Junior High S.T.E.M. Curriculum Unit 1 S.T.E.M. First-9-Weeks ROBOTICS Unit 2 Second-9-Weeks WEEK 1-4 – Nuts & Bolts Course description, class rules, & lab safety procedures Math and Measurement WEEK 1-3 – Gears, Power, and Motors “oh my” Intro to Lego Robotics How gears work Speed versus Power WEEK 5-6 – Dress for Success Research careers in STEM, job prospects/income, and college requirements Today’s use of robots (industry, space, biomedical…) WEEK 4-9 – Nature’s Fury Build robot to accomplish task Programming robot Design and build robot to accomplish missions to manage consequences of a natural disaster WEEK 7-9 – “JAVA the Hut” Intro to programming Coding Unit 3 All About M.E. Model Engineering Third-9-Weeks WEEK 1-4 – Building Bridges “Feel the force” (Tension & Compression) Build file folder bridge Design and build improved bridge WEEK 5-9 – Got Momentum? Vehicles o Egg drop package o Rocket launch o Trebuchet “It ‘Aint Easy Being Green” Fourth-9-Weeks Unit 4 WEEK 1-3 – Is this Electrifying? Completing the circuit Laser optics Electrodes – Battery design Magnetic levitation WEEK 4-6 – Getting Off the Grid Solar energy Wind power WEEK 7-9 – Make it Green Design a green school – “Future City”