© Professor Alan Hedge, Cornell University, January 2006 Ventilation standards Past, Present, Future? Why ventilate a building? Comfort ventilation reduces odors improves thermal comfort Health ventilation dilutes air contaminants provides “fresh” air Structural cooling maintains integrity of building envelope and building contents Ventilation: Human issues Comfort ventilation Perceived indoor air quality Odors Olfs, decipols Health ventilation Toxicity, illness Exposure guidelines: Threshold limit values (TLVs) Permissible exposure limits (PELs) Time weighted average (TWA) Short-term exposure limit (STEL) Ceiling limit (CLG) Biological Exposure Indices (BEIs) Ventilation rate and SBS symptoms (Menzies et al., 1990) Air flow principles Air flows from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. Air flows from areas of positive pressure to areas of negative pressure. Blowing is easier than sucking! Evolving Ventilation standards Evolving Ventilation standards Evolving Ventilation standards Evolving Ventilation standards Evolving Ventilation standards Evolving Ventilation standards 1 © Professor Alan Hedge, Cornell University, January 2006 Evolving Ventilation standards Evolving Ventilation standards Evolving Ventilation standards Ventilation and IAQ Increasing the outdoor air ventilation rate (assuming unpolluted outdoor air) should have the greatest effect on pollutants from indoor sources, such as body odor and tobacco smoke, rather than ambient gases (O2, CO2 etc.). Improving IAQ will improve occupant perceptions of their environment and health. Ventilation Requirements (Yaglou, 1937) Ventilation Requirements (Yaglou, 1937) Ventilation Requirements (Yaglou, 1937) Ventilation Requirements (Yaglou, 1937) Carbon Dioxide as an Indicator of Adequate Ventilation CO2 is a normal constituent of exhaled breath. Outdoor CO2 is usually 300-400 ppm. If indoor CO2 > 1000 ppm, sick building complaints begin to prevail; mild physiological strain may occur. High CO2 reading is indicative of poor ventilation, which can allow other contaminants to accumulate. CO2 levels can serve as a guideline for occupant comfort. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Generation Indoor CO2 is directly proportional to the number of people in a building and the ability of the ventilation system to dilute occupant generated CO2. ASHRAE 62-2001 assumes an average CO2 generation rate of 0.31 L min-1 (0.0106 cfm), which is the average generation rate for 1.2 met activity. CO2 levels change as a function of activity and diet. Approximate CO2 generation rates ASHRAE 62-2001 ventilation standard Specifies minimum ventilation rates and IAQ that will be acceptable and 2 © Professor Alan Hedge, Cornell University, January 2006 minimize potential adverse health effects. Applies to all enclosed spaces that people occupy. Considers, chemical, physical and biological contaminants. Excludes thermal comfort. ASHRAE 62-2001 Defines acceptable indoor air quality as: “Air in which there are no known contaminants at harmful concentrations, as determined by cognizant authorities, and with which a substantial majority (80% or more) of the people exposed do not express dissatisfaction.” ASHRAE 62-2001 Minimum Outdoor Air Ventilation Rate ASHRAE 62-2001 Ventilation Standard ASHRAE 62- 2001 minimum recommendations: 20 cfm/Person for nonsmoking offices 15 cfm/Person for lobbies/reception areas 60 cfm/Person for smoking lounges 15 cfm/Person for classrooms 20 cfm/Person for laboratories Standard assumes the following maximum density of people /1000 ft2 : Offices = 7 Lobbies = 30 Smoking lounges = 70 Classrooms = 50 Laboratories = 30 Ventilation rate Estimating % Outdoor Air Quantities Thermal Mass Balance Equation: Temperature (°F) can be used to estimate ventilation rate: Outdoor air (%)=((Treturn air -Tmixed air)/(Treturn air -Toutdoor air))x100 Carbon dioxide concentration (C ppm) can be used to estimate ventilation rate: Outdoor air (%)=((Csupply air - Creturn air )/(Coutdoor air -Creturn air))x100 Converting Outdoor air % to ventilation rate (cfm): Outdoor air (cfm)= (Outdoor