Brooklyn Resource Manual: Services for Low-Income Households

Local Resource
Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York TABLE OF CONTENTS
1. What is Single Stop
2. Single Stop Locations in Brooklyn
1. Individualized Financial Counseling
2. Tax Assistance
3. Single Stop
1. New York City Administration
2. New York State Administration
3. New York Public Library
4. Legal Aid Society
5. Nonprofit Agencies
1. Single Stop: Gateway to Welfare Resources
2. Legal Aid Society
3. Food Stamps
4. Temporary Cash Assistance
1. Brooklyn Public Library
2. NYC Office of Adult and Continuing Education
3. Mayor’s Office of Adult Education
4. Other Adult Education Programs in Brooklyn
APPENDIX I: Adult Basic Education and ESOL
Programs in Brooklyn
APPENDIX II: Pre-GED and GED Preparation
Classes in Brooklyn
1. Federally-Funded Health Centers
2. Affordable Health Plans in New York City
3. STD Screening
4. Prenatal Care Assistance
5. Mental Health
1 33
Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York TABLE OF CONTENTS
6. Dental Care
7. Health Insurance
8. Educational Health Information
APPENDIX I: Federally-Funded Health Centers in
1. Out-of-School (After-School & Summer Programs)
2. Job Development Programs and Internships
3. Early Childhood Services
4. Health Services
APPENDIX I: Out-of-School Programs
APPENDIX II: Child/Day Care Programs
APPENDIX III: Head Start Programs
1. General Legal Issues
2. Domestic Violence
3. Tax Disputes
4. Immigration Law
1. Immigrant Rights and Services Manual
2. On Becoming a Citizen
3. Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs
4. City University of New York (CUNY)
APPENDIX I: Citizenship Preparation Classes
APPENDIX II: Agencies Providing Immigration
February 19, 2013
2 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York INTRODUCTION
The Grameen America Resource Manual contains a detailed and user-friendly list of federal,
state, and local government agencies and nonprofit organizations that provide free or low-cost
services and programs to low-income households and individuals living in Brooklyn.
While not necessarily all-inclusive, the provided range of services and programs was compiled in
keeping with the most frequently asked questions posed by Grameen borrowers to their Center
Managers. Hence, the manual addresses primarily the concerns and issues of low-income
entrepreneurial women who obtain micro-credits from Grameen America to start, maintain, and
develop a small business. It includes the following nine sections:
Financial Resources
Small Business Resources
Welfare Resources
Adult Education Resources
Health Resources
Child Care Resources
Legal Resources
Immigration Resources
The information contained herein was gathered from well-established and dependable sources
and from trusted public and private websites. To the extent that programs vary, eligibility
requirements may change over time, new providers appear on and existing agencies fade from
the social services scene, and providers may increase or reduce their services, we urge the user of
this manual to regularly consult the websites for updates. To assist the reader in staying current,
we clearly identify the sources of all information provided and explicitly indicate the visited
websites throughout the manual.
This resource book is meant to provide Center Managers critical and useful information to
connect Grameen borrowers to the organizations that can provide social, economic, educational,
legal, and health services.
The manual was compiled in such a way that each section forms a self-contained unit;
consequently some of the information may be repeated in separate sections. This approach
enables the Center Managers to hand out individual sections to Grameen borrowers who,
entrepreneurs by nature, can use the provided information to find answers to their questions in a
self-sufficient and independent way.
3 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York All organizations listed in this compendium, unless otherwise noted, are open to all people
regardless of immigration status; most offer their services in several languages, the most frequent
one being Spanish.
The listed organizations were chosen based on their overall name recognition, length of
operations in the New York area, geographical proximity to Brooklyn borrowers, and, if
applicable, recognition or certification by official government agencies.
However, this manual expresses no opinion on the breadth, depth, and quality of the services
provided by each individual organization mentioned, and an organization’s inclusion does not
imply that it was approved, recommended, or supported by Grameen America. Any such
qualitative assessment is well beyond the ambition and scope of this manual.
Grameen borrowers are strongly advised to take three initial steps, which should be regarded as
critical First Steps on the road to greater socio-economic self-reliance. Together, these steps will
assist borrowers in understanding and accessing all government benefits available to them,
taking care of their own and their family’s health, and, if needed, becoming more articulate and
fluent in English to manage successfully their business enterprise.
1. Visit your nearest Single Stop office. Benefit Specialists will assist you in getting
acquainted with, understanding, assessing your eligibility, and starting the application
process for government-provided economic and welfare services, such as subsidized
child care, free lunch program, free health insurance, food stamps, and tax benefits. In
addition, they will inform you about other free or low-cost services, such as legal and
immigration assistance. (See: Single Stop)
2. Visit a free/low cost health clinic to get a checkup for you and your children and get
needed vaccinations and affordable dental care for your children. (See: Health Services)
3. Sign up for an English class to learn or improve your English and communicate more
efficiently in your personal and business life. (See: Adult Education Services)
4 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Brooklyn Resource Manual
5 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York SECTION I: SINGLE STOP
Single Stop can be seen as the gateway to government benefits and services for low-income
individuals and households.
Trained Benefits Specialists, located at Single Stop Centers in community-based nonprofit
organizations in all five boroughs, offer low-income households and individuals free,
customized, and confidential counseling on a broad range of government benefits, financial
empowerment programs, and economic assistance initiatives. The Single Stop advisors:
Inform people about the very existence of available benefits;
Help them understand the exact nature and limits of federal, state, and local support
Assess clients’ eligibility for these benefits with constantly updated, state-of-the-art
calculators; and
Guide people in the application process.
In addition, the Benefits Specialists can inform people about numerous other needed services
such as:
Food stamps
Free tax preparation assistance
Financial counseling
Legal services
Immigration issues
Low-cost or no-cost health and mental health services
Housing assistance
Welfare benefits
Family support and domestic abuse services
Child care and after-school services
WARNING: most government benefits are only available to U.S. citizens and legal
residents; undocumented residents qualify for very few government-provided socioeconomic benefits.
Note: when calling a Single Stop center to set up an initial appointment, people should ask which
information and documents they should bring to make the first interaction more productive.
For more information, visit Single Stop USA ( or Robin Hood
( 6 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York 2- SINGLE STOP LOCATIONS IN BROOKLYN
Table 1 provides a list of the 14 Single Stop Centers located in Brooklyn’s different
Table 1: Single Stop Centers in Brooklyn
Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corp.
S.C.O. Family of Services (at) M.S. 35
1368 Fulton Street, 4th floor
Family Dynamics Beacon Center
Brooklyn, NY 11216
272 MacDonough Street, Room 101
Tel: (718) 636-6942
Brooklyn, NY 11233
Tel: (718) 453-7004
St. John’s Bread and Life
Health Leads – Woodhull Hospital
795 Lexington Avenue
760 Broadway
Brooklyn, NY 11221
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Tel: (718) 574-0058 Ext 110
Tel: (718) 630-3055
Center for Family Life
Center for Family Life
Emergency service Center
Employment Services
443 39th Street
443 39th Street,3rd floor
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Tel: (718) 492-3585
Tel: (718) 633-4823
Good Shepherd Services
Fifth Avenue Committee
503 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4A
621 DeGraw Street
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Tel: (718) 965-3313 Ext. 409
Tel: (718) 237-2017 Ext. 174
Groundwork, Inc.
Women in Need
595 Sutter Avenue
51 Junius Street
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Brooklyn, New York 11212
Tel: (718) 346-2200 Ext. 105
Tel: (212) 695-4758
Make the Road NY
New York Legal Assistance Group (at)
301 Grove Street
Kings County Hospital
Brooklyn, NY 11237
451 Clarkson Avenue, Building E
Tel: (718) 418-7690
(Ambulatory Care Center, Adult Walk-In Clinic)
Brooklyn, NY 11203
Tel: (718) 245-2281
Kingsborough Community College
Public Health Solutions – Brooklyn
2001 Oriental Boulevard
2555 Ocean Avenue, 2nd floor
Brooklyn, NY 11235
Brooklyn, NY 11229
Tel: (718) 368-5411
Tel: (646) 619-6538
7 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Brooklyn Resource Manual
8 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York SECTION II: FINANCIAL RESOURCES
The New York City Department of Consumer Affairs has a specialized division, the Office of
Financial Empowerment, which provides guidance to most financial questions and can also
connect individuals with the welfare resources they are eligible for.
Visit the website and click on Find Counselor/Class to begin your customized
search. There are two options:
Free Financial Empowerment Centers: provide free one-on-one financial counseling by
professional counselors, either in person or by phone, in several languages. Sites are
listed by borough. Currently there are four centers in Brooklyn. (See Table 1). Call to
make an appointment at the center nearest you.
Financial Education Network (FEN): this network provides access to free or low-cost
financial education classes, workshops, hotlines, and counseling services. This easy-tosearch directory of nonprofit organizations will help you take charge of your finances.
The six centers in Brooklyn focusing on counseling services are listed in Table 2.
If you do not have access to the internet, call an organization below for resources, services,
classes, counseling, and to schedule an appointment. Centers provide services in English and in a
variety of other languages, the most prominent of which is Spanish.
Table 1: NYC Financial Empowerment Centers - Locations in Brooklyn
Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corp.
1406 Fulton Street
Brooklyn, NY 11216
Tel: (718) 636-6994
Brooklyn Public Library - New Utrecht Branch
1743 86th Street (at Bay 17th Street)
Brooklyn, NY 11214
Tel: (718) 236-4086
Brooklyn Public Library - Business Library Branch
280 Cadman Plaza West (at Tillary Street)
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: (718) 623-7000
Partnership for the Homeless
100 Pennsylvania Avenue, 2nd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Tel: (646) 810-4050 (X 112)
9 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Table 2: Financial Education Networks – Counseling Services in Brooklyn
Brooklyn Cooperative Federal Credit Union
750 Myrtle Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11205
Tel: (718) 418-8232 (X305)
Business Outreach Center Network, Inc.
85 South Oxford Street
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Tel: (718) 624-9115
Neighbors Helping Neighbors, Inc.
443 39th Street, Suite 2002
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Tel: (718) 686-7946 (X18) Good Shepherd Services (Single Stop)
503 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4A
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Tel: (718) 965-3313 (x451)
884 Flatbush Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11226
Tel: (718) 282-2500 (x226)
Cypress Hill Local Development Corp.
3214 Fulton Street
Brooklyn, NY 11208
Tel: (718) 647-8100
By law, all people earning an income in the U.S. have to file annual tax returns, whether they
owe taxes or not. Also, low-income individuals and households who are entitled to a tax refund
or a tax credit — such as the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) or Child Care Tax Credit —
must file in order to obtain these monies. Citizens and legal residents are requested to use their
Social Security number on their returns; undocumented immigrants need to provide an Individual
Tax Identification Number (ITIN) for which they can apply either before or at the time they file
their tax returns.
EITC is a fully refundable federal tax credit for working low- and moderate-income individuals
and families. It is one of the largest benefit programs for families that work but do not exceed
a certain IRS-specified income level. Families that meet eligibility requirements can receive
thousands of dollars through the EITC by filing their taxes. Many states also offer their own
version of the EITC in addition to the federal tax credit.
Securing tax credits can make a critical difference in a household’s well-being.
2.1. Free Tax Preparation
The VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) Program offers free tax preparation services for
qualifying people (i.e., with incomes below an IRS-defined ceiling; the ceiling varies from year
to year) who need assistance in filing their tax returns. Volunteers prepare basic tax returns
during the January-April tax season. Tax preparers also help clients in maximizing their tax
benefits (refunds and credits, including the EITC and Child Care credit), applying for an ITIN
(mandatory for people without Social Security Number), and investing a part of the anticipated
refund in savings accounts.
To know if you qualify for this service and to locate VITA sites in New York City:
• Call 311 or (800) 906-9887
10 Grameen America •
Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Visit
Documents needed when going to a VITA center to have your taxes prepared:
Proof of identification
Social Security Cards for client, spouse, and dependents. People without a Social
Security Number need to establish an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number
Birth dates for client, spouse and dependents on the tax return
Wage and earning statement(s) Form W-2, W-2G, 1099-R, from all employers
Interest and dividend statements from banks (Forms 1099)
A copy of last year’s federal and state returns if available
If a direct deposit of the refund is required, proof of bank account routing numbers and
account numbers, such as a blank check
Total paid for daycare provider and the daycare provider's tax identifying number.
2.2. Solving Tax Problems
The LITC (Low Income Taxpayer Clinic) program assists low-income individuals who have a
problem with the IRS. LITCs can provide representation before the IRS or in court on income
tax audits, tax collection disputes, appeals, court proceedings, and other tax-related issues for
free or for a small fee.
For LITC centers in New York City:
• Call 311
• Visit
Single Stop centers, located at 14 community-based nonprofit organizations throughout
Brooklyn, offer low-income households and individuals free, customized, and confidential
counseling on a broad range of government benefits, financial matters, and legal issues. Many of
them provide tax assistance or can refer clients to a tax assistance center.
11 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Brooklyn Resource Manual
12 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Entrepreneurs who want to start a new business venture or expand an existing operation face a
variety of problems. Of these issues the most intricate are (a) securing the proper licenses and
permits and (b) complying with all the regulatory provisions pertaining to their specific business
endeavor. There are several sources to which these entrepreneurs can turn for assistance.
NYC Department of Small Business Services
NYC Business Solutions is a series of free services offered by the Department of Small
Business Services to help businesses start, operate, and expand in New York City.
The Department meshes experience and resources to address many of the challenges
entrepreneurs face and help them achieve the objectives they aspire to reach. The range of advice
and services encompasses help with permits and licenses, financing assistance, legal advice,
ways to secure new business opportunities with the government, and recruiting assistance.
NYC Business Solutions has one center in Brooklyn. People should call to make an appointment
before going in person to the center.
