Physics 11 – Course Outline

Physics 11 – Course Outline
Teacher: Mrs. Mallais
Textbook: Physics – Principles and Problems
SKSS Phone: 250-374-1405
Welcome to Physics 11! This course outline should be read by yourself and your
parents. The prescribed learning outcomes for Physics 11 include kinematics and
dynamics in one dimension, vectors, work and energy, momentum, special relativity,
wave motion, geometric optics and nuclear physics. For a detailed description please
Marks will be obtained through laboratory activities and tests. In class and homework
assignments such as worksheets and textbook review questions will be assigned for
practice but may not be included in grade calculation.
Skills and methods (lab work)
Integrated throughout the year
Sig Figs, Scientific Notation & Unit Conversions
Kinematics – Uniform Motion and Acceleration
Forces and Newton’s Laws
Vectors in 1-D
Work and Energy
Special Relativity & Fission and Fusion
Waves & Optics
Note: The divisions used above are guided from the Prescribed Learning Outcomes laid out by the
Ministry of Education (
Tests will be given at the end of a chapter or unit. Quizzes may be given throughout the
chapter and or prior to a test. Lab activities are designed to cover the “Skills & Methods”
learning outcomes in the curriculum. Some labs will require additional time out of class
to analyze data.
A cumulative final exam will be given and will count for approximately 20% of your final
mark. Students who have demonstrated a high level of achievement throughout the
entire course, AND have maintained a “good” effort mark may be excused from writing
the final exam.
Calculation of final mark:
semester mark – 80%
final exam – 20%
At any time during the semester, a letter grade of I (incomplete) may be assigned during
the course to allow a student to make up for missed work.
Effort Marks:
Effort grades fall into three categories G (good), S (satisfactory), or N (needs
improvement) will be awarded based on homework completion, work habits,
participation, notebook organization, preparedness for class, and other areas.
Two or three “zeros” on homework checks will result in an “S”, more than three will result in an
“N”. One non-submitted lab report will result in an “N”. Cheating will result in an automatic “N”.
Required Materials:
A pen and a pencil, eraser, binder with lined paper & 5 mm square graph paper, ruler,
textbook, scientific calculator and agenda are required for every class. Your binder
should be organized and all work should be correctly dated and have a title.
Class Expectations:
It is important to remember that a learning environment is needed in order to be
successful. Therefore, careful listening, following directions, raising your hand to answer
questions, working during class and respect for your classmates and the teacher are
expected. Students who fail to meet classroom expectations will be asked to leave the
class. Repeated failure to meet these expectations will be referred to the school
Come to class prepared to work each day. You may not allowed to retrieve forgotten
items from your locker. If you need to leave the room during class it must be for a good
reason. You need to ask permission to leave the room.
I expect you to be respectful of everyone and everything around you – that includes you,
your teacher, your classmates, any TOC’s, and all school property. Certain language is
not school appropriate and will not be tolerated.
Music devices are allowed under the following circumstances:
• NOT turned on or in your ears during notes, teaching time, labs, quizzes or tests.
• You may listen quietly during seat work.
• If used at the incorrect time or the volume is too loud (ie – I can hear it) it will be
taken away.
School District No.73 (Kamloops/Thompson)
Effective Date, March 14, 2005
Policy 406.1
The use of telecommunication and audio or video recording devices, including CELLULAR PHONES,
pagers/beepers and cameras, at schools and school-sponsored or school related activated on or off
school property, is prohibited during the school day except where expressively authorized. Students
shall be allowed to posses such devices, however, such devices must not be visible and must remain
turned off during the day.
Cell phones are to be kept off (not vibrate) and left in your locker. If you make the
mistake of bringing it to class, I will take it.
1st Offence: I will take the phone until the end of class. Consider this your
2nd Offence: I will take the phone for the remainder of the day. You may pick it up
either from me or the office at 3 pm.
3rd Offence: I will take the phone and keep it for one week. You will also be given a
week of lunch-time detentions. The school administration will become involved
and your parents will be contacted.
A record of cell phone offenders will be kept so there is no confusion about the
consequences given.
A scientific calculator is required for this course, not a graphing calculator. An iPod or
cell phone is NOT a suitable replacement for a calculator and you will not be allowed to
use it as such. Calculators may be shared while you are working on assignments or lab
activities, but under no circumstances can they be shared during tests. Failure to bring
your own calculator on a test day will put you at a significant disadvantage.
No food or drinks are allowed except for water. This is a science lab!
Attendance & Punctuality:
You are expected to attend every class. When this is not possible please have your
parent notify the school. If you are absent for sports or other school activities, you must
get permission from your teacher. You are expected to obtain missing class notes and
understand the concepts that were covered in class. Any assigned homework should be
completed upon your return – review opportunities will not be granted without this effort
on your part.
You are expected to arrive on time. If you arrive late and the door is closed, wait quietly
outside until it is opened for you. Activities missed at the beginning of class (quizzes)
may result in a loss of marks.
If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed from a classmate.
I will not loan you my notes or track you down, but will have any handouts available if
you ask politely and in a timely manner.
Late / Missing Tests (due to excused absences):
You are expected to notify the teacher in advance, when possible. Be prepared to write
the exam on the day of your return – you will be advised of test days well in
advance. A note explaining your absence is required to write a make-up test. I will call
home randomly to check the validity of such notes or if I suspect a forgery. Make-up
tests will be written during AI (after school) or at a time convenient to Mrs. Mallais.
It is your responsibility to complete assignments on time. There will be a one week
extension past the “due date” during which you may hand in assignments without
penalty. After this “dead date” late assignments will no longer be accepted.
Extra Help:
Please do not hesitate to ask for help during class if you are confused; it is easier to
solve problems early than to wait until they cause further confusion. I will be available
during certain lunch hours and also by appointment.
General Information:
Mark updates will be available regularly and will be posted by student number in the
classroom. I will have your tests marked and ready to hand back within a day or two.
A course plan will be posted on the wall with a short summary of what was covered each
class. I also hope to have this available on the SKSS website – but technology is not
always a “sure thing” so do not depend on this or wait until the last minute!
Review this outline with your parents at home. It will also be posted on the school
website under my name. If your parents have any questions about the course please
have them contact me by email or by phoning SKSS 250-374-1405
on school days.
Welcome again to Physics 11 at SKSS! I look forward to our year together ☺