Equity Analysis & Valuation (FIN 455) Website List Big Charts http://www.bigcharts.com Create stock price charts; Provides data, charts, and technical indicators. Bloomberg http://www.bloomberg.com Market news and data, along with business information. Bloomberg Tradebook http://www.bloombergtradebook.com “Tradebook is Bloomberg’s agency broker that partners with both the buy-side and sell-side to provide high-quality liquidity, market insight, and customized solutions based on innovative technologies.” Bonds Online: Income Investor Tools http://www.bondsonline.com Provides bond information; Provides trading and yield curve data; Provides information about convertible bonds. Briefing: Live Market Analysis http://www.briefing.com Provides some bond trading information and general information about bonds. Bureau of Economic Analysis (US Dept. of Commerce) http://bea.gov Provides links to sources of U.S. government economic data. Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) http://www.cboe.com Provides information about options trade on the Chicago Board Options Exchange; Chicago Board Options Exchange Web site, a good source of education and data; Web site for major options exchange. CME Group, Inc. http://www.cbot.com CME Group Inc., a CME/Chicago Board of Trade Company; Home site for the Chicago Mercantile Exchange containing quotes and information about futures. CNN Money http://money.cnn.com Includes current about markets and companies. Corporate Information http://www.corporateinformation.com Provides links to information on industries and by country. Dismal Scientist: Economics Made Clear http://www.dismal.com Contains articles on economies and tracks information from U.S. and global sources. Dow Jones http://www.dowjones.com Provides information about the Dow Jones indexes. Equity Analysis & Valuation (FIN 455) Website List Economagic: Economic Time Series Page http://www.economagic.com Directory site of economic data collections Economic & Consumer Credit Analytics http://www.economy.com Various forms of economic information; Provides access to economic data. European Equities: Euronext http://www.euronext.com “With more than 8,000 listed issues of all sizes, industries, and geographies, Euronext represents nearly 40 percent of the world’s equities trading, and the most liquidity of any global exchange group.” Federal Research Bank of New York http://www.ny.frb.org Contains links to New York Federal Reserve Bank analyses and data. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston http://www.bos.frb.org Home page for the Federal Reserve of Boston providing economic information. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis: Economic Research http://research.stlouisfed.org The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis web site has a wealth of interest rate data. Financial Engines http://www.financialengines.com Provides portfolio analysis and information on personal financial planning. Financial Times http://www.financialtimes.com Leading business news and information organization. Forbes http://www.forbes.com Provides business, investing, and other company information. Free Lunch http://www.freelunch.com Includes links to other economic sites, has listings of economic reports and news events, and provides access to economic data. Free Realtime http://www.freerealtime.com Includes news, information, and real-time quotes. Hedge Fund Association http://www.thehfa.com Website for the hedge fund association providing information about the industry. Hedge Fund Center http://www.hedgefundcenter.com Education site on hedge funds Equity Analysis & Valuation (FIN 455) Website List Hoover’s http://www.hoovers.com House Values http://www.housevalues.com Provides limited free information about sectors and industries. Website will estimate residential property values and provide report for homes in cities within its database. HSH Mortgage Resource http://www.hsh.com Contains a database of current residential mortgage rates. ICLUB Central: Software and Tools for Investors and Investment Clubs http://www.iclub.com Provides information and education for investment club members. International Trade Administration http://trade.gov Provides access to U.S. government reports on international trade with reports being fee-based; Provides access to industry reports that are fee-based. Investopedia http://www.investopedia.com Provides a general education site and stocks and investing; Provides tutorials on financial ratios; Includes primer on technical analysis. Investor Guide http://www.investorguide.com Includes links to sites providing sector and industry information; Links to sites provide information on government and corporate bonds. Investor Links http://www.investorlinks.com Directory site of finance-related websites. Investors.com: Investor’s Business Daily http://www.investors.com Provides investment related charts and tools. Investor Words http://www.investorwords.com Provides links to finance sites and glossary of finance terminology. Kansas City Board of Trade http://www.kcbt.com Quotes, data, and electronic trading information from the Kansas City Board of Trade. McGraw-Hill Textbook: Investment Management http://www.mhhe.com/hirtblock9e The McGraw-Hill site for this textbook provides valuable