1st Assignment(b)

Letter Assignment:
Write a letter to the third student on the left telling that student what courses you are
taking and how you see the courses helping you in the future. Remember to have at least
2 paragraphs, if you run out of things to say you could always ask what the other student
feel about the courses that you are taking or find out what they are taking.
February 1st 2010-02-01
Ms. Whom Wewrite Letterto
123 Somewhere Street
Anytown, BC
To Ms. Whom Wewrite Letterto
The courses that I am taking this semester are English 11, Digital Communications 11,
Automotive Technology 11, and PE 11. I have chosen these courses so that they may
help me in my future career and life experiences.
My English is a mandatory course, but it will help me learn the skills needed for proper
English in everyday life and the jobs that I will have. Communications will help me to
learn more about computer programs and business things which will help me in the career
that I want. Auto will help me to be able to do minor fixes on my car so that it costs less
money for repairs. PE will get me in better shape and help with my GTR.
I am hoping that all the courses that I am taking in school this semester are going to help
further my ability to apply for college and university.
Katie Merritt