NYC Business Solutions – Brooklyn Center
9 Bond Street, 5th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: (347) 296-8021
Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
For more information:
• Call (718) 577-2148
• Visit
Department of Consumer Affairs
Business Toolbox, a web-based service of the NYC Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA),
makes available in one integrated place important information and resources for new and
existing businesses. Business Toolbox is the place of choice to access DCA’s online services as
it contains licensing requirements and detailed regulatory provisions for more than 50 industries
and businesses.
The website offers detailed information on numerous critical issues — the nature and limits of
each specific business, the kind of permits and certifications that are needed, approved training
and education centers, how and where to apply for a license, the annual or bi-annual cost of
licensing fees, insurance requirements, and the like.
For more information:
• Call 311
13 Grameen America •
Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Contact
DCA Licensing Center
42 Broadway, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Not only does DCA license 55 industries and businesses, it also establishes and enforces the
legislation governing these industries. Through regular inspections, DCA keeps tabs on
businesses and can intervene directly when consumers have complaints. For detailed legislation
governing these 55 businesses:
• Visit
Businesses with a DCA license are subject to sanctions and penalties if they violate any of the
laws and rules DCA enforces. Small business owners who do not comply with the DCA’s
regulatory provisions may be fined, in which case they can either pay the fee or appear at an
administrative hearing. For more information:
• Visit
1.3. NYC Business Express
The New York City Government has developed a step-by-step, user-friendly NYC Business
Express website to assist prospective entrepreneurs in (a) understanding the regulatory,
licensing, and educational requirements for a series of business initiatives (“The Wizard”), and
(b) applying online for a specific business license (“Apply Online”).
“The Wizard”
The Wizard is a simple yet methodical questionnaire where business entrepreneurs have to
answer very detailed questions about five components of their prospective business initiative —
sector, structure, place, people, and products. Depending on the answers provided, the module
will compile all the licenses, permits, regulatory and legal requirements, fees, educational
requirements and certifications needed to start the intended business activity.
“Apply Online”
Once an entrepreneur has selected a given line of business, (s)he can apply online. This process
requires very specific and precise information that the applicant should have readily available
before initiating the online application process. For most applications, people will need the
following information:
Contact information
Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN)
(for sole proprietors and individual partners)
History of criminal and/or civil charges of the applicant, business owners,
partners, shareholders, and officers
Child support obligations (for sole proprietors and individual partners)
14 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York In addition, for the application to be processed, one must pay any required fees using a major
credit card.
For additional information:
• Call 311 and ask for NYC Business Express
• Visit
1.4. NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
The NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene provides detailed information on all health
and hygiene requirements for individual businesses such as food vendors, pet store owners,
tattoo parlors, swimming pool operators, and more.
More specifically, the website’s section on Food Business Operators and Mobile Food Vendors
guides entrepreneurs on a wide series of topics, including:
The Permit Process:
Food Establishment Design:
Food Regulations:
Food Protection Course for Mobile Vendors:
Food Protection Course for Food Establishment Managers:
People who to want apply for a Mobile Food Vending License must successfully complete the
agency’s Food Protection Course for Mobile Vendors. The course takes eight hours conducted
over two days, four hours each day. Two classes are held on most weeks, one on Tuesdays and
Wednesdays and another on Thursdays and Fridays.
People must register for this class in person at the Citywide Licensing Center, 42 Broadway, 5th
floor, New York, NY 10004, with payment of the fee of $53.00, in certified check or money
order. Cash is not accepted. The course is conducted at two locations in Manhattan:
The Citywide Licensing Center
42 Broadway, 5th floor
New York, NY 10004
The Health Academy Annex
Central Harlem Health Center
(Basement Auditorium)
2238 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10035
For more information:
15 Grameen America •
Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Call 311 and ask for the Licenses and Permits division of the Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene
The New York State Small Business Development Center (NYS SBDC) ― the premier
business assistance organization in New York State ― provides expert management and
technical assistance to start-up and existing businesses across the state. Administered by State
University of New York and funded by the U.S. Small Business Administration, the organization
can help small businesses with their business plans, financing, complying with licensing and
regulations, and exporting goods and services.
Two of its services are of particular interest for immigrants anxious to start their own business:
The Check-List for Going into Business ― a guide to help prospective and actual
entrepreneurs prepare a comprehensive business plan and determine if their idea is
feasible, to identify questions and problems they will face in converting their idea into
reality, and to prepare for starting their business.
The Organization of Latino Entrepreneurs (Olé) ― an entity totally dedicated to
developing resources to support Latino business owners or aspiring entrepreneurs through
one-on-one management assistance and educational programs in Spanish and/or English.
To access the personalized services from the NYS Small Business Development Center:
• Call (800) 732-7121 (800-732-SBDC)
• Visit
• Contact one of three Small Business Development Centers in Brooklyn (Table 1). Make
sure to make an appointment either by e-mail or by phone.
Table 1: NYS Small Business Development Centers in Brooklyn
16 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Small Business Development Center –
Small Business Development Center Brooklyn Office
Brooklyn Outreach Office
25 Chapel Street, 11th Floor
St. Joseph's College
Howard Building
245 Clinton Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Brooklyn, NY 11205
Tel: (718) 797-0187
Tel: (718) 940-5720
E-mail address:
Small Business Development Center Brooklyn Outreach Office
Sunset Park 5th Avenue BID
5116A Fifth Avenue, 2nd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11220
Tel: (718) 439-7767
The website of the New York Public Library has a NYC Small Business Resource Center.
The Center offers a broad range of educational and informational materials on numerous topics
such as structuring a business, developing a strategic plan, sources of financing, tax issues, and
regulatory requirements. It also offers many links to local regulatory agencies as well as state and
federal agencies.
The website’s Services Directory lists a large number of nonprofits and community-based
organizations that can assist individuals and households with financial, business, accounting,
regulatory, and entrepreneurial issues.
The Small Business Resource Center is primarily meant to be a free, web-based tool. People in
need of help can navigate the site, initiate some self-directed searches, or ask a question online.
If, for some reason, none of these avenues offers a satisfactory result, customers may use NYPL
Express, a library service which will do research for a fee and deliver the gathered information
electronically, by mail, Fax or Federal Express.
For more information on the Small Business Resource Center:
For more information on its services or to actually initiate a specific search by NYPL Express,
contact the unit by phone, fax, or e-mail as follows:
17 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York NYPL Express - The New York Public Library
188 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016-4314
Tel: (212) 592-7201 or toll-free (800) 456-6975
Fax (212) 592-7215
The Community Development Program of the Legal Aid Society provides support to small
business owners in a broad area of legal issues affecting micro-businesses, including licenses and
permits and the special issues encountered by immigrants when trying to start a business
enterprise. The range of information spans the following topics:
Choice of business entity and incorporation: choosing the best legal form (e.g., sole
proprietorship, partnership, corporation, LLC, and worker cooperatives), taking into
account formation, liability, operating and tax considerations
Finance: guiding clients through the financing process, from the loan commitment letter
and the loan closing to post-closing loan compliance issues
Taxation: identifying tax compliance issues arising from the operation of a small
business and assisting the business to obtain its sales tax identification number and
Employer Identification Number
Commercial leasing: negotiating commercial leases and advising commercial tenants on
their rights and responsibilities
Licenses and permits: identifying, and assistance in securing, licensing and permits
Employment: following best practices in hiring and classifying employees
Intellectual property: protecting trademarks and copyrights; website review to protect
intellectual property and for legal compliance
Written agreements: negotiating and drafting a wide variety of agreements, including
contracts and operating agreements
Business formation by immigrants: confronting the special issues that immigrant small
business owners must be aware of helping them to avoid typical pitfalls
The Legal Aid Society has three offices in Brooklyn (Table 2). Make sure you call first to
discuss the nature of your questions, determine which location is best suited to address your
specific business issue, and make an appointment.
18 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Table 2: Legal Aid Society – Civil Practice Offices - Brooklyn
Brooklyn Neighborhood Office
Brooklyn Housing Court Office
111 Livingston Street, 7 Floor
141 Livingston Street, 2nd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: (718) 722-3100
Tel: (718) 643-4819
Brooklyn Office for the Aging
111 Livingston Street, 7th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: (718) 645-3111
Several nonprofit agencies focusing on financial independence and economic self-sufficiency for
individuals and communities have accumulated expertise in guiding people to self-employment
and business initiatives. As part of their services, they help new low-income entrepreneurs in
coming to grips with the regulatory and licensing intricacies of launching a new venture.
One such agency is Seedco (, a national nonprofit organization headquartered
in New York City that advances economic opportunity for people, businesses, and communities
in need. It offers a variety of consulting services and courses to help launch and sustain small
businesses in New York City.
Seedco’s comprehensive approach provides the following services:
Business needs assessments
Loan packaging assistance
Recruitment assistance
Business planning and startup launch assistance
General training in bookkeeping, customer services, human resources and fiscal
Referrals to legal and accounting professionals
Guidance on accessing government incentives and new contracting opportunities
Assistance in acquiring government licensing
The agency also has developed a range of customized courses that strengthen core business
structures, therefore improving their performance in the marketplace. Topics include:
accounting, access to finance, marketing, business taxes, negotiation skills, and web
Seedco operates three Manhattan-based NYC Business Solutions Centers under contract with
the New York City Department of Small Business Services.
19 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York For more information:
• Visit
• Call (212) 473-0255 (Seedco’s general number)
• See Table 3: Seedco’s NYC Business Solutions Centers
Table 3 : Seedco’s NYC Business Solutions Centers
Upper Manhattan Center
Lower Manhattan Center
215 West 125th Street, 6th Floor
110 William Street (Enter at 79 John Street)
New York, NY 10027
New York, NY 10038
Tel: (917) 493-7243
Tel: (212) 618-8914
Washington Heights Center
560 West 181st Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10033
Tel: (212) 928-3400
20 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Brooklyn Resource Manual
21 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York NOTE: As a rule, government-provided welfare benefits are only available to U.S. citizens
and legal residents; undocumented residents qualify for very few welfare programs.
Single Stop centers, located at community-based nonprofit organizations in all five boroughs, are
a gateway to welfare resources and the place of choice to start accessing federal, state, and local
welfare benefits. Single Stop Benefits Specialists assists low-income households and individuals
― free of charge and in a confidential manner — in understanding, applying for, and securing a
broad range of government benefits and welfare programs, such as food stamps, Earned Income
Tax Credit, low-cost or no-cost health and mental health services, housing assistance, child care
and after-school services, family support and domestic abuse services
When calling a Single Stop center to set up a first appointment, people should ask which
information and documents they should bring to make the first interaction more productive.
Single Stop has 14 locations in Brooklyn as follows:
Table 1: Single Stop Centers in Brooklyn (part 1 of 2)
Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corp.
1368 Fulton Street, 4th floor
Brooklyn, NY 11216
Tel: (718) 636-6916 & (718) 636-6996
St. John’s Bread and Life
795 Lexington Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11221
Tel: (718) 574-0058 Ext 110
Center for Family Life
Emergency Service Center
443 39th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Tel: (718) 492-3585
Good Shepherd Services
503 Fifth Avenue, 4th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Tel: (718) 965-3313 Ext. 409
S.C.O. Family of Services (at) M.S. 35
Family Dynamics Beacon Center
272 MacDonough Street, Room 101
Brooklyn, NY 11233
Tel: (718) 453-7004
Health Leads – Woodhull Hospital
760 Broadway
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Tel: (718) 630-3055
Center for Family Life
Employment Services
443 39th Street,3rd floor
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Tel: (718) 633-4823
Fifth Avenue Committee
621 DeGraw Street
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Tel: (718) 237-2017 Ext. 174
Table 1: Single Stop Centers in Brooklyn (part 2 of 2)
Groundwork, Inc.
Women in Need
22 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York 595 Sutter Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Tel: (718) 346-2200 Ext. 105
Make the Road NY
301 Grove Street
Brooklyn, NY 11237
Tel: (718) 418-7690
51 Junius Street
Brooklyn, New York 11212
Tel: (718) 495-6292
New York Legal Assistance Group (at)
Kings County Hospital
451 Clarkson Avenue, Building E
(Ambulatory Care Center, Adult Walk-In Clinic)
Brooklyn, NY 11203
Tel: (718) 245-2281
Kingsborough Community College
Public Health Solutions – Brooklyn
2001 Oriental Boulevard Room V213
2555 Ocean Avenue, 2nd floor
Brooklyn, NY 11235
Brooklyn, NY 11229
Tel: (718) 368-5411
Tel: (646) 619-6538
The Legal Aid Society’s Government Benefits practice assists clients in obtaining and
maintaining government benefits; it provides information and guidance in areas such as public
assistance, food stamps, Medicaid, housing allowances, workfare, and immigrant rights to public
The Legal Aid Society is a New York-based not-for-profit organization whose core mission is to
provide free legal assistance to New Yorkers who live at or below the poverty level and cannot
afford to hire a lawyer when confronted with a legal problem.
Contact the Legal Aid Society’s offices in Brooklyn (Table 2) to get assistance with your
specific government benefit issue:
Table 2: Legal Aid Offices in Brooklyn
Brooklyn Neighborhood Office
Brooklyn Housing Court Office
111 Livingston Street, 7 Floor
141 Livingston Street, 2nd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: (718) 722-3100
Tel: (718) 643-4819
Brooklyn Office for the Aging
111 Livingston Street, 7th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: (718) 645-3111
23 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York NOTE: While some hunger relief programs and nutrition services such as soup kitchens and food
pantries can be accessed by undocumented immigrants, the U.S. Food Stamp Program is only
available to U.S. Citizens and lawfully present (i.e., documented) immigrants.
New York City’s Human Resources Administration (HRA) helps low-income households
determine if they qualify for food stamps and provides assistance in the application process. For
more information:
• Visit
• Call 311 or (800) 342-3009
The HRA operates five Food Stamp Centers in Brooklyn (Table 3). They are typically open
Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM-5:00 PM. Some centers have late hours and/or may be open on
Saturdays. Please call to find out their exact schedule.
