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83rd Birmingham Brownies
Little Yellow Duck Project Challenge Badge
What is the Little Yellow Duck Project?
The Little Yellow Duck Project involves people around the world handcrafting little
yellow duck gifts as random acts of kindness that are left in public places for others
to find. A special tag on each one invites the finder to take their gift home to
brighten their day and to visit this website to register where they found their gift.
We hope that the stories and information found here will encourage them to pledge
their own random act of kindness by registering to donate blood, bone marrow,
organs tissues.
There are three sections to the Little Yellow Duck Project Challenge Badge, girls must
complete the relevant activities from each section to complete the badge.
The Challenge Badge Contents
Section 1
Acts of Random Kindness
Section 2
Organ, bone marrow and blood donation
Section 3
Duck Duck Quack
Useful Websites
Section 1
Acts of Random Kindness
The little yellow ducks are handmade then given a name and a tag then left in a
public place for someone else to find. Remember the ducks need to travel as far as
possible so use as many different places as you can think of.
Tags can be downloaded at
Don’t forget to check the map to see if the ducks have been found
Girls may wish to make a little yellow duck to take home as well.
Girls can use the following methods:
pom poms
Painted stones
Fimo/modelling clay
Cross stitch
Hama beads
Funky foam
Loom bands
Mini ducks
Sugar craft
Rainbows: Each girl must make at least one little yellow duck.
Brownies: Each girl must make at least three little yellow ducks.
Guides and Senior Section: Each girl must make a least five different little yellow
ducks using at least two different methods one of which must be something new.
Each girl must also work towards a community based duck challenge based on an act
of random kindness:
Select from
a) bake and decorate a duck themed biscuit or cake – give it to someone you
don’t know or donate a batch to a local care home
b) collect duck themed items to create a bath time bucket – rubber duck, yellow
soap, bubble bath, shower gel etc – donate them to a local project that works
with families in crisis
c) make a duck children’s toy and donate to a local hospice or hospital
Section 2
Organ, bone marrow and blood donation
The Little Yellow Duck Project is a global initiative highlighting the life-saving random
acts of kindness of blood, bone marrow, and organ and tissue donation. Whilst every
random act of kindness has the ability to brighten someone’s day, these donations
have the ability to literally save or transform someone’s entire life.
The story behind The Little Yellow Duck Project
The Little Yellow Duck Project was created by Emma Harris in memory of her best
friend, Clare Cruickshank, a kind and fun-loving person who lived life to the full. Clare
loved being creative and could spend hours happily covered in glue and glitter or
finding a way to make something with her sewing machine! She was also crazy
about little yellow rubber ducks and had a huge collection of them in all shapes and
Clare was born with the genetic lung disease, cystic fibrosis, and by the age of 24,
her lungs were so damaged that a transplant was her only hope of survival. Sadly a
matching donor was never found and despite a long fight, she passed away on April
15th 2013 aged 26.Despite her own time running out, Clare asked her Mum, Ann
Rowcliffe, to promise to donate any organs or tissues that she could after her death.
Although a matching donor hadn’t been found in time for her, she wanted to give
someone else that chance and hope. As a result, the sight of two young adults has
now been restored by receiving her corneas. Clare had the most stunning bright
blue eyes that shone with life and enthusiasm. It’s a tribute to her generosity and
kindness that others can now see life clearly as a result of her gift.
The Little Yellow Duck Project has been inspired by Clare’s generosity, her sense of
fun and her love of little yellow ducks. Each handcrafted little yellow duck gift aims
to spread a little happiness to its recipient and a little awareness of how we can each
follow Clare’s example in saving or transforming the lives of others through blood,
bone marrow, organ or tissue donation.
Play the Organ Game to find out which organs can be donated and where they are in
the body.
Find out more about Anthony Nolan
Design a poster encouraging people to donate blood
Play the organ donation version of Captain’s Coming
Listen to some of the real stories from those affected by organ, tissue, blood or bone
marrow donation.
Rainbows: must complete at least one clause.
Brownies, Guides and Senior Section: must complete at least two clauses.
Section 3
Duck Duck Quack
The Little Yellow Duck Project is about fun and about ducks as well as acts of
kindness and organ, bone marrow and blood donation. In section three we want you
to have lots of duck based fun! Hold a Duck Duck Quack night choose from the
following activities:
Pin the beak on the duck
Play Duck Duck Quack (duck duck goose)
Make and wear a duck headband
Make ducks out of lego bricks – Who is the fastest? Who is the most creative? Who
can make the biggest duck?
Have a duck race
Make duck feet to wear – create a duck dance to wear with them on. Can you find
some music that makes you think of ducks?
Make and wear a duck mask
Play Duck Beetle
Make five duck finger puppets and sing 5 Little Ducks
Design your own rubber duck
Learn how to identify different ducks
Learn the different duck calls
Go to a local pond and see how many different types of duck you can spot
Create some duck themed nail art
Rainbows: Must include at least two of the above activities
Brownies: Must include at least three of the above activities
Guides and Senior Section: Must include at least four of the above activities
Section 1
Pom Pom Duck
Make two pompoms from yellow wool, one smaller than the other. Use ends to tie
pompoms together. Stick on felt eyes and felt beak.
Use two yellow pompoms and stick together, add googly eyes, felt beak and feet.
Hama Bead/cross stitch pattern
Painted stones
Wash and dry suitable shaped stones, paint yellow and add features in
Loom Bands
Felt/foam duck
Felt/foam cut out and stick together – add magnet or brooch backs.
Sewn – cut out tow of each and sew together, stuff and decorate with
Section 2
The Organ Game
How to play
Cut out the pieces from template two. Challenge the girls to put them in the correct
places on the body template. Answers are on the final picture. Alternatively,
enlarge, cut out and add Velcro and girls stick on each other’s bodies where they
think they go.
Organ donation version of Captain’s Coming – use the following actions
Captain’s coming – lay flat on the floor
Heart – use both hands over the heart moving backwards and forwards to show
Lungs – move hands in and out towards each other as if using bellows
Liver – use knife and fork to cut up
Pancreas – use a frying pan
Small intestine – curl up into a small ball
Kidneys – hold sides with cross arms and laugh
Eyes – make owl eyes with hands
Bones – shake arms and legs to make bones rattle
Section 3
Pin the nose on the duck
Duck Headband
Duck Beetle
Can use cut out shapes (template below) or draw.
Throw 6 for body – must have body first before any other parts
Throw 5 for head feathers
Throw 4 for nose
Throw 3 for each eye
Throw 2 for each foot
Throw 1 for each inner eye
First person to complete a duck shouts DUCK!
Duck Mask
Use the same template for Duck Beetle to make your Duck Mask.
Duck Race
Race your rubber ducks inside using a paddling pool – use straws or water pistols to
get them to the other side.
Outdoor use lengths of drainpipe (with end stops) and water pistols.
Older girls could use a local stream. Always take care when near water and follow
the water safety code.
Duck Finger Puppets
Cut the fingers off yellow rubber gloves and decorate to make your own duck finger
Useful websites
Section 2
Thank you for taking part in our challenge.
Please fill in the form below and post back to receive your badges.
Contact name:
Unit details:
Address :
Email address:……………………………...................................................................................
Quantity required …………..@ £1.00 each
1 – 10 Badges
11 – 40 Badges
60+ Badges
Total cost ………………………………..........
Please make cheques payable to 83rd Birmingham Brownies and send completed
orders to:
Pauline Weaver
83rd Birmingham Brownies
49 Redditch Road
Kings Norton
B38 8RL