Name: Please answer in another color font. 1. A Quick Chapter 8

Name: ___________________________
Please answer in another color font.
1. A Quick Chapter 8 Review, first. Using Pages 220 – 221.
a.) Name, b.) quickly describe four methods that animals that are preyed upon have
developed to help them survive attacks from predators, and c.) give an example of
an animal that has developed that adaptation.
2. Biodiversity – page 263. Name a species that IS NOT likely to become extinct and
explain why. Then explain what types of species ARE likely to become extinct.
3. Check out the chart on page 263 telling us when there have been major
extinctions in Earth’s past. Do some research and tell me what sciensts believe MAY
be the cause for two of the extinctions. (For example…the extinction that occurred
around 205 million years ago was caused by x).
4. What two species have been most affected by the current mass extinction?
5. Name several ways that humans are currently causing the mass extinction of
many species on Earth.
6. Looking at the map on page 268, where are the THREE biodiverse hotspots in the
United States?
7. What are the three provisions listed in the 1973 law that Congress passed to
protect Endangered Species? (page 273)