Table 3: NYC HRA Food Stamp Centers in Brooklyn
Coney Island
Fort Greene
30-50 West 21 Street
275 Bergen Street, 1st Floor
Brooklyn, New York 11224
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Tel: (718) 333-3275
Tel: (718) 473-8510
Monday-Friday: 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 M – 5:00 PM
North Brooklyn
East New York
500 Dekalb Avenue, 4th Floor
404 Pine Street, 1st Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11205
Brooklyn, New York 11208
Tel: (718) 398-5057
Tel: (718) 827-3961
30 Thornton Street, 4th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Tel: (718) 963-5115
The Food Bank for New York City conducts pre-screenings with low-income New Yorkers to
assess their eligibility for Food Stamps and provides electronic application assistance at six sites
in Brooklyn. For more information:
Call a Food Stamp Benefits Specialist at the Food Bank for New York City at (212) 8948060.
• See Table 4: Food Bank Screening Centers for Food Stamps in Brooklyn
Table 4: Food Bank Screening Centers for Food Stamps in Brooklyn
24 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Capital One Bank
Our Lady of Refuge R.C. Church
356 Fulton Street, Second Floor
2020 Foster Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Brooklyn, NY 11204
Shore Front Jewish Community Council
Reaching Out Community Services
3049 Brighton 6th Street
7708 New Utrecht Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11235
Brooklyn, NY 11214
Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens
Partnership for the Homeless, Family
Resource Center
265 Wyckoff Avenue
100 Pennsylvania Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11237
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Eligible families may receive up to 60 months of federally-funded cash assistance under the
Temporary Aid to Needy Families Program (TANF). Single individuals without children may
receive benefits under the New York State Safety Net Program. Also, families who have
received cash assistance for 60 months may continue to receive benefits under the New York
State Safety Net Program. For more information, contact New York City’s HRA:
Call 311 or (877) 472-8411
There are six HRA centers in Brooklyn where people can inquire about and apply for Temporary
Cash Assistance. As they specialize in different aspects of TANF, people should call before
going to a center (Table 5).
Table 5: NYC HRA Temporary Cash Assistance Centers in Brooklyn
Coney Island
3050 West 21st Street
500 Dekalb Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11224
Brooklyn, NY 11205
Tel: (718) 333-3092
Tel: (718) 636-2626
30 Thornton Street
45 Hoyt Street
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: (718) 963-5120
Tel: (718) 237-6509
Family Services Call Center Brooklyn
6740 Fourth Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11220
275 Bergen Street, 1st Floor
Tel: (718) 921-2084
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Tel: (718) 694-8647
25 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Brooklyn Resource Manual
26 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York SECTION V: ADULT EDUCATION RESOURCES
The Brooklyn Public Library offers free English classes for Speakers of Other Languages
(ESOL), whether new Americans or less recent immigrants. The Library offers beginner,
intermediate, and advanced classes where people practice listening, speaking, reading, and
writing English for everyday needs.
Students must register in person to enroll in a class. Placement is based on a test that is given
during the in-person registration. For more information about registration, schedules, and
• Call (718) 622-4460
• Visit
These ESOL classes are offered at more than a dozen branches, including all five major adult
education centers of the Brooklyn Public Library (Table 1):
Table 1: Brooklyn Public Library – Learning Centers
Bedford Learning Center
Central Library Learning Center
496 Franklin Avenue
10 Grand Army Plaza
Brooklyn, NY 11238
Brooklyn, NY 11238
Tel: (718) 623-2134
Tel: (718) 230-2191
Coney Island Learning Center
Eastern Parkway Learning Center
1901 Mermaid Avenue at 19 Street
1044 Eastern Parkway, 2nd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11224
Brooklyn, NY 11213
Tel: (718) 265-3880
Tel: (718) 778-9330
Flatbush Learning Center
New Lots Learning Center
22 Linden Boulevard at Flatbush Avenue
665 New Lots Ave. at Barbey St.
Brooklyn, NY 11226
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Tel: (718) 856-2631
Tel: (718) 257-0260
Source: The Library also offers Pre-GED (General Educational Development) Classes, where adult
learners prepare for the High School Equivalency Diploma. These classes meet two days per
week for a total of 6 hours in 10 libraries throughout Brooklyn. Classes are free and both evening
and daytime classes are available. For information about registration, schedules, and availability:
• Call (718) 622-4460
• Visit
• See Table 2: Pre-GED Centers in Brooklyn
Table 2: Brooklyn Public Library — Pre-GED Centers
27 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Central Library
Eastern Parkway Library
Adult Learning Center
1044 Eastern Parkway, 2nd Floor
10 Grand Army Plaza
Brooklyn, NY 11213
Brooklyn, NY 11238
Tel: (718) 778-9330
Tel: (718) 230-2191
New Lots Library
Flatbush Learning Center
665 New Lots Avenue at Barbey Street
22 Linden Boulevard at Flatbush Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Brooklyn, NY 11226
Tel: (718) 257-0260
Tel: (718) 856-2631
Coney Island Library
Bedford Learning Center
1901 Mermaid Avenue at 19 Street
496 Franklyn Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11224
Brooklyn, NY 11238
Tel: (718) 265-3880
Tel: (718) 623-2134
In addition, the Library offers instruction on Foundation in Basic Skills, Writing Development
Program, Technology-Assisted Learning, and Computer Basics Workshops. For more
information on these and other adult education classes:
• Call (718) 622-4460
• Visit
As a supplement to the resources of the Brooklyn Public Library, the New York Public Library
has compiled a list of Brooklyn-based organizations offering free or low-cost computer, internet
and e-mail classes. For more information:
• Visit:
• See Table 3: Schools and Organizations Offering Computer Training - Brooklyn
Table 3: Schools and Organizations Offering Free Computer Training - Brooklyn
Brooklyn Educational Opportunity Center
111 Livingston Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: (718) 488-9840
New Horizons – Adult Education Program
75 Lewis Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Tel: (718) 455-1166
OATS (Older Adults Technology Services)
1713 Eighth Avenue, #8
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Tel: (718) 502-9203
Brooklyn College – Adult and Continuing
2900 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11210
Tel: (718) 951-4141
(charges a fee)
NYC Department of Education – Office of Adult
and Continuing Education
475 Nostrand Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11216
Tel: (718) 638-2635 ext. 0
St John’s Place Family Center
1604 St. John's Place
Brooklyn, NY 11233
Tel: (718) 771-7720
28 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York 2- THE NEW YORK CITY OFFICE OF ADULT AND CONTINUING EDUCATION (OACE)
The New York City Office of Adult and Continuing Education, a division of the New York City
Department of Education, offers over 900 day and evening classes Monday through Saturday at
more than 175 sites in all five boroughs for adults age 21 and over. Students can take classes at
any of these sites, regardless of which borough they live in. All classes are taught by certified
teachers and are offered free of charge (tuition-free).
Ongoing registration for classes in Adult Basic Education, High School Equivalency (GED),
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) and Career and Technical Education (CTE) is
held regularly at schools and offices around the city.
For more information about the range of classes and locations:
• Visit
• Call the following phone numbers to locate the nearest learning center in your
Table 4: The New York City Office of Adult and Continuing Education
Brooklyn Class locations
Contact this phone number
To learn about adult classes in
Tel: (718) 789-2223
Bedford-Stuyvesant, Bushwick, Clinton Hill, Crown
P.S. 157
Heights, East New York, Flatbush, Fort Greene,
850 Kent Avenue, 5 Floor
Greenpoint, Prospect Heights, Ridgewood, Williamsburg
Brooklyn, NY 11205
Tel: (718) 638-2635
Bedford-Stuyvesant and Staten Island
Brooklyn Adult Learning Center
475 Nostrand Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11216
Tel: (718) 622-3000
Bay Ridge, Bensonhurst, Borough Park, Canarsie, Coney
Brooklyn Adult Learning Center
Island, Crown Heights, East Flatbush, East New
475 Nostrand Avenue, Room 109
York, Flatbush, Midwood, Ocean Hill- Brownsville,
Brooklyn, NY 11216
Sheepshead Bay, Sunset Park
The Mayor’s Office of Adult Education offers a series of classes, workshops, and seminars in
cooperation with several New York-based nonprofit organizations. In the borough of Brooklyn,
offerings are as follows:
54 locations offering classes of English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) –
including the Brooklyn Library locations
22 locations to assist people in preparing for the General Educational Development Test
31 locations in literacy classes, defined as basic reading and writing
29 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York To locate these programs and the nearest centers in your neighborhood:
• Call 311
• See APPENDIX I for ESOL classes and APPENDIX II for GED Preparation classes
• Visit
Not only does the Brooklyn Public Library offer its own in-house English language classes for
Speakers of Other Languages, the library’s Education and Job Information Center has compiled a
comprehensive list of additional ESOL, Basic Education, and Citizenship classes given by other
agencies located in Brooklyn. The list includes the agencies working in cooperation with The
Mayor’s Office of Adult Education.
People are encouraged to contact each location for its specific age requirements, as well as for
class content, schedules, and registration procedures.
For more information, on these programs:
• Visit
• See APPENDIX I: Brooklyn - Adult Basic Education, English & Citizenship Classes
The Library has also compiled a list of agencies helping people prepare for the GED test.
For more information on these Brooklyn-based GED preparation programs:
• Visit
• See APPENDIX II: Brooklyn - GED Test Preparation & Classes for the High
School Equivalency Diploma
30 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York APPENDIX I:
BROOKLYN (part 1 of 2) Agudath Israel of America Community Services
1577 Coney Island Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11230
Tel: (212) 809-5935 ext. 104
Brooklyn Chinese-American Association
5000 Eighth Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11220
Tel: (718) 438-0008
Office of Adult and Continuing Education
New York City Department of Education
475 Nostrand Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11216
Tel: (718) 638- 2635
Catholic Migration Office
Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn
1258 65th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11219
Tel: (718) 236-3000
Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation
350 Linwood Street
Brooklyn, NY 11208
Tel: (718) 277-3522
East New York Learning Center
1958 Fulton Street, Second Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11233
Tel: (718) 756-7200
The Arab-American Family Support Center
150 Court Street, Third Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: (718) 643-8000
Brooklyn College
Office of Professional Advancement &
Continuing Education
Ingersoll Building, Room 0118
2900 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11210
Tel: (718) 951-4117
885 Flatbush Avenue, Fourth Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11226
Tel: (718) 940-3453
Center for Family Life in Sunset Park
443 39th Street, Third Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Tel: (718) 633-4823
Downtown Learning Center
Adult Education Department
180 Livingston Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: (718) 290-2232
Edith and Carl Marks Jewish Community
House of Bensonhurst
7802 Bay Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11214
Tel: (718) 331-6800 ext. 121 & ext. 154
Imani House
76A Fifth Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Tel: (718) 638-2059
Kings Bay YM-YWHA
3495 Nostrand Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11229
Tel: (718) 648-7703 ext. 226
Fifth Avenue Committee
294 Smith Street
Brooklyn, NY 11231
Tel: (718) 624-3475
Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney
3001 West 37th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11224
Tel: (718) 449-5000
Source: Education and Job Information Center, Brooklyn Public Library
31 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York APPENDIX I:
BROOKLYN (part 2 of 2) Lutheran HealthCare
Make the Road New York
Adult and Family Education at the Family
310 Grove Street
Support Center
Brooklyn, NY 11237
6025 Sixth Avenue
Tel: (718) 418-7690
Brooklyn, NY 11220
Tel: (718) 630-7150
The Maura Clarke-Ita Ford Center
New Horizons Adult Education
139 Mehoham Street, Third Floor
75 Lewis Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11221
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Tel: (718) 452-0167
Tel: (718) 455-1166
New York City College of Technology
Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow
Division of Continuing Education: Adult
In Bushwick/Bedford-Stuyvesant
Learning Center
25 Thornton Street
25 Chapel Street, Fourth Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: (718) 387-1600
Tel: (718) 552-1140
Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow
Project Reach Youth
In Sunset Park
199 14th Street, Third Floor
783 Fourth Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Tel: (718) 768-0778
Tel: (718) 369-0303
Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens Council
Shorefront YM-YWHA
1474 Gates Avenue
3300 Coney Island Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11237
Brooklyn, NY 11235
Tel: (718) 381-9653
Tel: (718) 646-1444
SUNY Brooklyn Educational Opportunity
Turning Point
5013 Seventh Avenue
111 Livingston Street
Brooklyn, NY 11220
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: (718) 439-3965
Tel: (718) 246-2085
UJA Federation of New York
130 East 59th Street
New York, NY 10022
Tel: (800) 852-3337
Source: Education and Job Information Center, Brooklyn Public Library
32 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York APPENDIX II
BROOKLYN (part 1 of 2)
Brooklyn Public Library
10 Grand Army Plaza
Brooklyn, NY 11238
Tel: (718) 230-2191
Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation
Beacon Program at I.S. 302
350 Linwood Street
Brooklyn, NY 11208
Tel: (718) 235-8837
Youthbuild & Young Adult Training Program
1604 St. John’s Place, Suite 1C
Brooklyn, NY 11233
Tel: (718) 455-4308
Family Dynamics
New Horizons Adult Education Program
75 Lewis Avenue, Fourth Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Tel: (718) 455-1166
Imani House
76A Fifth Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Tel: (718) 638-2059
885 Flatbush Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11226
Tel: (718) 940-1737
The Door
555 Broome Street
New York, NY 10013
Tel: (212) 941-9090
East New York Learning Center
1958 Fulton Street, Second Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11233
Tel: (718) 756-7200
Fifth Avenue Committee Adult Education
621 DeGraw Street
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Tel: (718) 237-2017
Lutheran HealthCare Support Services
Adult & Family Education
6025 Sixth Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11220
Tel: (718) 630-7150
The Maura Clarke–Ita Ford Center
Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow
138 Bleecker Street
25 Thornton Street
Brooklyn, NY 11221
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Tel: (718) 452-0167
Tel: (718) 387-1600
Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow
Red Hook Community Justice Center
280 Wyckoff Avenue
88 Visitation Place
Brooklyn, NY 11237
Brooklyn, NY 11231
Tel; (718) 381-3222
Tel: (718) 923-8256
Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens Council
St. Nicks Alliance
1474 Gates Avenue
Greenpoint Beacon Center at I.S. 126
Brooklyn, NY 11237
424 Leonard Street
Tel: (718) 381-9653
Brooklyn, NY 11222
Tel: (718) 388-5585
Sunset Park Alliance for Youth
Turning Point Educational Center
783 Fourth Avenue
423 39th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Tel; (718) 788-2305
Tel: (718) 439-0077
Source: Education & Job Information Center, Brooklyn Public Library
33 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York APPENDIX II
BROOKLYN (part 2 of 2)
Urban Neighborhood Services
1718 Mermaid Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11224
Tel: (347) 374-2455
Brooklyn College Continuing Education
Adult Literacy Program
2900 Bedford Avenue - Ingersoll Hall, Room 0118
Brooklyn, NY 11210
Tel: (718) 951-4117
LaGuardia Community College
Adult Learning Center
31-10 Thomson Avenue
Long Island City, NY 11101
Tel: (718) 482-5380
New York City College of Technology
Adult Learning Center
25 Chapel Street, Fourth Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: (718) 552-1140
Access GED (East Brooklyn)
6565 Flatlands Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11236
Tel: (718) 968-4256
Brooklyn Adult Learning Center – School 8
475 Nostrand Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11216
Tel: (718) 638-2635
SUNY Brooklyn Educational Opportunity
111 Livingston Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: (718) 802-3358 (GED classes)
Tel: (718) 802-3317 (GED test dates)
New York State Education Department
GED testing
Tel: (518) 474-5906 (Albany)
Find general information about the GED ad retrieve
your test scores.
