Time & Distance

Time Goes By!
Name _________________________________________
Date ___________________
The chart below shows the departure and arrival times for three trains leaving New Orleans
and arriving in Houston. Use the chart to answer questions 1–7. Use a separate sheet of
paper to write your answers.
Train A
Train B
Train C
7:34 A.M.
9:26 A.M.
10:52 A.M.
3:37 P.M.
5:19 P.M.
7:06 P.M.
1. Calculate how many minutes it takes Train A to travel from New Orleans to Houston.
2. Calculate how many minutes it takes Train B to travel from New Orleans to Houston.
3. Calculate how many minutes it takes Train C to travel from New Orleans to Houston.
4. Which train takes the longest amount of time to get from New Orleans to Houston?
5. Which train takes the least amount of time to get from New Orleans to Houston?
6. Molly is taking Train A to get to Houston. She needs to leave 45 minutes earlier from
her house to catch the train. What time does she have to leave her home? It takes her
55 minutes to get to the Houston hotel from the train station. What time will she arrive
at the hotel?
7. What was the total time in hours and minutes it took Molly from the time she left home
to the time she arrived at the hotel?
8. Sam’s flower garden in the front yard was really displaying a tremendous amount of
beauty. He planted the flowers and bulbs 87 days ago. How many weeks ago did he
plant these flowers?
9. Sally and her family were gone for 2 weeks, 3 days, and 42 minutes on their vacation
this year. Last year they were gone for 3 weeks, 4 days, and 30 minutes. How much
longer were they on vacation last year?
10. Clay arrived at camp at 9:00 A.M. on Wednesday. He left on Monday of the following
week at 11:00 A.M. How many days and hours in all was he at camp?
Answer Key
Student Pages
Part B
1. 26 units cubed
2. 37 units cubed
3. 4.5 feet
4. Box B; more sugar for the same price
5. a. 64 inches cubed; b. 64 inches
cubed; They weigh the same.
6. 25 cm
7. h = 2.1 inches
8. r = 5 cm
Page 111
Pages 89 and 90
egg – 0.5 oz.
television – 50 kg
stair – 25 cm
aisle at school auditorium– 0.5 km
capacity of an Olympic swimming pool500,000 L
Page 97
483 minutes or 8 hrs. 3 min.
473 minutes or 7 hrs. 53 min.
494 minutes or 8 hrs. 14 min.
Train C
Train B
6:49 A.M.; 4:32 P.M.
9 hours and 43 minutes
12 weeks 3 days
1 week, 23 hours and 48 minutes
5 days and 2 hours
195 miles
186 miles; 246 miles
199 miles
answers will vary depending on route
“Traveling Again”
Page 112
Page 105
2. a.131 miles; b. 136 miles
3. 99 miles
4. a. 39 miles; b. 157 miles
6.4 hours
1,609 km
2.2 hours
3,345 miles
2.1 hours
How to
• • • • • • • • • • Calculate Time with
Facts to Know
A.M. = morning - 12:00 A.M. (midnight) to 11:59 A.M.
P.M. = afternoon - 12:00 P.M. (noon) to 11:59 P.M.
60 seconds = 1 minute
60 minutes = 1 hour
24 hours = 1 day
To compute elapsed time within the morning or within the afternoon, subtract the smaller number from
the larger number. Remember to regroup (borrow) with 60 minutes.
Because you cannot subtract 0 minutes from 38 minutes, subtract 1
hour from the 9:00 P.M. and convert it to 60 minutes. So when you
calculate how much time elapsed between 9:00 P.M. and 7:38 p.m., the
final answer is 1 hour 22 minutes.
To add elapsed time, add the two measurements of time together.
9:00 P.M.
– 7:38 P.M.
1:22 (1 hr 22 min)
When you add the two measurements of time together, you have an answer of 218 days 49 hrs 60 min,
but you know that you convert some of the minutes to hours and some hours into days. Using the chart
at the top of the page, you know that 24 hours = 1 day so 49 hours = 2 days 1 hour. Similarly, you
know that 60 minutes = 1 hour so after you made all the conversions, the final answer is 220 days and 2
hours have elapsed.
