Revised: May 8, 2015 EE 354 Syllabus Fall 2015/16 Dr. Blandford Web site: Text: Notes on the 8051 from the EECS office. Reference: 1. Stewart, James W. and Miao, Kai X., The 8051 Microcontroller, Hardware, Software, and Interfacing, 2nd edition, Prentice-Hall, 1999. 2. Yiu, Joseph, The Definitive Guide to the ARM CORTEX M0, Elsevier, 2011 3. MacKenzie, I. Scott, The 8051 Microcontroller, 3rd ed., Prentice-Hall, 1999. 4. Seal, David, ARM Architecture Reference Manual, 2nd ed., Addison-Wesley, 2000. Software: 1. A51 Macro Assembler for the 8051 from Keil Software. Available on selected machines in the lab or you may download a student version from The assembler is part of the C51 C Compiler tools listed below. 2. C51 C Compiler for the 8051 from Keil Software. The professional version is available on selected machines in the lab. Alternatively, you may download the most recent student version from choose Evaluation Software under downloads and click on C51 tools. Fill out the registration form. The demo version includes complete manuals. 3. CA ARM C Compiler for the ARM Cortex M0 microcontroller from Keil Software. You may download the most recent student version from choose Evaluation Software under downloads and click on ARM Tools. Fill out the registration form. The demo version includes manuals. Hardware: 1. Each student will need a 3-wide solderless breadboard for project construction. These are available through the stockroom or you can use the one that was required for EE 210/215. 2. Printed circuit boards for the Atmel AT89C51CC03 and the ARM Cortex M4 Discovery Board will be used for projects. The 8051 board is available through the EE Department office and the Discovery board can be purchased online. There will be 3 hour exams, graded homework projects, and a 2 hour comprehensive final exam. The homework will count 24%, the final will count 22%, and the 3 hour exams will count 18% each. All exams are open book and open notes. Final Exam is Monday, December 14, 2015 at 11:00am Revised: May 8, 2015 EE 354 Fall 2015/16 Wednesday Friday Aug. 26 Ch. 1-2M Aug. 28 Ch. 2M Monday Microcontrollers Intro to the 8051 family Aug. 31 Ch. 2M 8051 memory, timing , and ports Special function registers Sept. 7 Sept. 2 Ch. 2M 8051 machine code Instruction set summary Ch. 3 and notes Sept. 9 Assembly examples Sept. 14 Hour Exam 1 Sept. 21 Ch. 4 M C for the 8051 Sept. 28 Ch. 3 and notes Program structure Ch. 4 M Sept. 18 Project Introduction Sept. 23 Ch. 4 M Sept. 30 Ch. 4 M Ch. 4 M Ch. 4 M Timer examples Oct. 26 Oct. 28 Ch. 2 and Ch. 4 Oct. 9 Project Software Design Oct. 14 Oct. 21 Oct. 2 Interrupts on the 8051 Oct. 7 Fall Break Oct. 19 Ch. 5M Hour Exam 2 Sept. 25 Project Hardware Design Timer operation Oct. 12 Sept. 11 Review and examples C for the 8051 Interrupts on the 8051 Ch. 2 M + Notes 8051 addressing modes Assembly language programs Keil Development software Review exam C for the 8051 Oct. 5 Sept. 4 Sept. 16 C for the 8051 Ch. 4 M 8051 Hardware and architecture Oct. 16 Ch. 4 and 5M Serial port operation Oct. 23 Review Exam Project Due Date Ch.1 N Oct. 30 ARM-7 Instruction set μVision IDE Ch. 2 N Intro to the ARM architecture Project 2 Introduction Nov. 2 Nov. 4 Nov. 6 Ch. 5 N Ch. 2, 3 and 5 N μVision C Compiler In line assembly Nov. 9 Ch. 4 N General purpose I/O Ch. 4 N Using timers Intro to interrupts Nov. 16 Ch. 1 N Nov. 11 C Programs and examples Ch. 4 N Timers and interrupts Nov. 13 Project 2 Status Report (Last day to withdraw with W) Ch 4 N Nov. 18 Ch 4 N Nov. 20 Ch 5 N A to D and D to A conversion Pulse width modulation Examples in C Nov. 23 Hour Exam 3 Nov. 30 Ch. 1 to 5 N Nov. 25 Thanksgiving Break Dec. 2 Review Exam Project 2 Nov. 27 Thanksgiving Break Dec. 4 Project 2 Dec. 7 Dec. 9 Reading/Study Day Project 2 Due Date M = The 8051 Microcontroller Class notes. N = The ARM Cortex M4 Class notes. Final Exam is Monday, December 14, 2015 at 11:00am