Borough of Manhattan Community College
Center for Continuing Education
199 Chambers Street, Room S-752
New York, NY 10007
Tel: (212) 346-8890
Kingsborough Community College (KCC)
Office of Continuing Education
2001 Oriental Boulevard
Brooklyn, NY 11235
Tel: (718) 368-5052
Medgar Evers College
1534 Bedford Avenue, Second Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11225
Tel: (718) 804-8850
Abraham Lincoln High School
Young Adult Borough Center
800 Ocean Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11235
Tel: (718) 333-7400
Access GED (Downtown Brooklyn)
69 Schermerhorn Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: (718) 935-1726
Brooklyn Adult Learning Center- School 9
475 Nostrand Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11216
Tel: (718) 622-.3000
Brooklyn Referral Center for High School
829 Putnam Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11221
Tel: (718) 636-5770
(Does not offer classes; provides referrals only)
Source: Education & Job Information Center, Brooklyn Public Library
34 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Brooklyn Resource Manual
35 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York SECTION VI: HEALTH CARE RESOURCES
Free healthcare is in extremely high demand in New York City, yet clinics offering free services are
few and their hours of operation restricted. In most instances, it is strongly recommended to call any
health center first to find out (a) whether undocumented immigrants qualify for these services,
(b) if new patients are being accepted, and (c) what type of insurance is required. Once you know the
answer to these questions, make sure to schedule an appointment before going in person.
Free clinics are only available to the uninsured and may require prescription drug co-pay fees. The
majority of free clinics also offer free eligibility screening for government-run health insurance
programs, such as Medicare (See section 7 below).
If you are in a health emergency, visit the nearest hospital emergency room immediately or call
Federally-funded health centers care for all people, even persons without health insurance.
People pay what they can afford, based on their income. Health centers provide:
Checkups when you're well
Treatment when you're sick
Complete care when you're pregnant
Immunizations and checkups for your children
Dental care and prescription drugs for your family
Mental health and substance abuse care if you need it
There are about 60 federally-funded health centers in Brooklyn. Patients are urged to contact
these centers by phone or e-mail before going. For a complete list of these health care centers:
• See APPENDIX I: Federally-funded Health Centers in Brooklyn
• Visit
New York State offers free and low-cost public health insurance programs for low-income New
Yorkers. These plans provide medical care through a fee-for-service or a managed care plan.
New York City’s Human Resources Administration/Department of Social Services (HRA/DDS)
is responsible for the administration of public health insurance through its Medical Assistance
Program division (MAP). MAP determines and maintains eligibility, based upon income and/or
resource levels, for each of the available health insurance programs and their related services.
36 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Individuals and families can qualify for public health insurance even if they have income, own a
house, own a car, have a bank account or receive private health insurance. Persons and families
who are low-income or receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or cash assistance are
automatically eligible. Pregnant women, children, persons over 65 and people with disabilities
are also eligible.
These plans include: Medicaid; Child Health Plus; Family Health Plus; Medicare Savings Plan
(also known as Medicare Buy-In); Medicaid Buy-In Program for Working People with
Disabilities; and the Family Planning Benefit Program. To obtain further details about these
programs and services or to apply:
Contact a Single Stop Center in your neighborhood (See SECTION I)
Call the NYC Human Resources Administration hotline at (877) 472-8411
Call the Public Health Insurance Prescreening System at (888) 692-6116
Write to: Medical Assistance Program - Correspondence Unit,
330 West 34th Street, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10001
See Table 1: Medical Assistance Program Offices in Brooklyn
The offices are typically open from: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday. It is
strongly recommended to call before going in person.
Table 1: Medical Assistance Program Offices in Brooklyn
Boerum Hill Medicaid Office
35 Fourth Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Tel: (718) 623-7427 /7428
Kings County Hospital Medicaid Office
441 Clarkson Avenue, 1st floor
"T" Bldg --Nurses' Residence
Coney Island Medicaid Office
30-50 West 21st Street
Brooklyn, NY 11224
Tel: (718) 333-3000/3001
East New York Medicaid Office
2094 Pitkin Avenue (Basement)
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Tel: (718) 922-8292/8293
Brooklyn, NY 11203
Tel: (718) 221-2300/2301
Source: NYC Human Resources Administration,
The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) provide free and
confidential clinics that test for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STD).
The clinics are open to both children and adults and, at some locations, may offer additional
health screenings for issues such as Tuberculosis and Hepatitis. They accept patients from
8:30am – 3:00pm, unless specified otherwise. Patients are serviced on a first come, first served
basis. No appointment is necessary. The number of patients admitted to each clinic depends on
the number of clinician hours per day, which is different in each site each day.
DOHMH operates two STD clinics in Brooklyn (Table 2):
37 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Table 2: Free STD Clinics in Brooklyn
Crown Heights
Fort Greene
1218 Prospect Place (at Troy Avenue)
295 Flatbush Avenue (at Willoughby Street)
2 Floor
2nd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11213
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Mon. thru Fri. — 8:30am to 3:00pm
Mon. thru Fri.-8:30am to 3:00pm
Services Available:
Tuesday, Thursdays-5:00p.m.-7:00p.m.
STD Services, Emergency Contraception, HIV Sat. -8:30am to 12:00pm
Counseling and Rapid Testing
Services Available:
STD Services, Emergency Contraception, HIV
Counseling and Rapid Testing
Source: NYC DOHMH,
For more information on STD screening, consulting, and clinics:
• Call 311
• Visit
The Prenatal Care Assistance Program (PCAP) is a comprehensive prenatal care program that
offers complete pregnancy care and other health services to women and teens that live in New
York State and meet income guidelines. Health insurance is available for pregnant women
regardless of their immigration status. Under Prenatal Care Services, pregnant women receive
prenatal health services, such as lab tests, HIV tests, nutrition screenings, and other services
related to their pregnancy and for at least two months after delivery.
For more information about this service and its eligibility requirements:
• Call (800) 522-5006
• Visit
There are 18 Prenatal Care Assistance Program providers in Brooklyn. To locate them:
• See Table 3: Prenatal Care Providers/Clinics in Brooklyn
• Visit
Table 3: Pre-Natal Care Providers/Clinics in Brooklyn
Bedford Stuyvesant Family HealthCare
1413 Fulton Street
Brooklyn, NY 11216
Tel: (718) 636-4500
Brookdale Hospital Medical Center
1 Brookdale Plaza/Linden Boulevard
Brooklyn, NY 11212
Tel: (718) 240-5015
Long Island College Hospital
97 Amity Street - 3rd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11001
Tel: (718) 780-4716
Lutheran MC/Sunset Park Family Health Care
150-55th Street, Room 2062 - Sta #14
Brooklyn, NY 11220
Tel: (718) 630-7215
38 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Brooklyn Hospital Center
121 Dekalb Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: (718) 250-8012
Brooklyn Plaza Medical Center
650 Fulton Street
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Tel: (718) 596-9800
Brownsville Family Health Care
592 Rockaway Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11212
Tel: (718) 345-5500
Coney Island Hospital
2601 Ocean Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11235
Tel: (718) 616-4337
Woodhull Medical Mental Health Care
760 Broadway
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Tel: (718) 963-5985
Kings County Hospital Center
451 Clarkson Avenue, U4
Brooklyn, NY 11203
Tel: (718) 245-3514
Victory Memorial Hospital
699 92nd Street
Brooklyn, NY 11228
Tel: (718) 567-2500
Lyndon B Johnson Health Care
276 Nostrand Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11205
Tel: (718) 783-3352
Maimonides Medical Center
5008 Fort Hamilton Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11219
Tel: (718) 283-8932
New York Methodist Hospital
506 Sixth Street
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Tel: (718) 226-8500
SUNY Downstate Medical Center
445 Lenox Road
Brooklyn, NY 11203
Tel: (718) 270-6750
East New York Diagnostic & Treatment Center
2094 Pitkin Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Tel: (718) 240-0463
Wyckoff Heights Medical Center
374 Stockholm Street
Brooklyn, NY 11237
Tel: (718) 963-6548
Cumberland Diagnostic & Treatment Center
100 N Portland Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11205
Tel: (718) 260-7662
Source: New York City Human Resources Administration/ Department of Social Services;
1-800-LIFENET, a confidential, toll-free help line for New York City residents, is operated by
the Mental Health Association of NYC ( in partnership with the NYC
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (
LIFENET assists people who are experiencing emotional and substance abuse problems. These
problems, which may occur in the work place, at school or at home, include family difficulties,
drug or alcohol abuse, depression, excessive worry, fear or anxiety, eating disorders, or one of
the many serious emotional problems which can affect daily life.
LIFENET operates 24 hours per day, seven days per week. The hotline's staff of trained mental
health professionals helps callers find the most appropriate mental health and substance abuse
services for their needs. LIFENET has linkages with 23 mobile crisis teams and Emergency
Medical Services (EMS). This unique, life-saving authority allows LIFENET to provide a
prompt response to callers in urgent need of psychiatric assistance.
39 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York LIFENET is multilingual and multicultural:
In English:
In Spanish:
In Mandarin, Cantonese and Korean:
All other languages:
(800) 543-3638 (1-800-LIFENET)
(877) 298-3373 (1-877-AYUDESE)
(877) 990-8585
(800-543) 3638 (1-800-LIFENET)
People in need of assistance can also call a Mobile Crisis Team directly. The staff provides a
range of services including assessment, crisis intervention, supportive counseling, information
and referrals, linkage with appropriate community-based mental health services for ongoing
treatment, and follow up.
There are four Mobile Crisis Teams in Brooklyn. To locate them:
• See Table 4: Mobile Crisis Teams in Brooklyn
Table 4: Mobile Crisis Teams in Brooklyn
5, 7, 8, 18
(718) 240-8220
Interfaith Medical Center Mon. – Thu.: 9:00am - 9:30pm
Mobile Crisis Team
Fri.: 9:00am - 5:00pm
1545 Atlantic Avenue
Sat. & Sun: 10:00am - 6:00pm
Brooklyn, NY 11213
14,16, 17
(718) 613-6618
Kings County Hospital
Psychiatric Emergency
606 Winthrop St. 7th floor,
Room 2302
Brooklyn, NY 11203
Mon. – Fri: 9:00am - 10:00pm
Sat.: 10:00am - 6:00pm
Sun.: 11:00am - 7:00pm
(718) 245-2350
Woodhull Medical and
Mental Health Center
760 Broadway, 5th floor
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Mon. - Fri.: 8:30am - 5:30pm
(718) 260-7725
Mobile Crisis Team
Brookdale Medical
Center Comprehensive
Psychiatric Emergency
One Brookdale Plaza
Brooklyn, NY 11212
Mon. - Fri.: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sat.: 9:00am-5:00pm
Sun.: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Source: New York City DOHMH,
40 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York 6- DENTAL CARE
The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene no longer provides dental
services in schools or specialized dental centers. However, the department has identified a series
of low-cost dental clinics in each neighborhood where children can go for continuing dental care
(See Table 5: Low-cost Dental Clinics for Children in Brooklyn).