air (%)/100) x total HVAC airflow (cfm) Ventilation and IAQ: common assumptions Increasing the ventilation rate will reduce the concentration of 3 © Professor Alan Hedge, Cornell University, January 2006 indoor air pollutants. Increasing the ventilation rate will improve occupant perceptions of IAQ. Increasing the ventilation rate will decrease complaints of odors. Increasing the ventilation rate will decrease complaints of the sick building syndrome. Comfort ventilation: odor control Ventilation is needed to control indoor odors. People are a source of indoor odors (body odor). Body odor (sweaty armpit smell) is caused by 3-methyl-2-hexenoic acid, a metabolic byproduct of bacteria that live in the armpit (lipophilic diptheroids) and feed on apocrine secretions. ~90% of men and 67% of women have these bacteria resident in the armpit, and women produce a milder odor than men. ~5% of people cannot smell body odor. Perceived Air Quality Perceived air quality depends on: general chemical sense (all mucus membranes, eyes, nose, throat) irritation olfaction (nose, tongue) - odor (smell) 2 aspects of odor perception: Intensity (quantitative measure) Offensiveness (qualitative measure) Odor perception follows Weber-Fechner Law (S=Klog10I, where I is the concentration and K (constant of proportionality) varies with odor offensiveness) Odor Perception Olfaction can be extremely sensitive with some odor thresholds in the ppb range. Odor adaptation occurs rapidly, and ratings usually include: Instantaneous impressions (higher odor ratings at first) Residual impressions (lower odor ratings after adaptation) Odor masking occurs with competing chemicals. Odor perception can be influenced by air temperature (~10°C decrease from 30°C-20°C ~= 10-fold increase in ventilation rate from 0.5 - 5 m3min-1) Odors: olfs and decipols (Fanger, 1988) decipol - air pollution from 1 standard person (0.7 baths/day, 1.8m2, clean underwear daily, 80% use deodorant) ventilated by 10l/s unpolluted air. olf - relative measure of bioeffluents from standard person. 1 decipol = 0.1 olf/l/s. olfs can be added. Odors and perceived IAQ 4 © Professor Alan Hedge, Cornell University, January 2006 (Fanger, 1988) Olf values for humans Sedentary person (1 met) Active person (4 met) Active person (6 met) Smoker (not smoking) Smoker smoking 1 olf 5 olf 11 olf 6 olf 25 olf Olfs and interiors Olf values can be determined for any interior furniture, finish or material. For example, if a table is determined to have a source strength of 3 olf, then that level of emissions will cause the same degree of disatisfaction as the pollution from 3 standard persons (3 olf). Decipol scale and Perceived Air Pollution Outdoor air (Mountain) Outdoor air (Town) Indoor air (Healthy building) Indoor air (Sick building) 0.01decipol 0.1 decipol 1.0 decipol 10.0 decipol Comfort Ventilation Equation Fanger proposes the following comfort ventilation equation: Qc = 10 x (G/(Ci - Co)) x (1/Ev) where Qc = ventilation rate for comfort (L sec-1) G = sensory pollution load (olf) Ci = desired perceived IAQ (decipol) Co = perceived outdoor air quality at air intake (decipol) Ev = ventilation effectiveness(usually assumed as 1) Ventilation Standards Proposed European approach is to calculate ventilation requirements based on CO2 levels (occupancy) and odors (olfs). The higher ventilation rate from both calculations is the one to be applied. Assumption is that ‘olfs’ are predictive of IAQ, which in turn is predictive of SBS. Heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems Decentralized HVAC Systems Individual unit ventilators dispersed around perimeter of a building. Perimeter Fan coil - perimeter conditioning, no ducts. 