student resources. Equity Analysis & Valuation (FIN 455) Website List Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGEX) http://www.mgex.com Information from the Minneapolis Grain Exchange. MoneyChimp http://www.moneychimp.com Stock analysis and educational information. Moody’s http://www.moodys.com Provides bond information. Morningstar http://www.morningstar.com Provides stock screening and detailed evaluation with Quick Quotes; Contains evaluations of and information about stocks and mutual funds; Provides financial information and ratios for free; Basic site containing detailed information about mutual funds, portfolio tracking, and analysis; Provides analysis of mutual fund portfolios and modern portfolio theory statistics for mutual funds tracked by Morningstar and for personal portfolios. The Motley Fool http://www.fool.com “A multimedia financial-services company dedicated to building the world’s greatest investment community.” MSCI http://www.mscibarra.com Provides information on bond and stock indexes and various modified indexes. MSN Money http://moneycentral.msn.com Has property valuation function along with mortgage financing calculator. NASDAQ http://www.nasdaq.com http://www.nasdaqtrader.com Provides information about NASDAQ stocks and market; Provides information about the NASDAQ market. Numa Web http://www.numa.com Provides calculator for convertible bonds. NYCE http://www.nyce.com Information from the New York Board of Trade. The Options Industry Council http://www.888options.com Educational site on options. PCQuote: A Money.Net Property http://www.pcquote.com Provides stock quotes, portfolio tracking, and news; Provides research and quotes on options and commodities. Equity Analysis & Valuation (FIN 455) Website List Quicken http://www.quicken.com Provides understandable coverage of financial planning and investing; Provides stock screening and analysis; has intrinsic value calculator; Contains some technical analytical data and charts; Provides mortgage financing information and payment calculator. Real Estate http://www.realestate.com Provides information on property listings and mortgage financing and reports on property values and analysis. Realtor http://www.realtor.com Has property search function and mortgage evaluation function. Red Herring http://www.redherring.com Provides free information on public offerings and links to related sites. Reuters http://www.reuters.com Contains business and financial market news for the United States and other countries. Schaeffer’s Investment Research www.schaeffersresearch.com “A leading provider of research, education, recommendations, and strategies for stock and options traders.” Smart Money: The Wall Street Journal http://www.smartmoney.com Includes information and news about U.S. economy; Provides sector and market performance; Features map of market; Provides information on bond yields, bond investing, and related topics; Provides some bond information; Unique feature is living yield curve. Standard & Poor’s http://www.standardandpoors.com Contains information about Standard & Poor’s indexes and the markets. Stock Charts http://www.stockcharts.com Provides free technical charts and education on technical analysis. Stocks and News http://www.stocksandnews.com News and commentary on stocks and markets. The Street http://www.thestreet.com “A leading digital financial media company whose network provides users with a variety of content and tools.” Teach Me Finance http://www.teachmefinance.com Education site pertaining to finance and bonds. Equity Analysis & Valuation (FIN 455) Website List Thomson Reuters http://www.investor.reuters.com Provides detailed financial information, including ratios and statements. U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission http://www.cftc.gov Home site for the future market regulation Commodities Futures Trading Commission. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission http://www.sec.gov Provides access to SEC filings; Company filings and other securities information. Validea http://www.validea.com Provides fee-based valuation of stocks. Value Engine http://www.valuengine.com Provides stock analyses and forecasts, mainly fee-based (Requires Free Registration) Value Line http://www.valueline.com The web-based version of the Value Line print source. Value Pro http://www.valuepro.net Has a free intrinsic value calculator. Venture Line http://www.ventureline.com Allows access to financial ratios and other analytics. Wachowicz’s Web World: Web Sites Site created by finance professor with links for Discerning Finance Students to information resources on valuation. http://web.utk.edu/~jwachowi/part2.html The Wall Street Journal http://www.wsj.com Provides limited information about industry data; Has searchable archive on articles about companies and industries; Provides company information along with news. Yahoo Finance http://finance.yahoo.com Profile pages on stock quotes provide access to company SEC filings; information about investing, companies, and markets; Provides information about companies, markets, and the economy; Provides analysis of mutual funds using Morningstar data. Zacks http://www.zacks.com Provides consensus earnings forecasts; Provides detailed company financial information and ratios.