Constraint Based Synthesis Armando Solar-Lezama Synthesis: 1980s view Complete Formal Specification Synthesis: modern view Space of programs Safety Properties Input/Output Examples Test Harnesses =∧ ∧ ∧ Sketch C-like language with holes and assertions /* Average of x and y without overflow */ int avg(int x, int y){ /*Operators*/ /* Operands int t = expr({x/2, y/2, x%2, */ y%2, 2 }, {PLUS, DIV}); assert t == (x+y)/2; return t; } /* Average of x and y without overflow */ int avg(int x, int y){ int t = y / 2 + x / 2 + ((x % 2 + y % 2) / 2); assert t == (x+y)/2; return t; } High-Level Language Automated Tutoring Compiler Sketch C-like language with holes and assertions Unroll Inline Enumerate Program + Pre/Post cond + Invariants Automated Tutoring VC Generator Provably Correct Synthesis Sketch C-like language with holes and assertions Unroll Inline Enumerate Program Optimization Program + Properties Automated Tutoring Abstract Domain Compiler Provably Correct Synthesis Sketch C-like language with holes and assertions Unroll Inline Enumerate Program Optimization Visual Programming Program + Properties Automated Tutoring Abstract Domain Compiler Provably Correct Synthesis Sketch C-like language with holes and assertions Unroll Inline Enumerate Program Optimization Visual Programming Automated Tutoring With Rishabh Singh and Sumit Gulwani Pinpoint student errors def computeDeriv(poly): deriv = [] replace derive by [0] zero = 0 if (len(poly) == 1): Should be a 1 return deriv for e in range(0, len(poly)): if (poly[e] == 0): Get rid of this zero += 1 else: deriv.append(poly[e]*e) return deriv def computeDeriv(poly): length = int(len(poly)-1) Should be a 0 i = length deriv = range(1,length) if len(poly) == 1: deriv = [0.0] Should be > else: while i >= 0: new = round((poly[i] * i),2) i -= 1 deriv[i] = new return deriv This is a synthesis problem 12 High-Level Python Language Compiler Sketch C-like language with holes and assertions Unroll Inline Enumerate Python Error Model Compiler Sketch C-like language with holes and assertions Unroll Inline Enumerate Python Sketch Compiler Dynamic Types Unroll Inline Enumerate struct MultiType{ int type; int ival; bit bval; MTString str; MTList lst; MTDict dict; MTTuple tup; } int ival bool bval Type list lst … Python Unroll Inline Enumerate Sketch Compiler [1,2] int - LIST len=2, lVals = { list *, * } - 1 int list - INT bool bool - - 2 int list - INT bool - Python Sketch Compiler Unroll Inline Enumerate x + y addMT(x,y) 5 int INT - list - bool 10 int - INT - list - bool 15 int - INT - list - bool - Python Unroll Inline Enumerate Sketch Compiler x + y addMT(x,y) - - int [1,2] list bool LIST - - - int [3] list - bool LIST - int - [1,2,3] list bool LIST - Python Unroll Inline Enumerate Sketch Compiler x + y addMT(x,y) 5 int INT - list bool - - - - int [3] list bool LIST - assert false; Python Error Model Compiler Sketch Unroll Inline Enumerate • return a return [0] • range(a1, a2) range(a1+1,a2) • a0 == a1 False Python Error Model Compiler Sketch Unroll Inline Enumerate range(0, len(poly)) range(a1,a2) range(a1+1, a2) range({0 ,1}, len(poly)) default choice Python Sketch Compiler Error Model { Unroll Inline Enumerate - - - - , - - - - } modifyMT0( - - - - - - - - ) MultiType modifyMT0( ){ if(??) return // default choice else choice0 = true return // non-default choice } - - - - - - - Benchmark evalPoly-6.00 compBal-stdin-6.00 compDeriv-6.00 hangman2-6.00x prodBySum-6.00 oddTuples-6.00 hangman1-6.00x evalPoly-6.00x compDeriv-6.00x oddTuples-6.00x iterPower-6.00x recurPower-6.00x iterGCD-6.00x Test Set 13 52 103 218 268 344 351 541 918 1756 2875 2938 2988 Time (in s) 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Average Running Time (in s) Feedback Percentage 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Feedback Generated (Percentage) Invariant Synthesis for Optimization Work with Alvin Cheung and Shoaib