Within the framework of thc Agreement on Culturai and Scientific Cooperation between Government of the ltalian Republie and the Government of Romanian Republic, signcd in charest on October 21 st, 2003 and entered into force on March 10th 2006, the Italian-Romanian 101nt Commission was held in Bucharest on October 8 th 2012 10 examine the present state and fur~ ther development of seientific and teehnological cooperation between thc two Countries and to de­ fine the Exccutive Programme for the years 2013~201 The Italian delegation was headed by H.E. Mario Cospito, Ambassador of Italy in Romania, on be­ half of the Directorate GeneraI for the Country Promotion (Economy, Culture and Science), Minis­ try of Foreign Affairs, and the Romanian delegation was headed by Mrs Anca Ghinescu, Director­ Department of European Integration and Internationai Co-operation - National Authority for Sci­ ence Research --- Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports. The members of the two delegations are listed in The institutions in charge of the co-ordination of the present Executive Programme, hereinaftcr re­ ferred as to tbe "Parties", are: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate GeneraI for the Country Promotion (Economy, Culture and Science), the National Authority for Science Research-- Ministry of Education, search, Y outh and Sports The following agenda items ofthe 10int Commission were adopted by the Parties: 1. 2. 3. 4. Review of Scientific and Technological Cooperation between the two Countries New Executive Programme Projects for the Exchange of Researchers and Financial Provisions Final provisions. two The Parties recognize the growing import ance of science and technology with respect to the eco­ nomical, social and cultural relations of the two countries. The Parties, considering the good relationships between the two countries, stressed the need to de­ velop and promote bilateral co-operation in the fieid of science and technology further for the mu­ tuaI benefit. Both Partìes pIace particular emphasis on the role of intematìonal co-operation for the further de­ velopment oftbe scientific and technological system in the two countries. They have also agreed to increase their efforts towards an enhanced cooperation under the frame of international and multi­ lateral research and development pro grams , initiatives and networks like: FP7, Horizon 2020, Eureka, Eurostars, COST, CentraI European Initiative and others. New Executive In the period between 1st of September and 15th of October 20 Il, a joint call for proposals was launched in order to receive project proposals in the following priority areas: Basic Sciences 1 Information and and\l anotechno logi es Technologies applied to cultura] heritage The criteri a uscd in the selection process were thc following: Scientific relevance of thc rescarch project Mcthodology and documentation Qualification of the applicants Added value ofthe bilateral cooperation Added value for sodal and human development Exploitation and dissemination of results 2,1 Projects Based upon the above mentioned critcria, lO bilateral research projects for thc exchange of re­ searchers have been selected to be granted with financial supporto Thc list ofthe se1ected projects is givcn in The general administrative and financial provisions for the implementation of the Programme are glVcn 111 1""'&"... ..,10. Finai "'"",(1,0""""",, The two Parties agre ed to ho Id the next session ofthe Joint Commission in 2014, in Rome. Details of thc next session of the Joint Commission, such as the exact date, agenda, etc. will be agreed upon through diplomatic channels. This Executive Programme for the peri od 0110112013 31/12/2014 (two years) will remaìn valid until the date when thc next Executive Programme wi11 come into force, but no longer than one after expiration. Any amendrnent to the text of this Executive Programme has to be authorised by the competent Ministrics in hoth cOllntric~ flnd has to be notified out through diplomatic dltlIlIlds. AH c~rrìed the each country. Annexes 1, 2, and :3 are attached hereto and are integraI pmis of the present document. Signcd in Bucharest, on Octobcr 8th 2012, in two origÌ11als in the Engllsh language. 2 1 A{'H,\pr,~T1r.n Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ezio Peraro, Cultural Attaché of the of Italy and Director of the Italian Cultural H",.Hl.U'-' of Bucharest l.U"""""",,",u. Counsellor for Second Secretary ~ Sodal and Cultural Sectors at 3 Multifunctional Molecular Nano-systems Laser beams interaction with micro droplets having con­ trolled content r----~ HYDROPEM-Hydrogen production for proton ex­ change membrane fuel cells A coupled wave··current op­ erational mode! on the B!ack Sea BS BS EE ANDRUH Marius of Bucharest PASCU Mihail-- LlIcian National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Bucharest EBRASU Daniela National Institute for R&D in Cryogenic and Isotope Tech­ nologìes Ramnicu- Valcea STANICA Adrian National Institllte for R&D in Marine Geology and Geoecol·· ogy - GeoEcoMar Bucharest CANESCHI of Firenze ­ FERRARI Michele CNR - IENI (GE) BASILE Angelo CNR - ITM (CS) UMGIESSER Georg CNR ISMAR (VE) Accurate modelling of CRLH (Composite SIMION Stefan BARTOLUCCI Giancarlo RightlLeft Handed) trans­ MilitaryTechnicalAcademy University ofRome "Tor Verga­ [CT mission lines and new design Bucharest ta" methods of related circuits ~.'----'---/--------------+--'----------'-_.-l MICLEA Liviu TechPRINETTO Paolo Ernesto Designing Cloud-based Self­ nicalUniversity Politecnico of Turin healing Cyber-Physical Sys­ lCT tems ~~---~~~--~--~.~+----~.~--~~----~--~~~. ~.~_.--~---------_.----~~ Ordered Soft IONESCU Anca-Iuiza Politehnica University Bucharest Electrical, optical and dielec­ MN SCARAMUZZA Nicola tric spectroscopy characteri­ University of Calabria zation I---·----------+---------/-_·_--------_·_+-~----~_··_-----I Investigation of new BaOMITOSERIU Liliana "Alexandru L Cuza" University TiO-FeO multiferroics: from BUSCAGLIA Vincenzo Iasi material design to magneto­ CNR - IENI(GE) electric a lications I - - - - - - - - ­.........----".~-----.- .--~------------_t_-------.