5 © Professor Alan Hedge, Cornell University, January 2006 Commonly found in schools, hotels, smaller office buildings. CO2 and Occupant density CO2 and Air changes per hour (ACH) Centralized HVAC Systems Building is subdivided into ventilation zones. Each ventilation zone is served by an air handler unit (AHU). Supply/exhaust air is ducted to/ from space from central AHUs. Commonest systems in large buildings. Centralized HVAC Systems Ceiling heat pumps - air is ducted from a mechanical supply and tempered locally at the point of supply to the space. Constant air volume (CAV) - HVAC delivers a constant volume of air and responds to changing thermal loads by varying air temperature. Variable air volume (VAV) - HVAC delivers a constant temperature of air and responds to changing thermal loads by varying the quantity of supply air. ASHRAE Filter Ratings (Kay et al., 1991) ASHRAE 62-2001 Ventilation Standard Ventilation rates specified in ASHRAE 62-2001 BUT... if the ventilation system is contaminated a higher ventilation rate will accelerate building contamination. Ventilation standard focuses on HVAC design, operation, contamination and maintenance issues, not merely ventilation rate. BUT ... The standard does not directly address health issues. ASHRAE Ventilation Standard 62-2001 Buildings that meet the ventilation requirements in ASHRAE 622001 should protect occupants with hazardous or unsatisfactory indoor air quality. Buildings that meet the ventilation requirements in ASHRAE 622001 should be free from occupant complaints. No evidence that, above 20 cfmpp, changes in ventilation rate have any beneficial effect on either perceived IAQ or SBS. Strategies for Improving Indoor Air Quality DEA 350 Human Factors - Ambient Environment 6 © Professor Alan Hedge, Cornell University, January 2006 Ways to improve IAQ Ensure a clean HVAC system Dilution ventilation Source control Air cleaning Space cleaning Ensure a Clean HVAC System Ensure optimum functioning of HVAC components: Coils and Drain Pans Humidification and Dehumidification Equipment Outdoor Air Dampers Air Filters Ducts Exhaust Systems Return Air Plenum VAV Boxes Cooling Towers Boilers Dilution Ventilation The commonest approach to improving IAQ Outside air is introduced into a building in controlled quantities (cfm) to dilute the concentration of indoor pollutants To conserve energy, outdoor and indoor air usually mixed (20%:80%) Indoor air gradually replaced by outdoor air (air changes per hour - ACH). Assumes that indoor air is more polluted than outdoor air., Effects of outdoor air mix (Jaakkola et al., 1990) Compared SBS complaints in an office building ventilated by either 25% or 100% outdoor air. No difference in the % SBS complaints with either 100% or 25% outdoor air. Ventilation rate, IAQ and comfort (Nagda et al. 1990) Compared effects of 2 ventilation rates (16.5 cfmpp vs. 38 cfmpp) on IAQ and comfort in a 20-story office building. No effects of increased ventilation rate on IAQ - formaldehyde, nicotine, RSP, CO, CO2. slightly higher % occupants reporting dissatisfaction with thermal comfort, odors and dust at the higher ventilation rate. Dilution Ventilation Limitations 7 © Professor Alan Hedge, Cornell University, January 2006 Dilution ventilation doesn’t work well when outdoor air is more polluted than indoor air (e.g. pollen, fungi, smoke, smog, traffic fumes) Dilution ventilation doesn’t work well when the ventilation system itself is contaminated (e.g. biological contaminants in the air handler, ducts, fiberglass) Dilution ventilation is slow to respond to acute exposure situations (e.g. ETS) Dilution ventilation rates are normally tied to thermal comfort issues Pollution pathways How might a pollutant move from source to occupant? What pressure differentials exist? HVAC systems furnaces, fires stack effect, wind effects Are contaminant sources under negative pressure? Are occupied areas under positive pressure? Source Control - Identification Outside sources Equipment (dirty HVAC, stove) Building components (dust, fibers, water damage, product emissions, condensation) Furnishings (emissions, dust mites) Human activities (smoking, cooking, cleaning, painting) Pesticides Pollutants source control solutions Remove or reduce the pollutant source Seal or cover the pollutant source Isolate the pollutant source Modify the building Air Cleaning - options Ozone emitting air cleaners - not to be used in occupied spaces! Mechanical filters (remove large particles) HEPA