Calendar Facts
206 days 2 hrs 5 min
+ 12 days 47 hrs 55 min
218 days 49 hrs 60 min = 220 days 2 hrs
7 days = 1 week
52 weeks = 1 year
10 years = 1 decade
10 decades = 1 century
10 centuries = 1 millennium
28-Day Month
February (29 days in leap year)
30-Day Months
31-Day Months
• Time from the approximate date of the birth of Christ until the present moves progressively from
1 to 2000 +. It is called A.D. (anno domini—in the year of our Lord).
• Time before the birth of Christ counts back from 1 to the earliest recorded history, about 5,000
years. It is called B.C. (before Christ) or B.C.E. (“before the common era”).
• To compute the passage of years within B.C. or within A.D., subtract the lower number from the
higher number.
• To compute the passage of years from B.C. to A.D., add the B.C. date to the A.D. date.
• • • • • • • • • Adding and Subtracting Time
Directions: Using the information on page 33, compute the elapsed time for the problems below.
Remember to regroup when needed.
11:35 A.M.
– 8:00 A.M.
11:10 A.M.
– 9:30 A.M.
10:25 P.M.
– 4:00 P.M.
9:25 P.M.
– 2:30 P.M.
9:55 A.M.
– 7:20 A.M.
11:02 A.M.
– 2:56 A.M.
9:05 P.M.
– 1:09 P.M.
6:15 P.M.
– 3:59 P.M.
134 days 4 hrs 23 min
+ 56 days 9 hrs 9 min
67 days 19 hrs 15 min
+ 23 days 8 hrs 24 min
12 wks 20 days 14 hrs 41 min
+ 19 wks 3 days 23 hrs 59 min
39 wks 15 days 13 hrs 59 min
– 25 wks 2 days 8 hrs 53 min
40 days 3 hrs 50 min
– 13 days 15 hrs 16 min
75 days 23 hrs 15 min
– 62 days 3 hrs 50 min
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Answer Key
Page 32
Page 34
1. 3 hr 35 min
2. 1 hr 40 min
3. 6 hr 25 min
4. 6 hr 55 min
5. 2 hr 35 min
6. 8 hr 6 min
7. 7 hr 56 min
8. 2 hr 16 min
Page 36
(dates as of year 2000)
1. 378 yr.
2. 3,800 yr.
3. 369 yr.
4. 187 yr.
5. 3,000 yr.
6. 2,100 yr.
7. 383 yr.
8. 334 yr.
Page 38
1. 70° F
2. 32° F
3. 98° F
4. 20° F
5. 50° F
6. 98.6° F; .4° F
7. 52° F
8. 32° F
9. 180° F
10. 113.4° F
11. 4.4° F
12. 72° F
13. 29.4° F
14. 112° F
Page 39
1. 20° C
10. 91 days 3 hr 39 min
2. 33° C
11. 34 wk 3 days 14 hr
3. 98° C
40 min
4. 50° C
5. 10° C
12. 15 wk 6 days 5 hr 6 min
6. 20° C
13. 26 days 12 hr 34 min
7. 122° F
14. 13 days 19 hr 25 min
uncomfortably hot
Page 35
8. 0° C
1. Feb./Mar.
9. 22° C
2. Ending in 29, the first
10. 40° C
month must be February.
11. 50° C
3. Feb. 19th
12. 89° C
4. Apr. 4th
13. C. short sleeves
5. Mar. 18th
14. E. swim suit
6. 5
15. B. ice skates
7. 31 days
16. D. light jacket
8. 275 days
17. A. heavy parka
9. Mar. 1
10. December 26th
11. April 23rd
12. Monday
9. 190 days 13 hr 32 min
Area of square = 144 cm2
Area of parts (A + B + C + D +
E) = 144 cm2
Possible steps to finding the
areas of each part:
To find the area of section E (64
cm2), subtract the area of A (8
cm2) from the area of one-half
the square (72 cm2).
Section B and section C are
congruent. Sections B, C, and
D make up one-half the square.
To find the area of B (30),
subtract the area of D (12 cm2)
from the areas of B + C + D (72
cm2), and then divide that
difference by 2.
Section areas in square
centimeters: A = 8, B = 30,
C = 30, D = 12, E = 64
The sum of the parts
(8 + 30 + 30 + 12 + 64) = the
whole (144).
Page 40
1. 4° C
2. 20° C
3. 38° C
4. 27° C
5. 0° C
6. 100° C
7. 77° F
8. 50° F
9. 99° F (98.6° F)
10. 167° F
11. 86° F
12. 140° F
Page 41
1. 9 m.p.h.
