Endangered Species - Australia Log on to http://www.kidcyber.com.au/topics/Austendangered.htm to answer the following questions. 1. What is a mammal? 2. In your own words, record 5 factors that contribute to animals becoming endangered. 3. What is the name of the bird pictured? 4. Find out about two different introduced predators. Write your information up in full sentences in paragraph form. 5. What factors are contributing to the threats on the dugong population. “Australia has more endangered species than any other continent, all in the 200 years of white settlement.” 6. Why do you think the statement above is most probably true? 7. Mini Project – Due Date __________ Identify a threatened species you would like to research information about. Make a display poster about your chosen animal, which must include the following 5 sections in reasonable detail: General information A description of its habitat Why it is under threat What is being done about it? Concluding paragraph (10%) (10%) (20%) (20%) (10%) (You may expand the topic beyond Australian threatened species if you wish.) Assessment Criteria Information is to be expressed in your own words Care given to correct spelling, punctuation and grammar Thought put into the organisation and layout of the poster The overall presentation (30%)