filters (remove small particles) Electrostatic filters, negative ionizers Sorbent filters (remove VOCs, selective gases) UV duct cleaning systems Air Cleaning Solutions Match air cleaning method to the suspected contaminant(s) Match HVAC system and spatially localized (e.g. room based) air 8 © Professor Alan Hedge, Cornell University, January 2006 cleaning and filtering technologies Maintain equipment regularly Monitor effect on suspected pollutant(s) and symptoms Space Cleaning Keeping a space clean for good IAQ requires: Keeping dirt out Using Maximum Extraction, Minimum Polluting equipment and methods Choosing low polluting products After spills or cleaning thoroughly dry wet carpet or other porous material Properly mix and store housekeeping products in a ventilated room or closet Train Housekeeping Personnel Scrutinize contractors Monitor results Perceived IAQ: What can we sense? CO, CO2 Biologicals - fungal spores, viruses, bacteria, mites, etc. VOCs - some Ozone - mucosal irritation Humidity - poorly Temperature (skin) Smoke - sight, smell Occupant characteristics Who is being affected? What are the symptoms? How long have symptoms been experienced? When do they occur? What susceptibilities exist (e.g. allergies) Common factors in IAQ problems (after Davis & Brooks, 1992) Situation characteristics When did problems start? What has recently changed? Have obvious problems been fixed? What interventions have been tried and which have worked? Ventilation rate and SBS symptoms (Menzies 9 © Professor Alan Hedge, Cornell University, January 2006 et al., 1990) Ventilation rate and SBS symptoms (Menzies et al., 1993) Outdoor air ventilation rates were manipulated between 20 and 50 cfmpp within each of 4 office buildings for a 1 week period within 3 consecutive 2 week blocks. Each week participants rated their environment and reported SBS symptoms. Increases in ventilation rate did not affect workers’ perceived IAQ or SBS. Ventilation, IAQ,Perception: Have we been studying the appropriate relationships? Effects of outdoor air mix (Sterling & Sterling, 1983) Compared the effects of 25% outdoor air and 87% outdoor air on % SBS complaints. No significant decreases in SBS symptoms by increasing the % outdoor air ventilation. IAQ and SBS in US Offices (Hedge et al. 1989-1996) Over 50 US office buildings and ~10,000 workers have been studied. No correlations between measured IAQ and SBS. Some correlations between measured IAQ and perceived IAQ (mainly thermal variables). Perceived IAQ correlates with SBS. Gender, occupational and psychosocial factors correlate with SBS. Odors, IAQ and SBS (Bluyssen et al. 1996) Studied 55 office buildings from 9 European countries. IAQ, SBS and ‘olfs’ (rated by a panel of ‘olfbusters’!) data were collected. No correlations between ‘olfs’ and perceived IAQ, measured IAQ, or SBS. No correlations between objective IAQ and SBS. Perceived IAQ correlated with SBS. 10 © Professor Alan Hedge, Cornell University, January 2006 Indoor Air Quality Concerns Combustion gases (CO, CO2, NOx, SOx, O3) Volatile organic compounds (VOCs - paints, adhesives, caulking, cleaners) Pesticides Soil gases (Radon) Biologicals (bacteria, fungi, mites, insects, pollens, pet dander etc.) Particles (ETS, lead, diesel) Fibers (fiberglass, asbestos) Ventilation, IAQ and SBS “...the solution to SBS will only come from an inclusion of a wider collection of disciplines from outside the natural sciences, such as those involved in labor-management mediation and experimental psychologists.” David Grimsrud Alternative Heating, Ventilating and Air-conditioning (HVAC) System Designs Conventional Dilution ventilation Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems Modern HVAC systems are mostly VAV designs HVAC systems often the source of thermal discomfort HVAC systems can be a source of contaminants(dirt, particulates, fibers, microorganisms etc.) Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and Task Area Ventilation (TAV) Inadequate Air Mixing High office partitions can create zones of stagnant air in an office. Inadequate Air Mixing Why Task Area Ventilation? 