SAN DIEGO AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION INFORMATION San Diego APCD Use Only Appl. No.: FEE SCHEDULE 29A ID No.: AUTOMATED SOLDERING EQUIPMENT 1 Company Name: 2 Equipment Address: 3 A. 4 Solder Machine Mfr.: 5 Model: EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION S/N: 6 Type: Wave Drag solder machine 7 Flux application by: Flux foam wave Flux spray system 8 Temperature of heating section: 9 Temperature of solder in solder reservoir: °F °F 10 Is the circuit board conveyor covered? 11 Ventilation fan air flow: 12 Is the soldering machine vented to an air pollution control system? 13 Air Pollution Control Sys. Mfr.: 14 Model: Control system type: 15 16 17 B. Yes No cu. ft./min. Fan hp Yes No S/N: Filter Electrostatic precipitator Scrubber Other (specify): PROCESS MATERIALS (Net Consumption) Material Flux Manufacturer Product No. or Name Material Usage Gal/Day Gal/Wk Gal/Mo. Avg. Max. Avg. Max. Avg. Max. Avg. Max. Flux Thinner Cleaning Solvent Dross Inhibitor Solder 18 Flux rollers Avg. Max. lb/dy lb/dy lb/wk lb/wk lb/mo lb/mo Recycled or waste or dross, etc., is not to be included in net consumption amounts above. Rev. 3/04 1 of 2 (29A) OVER 19 C. OPERATING SCHEDULE Time Hrs/Day Days/Wk Days/Yr Average Maximum 20 21 D. 22 E. SUBMIT BROCHURES with specifications for the solder machine and the air pollution control device. Also, submit material safety data sheets for all chemicals and solder used in this equipment. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 23 24 25 Name of Preparer: 26 Phone No.: ( Title: Date: ) NOTE TO APPLICANT: Before acting on an application for Authority to Construct or Permit to Operate, the District may require further information, plans, or specifications. Forms with insufficient information may be returned to the applicant for completion, which will cause a delay in application processing and may increase processing fees. The applicant should correspond with equipment and material manufacturers to obtain the information requested on this supplemental form. 2 of 2 (29A)