2. 45 miles
3. 50 m.p.h.
4. 43.75 m.p.h.
5. 11.2 m.p.h.
6. 168 miles
7. 270 miles
8. 578.5 m.p.h.
9. 107.8 m.p.h.
10. 135 m.p.h.
Pages 44 and 45
Answers will vary.
Page 46
1. 944 mi.2
2. 387,823 mi.2
3. 654,879 mi.2
4. Illinois
5. Montana
6.–7. Answers will vary.
Page 42
1. 10 hr.
2. 3 hr.
3. 2.5 hr.
4. 7 m.p.h.
5. 7.5 hr.
6. 52.5 m.p.h.
7. 787.5 hr.
8. 117.5 hr.
9. 13.5 hr.
10. 15 hr.
Page 43
4 cm
4 cm
Rate Problems
Practice 15
• To determine the rate of speed, divide the distance traveled by the time it took to travel
that distance.
• The formula is: r = d
• The answer is usually expressed in miles per hour (m.p.h.).
Directions: Compute the rate in each of these problems.
1. Your family took a 360-mile automobile trip from Los Angeles to San Francisco in 6 hours. What
was your average speed in miles per hour? _________________ m.p.h.
2. The Clark family drove 3,000 miles from New York to Los Angeles in 60 hours of driving. What
was their average rate? _________________ m.p.h.
3. The Brown family traveled 990 miles from Atlanta, Georgia to Houston, Texas in 33 hours. What
was their average rate of speed? _________________ m.p.h.
4. Mark’s mother drove 2,340 miles from Cincinnati, Ohio to Portland, Oregon in 39 hours. What
was her rate of speed? _________________ m.p.h.
5. Shannon’s father drove 2,750 miles from Seattle, Washington to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 55
hours. What was his average speed in miles per hour? _________________ m.p.h.
6. Michelle’s family drove 2,200 miles from Houston, Texas to Portland, Oregon in 40 hours. What
was their average rate of speed? _________________ m.p.h.
7. Alyssa’s family drove 3,090 miles from San Francisco, California to Boston, Massachusetts in
60 hours. What was their average speed? _________________ m.p.h.
8. Frank’s dad drove 1,600 miles from Minneapolis, Minnesota to Seattle, Washington in 40 hours.
What was his average speed in miles per hour? _________________ m.p.h.
9. Stacy’s mother drove 1,040 miles from Denver, Colorado to Memphis, Tennessee in 26 hours.
What was her average speed? _________________ m.p.h.
10. Jake’s dad flew a plane 200 miles from Kansas City, Missouri to Omaha, Nebraska in 2.5 hours.
What was the plane’s average speed? _________________ m.p.h.
Time and Distance
Practice 16
The community park is sponsoring a ride-athon. People can bring their bicycles, skateboards, scooters,
or skates. Help compute time and distance for the riders.
• Distance is computed by multiplying the rate of speed times the amount of time
expended. d = –r
• Time is computed by dividing the distance traveled by the rate of speed.
