Mammal extinction

Mammal extinction
Australia has a large number of critically endangered
species but environmentalists and zoologists are
working hard to keep them alive.
29 JULY 2008
Focus Questions
1] What was the main point of the story?
2] How many Australian mammals have become extinct since European
3] What has caused the Brush-tailed rock wallaby to become endangered?
4] How many Australian species are on the verge of extinction?
5] What is having a big impact on native species in Australia?
6] Why do you think it is important to protect native animals?
7] What are zoologists doing to protect species?
8] Why do you think Australia has the highest rate of mammal extinction in
the world?
9] What can be done to protect Australia’s threatened species?
10] How did this story make you feel?
Learning Area
Science, Society and
Key learning
Students will develop a
deeper understanding of
Australian mammal
Mammal extinction
After watching the BtN story about mammal extinction, ask students to write
down what they think the following key words mean:
Threatened species
Critically endangered
Ask students to share their definitions with another students and then change or
add to them. They can then use a range of sources to check their
understandings. Students then need to choose a threatened Australian species
and research the following information:
What does the animal eat?
What type of habitat does it need?
Where does it live?
© ABC 2008
Expert groups can be a useful
resource for students when
researching the topic.
What are the threats to its decline?
What can be done to ensure its survival?
What are the impacts when an animal species becomes endangered or
Why is Australia’s rate of mammal extinction the highest in the world?
Students can present their information in one of the following ways:
Written or oral report
Develop a video or PowerPoint slide presentation
Create a model or poster
Further investigations
Design an enclosure for a threatened species. Students need to consider the
animals’ natural habitat. Construct the enclosure using recycled materials.
Students research which threatened species are found in their local area.
What is being done to protect them?
Make a game to teach people about threatened Australian species.
Organise a guest speaker from the zoo or environmental organisation to
come and speak to the class about Australia’s threatened species.
Related Research Links
ABC 730 Report – Climate change threatens extinction of Australian mammals
ABC AM – WWF warns of mammal extinction
WWF –Australia’s threatened species face extinction
Unique Australian animal website
Classification of threatened and extinct species
Children’s BBC – Information about endangered animals
© ABC 2008