particles 4.4.sensor’s Particles To create the particles a class is created in 4.4.To Particles create theanparticles a that classclass is created in MATLAB, where object of represents MATLAB, where object of represents To create thean particles a that classclass is created in MATLAB, where an object of that class represents aa single particle. Each particle created using this single particle. Each particle created using this MATLAB, where an object of that class represents a single particle. Each namely particle– X-coordinate created usingvalue, this class has six attributes, class has six attributes, X-coordinate aclass single particle. Each namely particle– created usingvalue, this has six attributes, namely – X-coordinate value, Y-coordinate value, Orientation, Forward noise, Turn Y-coordinate value, Orientation, Forward noise, Turn class has six attributes, namely – X-coordinate value, Y-coordinate value, Orientation, Forward noise, Turn noise, Sense noise. The position and orientation of noise, Sense noise. The position and orientation of Y-coordinate value, Orientation, Forward noise, Turn noise, Sense noise. The position and orientation of aa particle are randomly initialized on creation of the particle are randomly initialized on creation of the noise, Sense noise. The position and orientation of aparticle. particleThe areforward, randomly initialized on creation of the turn and sense noise values for particle. forward, turn and sense noise values for aparticle. particleThe are randomly initialized on creation of the The forward, turn and sense noise values for each particle are initially set to 0.5, by default. each are set to by default. particle. The forward, turn sense values for each particle particle are initially initially setand to 0.5, 0.5, bynoise default. each particle are initially set to 0.5, by default. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems VOLUME 7, 4.5. Particle Filter Algorithm Firstly, 250 particles are created using the class implemented in MATLAB and their noise attribute values are set according to the measured values of the precision for TriBot’s wheeled motors and ultrasonic sensor. The values of forward, turn, and sense noise of the TriBot are calculated using the accuracy of the ultrasonic sensor and the motors and are set to 0.05 centimeters, 0.25 degrees and 3 centimeters respectively for the current implementation. At the current unknown position of the robot a reading is taken by the ultrasonic sensor at a certain angle, between 0 and 45 degrees, with respect to the robot reference frame. Seven more such readings are taken at an interval of 45 degree each, which gives a set of total eight measurements for the robot’s current position. For each particle, these angles are used to find the distances between the particle’s position and the objects in the map at these angles, with respect to the particle’s orientation. The probability that a particle represents the approximate location of the robot is computed by using the equation: (���)� � ��� �=� � ∝ √��� (1) Where µ is the distance of the particle from an object, x is the observed distance measurement at that angle with respect to the robot reference frame, σ is the sense noise and α is the set of all angles at which the eight readings were recorded. This probability, p, is eventually treated as the importance weight for that particle. The particle filter implemented in the current system, is shown in Algorithm 1. RoomX and RoomY are arrays having the values of X and Y coordinates of the room boundary and objects, recorded during map construction. Line 2 creates a set of particles P by creating objects of the class and initializes the respective attribute values for each particle. P is a collection of onedimensional arrays, viz. Px, Py, Porientation, Psense, Pturn and Pforward, of size N each, where each array represents an attribute. Array Px records the X-coordinate value for all the N particles in sequence, Py stores the Ycoordinate value for all the particles and so on. W is an array of size N that sequentially stores the importance weights of all the particles in P. Line 3 sets the noise values of all the particles. The constant, t is used to define the number of times that the algorithm must be run and a value of 10 is fixed in the implementation. The initially empty array, select, is used to save the index of the coordinates of room that satisfy the measurement reading, Z, when applied to a particle. Integer value of the variable angle can be initialized manually between 0 and π/4 radians and a value of π/6 radians