11 © Professor Alan Hedge, Cornell University, January 2006 System Lag - HVAC systems respond too slowly to transient environment changes in pollutants. Filtration - HVAC system cannot easily achieve high filtration efficiency. Why Task Area Ventilation? Energy efficiency - not all office air needs to be treated, only that in the breathing zone. Thermal comfort - eliminating 'dead zones' improves thermal comfort conditions. Personal control - most HVAC systems have only crude control mechanisms. Task Air Systems Under Floor Air Delivery UC Berkeley Laboratory (Faulkner et al., 1995) Testing laboratory (5 m x 5 m x 2.5 m) Two units directed towards occupant reduced age of air in the breathing zone by up to 40% Air travels from floor to ceiling in a piston-like way Ventilation Layout Flexibility Easily relocated, the TAM/MIT provides flexibility to deliver individualized control Personal Comfort Control Adjusting the flow of air from the task air module allows the individual better control over personal working environment FUNDI Functional Diagnostic Unit (FUNDI) Collapsible, mobile modular workstation (1m x 1m x 1.75m collapsed and locked) with power, data and phone Personal controls for flexible position task light, radiant heat panel, air circulation fan, speech privacy, visual privacy and spatial layout Window with roller blind White board, pin board Height adjustable surfaces for computer screen, keyboard, document holder, printer Overhead shelf and mobile pedestal storage FUNDI Research (Kaplan, 1987) 16 FUNDI units tested for 15 months Environmental and subjective data collected from knowledge workers and office staff Environmental controls perceived to significantly enhance the quality of the work setting 12 © Professor Alan Hedge, Cornell University, January 2006 Better privacy that open-office cubicles Perceived ability to control environment conditions decreased stress,and improved satisfaction and performance. Climadesk Climadesk Climadesk - developed by the Swedish National Board of Public Buildings Individual temperature control Individual filtered air supply Low installation and annual running costs Discreet and inaudible Climadesk - Thermal Comfort Two adjustable outlets under the desk cool the body Fresh air above it reduces complaints of draughts and dry air Heating from the adjustable surface temperature of a radiant panel under the desk Temperature range controllable from 2 °C above room temperature to 4 °C below Rapid response to adjustment Climadesk - Air Quality The Climadesk air filter combines electro-statically charged fibers and active charcoal. It retains particles smaller than smoke, and absorbs most gases. Climadesk supplies filtered air directly to the breathing zone. An outdoor-air version suits allergic or hyper-sensitive users. Air Filter/Task Light Air Purification Overhead task light and electronic air filter: Carbon impregnated, non-woven polyester filter. (Odor and particulate removal to .01 microns) Passive electrostatic media (does not produce ozone - particulate removal to .01 microns) Antimicrobial treated non-woven polyester. (Particulate removal to .01 microns. Inhibits mold, fungi and bacteria) Breathing Zone Filtration BZF Filter System Pre-filter (20% polyester filter for large particulates) Charcoal filter (Polysorb for VOC removal) HEPA (99.97% efficient, for fine particles, biologicals, etc.) BZF: Airflow system 13 © Professor Alan Hedge, Cornell University, January 2006 BZF: Airflow Workstation BZF Layouts BZF Controls Hudson County, NJ (Hedge et al., 1991) Study Design (Hedge et al., 1991) Pre-installation survey (4 floors) BZF installation (2 floors) 1st post-installation survey (2 BZF floors, 2 control floors) BZF installation on all floors Final post-installation survey Hudson County, NJ BZF Effects (Hedge et al., 1991) on Particulates (Hedge et al., 1991: Test floors) BZF Effects on Employees (Hedge et al., 1991) Cornell Study: Statistics Canada (Hedge et al., 1993) Statistics Canada (Hedge et al., Indoor Air, 1993) Statistics Canada - IAQ Monitoring BZF