Lecture 3 Introduction to Marketing Theocharis Katranis Fall Semester 2014 Introduction to Marketing 1 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Today’s Lecture 1. We will define the consumer market and construct a simple model of a consumer buyer behaviour. 2. We will name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behaviour. 3. We will list and define the major types of buying decision behaviour and the stages in the buyer decision process. 4. We will describe the adoption and diffusion process for new products. Introduction to Marketing Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Today’s Lecture 5. We will define the business market and explain how business markets differ from consumer markets. 6. We will identify the major factors that influence business buyer behaviour. 7. We will compare the institutional and government markets and explain how institutional and government buyers make their buying decisions. Introduction to Marketing Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Consumer Markets and Consumer Buyer Behavior 1. Consumer Markets Consumer Markets are all the individuals and households who buy or acquire goods and services for personal consumption. 2. Consumer Buyer Behavior It is the buying behavior of final consumers – individuals and households that buy goods and services for personal consumption. Introduction to Marketing 2 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Model of Consumer Behavior The Environment Marketing Stimuli Buyer’s black box 1. Product 1. Economic 2. Price 2. Technological 3. Place 3. Social 4. Promotion 4. Cultural Introduction to Marketing 3 Other 1. Buyer’s Characteristics 2. Buyer’s Decision Process Theocharis Katranis, MBA, Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Buyer Responses 1. Buying attitudes and preferences 2. Purchase Behavior: what the buyer buys, when, where, and how much. 3. Brand and company relationship behavior Introduction to Marketing 4 Theocharis Katranis, MBA, Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior 1. Culture It is the Set of Basic Values, Perceptions, wants, and behaviors learned by a member of society from family and other important institutions. Introduction to Marketing 5 Theocharis Katranis, MBA, Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior 2. Social Factors 2.1 Consumer’s Small Groups 2.2 Family 2.3 Social Roles 2.4 Social Status Introduction to Marketing 6 Theocharis Katranis, MBA, Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior 3. Personal Factors – Characteristics 3.1 Buyer’s Age and Life-cycle stage 3.2 Occupation 3.3 Economic Situation 3.4 Lifestyle 3.5 Personality 3.6 Self-concept Introduction to Marketing 7 Theocharis Katranis, MBA, Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior 4. Psychological Factors 4.1 Motivation 4.2 Perception 4.3 Learning 4.4 Beliefs 4.5 Attitudes Introduction to Marketing 8 Theocharis Katranis, MBA, Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Self-actualization Needs (Self-development and Realization) Esteem Needs (Self-esteem, Recognition, status) Social Needs (Sense of Belonging, Love) Safety Needs (Security, Protection) Physiological Needs (Hunger, Thirst) Introduction to Marketing 9 Theocharis Katranis, MBA, Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 The Buyer’s Decision Process Need Recognition Introduction to Marketing 10 Information Search Evaluation of Alternatives Theocharis Katranis, MBA Purchase Decision Post-Purchase Behavior Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 The Buyer’s Decision Process 1. Need Recognition It is the First Stage of the Buyer Decision process, in which the consumer recognizes a problem or need. Introduction to Marketing 11 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 The Buyer’s Decision Process 2. Information Search It is the stage of the Buyer decision process in which the consumer is aroused to search for more information; the consumer may simply have heightened attention or may go into an active information search. Introduction to Marketing 12 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 The Buyer’s Decision Process 3. Evaluation of Alternatives It is the stage of the Buyer Decision process in which the consumer uses information to evaluate alternative brands in the choice set. Introduction to Marketing 13 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 The Buyer’s Decision Process 4. Purchase Decision It is the Buyer’s Decision about which brand to purchase. Introduction to Marketing 14 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 The Buyer’s Decision Process 5. Post-purchase Behavior It is the stage of the Buyer Decision process in which the consumers take further action after purchase, based on their satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Introduction to Marketing 15 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 The Buyer’s Decision Process for NEW PRODUCTS New Product Definition It is any Product, Service, or Idea that is perceived by some potential customers as new. Introduction to Marketing 16 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 The Buyer’s Decision Process for NEW PRODUCTS The Adoption Process It is the Mental Process through which an individual passes from first hearing about an innovation to final adoption i.e. buying the new Product. Introduction to Marketing 17 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 The Buyer’s Decision Process for NEW PRODUCTS The 5 Stages in the Adoption Process 1. Awareness 2. Interest 3. Evaluation 4. Trial 5. Adoption Introduction to Marketing 18 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 The Buyer’s Decision Process for NEW PRODUCTS 1. Awareness The consumer becomes aware of the new product, but lacks information about it. Introduction to Marketing 19 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 The Buyer’s Decision Process for NEW PRODUCTS 2. Interest The consumer seeks information about the new product. Introduction to Marketing 20 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 The Buyer’s Decision Process for NEW PRODUCTS 3. Evaluation The consumer considers whether trying the new product