----------l BUDRUGEAC Petru Advanced techniques and National Institute for R&D in VIT ALE-BROV ARONE Ales­ interdisciplinary studies for Electrical Engineering improved assessment of his­ sandro TACH Bucharest torica] parchment documents University of Turin OANCEA Simona Peptaibiotics, an alternative "Lucian Blaga" University Si­ to beta-Iactam antìbìotics: FORMAGGIO Fernando BT biu design, synthesis, bìoactivity University ofPadua and textile fllnctionalization RS = Rasie SciencesBT = Biotechnologies EE Energy and EnvironmentlCT = Information Communicfl1ion Technologies MN = Materials and Nanotechnologies TACH = Technologies Applied to Cultural Heritage 4 The bilateral projects to financed l'or the exchange 01' researchers within thc present Programme are exc1usively those mentioned in Annex for each project listed in Annex 2, 1 shorHerm stay (up to lO days) and l long-term stay (30 days) in Italy and l short-term stay (up to lO days) and l long-term stay (30 days) in Romania may be fi­ nanced yearly within the limits ofthe available annual resources of each Party. The researchers will be entitled to the exchange only ifthey hold nationality of one ofthe two eoun­ tries signing this Executive Programme, or if they hold an EU nationality and are legally resident in one of the two countries. The costs of accommodation and living shall be covered by the receiving Party, while thc costs 01' international travel up to the host institution shall be covered by the sending Party. Within 15 days after finishing their visit, the Italian researchers have to submit to the Italian Minis­ try l'or Foreign Affairs a final report on the activities earried out. The Romanian researchcrs have to submit the reports to thc Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI) according to the national regula­ tions. The reports must be signed by both the ltalian and Romanian visiting researchers involved in thc joint research project. TO Thc Romanian Party will pay thc intemational travel expenses to rcsearehers holding Romanian na­ tionality (or an EU nationality and resident in Romania). The supplied tickcts will bc the most economical ones available l'or the trip, economy class (2 nd class) t1ight/train/ride. Any additional cost shall be bome by the researchers. The date of the visit (both for long and short terms) should be agrecd between the visiting research­ ers and the host ltalian coordinator. Romanian researchers may obtain the authorÌzation for the visit from the ltalian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) only by submitting application form online at this urI: http://www.esteri.it/ricercatori/default.asp.Aninvitation letter from the host Italian Institution, signed by the ltalian Coordinator, must be uploaded to the online application. The Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, after checking theapplication for aceuracy, if covering funds are available, will authorize the visit and pay fur lhe visit allowance; the ltalian Ministry for Foreign Affairs will infonTI the Ttalian Rmbassy in Romania, the Romanian researcher and the Italian project coor­ dinatol'. The applieation must be subrnÌllt:ù aL least two months before the scheduled date of the visit, Details of the above mentioned rules and the online application are available on the web site of the Ministry ofForeign Affairs: http://www.esteri.itIMAE/EN/Politica_Estera/CooperScientificaTecnologica/ProgrammiEsecutivil MobilitaRicercatori/~obilitRicercatoriStranieri.htm?LANG=EN 5 and 1 long-term stay (30 ltalian Party shall provi de month for stays (30 and ,00 Euro per day for shorHerm (up to lO days). above-mentioned amounts shall be paid to the Romanian researchers entireIy in one instalment at their arrivaI in ItaIy. Romanian rescarchers will receive their gnmts at the nearest Provincial Treasury (locai branch of the Banca d'Italia). ltalian researchers travelling to Romania for a research stay are required to submÌt the online ap­ plication to the Unit for Scientific and Technological Cooperation - Directorate Generai for Coun .. try Promotion (Economy, Culture and Science) of the ltalian Ministry of Foreign Affairsat this uri ,e."..'... Applications must be submitted to the ltalian Ministry of Foreign Affairs no later than two months prior to the foreseen date of departure. Details ofthe above mentioned rules and the online applica­ tion are available on the web site ofthe Ministry ofForeign Affairs: http://www.esteri.it/MAE/IT/Politica_Estera/Cultura/CooperScientificaTecnologica/ProgrammiEse cutivi/MobilitaRicercatori/MobilitaRicercatoriltaliani.htm The ltalian Party will pay the international travel expenses to researchers holding ltalian nationality (or any EU nationality and resident in Italy) The supplied tickets will be the most economical ones available for the trip. Any additional cost shall be bome by the researcher. C.C.C., STAY IN ROMANIA The Romanian Party will finance, year1y, for each project listed in Anncx 1 short-term stay (up to lO days) and 1 long-term stay (30 days). The Romanian Party shall provide accommodation and daily allowance for long- and short-term visit of the Italian scientists, according to the legislation in force. For the stay of the Italian scientist in Romania, a daily allowance of 60 RON will be granted. Accommodation will be covcred separately according to the legaI provisions. The above amounts shall be paid and made available to the ltalian researchers by the Romanian host institution. The payment procedurcs related to thc Italian scientist visits are settled by the National Authority for Scientific Research according to the national rules in force and stipulated in the contract signed between the Executive Agency -- UEFISCDI and the host institution. REPORTSON At the end of each year the Italian and the Romanian coordinators will jointly report on the pro~ gress ofthcir project. Funding for the next year willnot be granted ifthe coordinators fail to submit their progress reports. The ltalian coordinators have to submit the reports to the ltalian Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The Romanian coordinators have to submit the reports to the Executive Agency - UEFISCDI. 6