Mr K W Wood . ' further course of action to take.

Dealt with by: Mrs R. Duffin
Your ref:
Direct: Dial; 01538 483468
Date: I4"' August 2007
Mr K W Wood
Stockwell Street
Staffordshire Moorlands
ST13 6AD
Dear Mr Wood,
LicensinqAct 2003
Premises licence - Foxlowe -V- Bar. Stockwell stre&. Leek, ST13 6AD
I refer to my previous letter dated IIth July 2007 (copy attached).
To date I have received 110response from you as requested. Unless a
reply Iupdate is received by Tuesday ~ 8August
' ~ 2007, then I shall have no
alternative other than to advise all responsible authorities of your failure
cooperate with us in attempting to resolve issues at your premises. The
responsible authorities (i.e. police / fire etc) will then have to decide what
further course of action to take.
You6 sincerely
R. Dumn
Licensing Manager
Dealt:with by:
Mrs. R, Duffin
Direct Dial: 01538 483468
Date: 7 'Ith July, 2007
Mr. K.W. Wood,
Market Place,
Staffordshire Moorlands.
ST13 6AD
Dear Mr. Wood
Licensinu Act 2003
,Premises Licence - V.Bar. Foxlowe. Stockw,ellStreet, Leek
I am writing in relation to the visit to the above mentioned premises on
2" May 2007 with Staffordshire Police, Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service
and an Officer from the Building Control Department and to the issues raised
during the visit, During the meeting incidents that had taken place at the VBar were discussed, and the Police raised the possibility of a review if the
level of incidents did not improve.
It is now two months since the visit was made, at that time a list of
remedial measures was discussed to help alleviate recurring problems,
Including measures for appropriate clothing for staff, I would be grateful if
you could let me know in the next ten days whether all the measures detailed
in the resulting action sheet have been put in place.
Another issue that has been brought to my atkention is that you have
not attended the previous hnro meetings of Pub Watch. As you are aware this
is a condition of your Premises Licence and it has again been noted by the
Police ,that you do not regularly attend. This in itself is iq contravention of your
Premises Licence, despite a letter being sent to you in October 2006 by
Sergeant 'rhirsk.
If you require any further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact
me on the above listed telephone number.
Yours sincerely,
Rachel Duffln ,
Licensing Manager
d to -Fd-
3000 HOURS 2NDMAY 2007
SMDC Licensing (R Duffin, M Shiplcy)
SMDC ~ u i l d i n ~ - ~ a n (S
Staffs Police Liccnslng Dept (Sgt Thirsk, L Roberts)
DPS Kevin Wood
It was about 6 months since the last joint meeting whilst it was-acknowledged
that the DPS had made some efforts to reduce crime & disorder (such as through.
the introduction of Poly-Carbonate drinking vessels) problems were continuing.
Incident levels were still remaining high with the premise consistently the
liccnscd venue in the SMDC area with tb.o highest number of incidents associated
with it:which needs to be addressed. Sf efforts continued to fan a Review of the
Premise Licence would hnve to bc instigated.
1. A number of the xecent incidents involvcd Door Supemisows.
2. Police raised the point that on th.elast Joint Enforcement visit at 2300
hours 2 Door Sap~rvi.sorswere seen at the entrance & one was on the top
floor. None were on t h majn tloor where there were about 100 customers.
3. No front of bar staff were seen during the visit.
4. It Is 8 Liceacc condition that at least 5 Door Supervisors should be
working when enterbhment b on.
5. Police suggested it hns been fdentified good practice is that staff wear
distinctbe highly visible uniforms ox top to deter crime disorder.
6. DPS is not keeping records of when / which Door Supervisorf~work or
incident. records.
7. Flat xaof area of ~ i i Escape
route was covered in debris & painted xoute
was worn.
8. A rolled-up carpet and tools were at the top of stairs on the same fire
escape route.
9. Fire escape type steps ires used as entrnnce I exit had boen snclosed in
timber & had a gas patio heater within that arca. (Entrance / exit area
has since been made h e resislant on a temporary basis, the patio heater
has been xemoved).
10. Concerns were raised re possible issues of disturbance to neighbours if
the beer gmden i s used for smoking post 2300 hours Qacethe ban is in
I. DP8 to ensure at least 5 STA approved Door Supervisors are working in
that cs'pa~ity& deployed at appropriate points to deter d i ~ ~ r d e r .
2. Dedicated front of bar shff to be used by DPS -ideally at Iemt 2.
3. Consideration to be given by DPS to appropriate dothing for staff.
4. Dl"$to keep records of when / which Door Supervisors work m d incident
5. DPS to ensure above reeords, rehsab book Br Pub watch folder are
available for viewing when Licensing visits are made.
