I2 Assembly instructions (v.2) PCB1: COMPONENTS Resistors: # Value Code 1 1k Brown, black, red 6 4k3 Yellow, orange, red 2 5k6 Green, blue, red R16 R1, R3, R5, R9, R17, R18 R7, R51 16 10k Brown, black, orange R6, R8, R10, R21, R22, R26, R32, R33, R34, R36, R40, R41, R44, R45, R49, R52 1 18k Brown, grey, orange R13 4 20k Red, black, orange R20, R25, R42, R47 1 36k Orange, blue, orange R14 1 56k Blue, green, black, red R24 10 100k Brown, black, Yellow R11, R15, R19, R29, R30, R31, R37, R38, R43, R50 2 130k Brown, orange, wellow R28, R48 2 180k Brown, grey, yellow R35, R39 2 300k 4 1M Red, black,black, orange R27, R46 Brown, black, green R2, R4, R12, R23 Solder the diodes ( D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6) respecting polarity. Black line on the diode must be in the same place as white line on the diode PCB silkscreen. Solder the two ferrite beads (FERRITE+, FERRITE-) passing trough a recycled resistor leg Place the sockets (IC1, IC2, IC3) and solder them. Then place the ICs on them taking care of polarity. To do that the mark on front must match the mark on the socket. IC1=TL074, IC2=TL074, IC3=TL072. Place and solder the Female Pin Headers at the top side of the board (silkscreen), ensuring it is 90º from PCB. CAPACITORS # Value Code 1 1n 102 C2 2 2n2 222 C4, C5 (Poliester) 1 10n 103 C10 (Poliester) 1 22n 22n C101 12 100n 104 C3, C6, C9, C11, C13, C14, C15, C16, C17, C18, C21, C22 1 150n 15k C7 (Poliester) 1 220n 220n C1 (Poliester) 1 1uf 1J63 C8 ELECTROLITIC CAPACITORS Values written at the side of the capacitor. Mind polarity. Check positive terminal on board and make it match with long leg. 2 10uf C19, C20 1 100uf C12 Solder the transistors 2n3906 (Q2, Q4, Q5, Q6, Q8, Q9) and 2n3904 (Q1, Q3, Q7). Be sure they are on proper position (same as the silkscreen on the PCB) Solder the power connector being sure the position is correct (as in the silkscreen) Leave Jack connector for the end. PCB2 : Control Resistors: # Value Code Name on PCB 2 39 Orange, white black 5 1k Brown, black, red 1 10k Brown, black, orange R105, R107 R100, R102, R103, R104, R106 R101 Solder the diodes ( D100, D101, D102) respecting polarity. Black line on the diode must be in the same place as white line on the diode PCB silkscreen. Capacitors: # Value Code Name on PCB 1 100n 1J C100 (Poliester) 1 4,7 uf Long leg positive C102 2 100 uF Long leg positive C103, C104 Place and solder the Male Pin Headers at the top side of the board (silkscreen), ensuring it is 90º from PCB. Solder the toggle switch. Solder the minijack or the Banana(AUDIO_OUT,ENVELOPE_OUT,ENV_REGEN,GATE,INPUT,TRIGGER). Put LEDs on place. LED_ENV, LED_REG are bi-colo leds while GATE_LED, TRIGGER_LED are red Leds respecting the polarity but don't solder them until you screw the front panel. This way it's easier to solder them on the right position. Place potentiometers on place but don't solder them. ATTACK, DECAY, GAIN, THRESHOLD are 100k (Rounded shape). FREQ, WIDTH are 10k double pots (square shape) Put the spacer on the holes by the male side and fix them with nuts. Place the front panel, screw the minijacks or bananas and the switch. Make sure LEDs are on the right level and poceed to solder LEDs and potentiometer. Place Jack connector to PCB1 but don't solder it. Leave the connector slightly out. Assembly the PCB1 on the PCB2 and screw the jack connector to the panel. Make sure it does not take the connector from the board. Then solder the jack connector. Screw both boards using the spacers with provided screws. Acknowledgments and information. A big bunch of Kudos to Juan Bermudez. For providing schematics, ideas, support and wisdom. Please visit our site for updated information about this module: http://www.befaco.org/en/instrument-interface/ This design is under the Creative comons attribution-Share alike licence, that allows to copy, adapt or distribute the material by any media or format as long as you mention the source. The result of a copy or adaptation has to be licensed in the same way.