and VOCs BZF and Particulates BZF and PIAQ BZF and SBS symptoms 14 © Professor Alan Hedge, Cornell University, January 2006 BZF and SBS Effects on Productivity Personal Environments Personal Environments Desktop control unit allows individual control for: air temperature air flow radiant heat lighting background noise masking Integrated occupancy sensor shuts the system down when the workstation is empty, saving energy Personal Environments User control unit for: Task light Radiant heat panel Diffusers Fan & electronics unit Particle filter Air temperature Supplies conditioned air to the desktop Personal Environments PEM unit interfaces with underfloor ventilation system Personal Environments The fan and electronics unit contains filters, an air mixing box and generates background noise. Two adjustable diffusers distribute the air. A radiant heat panel provides extra warmth for feet and legs and fits conveniently under the desk. Personal Environments Wide individual variations in preferred temperature average for women = 24 °C (range 21.7 °C – 26.0 °C) average for men = 22 °C (range 18.0 °C – 24.2 °C) West Bend Study (Kroner et al., 1993) In a recent study, the West Bend Mutual Insurance Company attributed a 6 8% productivity gain to the installation of Personal Environments In less than 18 months, the system paid for itself 15 © Professor Alan Hedge, Cornell University, January 2006 West Bend Study (Kroner et al., 1993) West Bend Mutual Insurance Company, West Bend, Wisconsin 14,000 m2 company headquarters houses with >500 employees in open-plan offices >375 PEMs installed, access floor and indirect uplighting 16% total increased employee productivity 2.8 % increase attributed to Personal Environments West Bend Study: Cost savings (Kroner et al., 1993) Thermal condition complaints virtually eliminated. Calls plummeted from >40 per day (at a conservatively estimated cost of $25 per call plus $300 in maintenance) to only 2 per week (>US$6,500 decrease per week) Reduced building construction costs from the market average of $125 to $90 per square foot Utility costs decreased >US$ 10,000 per month (~US$0.75 per m2 per month) in the new building Personal Environments Environmental comfort impacts employee productivity in open offices ~1% of the salaries in an average 46,500 m2 office building > US $975,000 ~3% productivity gain when employees use Personal Environments Productivity increase for average 46,500 m2 office building ~US $2,925,000 per year Rapid payback for PEMs Aura Aura Personal environmental control Customized comfort zone Small footprint with the usable space of a much larger standard office furniture cubicle Eliminates the cramped, claustrophobic feeling of a cubicle? Aura Workstation Compact footprint is only <3.2 m2 (actually 2.3m long x 1.8m wide x 2.4m high = 4.1m2 effective rectangular footprint) 16 © Professor Alan Hedge, Cornell University, January 2006 Aura Workstation Personal control of: Air flow Seating Lighting Sight lines Aura's Rotation Feature Pre-programmed to rotate 120° over 8 hours Allows user to take advantage of natural sunlight cycle, avoid external glare, vary sight lines, and change position for conferencing Offers an optional quick rotation adjustment (120° in 15 seconds) Can be adjusted manually Airstream Airstream Ventilation System (2000) Personally controllable air delivery from HVAC system Airstream Ventilation System (2000) Energy efficiency Not all office air needs to be treated, only that in the breathing zone Thermal comfort Eliminates 'dead zones' and improves thermal comfort conditions Reconfigurable Reconfigures with furniture Airstream Ventilation Personal control most HVAC systems have only crude control mechanisms Task area ventilation (TAV) gives optimal local control Benefits of Task Area Ventilation (TAV) TAV can continuously provide clean air to employees. TAV can augment HVAC performance and improve air mixing. TAV can reconfigure with "office churn". TAV can eliminate dead air spaces. TAV can protects employees against transient air pollutants. TAV may improve IAQ and reduces SBS. 17