Please call before going to find out what kind of health/dental insurance is needed and/or
Table 5: Low-cost Dental Clinics for Children in Brooklyn (part 1 of 2)
Lutheran Family Health Centers at LICH Campus
339 Hicks Street, 2nd Fl.
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: (718) 780-1243 or (718) 630-5267
Sunset Park Family Health Center
150 55th Street, Station 21
Brooklyn, NY 11220
Tel: (718) 630-6875
Cumberland Diagnostics and Treatment Center
100 North Portland Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11205
Tel: (718) 260-7500
Community Healthcare Network CABS Health
94-98 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Tel: (718) 388-0390, press 0
Brookdale Family Care Center at Linden
2554 Linden Boulevard
Brooklyn, NY 11208
Tel: (718) 240-8600
Be Well Primary Health Care Center
2019 Nostrand Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11210
Tel: (718) 434-0711
Park Slope family Care Center
220 13th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Tel: (718) 832-5980
Brooklyn Plaza Center
650 Fulton Street
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Tel: (718) 596-9800, Ext. 256
ODA Primary Care Health Center
14-16 Heyward Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Tel: (718) 260-4600
Williamsburg Family Health Center
99 Division Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Tel: (718) 599-6200
Manhattan Avenue Health Center
960 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11221
Tel: (718) 349-8500
Bedford Stuyvesant Family Health Center
1413 Fulton Street
Brooklyn, NY 11216
Tel: (718) 636-4500
41 Brooklyn Hospital Center – Downtown Campus
121 DeKalb Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: (718) 250-8963
Lutheran Family Health Centers CaribbeanAmerican Family Health Center
3414 Church Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11203
Tel: (718) 630-2197
Woodhull Medical & Mental Health Center
Ambulatory Care
760 Broadway
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Tel: (718) 963-8309
Brookdale Family Care Center at New Lots
465 New Lots Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Tel: (718) 240-8950
Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Brooklyn Chinese Family Health Center
5008 7th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11220
Tel: (718) 210-1030
La Providencia Family Health Center
1280 DeKalb Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11221
Tel: (718) 455-900
Brownsville Multi-Service family Health Center
592 Rockaway Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11212
Tel: (718) 345-5000, Ext. 1108
Park Ridge Family Health Center
6317 4th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11220
Tel: (718) 907-8100, Ext. 2146/2147
Source: New York City DOHMH,
Table 5: Low-cost Dental Clinics for Children in Brooklyn (part 2 of 2)
New York Methodist Family Health Center
1910 Nostrand Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11226
Tel: (718) 963-8309
Maimonides Medical Center – Ambulatory
Health Pavillion
4305 13th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11219
Tel: (718) 871-9111
Wyckoff Heights Medical Center Ambulatory
374 Stockholm Street
Brooklyn, NY 11237
Tel: (718) 963-7174
Cabs Health Center Community Healthcare
94-98 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Tel: (718) 388-0390 press 0
East New York Diagnostics & Treatment Center
2094 Pitkin Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Tel: (718) 240-0400
Source: New York City DOHMH,
In addition, DOHMH provides an extensive list of dental providers who accept public health
insurance such as Medicaid Managed Care, Family Health Plus, or Child Health Plus. To access
this list of Brooklyn-based providers, visit:
New York City’s Human Resources Administration’s Office of Citywide Health Insurance
Access (OCHIA) works to expand access to health insurance for all New Yorkers. OCHIA
partners with public and private groups to ensure that eligible uninsured New Yorkers enroll in
public health insurance and to expand access to affordable private health insurance for New York
City’s small businesses, sole proprietors, and working individuals.
42 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York To qualify for free Public Health insurance, an individual adult MUST be a US citizen or legal
immigrant. Non-legal immigrants are ineligible to apply. Eligibility for U.S. citizens and
documented immigrants is also based on income, assets, and employment status.
• Undocumented immigrants are eligible for the treatment of an emergency medical
• Undocumented children may be eligible for Child Health Plus B.
• Undocumented pregnant women are eligible for Prenatal Care Assistance (see section 4,
To check if you qualify for free or low-cost health coverage:
• Visit a Single Stop site in your neighborhood
• See Table 6: Agencies assisting with public health insurance enrollment - These
Brooklyn-based organizations offer assistance with eligibility review and enrollment in
the public health insurance
• Visit
• Visit
Table 6: Agencies Assisting with Public Health Insurance Enrollment
Boerum Hill
East New York
35 Fourth Avenue
2094 Pitkin Avenue, Basement
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Tel: (718) 623-7427 & 7428
Tel: (718) 922-8292 & 8293
Kings County Hospital
Coney Island
441 Clarkson Avenue
30-50 West 21st Street
"T" Building Nurses' Residence, 1st Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11224
Brooklyn, NY 11203
Tel: (718) 333-3000 & 3001
Tel: (718) 221-2300 & 2301
Source: New York City’s Human Resources Administration,
The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene offers information on hundreds
of health-related topics in a convenient and user-friendly format, including general health and
wellness, diseases and conditions, chemical dependency, mental health, environmental health,
public health services, health care insurance, women’s health, and more.
For more information:
• Visit:
43 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York APPENDIX I: FEDERALLY-FUNDED HEALTH CENTERS
BROOKLYN (part 1 of 3)
Caribbean-American Family Health Center
3414 Church Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11203-2714
Tel: (718) 940-9425
Caribbean House Health Center
1167 Nostrand Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11225-5417
Tel: (718) 778-0198
Help/PSI Brooklyn Health Center
803 Sterling Place
Brooklyn, NY 11216-3903
Tel: (718) 804-0900
Park Avenue Primary Health Care Center
517 Park Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11205-1631
Tel: (718) 260- 4600
C.A.B.S. Center
94-98 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11206-2501
Tel: (718) 388-0390
Bedford Stuyvesant Family Health Center, Inc.
1456 Fulton Street
Brooklyn, NY 11216-2505
Tel: (718) 636-4500
Renaissance Shelter
599 Ralph Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11233-5113
Tel: (718) 363-0814
Magnolia House
1424 Herkimer Street
Brooklyn, NY 11233-3337
Tel: (718) 437-5201
Caribbean Women's Health Association - Site 1
3512 Church Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11203-2804
Tel: (718) 940-9501
Caribbean Women's Health Association - Site 2
100 Parkside Avenue, Floor 4
Brooklyn, NY 11226-1192
Tel: (718) 826-2942
Shore Road Family Health Center
9000 Shore Road
Brooklyn, NY 11209-5401
Tel: (718) 630-8870
(718) 821-2945
Brooklyn Chinese Family Health Center
5008 7th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11220-2167
Tel: (718) 210-1030
Bedford Stuyvesant Family Health
1413 Fulton Street
Brooklyn, NY 11216-2607
Tel: (718) 636-4500
Magnolia House
1424 Herkimer Street
Brooklyn, NY 11233-3337
Tel: (718) 437-5201
Peter Jay Sharp Center for Opportunities
89-111 Porter Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11237-1417
Tel: (778) 417-2535
85 Lexington Avenue Women's Shelter
85 Lexington Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11238-1411
Tel: (718) 857-5600
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services
Administration; 44 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York APPENDIX I: FEDERALLY-FUNDED HEALTH CENTERS
BROOKLYN (part 2 of 3)
Help USA Brownsville Women’s Center
357 Saratoga Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11233-4607
Tel: (212) 366-4459
Sunrise at Sheepshead Bay
2211 Emmons Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11235-2792
Tel: (718) 616-1850
Brownville Multi-Service Family Health Center
592 Rockaway Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11212-5539
Tel: (718) 345-5000
Brooklyn Plaza Medical Center, Inc.
650 Fulton Street
Brooklyn, NY 11217-1517
Tel: (718) 596-9800
Broadway Family Health Center
1238 Broadway
Brooklyn, NY 11221-2906
Tel: (718) 443-2428
ODA Primary Health Care Center
14-16 Heyward Street
Brooklyn, NY 11249-7823
Tel: (718) 260-4600
Bushwick Family Residence
1675 Broadway
Brooklyn, NY 11207-1495
Tel: (718) 574-2707
Auburn Assessment Center
39 Auburn Place
Brooklyn, NY 11205-1946
Tel: (718) 834-6974
BMS Institute for Specialty and Integrative
Services (ISIS)
259 Bristol Street
Brooklyn, NY 11212-5540
Tel: (718) 345-5000
Family Support Center
6025 6th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11220-4004
Tel: (718) 630-7171
Park Slope Family Health Center
220 13th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11215-4802
Tel: (718) 832-5980
St. John’s Bread and Life
75 Lewis Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11206-7015
Tel: (718) 574-0058
ICL HCC Brooklyn
6209 16th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11204-2702
Tel: (718) 234-0073
Atlantic House Shelter
2402 Atlantic Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11233-3402
Tel: (718) 385-8335
ODA Professionals
420 Broadway
Brooklyn, NY 11211-7489
Tel: (718) 384-3476
Help family Center
515 Blake Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11207-4502
Tel: (718) 498-4002 x515
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services
Administration; 45 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York APPENDIX I: FEDERALLY-FUNDED HEALTH CENTERS
BROOKLYN (part 3 of 3)
Joseph P. Addabbo Family Health Center, Inc. –
Red Hook
120 Richards Street
Brooklyn, NY 1231-1635
Tel: (71) 945- 7150
Sunrise at Mill Basin
5905 Strickland Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11234-6425
Tel: (718) 444-2600
Garden of Eden Home for Adults
1608 Stillwell Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11223-1028
Tel: (718) 236-5757
Care Management
5421 2nd Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11220-2605
Tel: (718) 630-6885
Harbor Hill Senior Center
5613 2nd Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11220-3321
Tel: (718) 630-7588
Lutheran Family Health Centers
150 55th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11220-2508
Tel: (718) 630-7095
Park Ridge Family Health Center
6317 4th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11220-4922
Tel: (718) 907-8100
MHRA (Public Health Solutions) MIC, Fort
295 Flatbush Avenue Ext,
Brooklyn, NY 11201-3001
Tel: (718) 522-1144
Center for Child Development
230 60th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11220-3712
Tel: (718) 439- 5600
BMS @ Genesis
360 Snediker Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11207-4552
Tel: (646) 459-9400
BMS @ Help Women’s Center
116 Williams Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11207-2925
Tel: (718) 345-5000
Housing Works Health Services III
2640 Pitkin Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11208-2629
Tel: (718) 277-0386
Occupational Health Services
5800 3rd Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11220-3702
Tel: (718) 630-7195
Barbara Kleiman Shelter
300 Skillman Avenue
New York, NY 11121-1607
Tel: (718) 963-4425
Brooklyn Heights Dental Campus
339 Hicks Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201-5509
Tel: (718) 780-1243
Bayview Manor Home for Adults
2255 Cropsey Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11214-5705
Tel: (718) 266-5858
Bay Ridge Family health Center
9711 3rd Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11209-7702
Tel: (718) 759-9126
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services
46 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Brooklyn Resource Manual
47 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York SECTION VII: CHILD CARE RESOURCES
Hundreds of community-based institutions and nonprofit organizations, in cooperation with and
under guidance of the New York City Department of Youth and Community Development
(DYCD), provide New York City residents with high-quality youth and family programs. DYCD’s
primary task is to administer and allocate available City, state, and federal funds to communitybased organizations and provide the needed regulatory framework for safe and effective programs.
The Beacon Program
Beacons are school-based community centers providing educational, cultural, recreational,
athletic, and social activities to children, youth, and adults. The programs are free of charge,
available to children aged six or more, and accessible regardless of immigration status. There are
currently 80 Beacons in New York City and 26 in Brooklyn, operating in the afternoons and
evenings, on weekends, during school holidays and vacation periods, and during the
Typical activities for youth include: literacy programs, tutoring, high school/college prep, math
clubs, photography, basketball, chess, and martial arts. In addition, the Beacon Program
commonly offers adult programs, including: General Education Diploma (GED), English for
Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), parenting skills, family relations, tenant education and
For more information:
• Call (212) 788-6754
• Visit
• See Table 1: Beacon Centers in Brooklyn
Table 1: Beacon Centers in Brooklyn (part 1of 2)
1137 Herkemer Street
1957 Nostrand Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11233
Brooklyn, NY 11210
Tel: (718) 345-5904
Tel: (718) 462-2597
Chinese American Planning
Coalition for Hispanic Family Services
4812 9th Avenue
231Palmetto Street
Brooklyn, NY 11220
Brooklyn, NY 11237
Tel: (718) 436-5270
Tel: (718) 574-0361 -- X131
Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation
350 Linwood Street
Brooklyn, NY 11208
Tel: (718) 277-3522
48 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Table 1: Beacon Centers in Brooklyn (part 2 of 2)
El Puente De Williamsburg
Federation of Italian American Organization
198 S. Third Street
99 Avenue P
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Brooklyn, NY 11204
Tel: (718) 486-3936
Tel: (718) 232-2266
Good Shepherd Services
Goodwill Industries
71 Sullivan Street
101 Park Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11231
Brooklyn, NY 11205
Tel: (718) 522-6910
Tel: (718) 237-0852
7301 Fort Hamilton Pkwy
2950 West 25th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11228
Brooklyn, NY 11204
Tel: (718) 836-3620
Tel: (718) 714-0103
Police Athletic League (PAL)
Police Athletic League (PAL)
370 Fountain Avenue
985 Rockaway Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11208
Brooklyn, NY 11212
Tel: (718) 277-1928
Tel: (718) 485-2719
Research Foundation
Research Foundation
655 Parkside Avenue
210 Chester Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11226
Brooklyn, NY 11212
Tel: (718) 826-2889
Tel: (718) 498-7030
Research Foundation
Research Foundation
760 Prospect Place
1023 New York Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11216
Brooklyn, NY 11203
Tel: (718) 9530857
Tel: (718) 703-3633
SCO Family of Services
SCO Family of Services
309 47th Street
272 McDonough Street
Brooklyn, NY 11220
Brooklyn, NY 11233
Tel: (718) 492-2619
Tel: (718) 453-7004
SCO Family of Services
Sesame Flyers
330 59th Street
956 East 82nd Street
Brooklyn, NY 11220
Brooklyn, NY 11236
Tel: (718) 439-5986
Tel: (718) 241-3847
Sesame Flyers
St. Nicholas Preservation Corporation
905 Winthrop Avenue
424 Leonard Street
Brooklyn, NY 11203
Brooklyn, NY 11222
Tel: (718) 221-8880 X 1130
Tel: (718) 388-5546
St. Nicholas Preservation Corporation
YMCA/Eastern District
850 Grand Street
35 Starr Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Brooklyn, NY 11221
Tel: (718) 302-5930
Tel: (718) 947-0604
The Cornerstone Program
The Cornerstone Program provides engaging activities year-round for adults and young people at
25 New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) Community Centers throughout the five
boroughs. Ten of these centers are located in Brooklyn.