has been chosen in the implementation. In line 7, the robot takes a distance reading of its surrounding at the angle specified. The function polar takes the arrays of Cartesian coordinates of the room and converts them to Polar coordinates, with respect to N° 3 2013 the origin of the global map; where R represents the array of distances and Ɵ represents the array of angles of those points, in radians. The size function returns the number of rows in an array. The values distX, distY represent the distance between the X and Y coordinates of the particles from the coordinates of the object of the room observed at a certain angle by the robot. These values are used to find the distance of the particle from the coordinates in map, which is then used in line 29 and 30 to find the importance weight of the particle. Line 33 applies the resampling algorithm which randomly draws N new particles from the old ones, with replacement, according to their importance weights. In line 37 implements the movement of the TriBot and all the particles, by turning them by 20 degrees anticlockwise and moving them forward by a distance of 6 centimeters. A random Gaussian distribution value with zero mean, and the standard deviation set as the forward or turn noise is added when the particles are moved forward, or rotated. Algorithm 1: Particle Filter Algorithm for Localization. Input : �����, ����� � ����������� �� ���� � � � ������ �� ��������� 1 begin 2 Create N uniformly distributed particles P, and initialize attributes Px, Py, Porientation, Psense, Pturn, and Pforward. 3 Set Noise values of Psense, Pturn, Pforward. 4 for t ← 1 to 10 do 5 angle ← π/6 ; 6 for i ← 1 to 8 do 7 Z ← Distance reading with TriBot(angle) ; 8 select ← [ ] ; 9 (R, Ɵ) ← polar (RoomX, RoomY); 10 for j ← 1 to N do 11 W(j) ← 1.0 ; 12 for k ← 1 to N do 13 dcos ← R(k) * cos(Ɵ(k)) – Px(j) ; 14 dsin ← R(k) * sin(Ɵ(k)) – Py(j) ; 15 d ← √����� + ����� ; if dcos ≅ 0 do 16 r ← ����� (����⁄�) ; 17 else 18 r ← ����� (����⁄�) ; 19 end if (line 16) 20 21 do 22 if �� � ���� = �(������������ (�) + �����) � ���� Add k to select array. 23 end if (line 21) 24 end for (line 12) 25 26 for i ← 1 to size(select) do distX ← ��(�) � ������������(�)� ; Articles 27 Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems distY ← ��(�) � ������������(�)� ; distY ← ��(�) � ������������(�)� ; dist ← √����� �� + ����� �� ; dist ← √����� �+ ����� ; 27 27 28 28 �← �← 29 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 (������) (������)� � �(� ∗(������(�))�) �(� ∗(������(�)) ) ��� ∗(������(�))� ��� ∗(������(�))� ; ; W(j) ← W(j) * p ; W(j) ← W(j) * p ; end for (line 25) end for (line 25) end for (line 10) end for (line 10) P2 ← Resampling Wheel Algorithm (W, N). P2 ← Resampling Wheel Algorithm (W, N). P ← P2 ; P ← P2 ; angle ← angle + π/4 ; angle ← angle + π/4 ; end for (line 6) end for (line 6) Move the robot and particles. Move the robot and particles. end for (line 4) end for (line 4) end end For resampling the particles on the basis of their For resampling the particles on the basis of their importance weights, a particle that has higher imimportance weights, a particle that has higher importance weight, must be sampled or picked more portance weight, must be sampled or picked more number of times than a particle that has low imnumber of times than a particle that has low importance weight. This is achieved through the portance weight. This is achieved through the resampling wheel algorithm [11] described in Algoresampling wheel algorithm [11] described in Algorithm 2. First, an initial integer guess of a particle numrithm 2. First, an initial integer guess of a particle number is taken from the uniform interval (1, N) at random ber is taken from the uniform interval (1, N) at random and labeled as index. A value beta, initialized as zero, is and labeled as index. A value beta, initialized as zero, is added to a real value drawn uniformly from the interval added to a real value drawn uniformly from the interval (0, 2*maxw) to give a new value of beta; where maxw is (0, 2*maxw) to give a new value of beta; where maxw is the maximum importance weight in W. If weight of the the maximum importance weight in W. If weight of the index particle is smaller than the current value of beta, index particle is smaller than the current value of beta, then the weight of the particle is subtracted from beta then the weight of the particle is subtracted from beta and index is incremented by one. Otherwise, if the beta and index is incremented by one. Otherwise, if the beta value is lower than weight of index