makes sense. Introduction to Marketing 21 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 The Buyer’s Decision Process for NEW PRODUCTS 4. Trial The consumer tries the new product on a small scale to improve his or her estimate of its value. Introduction to Marketing 22 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 The Buyer’s Decision Process for NEW PRODUCTS 5. Adoption The consumer decides to make full and regular use of the new product. Introduction to Marketing 23 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Beliefs and Attitudes Marketers must be able to recognize and understand the beliefs and attitudes of their target consumer markets. By succeeding that, marketers will be able to create the correct Marketing Mix and Plan giving to their consumers the needed value and satisfaction. Introduction to Marketing 24 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Consumer Behavior Across International Borders Consumers may behave and react differently from country to country. This is due to consumers’ values, perceptions, beliefs and country Legislation. Introduction to Marketing 25 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Business Buyer Behavior and Business Markets 1. Business Buyer Behavior It is the buying behavior of the organizations that buy goods and services for use in the production of other products and services or to resell or rent them to others at a profit. Introduction to Marketing 26 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Business Buyer Behavior and Business Markets 2. Business Markets “Suppliers” Introduction to Marketing 27 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Business Buyer Behavior and Business Markets The Business buying process It is the decision process by which business buyers determine which products and services their organizations need to purchase, and then find, evaluate, and choose among alternative suppliers and brands Introduction to Marketing 28 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Market Structure and Demand 1. Business Markets contain fewer but larger buyers 2. Business buyer demand is derived from final consumer demand 3. Demand in many business markets is more inelastic – not affected as much in the short run by price changes 4. Demand in business markets fluctuates more and more quickly Introduction to Marketing 29 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Nature of Buying Unit 1. Business purchases involve more buyers. 2. Business buying involves a more professional purchasing effort. Introduction to Marketing 30 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Types of Decisions and the Decision Process 1. Business Buyers usually face more complex buying Decisions. 2. The Business buying process is more formalized. 3. In Business buying, buyers and sellers work more closely together and build close long-term relationships. Introduction to Marketing 31 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Major Types of Buying Situations 1. Straight rebuy 2. Modified rebuy 3. New Task Introduction to Marketing 32 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Major Types of Buying Situations 1. Straight rebuy It is a business buying situation in which the buyer routinely reorders something without any modifications. Introduction to Marketing 33 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Major Types of Buying Situations 2. Modified rebuy It is a business buying situation in which the buyer wants to modify product specifications, prices, terms or suppliers. Introduction to Marketing 34 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Major Types of Buying Situations 3. New Task It is a business buying situation in which the buyer purchases a product or service for the first time. Introduction to Marketing 35 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Participants in the Business Buying Process 1. Users 2. Influencers 3. Buyers 4. Deciders 5. Gatekeepers Introduction to Marketing 36 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Participants in the Business Buying Process 1. Users Members of the buying organization who will actually use the purchased product or service. Introduction to Marketing 37 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Participants in the Business Buying Process 2. Influencers People in an organization’s buying center who affect the buying decision; they often help define specifications and also provide information for evaluating alternatives. Introduction to Marketing 38 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Participants in the Business Buying Process 3. Buyers The people in the organization’s buying center who make an actual purchase. Introduction to Marketing 39 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Participants in the Business Buying Process 4. Deciders People in the organization’s buying center who have formal or informal power to select or approve the final suppliers. Introduction to Marketing 40 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Participants in the Business Buying Process 5. Gatekeepers People in the organization’s buying center who control the flow of information to others. Introduction to Marketing 41 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Major Influences on Business Buyers 1. Environmental Factors 2. Organizational Factors 3. Interpersonal Factors 4. Individual Factors Introduction to Marketing 42 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Major Influences on Business Buyers 1. Environmental Factors - Current and Expected Economic Environment - Shortages in Key Materials - Technological/Political/Competitive Developments - Culture and Customs Introduction to Marketing 43 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Major Influences on Business Buyers 2. Organizational Factors - Company’s Objectives - Policies - Procedures - Structure - Systems Introduction to Marketing 44 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Major Influences on Business Buyers 3. Interpersonal Factors People within the organization who can influence other people within the different departments. Introduction to Marketing 45 