1. Kyle rode his skateboard 40 minutes at an average speed of 80 feet per minute. What distance did
your friend travel? _________________ feet
2. Ashley rode her skateboard 3,200 feet at 80 feet per minute. How many minutes did she ride?
_________________ minutes
3. The school principal rode her bicycle for 50 minutes at an average speed of 200 feet per minute.
How many feet did she travel? _________________ feet
4. Jeffrey rode his in-line skates for 99 minutes at an average speed of 72 feet per minute. What
distance did Jeffrey travel? _________________ feet
5. Veronica rode her motorized scooter 31,680 feet at an average speed of 80 feet per minute. How
many minutes did she ride her scooter? _________________ minutes
6. Gavin rode his scooter 86 feet a minute for 90 minutes. How many feet did he ride?
_________________ feet
7. Marie rode her mountain bicycle for 240 minutes at an average speed of 100 feet per minute.
How far did she ride? _________________ feet
8. Louise rode her scooter 40,240 feet at 80 feet per minute. How many minutes did she ride her
scooter? _________________ minutes
9. Jonathan skated 32,800 minutes at 80 feet per minute. How many minutes did he skate?
_________________ minutes
10. Kristin rode her bicycle 320 minutes at 95 feet per minute. How many feet did she ride?
_________________ feet
Answer Key
Page 4
1. 279 marbles
2. 146 marbles
3. 188 marbles
4. 55 marbles
5. 1,316 marbles
6. 37 marbles
7. 96 marbles
8. 222 marbles
9. 245 marbles
10. 468 marbles
11. 71 marbles
12 marbles
12. 444 marbles
Page 5
1. addition
19,056 bases
2. subtraction
1,689 at bats
3. addition
2,129 home runs
4. division
177 hits
5. multiplication
3,928,500 tickets
6. subtraction
1,578 strike outs
7. division
2,800 groups
8. subtraction
329 walks
9. division
175 hits (174 R13)
10. division
.600 or 60%
Page 6
1. subtraction
37,036 people
2. subtraction
14,443 people
3. addition
132,118 fans
4. addition
35,292 fans
5. division
860 packages
6. division
2,000 packages
7. subtraction
28,538 fans
8. division
8,250 packages
9. multiplication
601,536 fans
10. multiplication
3,649,050 tickets
Page 7
1. 7/12 lb.
2. 1 5/12 lb.
3. 1/8 lb.
4. 1/12 lb.
5. 5 lb.
6. 1/4 feet
7. 1 7/10 lb.
8. 11/24 feet
9. 6 cups
10. 1 19/30 lb.
Page 8
1. 15 ounces
2. 24 3/4 ounces
3. 21/40 ounces
4. 25 students
5. 14 students
6. 1/12 ounces
7. 1 7/10 ounces
8. 27 1/5 ounces
9. 9 3/8 ounces
10. 8 3/4 lb.
11. 1 1/2 ounces
12. 28 cups
Page 9
1. 10 3/8 inches
2. 32 3/4 inches
3. 7/8 inches
4. 51 5/8 inches
5. 83 7/8 inches
6. 3 1/4 lb.
7. 20 1/4 lb.
8. 24 1/6 inches
9. 14 1/8 ounces
10. 20 3/8 inches
Page 10
1. 76 inches
2. 52 1/5 inches
3. 10 prints
4. 8 prints
5. 150 inches
6. 355 inches
7. 23 1/3 inches
8. 7 prints
9. 451 inches
10. 8 prints
Page 11
1. 2 1/4 feet
2. 9 5/6 feet
3. 17 3/4 feet
4. 3 1/8 feet
5. 2 1/3 feet
6. 6 2/5 times
7. 12 lengths
8. 6 1/12 feet
9. 5 1/2 feet
10. 14 7/12 feet
Page 17
1. 467.476 mi.
2. 2,246.8 mi.
3. 32.422 feet
4. 94.14 mi.
5. 15.23 mi.
6. 44.636 mi.
7. 177.813 m.p.h.
8. 3,030.957 lb.
9. 91.05 mi.
10. 880.431 mi.
Page 12
1. $5.04
2. $0.56
3. $63.68
4. $43.45
5. $5.51
6. $5.04
7. $29.25
8. $0.96
9. $10.13
10. $20.15
11. $18.35
12. $17.10
Page 13
1. 7.9 centimeters
2. 87.6 centimeters
3. 30.25 centimeters
4. 220.89 centimeters
5. 204.26 centimeters
6. 347.863 centimeters
7. 24.99 centimeters
8. 1.201 centimeters
9. 56.899 centimeters
10. 59.663 centimeters
11. 26.989 centimeters
12. 181.91 centimeters
Page 14
1. 0.21 lb.
2. 100.2 ounces
3. 1.09 ounces
4. 10.2 candies
5. 45.1 lb.
6. 80.5 ants
7. 969.624 ounces
8. $0.23
9. $0.38
10. 157.68 lb.
Page 15
1. 75%
2. 72%
3. 75%
4. 60%
5. 75%
Page 16
1. $34.00
2. $4.00
3. $1.32
4. $9.52
5. $7.00
6. $2.48
7. $22.80
8. $4.00
9. $18.00
10. $5.24
Page 18
1. 60 m.p.h.
2. 50 m.p.h.
3. 30 m.p.h.
4. 60 m.p.h.
5. 50 m.p.h.
6. 55 m.p.h.
7. 52 m.p.h.
8. 40 m.p.h.
9. 40 m.p.h.
10. 80 m.p.h.
Page 19
1. 3,200 feet
2. 40 min.
3. 10,000 feet
4. 7,128 feet
5. 396 min.
6. 7,740 feet
7. 24,000 feet
8. 503 min.
9. 410 min.