particle, then that value is lower than weight of index particle, then that particle is chosen to survive. particle is chosen to survive. In the given algorithm, Ʋ1 represents a function that In the given algorithm, Ʋ represents a function that returns a uniformly integer1 drawn value and Ʋ2 rereturns a uniformly integer drawn value and Ʋ2 returns a uniform real value from the intervals specified. turns a uniform real value from the intervals specified. The max function returns the maximum value among The max function returns the maximum value among all the elements of an array. P2 is, initially, an empty set all the elements of an array. P2 is, initially, an empty set of arrays and stores the attribute values of the particles of arrays and stores the attribute values of the particles selected for survival after resampling. selected for survival after resampling. Algorithm 2. Resampling Wheel Algorithm. Algorithm 2. Resampling Wheel Algorithm. Input : Input � ∶: ����� �� ���������� ������ �� ��������� � � ∶ ����� �� ���������� ������ �� ��������� � ∶ ������ �� ��������� � � ∶ ������ �� ��������� Output : � �� ∶ ��������� ����� ���������� Output : � �� ∶ ��������� ����� ���������� 1 begin 1 begin 2 index ← Ʋ1(1, N) ; 2 index ← Ʋ1(1, N) ; 3 beta ← 0 ; 3 beta ← 0 ; 4 P2 ← [ ] ; 4 P2 ← [ ] ; 5 maxw ← max(W); 5 maxw ← max(W); 6 for i ← 1 to N do 6 for i ← 1 to N do 7 beta ← beta + Ʋ2(0, 2*maxw) ; 7 beta ← beta + Ʋ2(0, 2*maxw) ; 8 while W[index] < beta do 8 while W[index] < beta do 9 beta ← beta – W(index) ; 9 beta ← beta – W(index) ; 10 index ← index + 1 ; 10 index ← index + 1 ; 28 Articles VOLUME 7, 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 N° 3 2013 end while end while Add the index particle to P2. Add the index particle to P2. end for end for end end If the beta value is small, there is a high possibilIf the beta value is small, there is a high possibility of a particle with large importance weight being ity of a particle with large importance weight being picked more than once during resampling. After picked more than once during resampling. After resampling, N new particles are obtained, each resampling, N new particles are obtained, each having a new position and orientation values that having a new position and orientation values that have been derived from old particles with high imhave been derived from old particles with high importance weights. portance weights. At the end of the process an approximate location At the end of the process an approximate location of the robot is found by analyzing the X and Y coorof the robot is found by analyzing the X and Y coordinate of the locations where most of the particles dinate of the locations where most of the particles are clustered in the global map. are clustered in the global map. 5. Experimental Results 5. Experimental Results Figure 6 shows the area under consideration for Figure 6 shows the area under consideration for the purposes of experimentation. The cross mark the purposes of experimentation. The cross mark shows the robot’s starting position for map construcshows the robot’s starting position for map construction. The light-gray colored portion in the figure is tion. The light-gray colored portion in the figure is beyond the environment under observation. beyond the environment under observation. Fig. 6. Room used for Map Construction and LocalizaFig. 6. Room used for Map Construction and Localization by the TriBot tion by the TriBot 5.1. Map Construction 5.1. Map Construction Figure 7 shows the two dimensional maps created Figure 7 shows the two dimensional maps created after taking readings on the first two positions. All the after taking readings on the first two positions. All the objects recorded by the TriBot are displayed as a point objects recorded by the TriBot are displayed as a point cloud of black dots as the ultrasonic sensor returns a cloud of black dots as the ultrasonic sensor returns a single value of the straight line distance of an object single value of the straight line distance of an object from the ultrasonic sensor. In the figure the positions of from the ultrasonic sensor. In the figure the positions of the robot where the readings were taken are displayed the robot where the readings were taken are displayed by magenta colored dots. Figure 7a shows the local by magenta colored dots. Figure 7a shows the local map created at the origin position by the TriBot during map created at the origin position by the TriBot during map construction. Figure 7b shows the existing map map construction. Figure 7b shows the existing map after adding