Kamil Optimization then and now Naïve source code Domain specific problem description ATLAS Optimal executable Kind-of-OK executable Halide Pochoir Close to optimal implementation What about existing source code? Synthesis Source Code Proof of Equivalence DSL Program Java to SQL Methods SQL Queries ORM libraries Objects Application Relations Database Java to SQL Methods SQL Queries ORM libraries Objects Application Relations Database Java to SQL List getUsersWithRoles () { List users = User.getAllUsers(); List roles = Role.getAllRoles(); SELECT * FROM user List results = new ArrayList(); SELECT * FROM role for (User u : users) { for (Role r : roles) { if (u.roleId == results.add(u); }} return results; } List getUsersWithRoles () { return executeQuery( convert to “SELECT u FROM user u, role r WHERE u.roleId == ORDER BY u.roleId,”; } Java to SQL List getUsersWithRoles () { List users = User.getAllUsers(); List roles = Role.getAllRoles(); List results = new ArrayList(); outerInvariant(users, roles, u, results, …) for (User u : users) { for (Role r : roles) { innerInvariant(users, roles, u, r, results, …) if (u.roleId == results.add(u); }} results = outputExpr(users, roles) return results; } preCondition Verification conditions outerInvariant(users/query(…), results/[], …) outerInvariant(…) ∧ outer loop terminates results = outputExpr(users, roles) … Program + Unkown Post cond + Unknown Invariants VC Generator Sketch C-like language with holes and assertions Unroll Inline Enumerate Real-world Evaluation Wilos (project management application) – 62k LOC Operation type 6/17/2013 # Fragments found # Fragments converted Projection 1 1 Selection 13 10 Join 7 7 Aggregation 11 10 Total 33 28 PLDI 2013 34 Real-world Evaluation iTracker (bug tracking system) – 61k LOC Operation type 6/17/2013 # Fragments found # Fragments converted Projection 3 2 Selection 3 2 Join 1 1 Aggregation 9 7 Total 16 12 PLDI 2013 35 Selection Query 50% selectivity 10% selectivity 1K 100 6/17/2013 10K original inferred 0 Page load time (ms) Page load time (ms) 10K 50K 100K Total number of users in DB 1K 100 PLDI 2013 original inferred 0 50K 100K Total number of users in DB 36 Join Query 1000K original inferred Page load time (ms) 100K Nested-loop join Hash join! O(n2) O(n) 10K 1K 100 6/17/2013 0 20K 40K 60K 80K Number of roles / users in DB PLDI 2013 100K 37 What about HPC? Synthesis Legacy Fortran/C++ Code Proof of Equivalence Stencil DLS (Halide) Legacy to Halide for (k=y_min-2;k<=y_max+2;k++) { for (j=x_min-2;j<=x_max+2;j++) { post_vol[((x_max+5)*(k-(y_min-2))+(j)-(x_min-2))] =volume[((x_max+4)*(k-(y_min-2))+(j)-(x_min-2))] + vol_flux_y[((x_max+4)*(k+1 -(y_min-2))+(j)-(x_min-2))] - vol_flux_y[((x_max+4)*(k-(y_min-2))+(j)-(x_min-2))]; } } ∀ , ∈ post_vol[j,k] = volume[j,k] + vol_flux[j, k+1] + vol_flux[j, k] Invariants ∀ , ∈ ∶ , = ( { , , , }) Invariants for(int i=0; i<n-1; ++i) for(int j=0; j<m-1; ++j) out[i,j] = sin(in[i,j]) ∀ , ∈ ∶ , = ( { , , , }) Invariants for(int i=0; i<n-1; ++i) for(int j=0; j<m-1; ++j) out[i,j] = sin(in[i,j]) ∀ , ∈ ∶ , = ( { , , , }) Challenges • Big invariants • Complex floating point arithmetic • Universal Quantifiers Quantifiers ∃ ∀ ( ) if(outerInvariant(…) && cond()){ assert out == outputExpr(in) ; } outerInvariant(…) ∧ outer loop terminates → output= outputExpr(in) The ∀ leads to a ∃∀∃ constraint! Quantifiers ∃ ∀ ( ) Always safe to weaken this condition (more true) if(outerInvariant(…) && cond()){ assert out == outputExpr(in) ; } ∀ , ∈ , ∈ ,∶ = , =( { ( { , , , ,, Let the synthesizer discover ! } ), }) Does it work? • Can compute invariants for all stencils in Cloverleaf • Most complex one takes 20 hrs on 15 Cores • Currently pushing new benchmarks Sketch ?? C-like language with holes and assertions Unroll Inline Enumerate • There is more to synthesis than “synthesis” • You can do this too! • All the sketch infrastructure is available in open source