10. 30,400 feet
Page 20
1. $1
2. $1
3. $11
4. 7
5. $21
6. 2
7. -$6
8. -24
9. 17
10. -72
11. -32
12. $226
Page 21
1. -$12
2. -$20
3. +42
4. -$7
5. -9
6. +10
7. $270
8. +156
9. 64
10. +5
11. -$5
12. +20
Page 22
1. polar bear
2. leopard/camel
3. 2 yr.
4. pig
5. 9 yr.
6. 15 yr..
7. 1 yr.
8. 9 yr.
9. 55 yr.
10. 70 yr.
Page 23
1. 30%
2. 5th/8th
3. 60%
4. no
5. 45%
6. 40%
Page 24
1. 1960
2. 1990–2000
3. 1960
4. 1950–1960
5. 1990–2000
6. 1970–1980
7. 1960–1970
8. the same
9. 10/11
10. 12/13
11. 16
12. 7/8/9
13. taller
14. 14
Page 25
1. 12
2. 1
3. 4
4. 2
5. 2
6. 12
7. 18
8. 1
9. 4
10. dog
11. snake
12. 5
13. 41
14. 27
Cat 8
Dog 12
Snake 2
Bird 3
Mouse 3
Hamster 4
Fish 6
Other 3
Page 26
1. 10 m.p.h.
2. the scale starts at 20
rather than 0
• • • • • • • Measuring Speed and Distance
rate of speed = distance divided by time or r = d
Example: If a car travels 120 miles in 3 hours, what is its average speed in miles per hour?
Example: r = 120/3
Example: r = 40 miles per hour
The formula for determining the rate of speed follows:
The formula for determining the distance traveled follows:
distance = rate of speed multiplied by the time or d = r x t
Example: If a car traveled 40 miles per hour for 3 hours, how far did it travel?
Example: d = 40 x 3
Example: d = 120 miles
Directions: Use the information above to solve these problems.
1. Your best friend rode his bike 45 miles in 5 hours. What was your friend’s average rate of speed?
___________ miles per hour
2. You rode your skateboard across town at 15 miles per hour for 3 hours. How far did you ride?
___________ miles
3. A fifth grade teacher drove 450 miles from Los Angeles to Sacramento in 9 hours. What was her
average rate of speed? ___________ m.p.h.
4. Your principal drove 2,800 miles from New York City to Seattle, Washington, in 64 hours. What
was his or her average rate of speed? ___________ m.p.h.
5. A group of Eagle Scouts traveled the 2,800 miles from New York City to Seattle by bicycle in
250 hours. What was their average rate of speed? ___________ m.p.h.
6. A troop of Girl Scouts bicycled at 14 miles per hour for 12 hours. How many miles did they
travel? ___________ miles
7. A man rode a horse at 18 miles per hour for 15 hours. How far did he travel? ___________
8. An airplane flew 3,471 miles from New York City to London, England, in 6 hours. What was the
average rate of speed? ___________ m.p.h.
9. Charles Lindbergh flew 3,610 miles nonstop from New York to Paris in 33 1– hours. What was his
average speed in miles per hour? ___________ m.p.h. (Round your answer to the nearest tenth.)
10. Amelia Earhart flew about 2,025 miles from Newfoundland, Canada, to Ireland in about 15 hours.
What was her average rate of speed? ___________ m.p.h.
• • • • • • • • • • • Measuring Speed and Time
If you know the distance an object traveled and its rate of speed, you can compute the time it took
to travel that distance.
time = distance divided by rate of speed or t = d
Example: A car traveled 100 miles at 50 miles per hour.
How long did it take the car to travel that distance?
– = 100
— = 2 hours
r 50
Directions: Use the information from page 41 and the model above to help you compute these answers.
1. A member of a bicycle club rode his bicycle 100 miles at 10 miles per hour. How many hours did
he ride? ___________ hr.
2. A pilot flew her 1930s era single engine plane 450 miles at 150 miles per hour. How many hours
did she fly? ___________ hr.
3. Your mother drove 100 miles at 40 miles per hour. How many hours did she drive?
________________ hr.
4. You rode your new skates a total distance of 35 miles in 5 hours. What was your rate of speed?
___________ m.p.h.
5. You and your best friend rode your bicycles on a 75-mile camping trip at an average speed of 10
miles per hour. How many hours did you ride? ___________ hr.