the readings taken at the second position, after adding the readings taken at the second position, to the map created in Figure 7a. to the map created in Figure 7a. ning plete map t the ailed host n the emp- t the gs at p images, can be seen in the map which lie either in the region the Mobile roomRobotics boundaries or within the empJournal ofbeyond Automation, & Intelligent Systems ty area of the original room shown in Figure 6. (a) VOLUME 7, N° 3 2013 Fig. map 5.2. F almo part the b (b) Fig. 7. (a) Map obtained after taking readings at the (b)the Map obtained after taking readings at Fig.Map 9.position. Image of room under consideration and the Fig. 7. (a) Map obtained after taking readings at the origin position.origin (b) obtained after taking readings at second position second positionbyand to the existing map created theadding TriBotthem superimposed ontomap it. and adding them to the existing map (a) 5.2. Kidnapped Robotboundaries Problemor within the empty area of the original room shown Figure 10 shows the particles initially distributed, Figuretriangles 6. almost uniformly. The ingreen represent the Figure 9 shows the map conparticles created initially. The blue asterisks represent in Figure superimthe boundary of the roomstructed created during map 8, construction. posed onto the room shown in Figure 6. (b) Fig. 7. (a) Map obtained after taking readings at the origin position. (b) Map obtained after taking readings at second position and adding them to the existing map 5.2. Kidnapped Robot Problem Figure 10 shows the particles initially distributed, almost uniformly. The green triangles represent the particles created initially. The blue asterisks represent the boundary of the room created duringafter map construction. Fig. 8. Map constructed by the TriBot one scanning Fig. 8. Map constructed by the Figure 11 shows how the of the room where the boundaries of the room can be TriBot after one scanning of the green colored particles Fig. 10. Particles created for localization of thehave robot easily identified room where the boundaries of the clustered the right hand and to solve the kidnapped robot on problem room can be easily identified side of the map and predict the Figure 9 shows the map constructed in Figure 8, superapproximate position of the imposed onto the room shown in Figure 6. TriBot. Fig. 9. Image of the room under considerIn later iterations of the Figure 8 shows the map created ation and the map created by the TriBot Fig. Image of theof room under consideration and the algorithm, the particles move scanning the room. In onto it map created by the TriBot superimposedsuperimposed onto it. within the map as the robot the map constructed, the complete moves in the actual environroom is scanned only once and for ment. Figure 12 shows how the better results of map construction 5.2. Kidnapped Robot Problem particles after executing a left turn and moving forwards, andFigure localization, it is possible to let the TriBot scan the 10 shows the particles initially distributed, and further upwards, in the map as the robot moves. room continuously till a highly detailed map is constructalmost uniformly. The green represent the Fig. 8. Map constructed by the triangles TriBot after one scanning ed. Noisy readings, representing ghost images, can be seen particles created initially. The blue asterisks represent of the room where the boundaries of the room can be in the map which lieroom either in theduring regionmap beyond the room the boundary of the created construction. easily identified Figure 9 shows the map constructed in Figure 8, superimposed onto the room shown in Figure 6. Fig. Fig. 10. 10. Particles Particles created createdfor forlocalization localizationofofthe therobot robot and to solve the kidnapped robot problem and to solve the kidnapped robot problem Fig. and Fig. 11. Particles finally localized to the robot’s approximate position within the map Fig. 11. Particles finally localized to the robot’s approximate position within the map Articles 29 Fig. mate In within later iterations ofthe therobot algorithm, particles move the map as moves the in the actual move within the map as the robot moves in the environment. Figure 12 shows how the particlesactual after Journal of Automation, Mobile Intelligent Systems after environment. 