Final Exam Grade 7 Social Studies: History & Geography Students

Final Exam Grade 7
Social Studies: History & Geography
Students please refer to all your study materials to prepare for your exams:
Test & Quizzes
The exam will review material covered from midyear on:
Feudalism and the Manor System
Power of Kings
Resources and the Environment
Students should start revising by creating a study sheet for each topic covered. They should then
review a little each day during the break. After the break, we will review in class and all student work
will be returned.
Feudalism: Review handout on “Feudalism and the Manor System” and revise test questions.
Essay questions:
How did the feudal system work?
How does the manor system function and what purpose does it serve?
Crusades: Review handout on the “Crusades” and revise the test questions.
Essay questions:
What are the causes of the crusades and how does this lead to war?
What are the lasting effects of the Crusades?
The Power of Kings: Review the handout on the “Power of Kings” use the study guide you created.
Study the terms/vocabulary from the handout
Short Answer:
Who is Henery the IV?
Who is Pope Gregory VII?
What is the conflict between Henry IV and Gregory VII and what happens?
How powerful were the nobles in the 1200s?
What are the two reasons the feudal system declines?
How do nations form?
How does England begin to form as a nation?
Who is King John?
What happened when King John disagreed with the pope?
What is the Magna Carta?
What is the purpose of the Magna Carta?
What are the “Hundred Years’ War”?
What is the cause of the “Hundred Years’ War”?
Who is Joan of Arc and why is she important to the French people?
How does the Hundred Years’ War effect the balance of power?
How does the Hundred Years’ War effect the people?
Essay questions:
Why did feudalism decline and how did this effect the power of the kings?
How does the Magna Carta limit the power of the King?
Resources and the Environment: Review text from chapter 4 and revise the quiz.
Know: the terms from the section
the 5 kinds of pollution
renewable and non-renewable resources
Population: Review text from chapter 5 and revise the quiz.
Know: the terms from the section
negative/positive factors that effect settlement in an area
push/pull factors that effect migration
Kenya: Review text from chapter 6 and revise the quiz.
Know: the terms from the section
Kenya’s culture
Map of Kenya