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Major Influences on Business Buyers 4. Individual Factors - Personal Motives / Perception / Preferences - Personal Characteristics : Age / Income / Education / Professional Identification / Personality / Attitudes toward risk Introduction to Marketing 46 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 The Business Buying Process – (8 Stages) Stage 1 : Problem Recognition Stage 2 : General Need Description Stage 3 : Product Specification Stage 4 : Supplier Search Stage 5 : Proposal Solicitation Stage 6 : Supplier Selection Stage 7 : Order-routine specification Stage 8 : Performance Review Introduction to Marketing 47 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 The Business Buying Process – (8 Stages) Stage 1 : Problem Recognition It is the first stage of the business buying process in which someone in the company recognizes a problem or need that can be met by acquiring a good or a service. Introduction to Marketing 48 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 The Business Buying Process – (8 Stages) Stage 2 : General Need Description It is the stage in the business buying process in which the company describes the general characteristics and quantity of a needed item. Introduction to Marketing 49 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 The Business Buying Process – (8 Stages) Stage 3 : Product Specification It is the stage in the business buying process in which the buying organization decides on and specifies the best technical product characteristics for a needed item. Introduction to Marketing 50 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 The Business Buying Process – (8 Stages) Stage 4 : Supplier Search It is the stage in the business buying process in which the buyer tries to find the best vendors. Introduction to Marketing 51 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 The Business Buying Process – (8 Stages) Stage 5 : Proposal Solicitation It is the stage in the business buying process in which the buyer invites qualified suppliers to submit proposals. Introduction to Marketing 52 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 The Business Buying Process – (8 Stages) Stage 6 : Supplier Selection It is the stage in the business buying process in which the buyer reviews proposals and selects a supplier or suppliers. Introduction to Marketing 53 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 The Business Buying Process – (8 Stages) Stage 7 : Order-routine specification It is the stage in the business buying process in which the buyer writes the final order with the chosen supplier(s), listing the technical specifications, quantity needed, expected time of delivery, return policies, and warranties. Introduction to Marketing 54 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 The Business Buying Process – (8 Stages) Stage 8 : Performance Review It is the stage in the business buying process in which the buyer assesses the performance of the supplier and decides to continue, modify, or drop the arrangement. Introduction to Marketing 55 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 E-procurement: Buying on the Internet It is the purchasing through electronic connections between buyers and sellers – usually online. Introduction to Marketing 56 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 E-procurement: Buying on the Internet Companies can do e-procurement with the following 4 ways: 1. Reverse Auctions – The company Invite Suppliers to Bid 2. Online Trading Exchanges 3. Company Buying Sites 4. Extranet Links With Key Suppliers Introduction to Marketing 57 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Benefits of E-procurement 1. It shaves transaction costs and results in more efficient purchasing for both buyers and suppliers. 2. It reduces the time between order and delivery 3. It reduces drudgery and paperwork Introduction to Marketing 58 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Weakness of E-procurement There is always the possibility for hackers to brake into the security system of any company and manipulate/steal data and information for their own or other people’s benefit. Introduction to Marketing 59 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Institutional and Government Markets Institutional Markets are Schools, Hospitals, Nursing homes, Prisons and other institutions that provide goods and services to people in their care. Usually they have LOW Budgets. Government Markets are Governmental Units (i.e national, regional and local) that purchase or rent goods and services for carrying out the main functions of government Introduction to Marketing 60 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Government Markets Characteristics 1. Government Organizations typically require suppliers to submit bids and normally they award the contract to the lowest bidder. 2. Government Organizations tend to favor domestic suppliers over foreign suppliers. 3. Government Buyers are affected by Environmental, Organizational, Interpersonal and Individual Factors. Introduction to Marketing 61 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Summary - Lecture 3 1. We defined the consumer market and constructed a simple model of a consumer buyer behaviour. 2. We named the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behaviour. 3. We listed and defined the major types of buying decision behaviour and the stages in the buyer decision process. 4. We described the adoption and diffusion process for new products. Introduction to Marketing Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Summary - Lecture 3 5. We defined the business market and explain how business markets differ from consumer markets. 6. We identified the major factors that influence business buyer behaviour. 7. We compared the institutional and government markets and explained how institutional and government buyers make their buying decisions. Introduction to Marketing Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014 Lecture 3 Chapters 5 and 6 END of Lecture 3 Thank you for your attention Introduction to Marketing 62 Theocharis Katranis, MBA Fall Semester 2014