12 Robotics shows the particles executing a leftFigure turn and moving&how forwards, and further executing a left and moving forwards, and further upwards, in the turn map as the robot moves. upwards, in the map as the robot moves. shown in this paper. VOLUME 7, N° 3 2013 AUTHORS AUTHORS Jasmeet Singh*, Punam Bedi – Department of Jasmeet – Department of Computer Singh*, Science, Punam Faculty ofBedi Mathematical Sciences, Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, New Academic Block, University of Delhi, DelhiAUTHORS New, Block, University of Delhi, Delhi110007, JasmeetIndia, Singh*, Punam Bedi – Department of Com110007, India,, puter Science, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, New Academic Block, University of Delhi, Delhi- 110007, *Corresponding author India,, *Corresponding author *Corresponding author References References [1] Burguera, A.; González, Y.; Oliver, G., “Mobile Ro- (a) (a) (b) (b) the robot’s actual moveFig. 12. Particles moving with Fig. 12. Particles moving with the robot’s actual ment. (a) The cloud of green particles is near themoveright ment. (a) The cloud of green particles is near the right hand12. side boundary (b) The particles move actual upwards and Fig. Particles moving with the robot’s movehand side boundary (b) The particles move upwards and ment. (a) The cloud ofthe green particles is near the right left, further away from boundary left, further away from (b) the boundary hand side boundary The particles move upwards and left, further away from the boundary 6. Conclusion 6. Conclusion 30 Efforts have been made in this paper to create Efforts been made inLego this Mindstorms paper to create of anhave environment using NXT Conclusion aTriBot. map ofThis an environment using Lego Mindstorms NXT work may find applications in creating TriBot. This work may find applications in creating Efforts have been made in this to create maps of unknown environments that paper are inaccessible maps of environments thatMindstorms are inaccessible a map of unknown an environment using NXT for humans, by deploying robotsLego into them or in applifor humans, by deploying robots into them in oranomalies in appliTriBot. This work may find applications creating cations of home security systems to detect cations of homechanges security to detect anomalies maps of unknown environments that are inaccessible when the map in systems the absence of human interwhen the map changes in the absence of human interfor humans, by deploying robots into them or in apference. The MATLAB programming environment with ference. The MATLAB programming environment plications of home security systems detect RWTHMindstorms NXT Toolbox has to been usedanomaforwith the RWTHMindstorms NXT Toolbox has been for the lies when map changes in the absence of human purpose ofthe implementation and testing of used the system purpose implementation and testing ofenvironment the interference. The MATLAB programming with the ofTriBot. The implemented system hassystem been with the TriBot. The implemented system has been RWTH –tested Mindstorms Toolbox been used successfully with anNXT indoor maphas creation of a successfully with an solving indoor map creationofof for theand purpose of implementation andkidnapped testing the room fortested subsequently the ro-a room and for subsequently solving the kidnapped rosystem with the TriBot. The implemented system bot problem with particle filter localization of has the bot problem with particle filter localization of the been successfully withrobot an indoor creation TriBot within that tested room. The in thismap work uses a TriBot within room.making The robot in this work uses a of a room and that forsensor, subsequently solving the kidnapped single ultrasonic it highly cost effective. single ultrasonic sensor, making it highly cost effective. robot problem with particle localization of the A better representation of filter the map can be created A better representation of the map can TriBot within that room. The robot in this work uses by making the environment multi-agent withbe thecreated use of by making the environment multi-agent with the useare of a single ultrasonic making highly cost efseveral similar Lego sensor, Mindstorms NXTitTriBots that several similar Lego Mindstorms NXT TriBots that are fective. via MATLAB and by overlapping the individcontrolled controlled MATLAB and by individA bettervia representation of overlapping the map canthe be created by making the environment multi-agent with the use of several similar Lego Mindstorms NXT TriBots that are controlled via MATLAB and by overlapping the individual maps created by them all. It is also possible to reduce the number of particles used in the implementation, and achieve almost similar results as the ones shown in this paper. 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