Project Four: Understanding Orientation, Part 1 Name: Activity I

Project Four: Understanding Orientation, Part 1
Name: _________________________________________
Activity I: Pseudocoding
Last week you created a program that drove your robot forward until it hit an object
with the attached touch sensor, then the robot took an EOPD reading and printed
that value to the screen. Write psuedocode
that updates that program to display
‘white’ if the EOPD value is greater than
50 and ‘black’ if the value is less than 50.
Activity II: Identifying problem areas
The robot in the photo on the right has a touch sensor with a bumper bar and an
EOPD sensor—just like your robot! In the photo on the below, that same robot has
encountered three objects with its touch sensor and bumper bar.
Which of the three objects can the robot take an accurate reading from with the EOPD sensor? Why?
Project Four: Understanding Orientation, Part 1
Activity III: Decision making with two pieces of information
It’s fall in North Carolina, so that means the weather is really unpredictable. Over the past few days we’ve seen daily
forecasts ranging from 75 degrees and sunny (Sunday) to 45 degrees and rainy (Tuesday). On each of these days you
likely had to make a decision on what you would wear or how you would prepare to go outside depending on the weather.
For example, you probably dress differently when it’s warm and raining than when it’s cold and raining. Regardless of rain,
you might dress differently when it’s 90 degrees than when it’s 40 degrees. Use the chart below to indicate how you
prepare for each of the weather conditions shown.
Cold Weather (40 degrees or colder)
Hot weather (80 degrees or hotter)
Project Four: Understanding Orientation, Part 1
Raining or snowing
Clear skies