49 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Cornerstone youth programs are designed to help participants acquire the skills and attitudes
they need to graduate from high school, succeed in their chosen career, and give back to the
community. Typical youth activities include: literacy activities, tutoring, homework help,
high school/college prep, math clubs, photography, basketball, chess, martial arts, project-based
learning opportunities. In addition, the Cornerstone Programs commonly offers adult programs,
including: General Education Diploma (GED), English for Speakers of Other Languages
(ESOL), parenting skills, family relations, tenant education and advocacy
For more information:
• Call 311
• Visit
• See Table 2: Cornerstone Program Centers in Brooklyn
Table 2: Cornerstone Program Centers in Brooklyn
Italian American Civil Rights League at
Louis H. Pink Community Center
2702 Linden Boulevard
Brooklyn, NY 11208
Tel: (718) 964-9043
Grand Street Settlement, Inc. at
Bushwick/Hylan Community Center
50 Humboldt Street
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Tel: (718) 453-8116
El Puente De Williamsburg at
Taylor-Wythe Community Center
80 Clymer Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Tel: (718) 333-0575
University Settlement Society of New York at
Raymond V. Ingersoll Community Center
177 Myrtle Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: (718) 522-5604
Bergen Basin Community Development Corp at
Bayview Community Center
5985 Shore Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11236
Tel: (718) 968-9621
Directions For Our Youth, Inc. at
Cypress Hills Community Center
475 Fountain Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11208
Tel: (718) 277-6641
Groundwork, Inc. at
Sumner Community Center
862 Park Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Tel: (718) 919-4756
Goodwill Industries of Greater New York at
David G. Farragut Community Center
228 York Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: (718) 852-6318
Federation of Italian American Organization at
Marlboro Community Center
2298 West 8th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11223
Tel: (718) 449-1444
Heartshare Human Services at
Surfside Coney Island Community Center
2947 West 28th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11224
Tel: (718) 449-2897
Out-of-School Time Program
The Out-of-School Time (OST) Program provides a mix of academic, recreational, and cultural
activities for young people from kindergarten to 12th grade. These initiatives are free of charge
and organized in every neighborhood across the City. They include after-school, holiday, and
summer vacation programs.
50 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York New York City's OST initiatives adopt a customized and balanced approach to maximize the
programs’ benefits: safe programs in a supportive environment; a schedule that meets the needs
of working parents; separate programs for elementary, middle school, and high school students;
trained staff; homework help; and healthy snacks.
In Brooklyn alone, there are more than 150 Out-of-School programs offered by a variety of
community-based nonprofit organizations.
For more information:
• Call (800) 246-4646
• Visit
• See APPENDIX I: Out-of-School Time Programs in Brooklyn
Teen ACTION programs allow youth between the ages of 13 and 21 to design and implement a
meaningful service project that meets a need in their community. Teen ACTION promotes the
appreciation for service and civic engagement; life-skills and critical-thinking skills; supportive
relationships with caring adults; commitment to academic achievement; healthy behaviors.
There are currently 20 locations in Queens where young people can participate in a Teen
ACTION program.
For more information:
• Call 311
• Visit
• See Table 3: Teen ACTION Centers in Brooklyn
Table 3: Teen ACTION Centers in Brooklyn (part 1 of 2)
Hospital Audiences, Inc.
Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation
883 Classon Avenue
5909 Beverly Road
Brooklyn, NY 11203
Brooklyn, NY 11203
Tel: (212) 575-7670 ext.251
Tel: (718) 451-2200 ext.107 or (973) 896-1246
Directions For Our Youth, Inc.
Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation
300 Adelphi Street
300 Willoughby Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11205
Brooklyn, NY 11205
Tel: (212) 362-4020
Tel: (718) 230-5400 ext. 528
St. Nicholas Neighborhood Preservation Corp.
Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation
185 Ellery Street
101 Walton Street
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Tel: (718) 389-1810
Tel: (718) 230-5400
Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens Council
Groundwork Inc,
125 Covert Street
595 Sutter Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Tel: (718) 821-0254
Tel: (718) 346-2200 ext.127
51 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Table 3: Teen ACTION Centers in Brooklyn (part 2 of 2)
Directions For Our Youth, Inc.
El Puente Academy (K)
999 Jamaica Avenue
211 South 4th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11208
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Tel: (212) 362-4020
Tel: (718) 387-0404
Chinese American Planning Council
SCO Family of Services
4812 Ninth Avenue
330 59th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11220
Brooklyn, NY 11220
Tel: (718) 358-8899 ext.131
Tel: (718) 788-3500
Brooklyn Center For Urban Environment
Coalition for Hispanic Family Services
125 Stuyvesant Avenue
231 Palmetto Street
Brooklyn, NY 11221
Brooklyn, NY 11221
Tel: (718) 788-8500 ext. 207
Tel: (718) 497-6090
Aspira of New York
SCO Family of Services
424 Leonard Street
4004 Fourth Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11222
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Tel: (212) 564-6880 ext.115
Tel: (718) 633-4823
SCO Family of Services
Hospital Audiences, Inc.
272 Macdonough Street
1600 Rockaway Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11233
Brooklyn, NY 11236
Tel: (718) 919-1226
Tel: (212)575-7670 ext.246
Be'er Hagolah Institutes
671 Louisiana Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11239
Tel: (718) 642-6800 ext.101
Youth Connect
Youth Connect is a free and confidential information service that connects youth to jobs,
afterschool programs, and training opportunities. It enables young people to find out about
existing educational services, tutoring, GED, after-school programs, recreational programs,
summer activities for teens, employment opportunities, internships, and community events.
People can go on-line and fill out a user-friendly form to inquire about any of the abovementioned topics.
For more information:
• Call (800) 246-4646
• Complete the on-line inquiry form:
52 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York The Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP)
The Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) provides New York City youth between the
ages of 14 and 24 with summer employment and educational opportunities. Participants work in
a variety of entry-level jobs at government agencies, hospitals, summer camps, nonprofits, small
businesses, law firms, museums, sports enterprises, and retail organizations.
The Summer Youth Employment Program is designed to emphasize real-world labor experiences
and expectations; increase awareness of services offered by local community-based
organizations; and provide opportunities for career instruction, financial literacy training,
academic improvement, and social growth.
To apply for SYEP, go to
For more information;
• Call (800) 246-4646
• Visit
The Young Adult Internship Program (YAIP)
The Young Adult Internship Program (YAIP) is a 14-week internship program for low-income
young adults aged 16-24 who are not working and not in school. This program, which is offered
year-round and, serves approximately 1,360 youth annually, is composed of:
A 2 to 4-week orientation at selected community-based organizations, followed by
A 10- to 12- week paid internship with structured work opportunities, followed by
Nine months of follow-up services and assistance in placing the participants in permanent
jobs, training programs, or educational settings.
For more information:
• Call 311
• Visit
• See Table 4: Young Adult Internship Programs in Brooklyn Table 4: Young Adult Internship Programs in Brooklyn
Good Shepherd Services
Italian American Civil Rights League
82 Wyckoff Avenue
1460 Pennsylvania Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11237
Brooklyn, NY 11239
Tel: (718) 366-7240
Tel: (718) 642-2180
Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow
Vanguard Urban Improvement Association
25 Thornton Street
1477 Fulton Street
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Brooklyn, NY 11216
Tel: (718) 387-1600 ext.12
Tel: (718) 735-4466
Out-of-School Youth Program
53 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York DYCD’s Out-of-School Youth (OSY) program is for 16-21 year-old young adults who are not
connected to school or work, or who need assistance upgrading their job skills. Funded through
the federal Workforce Investment Act, these programs offer:
Occupational skills training
Assistance with job and college placement
GED preparation
Support services
Participants receive 12 months of follow-up services after completing the program.
OSY programs are located in community-based organizations in all five boroughs of New York
City, and offer a range of occupational training in many industries, including construction, food
service, tourism, healthcare, paralegal, bookkeeping, security, education, and retail.
For more information:
• Call 311 • Visit In-School Youth Program
The In-School Youth (ISY) program provides year-round services to at-risk, low-income high
school juniors and seniors who meet certain eligibility requirements. ISY services are provided
by 72 contractors in all five boroughs, 15 of which operate in Brooklyn.
The goals of the ISY program are to ensure that participants graduate from high school, pursue
college education, and develop career goals. The main services include: objective needs
assessments; individualized service strategies; guidance and counseling services; career planning
guide; paid internship opportunities and summer work program; tutoring; college preparation and
out-of-city college trips; project-based leadership activities; and sports, arts, technology and
recreation activities.
All In-School Youth program participants are guaranteed employment in the Summer Youth
Employment Program (SYEP), a subsidized summer work experience.
For more information:
• Call 311
• See Table 5: In-School Youth (ISY) Program Sites in Brooklyn
54 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Table 5: In-School Youth Program Sites in Brooklyn
Be'er Hagolah Institutes
Global Kids, Inc.
671 Louisiana Avenue
600 Kingston Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11239
Brooklyn, NY 11203
Tel: (718) 642-6800
Tel: (212) 226-0130
YMCA of Greater New York/Greenpoint
Asociaciones Dominicanas, Inc.
257 North 6th Street
202 Union Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Tel: (212) 912-2265
Tel: (718) 599-2386
Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation
Chinese American Planning Council/Brooklyn
1368 Fulton Street
4812 9th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11216
Brooklyn, NY 11220
Tel: (718) 636-6930
Tel: (718) 492-0409
Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation
East NY Development Corporation
999 Jamaica Avenue
2644 Atlantic Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11208
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Tel: (718) 647-2800
Tel: (718) 566-2127
Italian American Civil Rights League
National Society For Hebrew Day Schools
1400 Pennsylvania Avenue
712 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11239
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Tel: (718) 642-2180
Tel: (718) 252-4446
Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney
Research Foundation of CUNY
Island, Inc.
Medgar Evers College
2800 Ocean Parkway
1150 Carroll Street
Brooklyn, NY 11235
Brooklyn, NY 11225
Tel: (718) 449-5000
Tel: (718) 270-5169
Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens Council
SCO Family of Services
1474 Gates Avenue
153 35th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11237
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Tel: (718) 381-9653 x119
Tel: (718) 840-1640
Sesame Flyers International, Inc.
956 East 82nd Street
Brooklyn, NY 11236
Tel: (718) 693-0500
New York City’s Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) administers the largest publiclyfunded childcare system in the country, serving approximately 120,000 infants, toddlers, and
school-aged children.
The two major programs are the Child Care Program and the Head Start Program. ACS does not
directly operate childcare programs, but children are served through contractual agreements with
hundreds of private, non-profit organizations that operate childcare programs in communities
across the city.
55 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Child Care Program
Children between the ages of two months and 12 years are cared for either in group childcare
centers that are licensed by the Department of Health or in the homes of childcare providers that
are registered by the Department of Health.
ACS-subsidized child care serves a dual purpose:
• It promotes family well-being by allowing parents to maintain employment, supporting
child protective, foster care and preventive services, and serving families that are
homeless or need child care for medical or social reasons.
• It provides the children with a solid foundation for appropriate development and
For comprehensive information about day care programs or to apply for child care, call 311 or
(212) 341-0900.
In order for a family to receive subsidized child care services, the family must meet specific
financial and social eligibility criteria that are determined by federal, state, and local regulations.
In order to determine whether a family is eligible for subsidized child care, the parent(s) must
appear at an eligibility interview at an ACS child care office.
For a comprehensive list of the more than 125 ACS-approved Child Care facilities in Brooklyn:
• Visit
See APPENDIX II: Contracted Child Care Program Directory Brooklyn
Head Start Program
Head Start, a federally-funded, family-centered child development program, offers educational
activities for children age 3 to 5, and a wide variety of opportunities and support services for
their families. The Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) sponsors more than 250 Head
Start centers in neighborhoods throughout New York City, 90 of which are located in Brooklyn.
Every one of them offers a safe, caring environment where both children and parents come to
learn and grow and achieve. And every Head Start program is totally free.
For more information about Head Start:
• Call (212) 232-0966 or 311 for details regarding Head Start and how to find centers in
their neighborhoods
• Visit
• See APPENDIX III: Head Start Programs in Brooklyn
56 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York 4- HEALTH SERVICES
For affordable health care and dental services for children, see SECTION VI: HEALTH CARE
BROOKLYN (part 1 of 8)
American Italian Coalition of Organizations
292 Court Street
Brooklyn, NY 11231
(718) 855-1778
Be'er Hagolah Institutes
671 Louisiana Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11239
(718) 642-6800
Bergen Basin Community Development Corp.
1500 East 92nd Street
Brooklyn, NY 11236
(917) 968-0193
Bergen Basin Community Development Corp.
1866 East 17th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11229
(917) 842-5421
Arthur Ashe Institute for Urban Health
450 Clarkson Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11203
(718) 270-2600
Bergen Basin Community Development Corp.
1420 East 68th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11234
(917) 952-4893
Bergen Basin Community Development Corp.
6302 Avenue U
Brooklyn, NY 11234
(917) 952-0213
Bergen Basin Community Development Corp.
101-24 Seaview Ave. (Temporary)
Brooklyn, NY 11236
(917) 968-2254
Bergen Beach Youth Organization
3829 Avenue K
Brooklyn, NY 11210
(718) 986-9837
Bergen Beach Youth Organization
4011 Fillmore Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11234
(917) 533-3724
Big Brothers/Big Sisters Inc. of NYC
280 Shepherd Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11208
(718) 235-9166
Brighton Neighborhood Association, Inc.
1075 Ocean View Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11235
(718) 891-0800
Brooklyn Bureau of Community Services
1224 Park Place
Brooklyn, NY 11213,
(646) 369-9430
Brooklyn Bureau of Community Services
574 Dumont Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11207
(347) 834-3096
Brooklyn Center For Urban Environment
Bergen Beach Youth Organization
5101 Avenue M
Brooklyn, NY 11234
(917) 538-3776
Bergen Beach Youth Organization
1037 East 54th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11234
(917) 538-5567
Big Five Block Association Inc.
995 Carroll Street
Brooklyn, NY 11225
(718) 363-3211
Brooklyn Bureau of Community Services
970 Vermont Street
Brooklyn, NY 11207
(718) 649-4119
Brooklyn Bureau of Community Services
700 Sutter Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11207
(347) 834-3097
Brooklyn Center For Urban Environment
261 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11211
(718) 788-8500
Brooklyn Children’s Museum
57 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York 1251 Prospect Place
145 Brooklyn Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11213
Brooklyn, NY 11213
(718) 788-8500
(718) 735-4400
BROOKLYN (part 2 of 8)
Brooklyn Chinese American Association
1031 59th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11219
(718) 438-0008
Bushwick Community Action Association, Inc.
