Intermediate Latin: Verse - University of Pittsburgh

Intermediate Latin: Verse
LATIN 0220
3 Credits
1. ARMA VIRUMQUE CANO… This course is an introduction to Latin poetry. Students will read
selections from Books I, II, and IV of Vergil's epic, the Aeneid, and will practice reading aloud and
scanning Vergil’s stately meter, in the dactylic hexameter. Students will also read the whole poem in
English for in-class discussion.
2. Two years of high school Latin are a prerequisite for this course.
3. The grade is determined by the student’s performance on three one-hour exams, a final exam, quizzes,
and class recitation. Each exam, including the final, is based on the material covered in each unit.
4. Vergil's Home Page: This website offers “On-line text and commentary,”
“Bibliography,” “Images” from illustrated manuscripts of Vergil's poems, and links to other Vergilian
5. The required texts for this course are:
Vergil’s Aeneid, edited by Clyde Pharr (Wauconda 1998).
Vergil. The Aeneid, translated by David West (Penguin Books 1991).
The following topics are covered in the University of Pittsburgh Latin 0220 course:
Aeneid, Book I. 1-169. Storm at sea and arrival on the coast of Africa.
Aeneid, Books I-IV in English.
One-hour translation exam.
Aeneid, Book II. 1-188. The fall of Troy.
Aeneid, Books V-VIII in English.
One-hour translation exam.
Aeneid, Book II. 189-335, 506-566, 707-740. The fall of Troy continued and Aeneas’s escape.
Aeneid, Books IX-XII in English.
One-hour translation exam.
Aeneid, Book IV.
1-128, 160-194, 265-396, 571-629, 659-671. Dido and Aeneas.
Final Exam, two hours.
2015-2016; updated 11/15
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2015-2016; updated 11/15
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