Brief-Constructed Response Earth’s Physical Characteristics Teacher Guide Earth’s Physical Characteristics Objectives assessed: The student will be able to demonstrate understanding that: • Identify the physical characteristics of Earth. Students will need about 15–20 minutes to complete this brief constructed response. Part A Look at the diagram of Earth. Identify and label each physical characteristic as atmosphere, lithosphere, asthenosphere, outer core, and inner core. Then, write a sentence to describe each of the physical characteristics of each. Sample correct response: [show diagram as above, but now with atmosphere, lithosphere, asthenosphere, outer core, and inner core correctly labeled] Earth’s atmosphere is a layer of gases that are trapped near the Earth’s surface. The lithosphere is the first physical layer of Earth that includes the crust. The lithosphere is the layer of Earth that makes up the tectonic plates, and it is the thinnest of Earth’s layers. The Brief-Constructed Response: Earth’s Physical Characteristics © Discovery Communications, LLC Page 1 of 3 Brief-Constructed Response Earth’s Physical Characteristics Teacher Guide asthenosphere is the layer beneath the lithosphere that is very hot molten rock. The Earth’s outer core is molten iron. The Earth’s inner core is solid iron and nickel. Part B 1. What physical characteristics support living organisms on Earth? Explain how these characteristics support life on Earth. 2. How does Earth’s gravity compare to the moon’s gravity? Sample correct response: 1. Earth’s temperature, atmosphere, and water are physical characteristics that support living things on Earth. Earth’s atmosphere keeps gases, such as oxygen, close to Earth, and most living things on Earth need to breathe. Water on Earth’s surface is also needed by most living things to survive and reproduce. Earth’s temperature supports living things because it is not too hot or too cold. 2. Earth’s gravity is greater than the moon’s gravity. Brief-Constructed Response: Earth’s Physical Characteristics © Discovery Communications, LLC Page 2 of 3 Brief-Constructed Response Earth’s Physical Characteristics Teacher Guide Part A response scoring tool: Score Content 3 Response correctly identifies Earth’s atmosphere and layers that are shown in the diagram. Response correctly describes Earth’s atmosphere and layers in at least one sentence each. 2 Response correctly identifies Earth’s atmosphere and at least three of the layers. Response correctly describes Earth’s atmosphere and at least three of the layers in one sentence each. 1 Response correctly identifies at least two of the physical characteristics in the diagram. Response correctly describes at least two of the physical characteristics in one sentence each. 0 No response or response not appropriate to the question. Part B response scoring tool: Score Content 3 Response correctly relates Earth’s physical characteristics to life on Earth, including its atmosphere, temperature, and water. Response states that Earth’s gravity is greater than the moon’s gravity. 2 Response correctly relates some of Earth’s physical characteristics such as its atmosphere, temperature, and water to life on Earth. Response states that Earth’s gravity is greater than the moon’s gravity. 1 Response correctly relates one of Earth’s physical characteristics to life on Earth, or includes that Earth’s gravity is greater than the moon’s. 0 No response or response not appropriate to the question. Brief-Constructed Response: Earth’s Physical Characteristics © Discovery Communications, LLC Page 3 of 3