272 Moffat Street
Brooklyn, NY 11207
(718) 574-0130
790 East New York Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11203
(718) 774-0762 & (718) 733-3343
241 Emerson Place
Brooklyn, NY 11205
(646) 773-1495
85 Watkins Street
Brooklyn, NY 11212,
(718) 922-0796
330 Rugby Road
Brooklyn, NY 11226
(718) 693-3825
18 Marlborough Road
Brooklyn, NY 11226
(347) 581-4662
Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc.
1314 Putnam Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11221
(718) 574-0261
Chinese American Planning Council
1970 Homecrest Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11229
(718) 627-6373
Coalition for Hispanic Family Services
200 Woodbine Street
Brooklyn, NY 11221
Brooklyn Chinese American Association
2200 Gravesend Neck Road
Brooklyn, NY 11229
(718) 438-0008
1957 Nostrand Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11210
(718) 282-5575 & (718) 462-2597
11 Bartlett Street
Brooklyn, NY 11206
(718) 302-2765
787 Lafayette Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11221
(718) 573-7593
7109 6th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11209
(718) 921-2486
601 Parkside Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11226
(718) 287-1216
Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc.
49 Flatbush Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11201
(718) 875-8801 & (646) 619-1004
Chinese American Planning Council
1601 80th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11214
(212) 431-9124
Coalition for Hispanic Family Services
100 Irving Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11237
(718) 497-6090
Coalition for Hispanic Family Services
231 Palmetto Street
Brooklyn, NY 11221
58 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York (718) 497-6090
(718) 574-0361
Coalition for Hispanic Family Services
Community Counseling and Mediation
515 Knickerbocker Avenue
810 Classon Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11237
Brooklyn, NY 11238
(718) 497-6090
(718) 230-5100
BROOKLYN (part 3 of 8)
Community Counseling and Mediation
130 Rochester Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11213
(718) 230-5100
Community Counseling and Mediation
600 Kingston Avenue, 2nf floor
Brooklyn, NY 11203
(718) 230-5100
Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation
528 Ridgewood Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11208
(718) 235-1028
Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation
858 Jamaica Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11208
(718) 235-2345
Directions For Our Youth, Inc.
209 York Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
(646) 592-0754
Edith and Carl Marks Jewish Community
House of Bensonhurst
7802 Bay Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11214
(718) 331-6800
Episcopal Social Services
684 Linden Boulevard
Brooklyn, NY 11203
(917) 558-3298
Flatbush Action Community Day Care Center
525 Parkside Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11226
(718) 693-9891
Flatbush Development Corporation
1100 Newkirk Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11230
(718) 859-3800
Friends of Crown Heights Educational Center
36 Ford Street
Community Counseling and Mediation
600 Kingston Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11203
(718) 230-5100
Council of Neighborhood Organizations, Inc.
41Street & 7th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11220
(347) 451-7809
Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation
158 Richmond Street
Brooklyn, NY 11208
(718) 715-8605
Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation
350 Linwood Street
Brooklyn, NY 11208
(718) 277-3522
El Puente De Williamsburg
211 South 4th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
(718) 387-0404
Federation of Italian-American Organizations of
6015 18th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11204
(718) 236-3187
Flatbush Development Corporation
700 Cortelyou Road
Brooklyn, NY 11218
(718) 859-3800
Fort Green Senior Citizen Council, Inc.
972 Fulton Street
Brooklyn, NY 11238
(718) 622-8622
Friends of Crown Heights Educational Center
671 Prospect Place
Brooklyn, NY 11216
(718) 638-8686
Friends of Crown Heights Educational Center
791 Empire Boulevard
59 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Brooklyn, NY 11213
Brooklyn, NY 11213
(718) 467-4270
(718) 467-4270
Friends of Crown Heights Educational Center
George C. Conliffe Child Care Center
443 St. Marks Avenue
1435 Prospect Place
Brooklyn, NY 11238
Brooklyn, NY 11213
(718) 638-8686
(718) 778-1498
BROOKLYN (part 4 of 8)
Global Kids, Inc.
883 Classon Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11225
(718) 230-6300
Good Shepherd Services
50 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11222
(718) 218-9301
Good Shepherd Services
27 Huntington Street
Brooklyn, NY 11231
(718) 222-9561
Groundwork Inc.
700 Sutter Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11207
(718) 346-2200
Groundwork Inc.
330 Alabama Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11207
(718) 346-2200
Haitian American
1491 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11216
(718) 756-0253
Hospital Audiences, Inc.
400 Irving Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11237
(917) 701-6604
Madison Square Boys & Girls Club
2245 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11226
(718) 462-6100
Midwood Development Corporation
2515 Avenue L
Brooklyn, NY 11210
(718) 859-3011
Morningside Center for Teaching Social
Responsibility, Inc.
Global Kids, Inc.
150 Albany Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11213
(212) 226-0130
Good Shepherd Services
317 Hoyt Street
Brooklyn, NY 11231
(718) 625-5876
Groundwork Inc.
300 Wyona Street
Brooklyn, NY 11207
(718) 346-2200
Groundwork Inc.
875 Williams Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11207
(718) 346-2200
Haitian American
813 Sterling Place
Brooklyn, NY 11216
(718) 771-3800
Heartshare Human Services
211 72nd Street
Brooklyn, NY 11209
(718) 567-2365
Long Island University
300 Adelphi Street
Brooklyn, NY 11205
(718) 488-1514
Madison Square Boys & Girls Club
240 Nassau Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
(718) 625-4295
Midwood Development Corporation
1599 East 22nd Street
Brooklyn, NY 11210
(718) 859-3011
National Society For Hebrew Day Schools
12 Franklin Avenue
60 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York 427 38th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Brooklyn, NY 11232
(718) 252-4446
(718) 832-5858
New Life Child Development Corporation
New Life Child Development Corporation
408 Grove Street
295 Woodbine Street
Brooklyn, NY 11237
Brooklyn, NY 11237
(718) 417-4206
(718) 821-3432
BROOKLYN (part 5 of 8)
New York Junior Tennis League
415 Avenue S
Brooklyn, NY 11223
(718) 645-1907
New York Junior Tennis League
1400 Pennsylvania Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11239
(718) 642-6538
New York Junior Tennis League
1060 Clarkson Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11212
(347) 417-8189
North Brooklyn Development Corp
124 Monitor Street
Brooklyn, NY 11222
(718) 501-2861
Police Athletic League, Inc.
495 Gates Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11221
(718) 230-8477
Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens Council
220 Irving Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11237
(718) 381-9653
School Settlement
131 Norman Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11222
(718) 599-9224
SCO Family of Services
153 35th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11232
(718) 840-1620
SCO Family of Services
309 47th Street
New York Junior Tennis League
108 Montrose Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11206
(718) 782-2930
New York Junior Tennis League
350 Linwood Street
Brooklyn, NY 11208
(917) 526-9893
New York Junior Tennis League
80 Underhill Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11238
(347) 417-8189
Police Athletic League, Inc.
370 Fountain Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11208
(718) 277-1928
Research Foundation of CUNY/Medgar Evers
655 Parkside Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11226
(718) 804-8828
Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens Council
1474 Gates Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11237
(718) 381-9653
School Settlement
120 Jackson Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
(718) 389-1810
SCO Family of Services
590 Sheffield Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11207
(718) 485-5130
SCO Family of Services
820 Hancock Street
61 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Brooklyn, NY 11220
Brooklyn, NY 11233
(718) 492-2619 & (718) 788-3500
(718) 443-8527
SCO Family of Services
SCO Family of Services
330 59 Street
990 Dekalb Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11220
Brooklyn, NY 11221
(718) 439-5986
(718) 602-6082
SCO Family of Services
Sephardic Community Center
4004 Fourth Avenue
1901 Ocean Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Brooklyn, NY 11223
(718) 788-3500
(718) 954-3145
BROOKLYN (part 6 of 8)
Sesame Flyers International, Inc.
956 East 82nd Street
Brooklyn, NY 11236
(718) 693-0500
Sports and Arts In Schools Foundation, Inc.
1137 Herkimer Street
Brooklyn, NY 11233
(617) 877-9744
Sports and Arts In Schools Foundation, Inc.
300 Willoughby Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11205
(718) 230-5400
Sports and Arts In Schools Foundation, Inc.
1084 Lenox Road
Brooklyn, NY 11212
(718) 342-1144
Sports and Arts In Schools Foundation, Inc.
101 Walton Street
Brooklyn, NY 11206
(917) 596-6603
Sports and Arts In Schools Foundation, Inc.
265 Ralph Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11233
(718) 526-4884
Sports and Arts In Schools Foundation, Inc.
427 38th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11232
(718) 469-4395
St. Nicholas Neighborhood Preservation Corp.
101 Maujer Street
Brooklyn, NY 11206
(718) 599-9224
Shorefront YM-YWHA
1075 Ocean View Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11235
(347) 258-3400
Sports and Arts In Schools Foundation, Inc.
2240 Dean Street
Brooklyn, NY 11233
(718) 922-1145
Sports and Arts In Schools Foundation, Inc.
1001 East 100th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11236
(718) 251-4411
Sports and Arts In Schools Foundation, Inc.
5909 Beverley Road
Brooklyn, NY 11203
(718) 451-2200
Sports and Arts In Schools Foundation, Inc.
223 Graham Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11206
(718) 387-5641
Sports and Arts In Schools Foundation, Inc.
330 Rugby Road
Brooklyn, NY 11226
(718) 469-4395
St. Nicholas Neighborhood Preservation Corp.
185 Ellery Street
Brooklyn, NY 11206
(718) 599-9224
St. Nicholas Neighborhood Preservation Corp.
325 South 3rd Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
(718) 599-9224
62 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York St. Rosalia-Regina Pacis Neighborhood
St. Rosalia-Regina Pacis Neighborhood
6500 16th Avenue
8787 24th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11204
Brooklyn, NY 11214
(718) 621-3483
(917) 757-8950
St. Rosalia-Regina Pacis Neighborhood
St. Rosalia-Regina Pacis Neighborhood
7601 19th Avenue
1400 Benson Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11214
Brooklyn, NY 11228
(718) 236-0971
(718) 236-5447
BROOKLYN (part 7 of 8)
Sunset Bay Community Services, Inc
343 Warren Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
(718) 237-9578
The Salvation Army
601 Lafayette Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11216
(212) 337-7254 & (718) 638-1607
The Salvation Army
1151 Bushwick Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11221
(212) 337-7254 & (718) 455-4103
United Community Day Care Center, Inc
613 New Lots Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11207
(718) 385-1201
University Settlement Society of New York
1060 Clarkson Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11212
(917) 828-6376
Yeshiva Kehilath Yakov
4706 10th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11219
(718) 972-2900
YMCA of Greater New York/Bedford
195 Sanford Street
Brooklyn, NY 11205
(917) 531-7338
YMCA of Greater New York/Dodge YMCA
450 Pacific Street
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Sunset Park Health Council, Inc.
237 7th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11215
(718) 832-4281
The Salvation Army
280 Riverdale Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11212
(718) 345-7050
The Salvation Army
520 50th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11220
(718) 438-1771
University Settlement Society of New York
70 Ocean Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11218
(917) 828-6377
University Settlement Society of New York
211 8th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11217
(917) 337-3211
Yeshiva Kehilath Yakov
1402 40th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11218
(718) 963-1212
YMCA of Greater New York/Dodge YMCA
419 Waverly Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11238
(718) 398-3134
YMCA of Greater New York/Dodge YMCA
37 Hicks Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
63 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York (646) 996-3306
(718) 834-6722
YMCA of Greater New York/Flatbush Branch
YMCA of Greater New York/Flatbush Branch
2424 Batchelder Street
3117 Avenue W
Brooklyn, NY 11235
Brooklyn, NY 11229
(718) 469-8100
(718) 469-8100
YMCA of Greater New York/Greenpoint
YMCA of Greater New York/Prospect Park
157 Wilson Street
515 4th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Brooklyn, NY 11215
(718) 389-3700
(718) 788-0243
BROOKLYN (part 8 of 8)
YMCA of Greater New York/North Brooklyn
YMCA of Greater New York/Prospect Park
1940 Benson Avenue
125 Humboldt Street
Brooklyn, NY 11214
Brooklyn, NY 11206
(718) 621-5360
(718) 783-8300
YMCA of Greater New York/Prospect Park
Young Dancers In Repertory, Inc.