6. Police to provide 6 High Vis wmbandq for Door Supervisors.
7. Flat roof & top of stairs areas to be clcnred immediately.
8. Painted fire escape path to be made dear again.
9. SMDC permission to be sought before any further work i s conducted on
the entrmce / e x i t Other agencies to bc updated with progas.
3.0. DPS to advise about how he intends to manage the smoking ban.
11. DPS to consider any other measures he cou1.dmake to reduce incident
12. PoUee to monitor: situat,ioon
.... . ,....., ..., ... ,..
' i.:
Dear, Mn ~kin,. '
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Please accept my apologies for not replying sooner but ihave been waiting
sample st.& tops, and confirmationwhen they would be produced,.
Have received confirmation tlwt they will .behere within 10 days from today.
With regards to me not Mending pub watch meetinp, could you kindly tell me
who has brought this to your attentinn because it is not true, i wm at the mny
meeting hcld at the f o u n b i d y ~did miss June, was away sorry forgot to send
rrpolagies, wm at the one held st Stanley's In July and the fonnfain again in
1, After a meeting with door supervisors they have been advbod to we mare
diplomacy and act in a manner befitting there status an a SIA qualified door
w p d m r , I wiU be mofiitorhg them closely.
5 SXA registered door supervisors are on duty during the weekmd when
cnterhidment is fin ,and am dcplfiyed in strategic positions m n n d thc venoe
to detor dis~rdcr
2, There are now 3 front of bar staff employed sit thc week end.
3, Staff uniforms should be with us by the 31"'.
4, Thew i s in ftrct a door supervisorp log / the incidcnt book was not available
at last meeting?due to door staff taking home to update, this is now kept on
site at all times.
5, All records available for inspeclion.
6, Still awaiting 6 high via a m ,bands from ibe polhe as promised at last meeting
7, Flat mof and stairs ndw all dear.
8, Fire escapc routc has now beta re pahtcd, m d some one came to inspec3 it.
9, Manning now applied for.
10,Srnalbng ban came and went without any real problems, people are wing
firnokingarea outside.
With regards concerns raised re ms.~bb
issues of disturbance to neighbarn
from beer garden /smoking area post 23.00 7 it is at the moment Btensed until
00.00, RO tha posablcl issue- would be post 00.00,
The bm has now been in force 6 weeks and we hwe had no complaints fiom
neighbourn, as we didn't before l h t r smoking ban calma In ,when the beer
gardm was used m sWmer,
it is snpcrvised all evening, to keep any excessive nrrbr?to a minimum and
monitor customers nshg the ares, 80 we can invisage no problems with this
area at all.
11, I think we abovc any other bar in town ere doing om utmost to reducc
incidents, from,feedback i p t &om staff most of the other members of pub
watch are still h o w h g l y allowing people on pub watch in I3wrt-ipmmisses, so
when they coma to us and eqeet to be allwed la it causes all sorb of
problems far the door staff, apart from the occadonal incident in the venue,
Market p l a c e ~ t e c W 9~treet,~ock,
Stdfordsrhlixe, stI36ad.
(with the best will in the world) are rlmost impossibIe to predict and eradicate
4 1 togdber,
Most of thc problems are as you can imagine on the door itself ,From people
b d g refused bmuse they are on pub watch / on s pmonal ban 1 or too
rowdy on rrpproach to the vcntle / under age ( no id ) or jmt to drunk, so with
all the ofher measures now in place i cant see a lot more wc can do, but arc
a k w q s open Lo c~mtnentd~taggestions,We have seen numbers decline over
the last 12 months we think due to are strict policies, but would never retnm
to letting undesirables in .jufit to mskc nambers up, iw ithink other barn do
Just on a more personal note, i am not thc most articulate of people as you
may well have noticed at our meetings i Turd it easier to express my s&in a
letter, f may come across as having nothing to say when asked questions, but
really i hnvel but find it hard to exprese my thoughts and comments, i can
msrrure every one involved in licensing i have the reductfan of crime and
disorder at the foremost of my business,
s busines~that has had every thing i own put into fit md ken run by myself to
the best of my ability, md at tima it is i s c u l t , being scljFfmsnmd ,
W n g as sornr, pebpk may think it is, oar
The businesg b not
frading h e a we getting later and later, our trade is now really only Ilpm
mtil2 am Friday and Saturday with doom closing at 1 am, giving us .isat a
short trading window of 6 hours per week ,plus a couple of hour8 Thursdny ,
this combined witb the knowJedge that we am bcing constantly monitored as
the venue with most hddenb puts a pat d e d of preaaure On us, wpeciauy
when we are doing our utmost to eradfcatc inel7dsmts of crime and diaordcr in
and around the venue ,as i raid earlier in my lettcr
F have a l w w CO-apcrated witb the autbo.ritiesarrd will contixrlre to do so 'in
t h e future.
Thank you for Bstcnhg.
Yours since*,