6. A sixth grade teacher at Olsen Elementary School drove 3,095 miles from Boston, Massachusetts,
to San Francisco, California, in 59 hours. What was her rate of speed? (Round the answer to the
nearest tenth.) ___________ m.p.h.
7. Two athletes decided to walk 3,150 miles from Los Angeles to New York. Their walking speed
was 4 miles per hour. How many hours did it take them? ___________ hr.
8. Two college students decided to drive 1,880 miles from Atlanta to Salt Lake City in a golf cart at
an average speed of 16 miles per hour. How many hours did it take them to make the trip?
___________ hr.
9. A motorcyclist decided to ride his motorcycle 608 miles from Washington, D.C., to Atlanta,
Georgia. His rate of speed was 45 miles per hour. How many hours did it take him?
___________ hr.
10. A young pilot flew her single engine plane 1,545 miles from Los Angeles, California to Mexico
City at an average speed of 103 miles per hour. How many hours did the flight take?
___________ hr.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Answer Key
Page 32
Page 34
1. 3 hr 35 min
2. 1 hr 40 min
3. 6 hr 25 min
4. 6 hr 55 min
5. 2 hr 35 min
6. 8 hr 6 min
7. 7 hr 56 min
8. 2 hr 16 min
Page 36
(dates as of year 2000)
1. 378 yr.
2. 3,800 yr.
3. 369 yr.
4. 187 yr.
5. 3,000 yr.
6. 2,100 yr.
7. 383 yr.
8. 334 yr.
Page 38
1. 70° F
2. 32° F
3. 98° F
4. 20° F
5. 50° F
6. 98.6° F; .4° F
7. 52° F
8. 32° F
9. 180° F
10. 113.4° F
11. 4.4° F
12. 72° F
13. 29.4° F
14. 112° F
Page 39
1. 20° C
10. 91 days 3 hr 39 min
2. 33° C
11. 34 wk 3 days 14 hr
3. 98° C
40 min
4. 50° C
5. 10° C
12. 15 wk 6 days 5 hr 6 min
6. 20° C
13. 26 days 12 hr 34 min
7. 122° F
14. 13 days 19 hr 25 min
uncomfortably hot
Page 35
8. 0° C
1. Feb./Mar.
9. 22° C
2. Ending in 29, the first
10. 40° C
month must be February.
11. 50° C
3. Feb. 19th
12. 89° C
4. Apr. 4th
13. C. short sleeves
5. Mar. 18th
14. E. swim suit
6. 5
15. B. ice skates
7. 31 days
16. D. light jacket
8. 275 days
17. A. heavy parka
9. Mar. 1
10. December 26th
11. April 23rd
12. Monday
9. 190 days 13 hr 32 min
Area of square = 144 cm2
Area of parts (A + B + C + D +
E) = 144 cm2
Possible steps to finding the
areas of each part:
To find the area of section E (64
cm2), subtract the area of A (8
cm2) from the area of one-half
the square (72 cm2).
Section B and section C are
congruent. Sections B, C, and
D make up one-half the square.
To find the area of B (30),
subtract the area of D (12 cm2)
from the areas of B + C + D (72
cm2), and then divide that
difference by 2.
Section areas in square
centimeters: A = 8, B = 30,
C = 30, D = 12, E = 64
The sum of the parts
(8 + 30 + 30 + 12 + 64) = the
whole (144).
Page 40
1. 4° C
2. 20° C
3. 38° C
4. 27° C
5. 0° C
6. 100° C
7. 77° F
8. 50° F
9. 99° F (98.6° F)
10. 167° F
11. 86° F
12. 140° F
Page 41
1. 9 m.p.h.
2. 45 miles
3. 50 m.p.h.
4. 43.75 m.p.h.
5. 11.2 m.p.h.
6. 168 miles
7. 270 miles
8. 578.5 m.p.h.
9. 107.8 m.p.h.
10. 135 m.p.h.
Pages 44 and 45
Answers will vary.
Page 46
1. 944 mi.2
2. 387,823 mi.2
3. 654,879 mi.2
4. Illinois
5. Montana
6.–7. Answers will vary.
Page 42
1. 10 hr.
2. 3 hr.
3. 2.5 hr.
4. 7 m.p.h.
5. 7.5 hr.
6. 52.5 m.p.h.
7. 787.5 hr.
8. 117.5 hr.
9. 13.5 hr.
10. 15 hr.
Page 43
4 cm
4 cm