AP Spanish Language Students, Welcome to AP Spanish Language!

AP Spanish Language Students,
Welcome to AP Spanish Language! Obviously, our goal for next year is to become proficient in Spanish and
take the AP exam at the end of the year ☺. In order to help get us there, we have prepared a packet of
summer homework for you. In the packet is a complete review of all of the tenses in Spanish. In the back
are verb charts for some of the most common verbs in Spanish to conjugate in all tenses. Please complete
and study this packet to make sure you are familiar with all the tenses by August. Don’t hesitate to e-mail
us if you need help. If you are having problems, please feel free to use 501 Spanish Verbs or www.verbix.com.
(Verbix does have errors at times, so check your work!) Please bring this packet in the fall to turn in for a
grade to Mrs. Lester or Mr. García-Penya. You will keep this packet in your binder throughout the year as a
reference. You will receive a grade for it. Please, complete all the verb, vocabulary, reading and listening
requirements in the packet. We also recommend that you do additional practice reading and listening in
Spanish. Some good websites to try are:
Or, find your own!
Please make sure you finish the packet before school starts in August. See you then! ¡Buena suerte!
Mrs. Lester & Mr. García-Penya—your very excited AP Spanish Language teachers ☺
If you need help this summer, please e-mail us at:
stephanie.lester@fayette.kyschools.us or lester.stephanie@gmail.com