AP Vergil - The Covenant School

The Covenant School 2012-2013 Syllabus
Ms. Stella Bowman, Instructor
Course Description
Latin is the mother tongue of Western civilization, and a language which teaches order and discipline
as the language itself exemplifies these two qualities. We study Latin as a means of better understanding
her daughter languages and better preparing students for success in whatever field God leads them to
pursue. Advanced Placement Latin (Caesar/Vergil) is a course which stresses and emphasizes reading,
translating, understanding, analyzing, and interpreting Latin in the original language. Essentially, this
course is equivalent to Latin studies in the fourth through sixth semester at the college level.
AP students may receive credits and/or advanced placement in college for passing the AP test* in high
school. Check, however, with your college/university to see what kind of credit you will receive, as not all
schools accept AP credits.
AP SYLLABUS: The course will cover the following lines from the De Bello Gallico and the Aeneid:
Required Readings in Latin
Caesar, Gallic War
Book 1: Chapters 1–7
Book 4: Chapters 24–35 and the first sentence of Chapter 36 (Eodem die legati …venerunt.)
Book 5: Chapters 24–48
Book 6: Chapters 13–20
Vergil, Aeneid
Book 1: Lines 1–209, 418–440, 494–578
Book 2: Lines 40–56, 201–249, 268–297, 559–620
Book 4: Lines 160–218, 259–361, 659–705
Book 6: Lines 295–332, 384–425, 450–476, 847–899
Required Readings in English
Caesar, Gallic War
Books 1, 6, 7
Vergil, Aeneid
Books 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12
*The date of the 2013 AP Latin Test is Friday, May 10 (afternoon session).
Course Objectives
a. Translate the required passages from De Bello Gallico and the Aeneid which constitute the
required reading for the AP Vergil exam given in May
b. Improve the ability to read Latin at-sight
c. Gain ability to scan and read with meter
d. Understand and apply rhetorical, metrical, and stylistic devices used by Latin (and English)
poets to enhance their art
e. Understand the social, cultural, and political context during which Caesar and Vergil wrote
f. Increase Latin (and English) vocabulary
g. Recognize the impact of Greek literature on Vergil, and of Vergil on all of post-classical literature
h. Learn to write a competent essay that analyzes a given passage in Latin or English.
Text and Required Supplies
a. Hans-Friedrich Mueller, Caesar Selections from his ‘Commentarrii De Bello Gallico’
b. Barbara Boyd, Vergil’s Aeneid Selected Readings from Books 1, 2, 4, and 6
c. Class Reader (will be provided)
d. Also required is an English translation of De Bello Gallico and the Aeneid. Students should
have a copy of the former which they would have used for their summer assignment. As for the
latter, students may choose any unabridged translation of their liking, though I recommend the
verse translation of Robert Fitzgerald (1981-1990).
a. Class participation: 15%
b. Homework: 15%
c. Quizzes: 20%
d. Papers (including practice essays): 20%
e. Tests/Projects: 30%
Students should expect to spend at least 45 minutes a night on homework; an hour if you are a slower
worker. In order to finish all the prescribed Latin reading several weeks before the AP exam, students
will have 15 - 20 lines on most nights, which we will go over in class the following day.
Class Participation
An important, though often neglected, part of Latin instruction and learning is the ability to discuss and
answer freely. Whether debating what is in Lucretia’s blush or answering the question, “Why is this
subjunctive?” all students are expected to participate. I hope to make the classroom a comfortable
environment for all. Attendance at mandatory Friday morning sessions will also count towards the
participation grade.
Each student will be expected to use the Course Pack while translating, being sure to scan all assigned
lines, marking grammar that is not the norm (i.e. indicative) or may be tricky, identifying difficult
vocabulary words, etc. Students will have a short set of comprehension questions which will be
checked. There will also be book outlines for each book of the Aeneid, and smaller assignments that
deal with supplementary reading.
Students should expect to receive one quiz every other week. Quizzes will be comprised of a passage
already prepared for class with accompanying grammar questions, scansion, and short answer or
essay questions which may deal with themes, motifs, etc. Throughout the year there will also be short
sight quizzes which will consist of a short passage from Cicero, Catullus, Ovid, Martial,
Sallust, and Pliny that has not been seen before. I will drop the lowest quiz from each trimester.
Throughout the year, students will practice writing essays from a variety of old AP test free-response
questions in order to learn how to best write an essay for the AP and to get into the practice of writing
essays under time constraints.
Once every 3-4 weeks, the students will have a test covering approximately one book of Caesar or 250300 lines of Vergil. These tests will cover grammar, translation, literary devices, scanning, and
questions on the thematic and structural content. Since quizzes will be given on a regular basis, it will
not be too overwhelming for the student to go over the material in preparation for the test.
Classroom rules
a. Be in your seat on time and prepared for class.
b. Have respect for those around you.
c. Do not be disruptive.
d. Ask questions by raising your hand.
e. Follow the Honor Code! Plagiarism or cheating will not be tolerated. Be sure to pledge all work
either with the word ‘Pledge’ or Hoc opus est meum.
f. No food or drink is allowed in class!
g. Please use pencils or black or blue pens only.
h. Follow the policies set out in the Student Handbook.
Make-up/Late Work Policy
Consistent daily attendance is imperative to a student’s success in AP Latin. When absent, it is the
student’s responsibility to get any missed work or notes upon returning to school.
Per the school’s policy each student has one day to make-up homework in the case of an excused
absence. It is your responsibility to make arrangements with me in order to make-up a quiz or
test. If an assignment is not turned in on time, the grade will drop 10% each subsequent day that it is
late. After three days the assignment will receive a 0. You are allowed only one late assignment
without penalty.
VII. Tips for surviving AP Latin
1) Come to class prepared, i.e., having done your translations/readings for the day and ready to
discuss. It is imperative that you are an active participant in the class! This is not a time to do
homework in other classes!
2) Prepare your assignment twice, i.e., translate it the first time to look up vocabulary and to analyze
the grammar and then re-translate/reread it again to see if you get the meaning. This practice is
imperative if you are to develop your translation/reading skills and your understanding of Caesar and
Vergil’s style, syntax and content.
3) Get ahead in your translations/readings! You know what lines for which you will be responsible each
day, so if you can, get a few days (if not a week) ahead, then all you have to do is review for that
4) Take copious notes during the class discussion of the assigned lines. Keep a 3-ring notebook for this
purpose. As you prepare your daily assignment, keep a list of names, place names, epithets,
mythological names and other titles to help you study for tests.
VIII. Early Morning Sessions
AP Classes are allowed to meet one morning per week at 730am. AP Vergil will meet on Fridays.
These sessions will not be mandatory if we do grammar review. These sessions will be mandatory if I
use this time to catch up on assigned lines or get ahead. These mandatory sessions will most often
occur in the Spring, though Fall morning sessions have also been utilized. Failure to attend mandatory
early morning sessions will result in a participation grade lowered by five points.
VIII. Course Calendar (Please note that this is a tentative calendar and may change.)
Trimester I:
DBG Latin Book 1.1-7; Book 4.24-30
DBG Book 1 Test
DBG Latin Book 4.31-36.1; Book 5.24-35
Paper on DBG Book 4
DBG Latin Book 5.36-48
DBG Book 5 Test
Paper on DBG Book 5
Trimester II:
DBG Latin Book 6.13-20 (BIG push in order to finish before mid-terms!)
Midterms (will focus primarily on latter half of DBG Book 5 and Book 6)
Intro to Vergil/Augustus + Scansion
Aeneid Latin Book 1.1-209
Aeneid Books 1 and 2 in English
Aeneid Latin Book 1.418-440, 494-575; Book 2.40-56, 201-249, 268-279
Book 4 in English
Aeneid Paper
Aeneid Book 1 Test
Trimester III:
Aeneid Latin Book 2.280-297, 559-620; 4.160-218, 259-360, 649-705
Aeneid Books 6 and 8 in English
Aeneid Books 2 and 4 Test
Aeneid Paper
Aeneid Latin Book 6.295-332, 384-425, 450-476, 847-899
Practice AP Test
Review DBG + Aeneid
Aeneid Book 12 in English
AP Test
IX. Extra Help
I will be available to assist students during lunch hours, during the 800 – 830 am Office Hours, or after
school. It is your responsibility to come to me and set up a time to meet. You can also reach me at
school at 434-951-9387. I will also offer extra help sessions (optional) before assessments. These
sessions meet at the Barracks Road Barnes and Noble. If before a quiz, we will meet on Monday
evening 700-800. If before a test, we will meet Wednesday evening 700-900.