330 18th Street
7805 7th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Brooklyn, NY 11228
(718) 965-0390
(347) 702-7155
YWCA of the City of New York (Main Branch)
YWCA of the City of New York (Main Branch)
3314 Neptune Avenue
111 Bristol Street
Brooklyn, NY 11224
Brooklyn, NY 11212
(347) 835-0952
(718) 495-7801
YWCA of the City of New York (Main Branch)
YWCA of the City of New York (Main Branch)
2929 West 30th Street
2840 West 12th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11224
Brooklyn, NY 11224
(718) 996-3800
(917) 817-2527
YWCA of the City of New York (Main Branch)
2609 East 7th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11235
(917) 442-6990
64 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York APPENDIX II
BROOKLYN (part 1 of 9)
BBCS Duffield Children’s Center
Stagg Street Center For Child
101 Fleet Place
77-83 Stagg Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Dorothy Hartigan
Matilde Seary
718-310-5635 718-388-1396 Farragut Children Center
Sumner Children's Center
32 Navy Street
860 Park Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Greg Knell
Elena Jaffe
718-875-7635 718-455-3471 Our Children's Center
Tompkins Children’s Center
300 Jay Street
730 Park Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Cheryl Greene
Marcia Thompson
718-260-5192 718-782-9140 Warren Street Center For Children & Families
United Community Of Williamsburg Day Care
343 Warren Street
152 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Risa Young/Mary Perez
Jose Gonzalez
718-237-9578 718-443-0134 Friends Of Crown Heights #4
Audrey Johnson Day Care
141 East 40th Street
272 Moffat Street
Brooklyn, NY 11203
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Rosalia William
Julie Dent
718-284-2184 718-574-0130 Learner's Haven Day Care Center
Bishop Gregory Martin ECA
432 Rutland Road
370 New Lots Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11203
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Arlethia Willis
Daisy Perry
718-493-3895 718-342-3700 BBCS Family Day Care Network
Boulevard Nursery School
285 Myrtle Avenue
2150 Linden Boulevard
Brooklyn, NY 11205
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Dorothy Hartigan
Coralie Hook
718-310-5635 718-649-2295 Billy Martin Child Development Center
Children's Corner Day Care Center
333 Classon Avenue
565 Livonia Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11205
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Denise Rivera
Gwenevere Goodwin
718-857-5630 718-346-3470 Source:
65 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York APPENDIX II
BROOKLYN (part 2 of 9)
Tabernacle Church Of God
East New York Family Day Care
34-52 Kosciusko Street
565 Livonia Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11205
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Zadie Davis
Asia Smith
718-638-3238 718-498-0666 Aguadilla Day Care Center
Grand Street Settlement Children & Family Ctr
656 Willoughby Avenue
783 Knickerbocker Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Eva Martin
Rebeca Rodriguez
718-443-2900 718-418-1727 Graham Child Care Center
John Coker Day Care Center
222 Graham Avenue
1375 Bushwick Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Alice B. Owens
Ronalee Hodge
718-625-3810 718-452-1414 Marcy Children's Center
Morris L Eisenstein Learning
494 Marcy Avenue
613 New Lots Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Ruben Betinol
Edward Hawkins
718-855-7252 718-385-1201 Mary Mcleod Bethune Day Care Center
New Lots Schenck Day Care Center
360 Pulaski Street
653 Schenck Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Eileen Fredericks
Kathy Chase
718-455-5137 718-257-4844 Robert F. Kennedy Child Care Center
St. Malachy Day Care Center
741 Flushing Avenue
220 Hendrix Street
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Cleola Anderson
Lorna Johnson
718-782-0766 718-647-0966 Urban Strategies #2
College Community Child Care Center
452 Pennsylvania Avenue
2804-06 Glenwood Road
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Brooklyn, NY 11210
Jacquelyn Wharton
Cassandra Boston
718-346-8708 718-434-1693 BDC Early Childhood Services
Flatbush YMCA Nursery
888 Fountain Avenue
1401 Flatbush Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11208
Brooklyn, NY 11210
Michelle Swan
Tammie Robinson
718-235-8800 718-469-8100
.pdf 66 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York APPENDIX II
BROOKLYN (part 3 of 9)
Charles Hamilton ECA
Bedford Harrison Day Care Center
2505 Pitkin Avenue
60 Harrison Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11208
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Donna Waller
Miriam Lefkowitz
718-235-9708 718-387-8837 Child Development Support Corp
Community & Parents Day Care Center
668 Logan Street
243 South 2nd Street 2Fl
Brooklyn, NY 11208
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Venessa Funderburke
Kathy Malloy
718-272-7863 718-388-3434 Cypress Hills Child Care Center
Francis Of Paola
108 Pine Street
201 Conselyea Street
Brooklyn, NY 11208
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Jerome Bass
Madeline Rivera
718-647-5005 212-780-2533 Faith, Hope & Charity Family Day Care
Graham Windham Child Care
668 Logan Street
110 Taylor Street
Brooklyn, NY 11208
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Venessa Funderburke
Elizabeth Yusupova
718-272-7863 718-782-9363 Georgia L Mc Murray Day Care Center
Jonathan Williams Day Care Center
675 Lincoln Avenue
321 Roebling Street
Brooklyn, NY 11208
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Maria Eve Gomez
Alice B.Owens
718-235-1215 718-625-3810 Hubert A Morrell Early Development Center
Nuestros Ninos 3
921 Hegeman Avenue
161 South 3rd Street
Brooklyn, NY 11208
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Carmen Soriano
Miriam L Cruz
718-649-6124 718-218-8725 Luis Munoz Marin ECA
Nuestros Ninos Child Development Services
851 Liberty Avenue
384 South 4th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11208
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Robin Nickens
Miriam Cruz
718-235-7300 718-218-8275 Marie Durdin Child Care Center
Nuestros Ninos II
2700 Linden Boulevard
243 South 2nd Street
Brooklyn, NY 11208
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Alice B. Owens
Miriam L Cruz
718-625-3810 718-218-8275
Contacts.pdf 67 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York APPENDIX II
BROOKLYN (part 4 of 9)
Maxine Turner ECA
Small World Day Care Center
668 Logan Street
211 Ainslie Street
Brooklyn, NY 11208
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Victoria Omotade
Agnes Digruccio
718-272-4117 718-963-0330 Pine Street Day Care Center
Yeled V' Yalda Torah Day Care Center
374 Pine Street
12 Franklin Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11208
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Alice B Owens
Linda Pachtinger
718-625-3810 718-686-3700 Sylvia Klein Child Care Center
Yeshiva Kehilath Yakov
720 Euclid Avenue
638 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11208
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Alice B. Owens
Zalmen Gombo
718-625-3810 718-963-1212 Urban Strategies Day Care Center
Brownsville Child Care Center
1091 Sutter Avenue
1592 East New York
Brooklyn, NY 11208
Brooklyn, NY 11212
J. Armistead
Marg Rodriguez
718-647-7700 718-735-9749 Morris Koppelman EDC
Ace Early Childhood Center
774 Saratoga Avenue
199 14th Street 2nd Fl
Brooklyn, NY 11212
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Grace Hooper
Michelle Rehfeld
718-345-6668 718-788-2668 Nat Azarow Day Care Center & Head Start
Alonzo A Daughtry Memorial #2
232 Powell Street
333 Second Street
Brooklyn, NY 11212
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Jeanette Croskey
Karen S Daughtry
718-346-0924 718-499-2066 Salvation Army Sutter Avenue
Park Slope Family Day Care
20 Sutter Avenue
333 14th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11212
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Emma F Mosley
Anna Cruz
718-773-3041 718-788-7803 Salvation Army Brownsville
Shirley Chisholm #2
280 Riverdale Avenue
333 14th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11212
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Novie Walker
Phillip David
212-342-5575 718-756-1721
68 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York CHILD CARE PROGRAMS
BROOKLYN (part 5 of 9)
Salvation Army Brownsville Family Day Care
Friends Of Crown Heights #1
20 Sutter Avenue
671-675 Prospect Place
Brooklyn, NY 11212
Brooklyn, NY 11216
Judith Perez
Clarice Greaves/Denyse James
718-735-6519 718-638-8686 William F Boyland ECA
Friends Of Crown Hghts #2
382 Sutter Avenue
671-675 Prospect Place
Brooklyn, NY 11212
Brooklyn, NY 11216
Muhammad Bey
Daryl Davis
718-342-3890 718-638-8686 196 Albany Avenue Daycare Inc
Haitian American Day Care Center # 1
196 Albany Avenue
1491 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11213
Brooklyn, NY 11216
Oliver Spanrow
Frances Hannah
718-773-0071 718-756-0253 Edward L. Cleveland Day Care Center
Haitian American Day Care Center #3
1185 Park Place
813 Sterling Place
Brooklyn, NY 11213
Brooklyn, NY 11216
Iris Irizzary
Patricia Jackson
718-778-6559 718-771-3800 Friends Of Crown Heights #1
St John’s Day Care Center
36 Ford Street
813 Sterling Place
Brooklyn, NY 11213
Brooklyn, NY 11216
Emerita Murrell
Virginia Willis
718-467-4270 718-756-0496 George C. Conliffe Child Care Center
Salvation Army Bedford
1435 Prospect Place
110 Kosciusko Street
Brooklyn, NY 11213
Brooklyn, NY 11216
Mary Talley
Candice Watkins
718-778-1498 718-552-2690 John Edward Bruce #2
Alonzo A Daughtry Memorial
196 Albany Avenue
460 Atlantic Avenue 3rd Fl
Brooklyn, NY 11213
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Fredrick Bodie
Shirley Brunswick
718-773-5794 718-596-1993 Ohel Sarah Day Care Center
Bethel Baptist Day Care
771 Crown Street
242 Hoyt Street
Brooklyn, NY 11213
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Rifkah Tennenbaum
Joan Morris
718-756-8300 718-834-9292
69 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York APPENDIX II
BROOKLYN (part 6 of 9)
Park Place Day Care Center
Graham Windham
963 Park Place
540 Atlantic Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11213
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Sheila Fye
Gail Jean
718-778-8558 718-875-1167 United Lubavitcher Day Care
Helen Owen Carey Child Development Center
570 Crown Street
71 Lincoln Place
Brooklyn, NY 11213
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Rabbi E Davis
Leonard Fennell
718-774-4131 718-638-4100 Nevins Day Care Center
Cornerstone Day Care Center
460 Atlantic Avenue
289 Lewis Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Brooklyn, NY 11221
Alice B. Owens
Alonzo Best
718-625-3810 718-574-8300 Strong Place Day Care
Fennell Day Care Center
242 Hoyt Street
600 Hart Street
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Brooklyn, NY 11221
Lorraine Pennisi
Gloria Buenaventura
718-624-2993 718-386-7889 Action Nursery
Horace E. Greene Day Care
1019 46th Street
600 Hart Street
Brooklyn, NY 11219
Brooklyn, NY 11221
Mendel Silverman
Irma Varner
718-854-7778 718-455-8950 Beth Jacob Day Care Center
Little Sun People Too
1363 46th Street
265 Marcus Garvey Boulevard
Brooklyn, NY 11219
Brooklyn, NY 11221
Miriam Berg
Mandisa Mchawi
718-435-5755 718-574-8808 Gan Day Care Center Inc
Roundtable Child Care
4206-10 15th Avenue
1175 Gates Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11219
Brooklyn, NY 11221
Carol Hubner
Doris Gumbs
718-435-2812 718-443-4500 Tashbar Learning Center
Salvation Army Bushwick
1349 50th Street
1151 Bushwick Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11219
Brooklyn, NY 11221
Dorothy Klein
Novie Walker
718-853-8891 212-352-5575
70 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York APPENDIX II
BROOKLYN (part 7 of 9)
Vincent J. Caristo Child Care Center
Cooper Park Child Care Center
5901 13th Avenue
292 Frost Street
Brooklyn, NY 11219
Brooklyn, NY 11222
Robin Gluck
Charlotte Striggles
718-853-8300 718-389-5959 Zion Day Care Center
John Oravecz Child Care Center
5000 14th Avenue
25 Nassau Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11219
Brooklyn, NY 11222
H. Rottenberg
Diana Sito
718-438-2862 718-782-2728 Bay Ridge Child Care Center
Friends Of Crown Heights #6
314-322 Forty Fourth Street
49 Avenue W
Brooklyn, NY 11220
Brooklyn, NY 11223
Alice B Owens
Patrick Roundtree
718-625-3810 718-372-8207 Brooklyn Chinese-American
Coney Island Child Care Center
812 54th Street
2757 West 33rd Street
Brooklyn, NY 11220
Brooklyn, NY 11224
Tiffany Chung
Simona Ballard
718-438-0008 718-946-8759 Georgia L Mcmurray Batkids
Coney Island Community Day Care Center
140 58th Street
2960 West 27th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11220
Brooklyn, NY 11224
Alice B Owens
Rosalyn Jones
718-625-3810 718-372-6200 Magical Years ECC
PAL Carey Gardens Day Care Center
230 60th Street
2964 West 23rd Street
Brooklyn, NY 11220
Brooklyn, NY 11224
Risa Young
Mona Essman
917-455-3791 718-372-4044 St. Andrews Community Day Care Center
PAL La Puerta Abierta
4917 Fourth Avenue
2864 West 21st Street
Brooklyn, NY 11220
Brooklyn, NY 11224
Janet Graciano
Sandrine Kelley
718-492-9678 718-373-1100 200 Central Avenue Day Care Center Inc
Roberta Bright Early Learn
200 Central Avenue
3001 West 37th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11221
Brooklyn, NY 11224
Ms. Doris Smith
Marg Rodriguez
718-453-5500 718-735-9749
71 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York CHILD CARE PROGRAMS
BROOKLYN (part 8 of 9)
Big Five Block Day Care
Shirley Chisholm Day Care Center # 4
995 Carroll Street
33 Somers Street
Brooklyn, NY 11225
Brooklyn, NY 11233
June B Rogers
Khamele Mcleod
718-774-8203 718-773-3947 Friends Of Crown Heights #3
Shirley Chisholm Day Care Center #1
317 Rogers Avenue
2023 Pacific Street
Brooklyn, NY 11225
Brooklyn, NY 11233
Griselda Velasquez
Philip David
718-771-8075 718-756-1721 Hawthorne Corners Day Care Center
Shirley Chisholm Day Care Center
1950 Bedford Avenue
69-71 Saratoga Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11225
Brooklyn, NY 11233
Sheila M Foster
Philip David
718-282-7200 718-756-1721 Mosdoth Day Care Center
Breukelen Recreation Room
420 Lefferts Avenue
717 East 105th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11225
Brooklyn, NY 11236
Chaya Zaetz
Susan Lovegrove
718-756-2020 718-649-1463 Flatbush Action Comm. Day Care Center
John F. Kennedy Child Care Center
525 Parkside Avenue
103-15 Farragut Road
Brooklyn, NY 11226
Brooklyn, NY 11236
Petulind L Blake
Rachel Drossos
718-693-9891 718-272-8751 Friends Of Crown Heights #5
Bethesda Day Care Center
1886 Nostrand Avenue
319 Stanhope Street
Brooklyn, NY 11226
Brooklyn, NY 11237
Hestelle Nichols
Ronald Mandile
718-284-9196 718-443-7567 Grace Pre-School Day Care Center
New Life Child Care Center
525 Parkside Avenue
295 Woodbine St
Brooklyn, NY 11226
Brooklyn, NY 11237
Helene Reisman
Sonia Vera
718-856-6700 718-821-3432 Kids Etcetera Day Care Center
New Life Child Dev Center II
1331 Flatbush Avenue
408 Grove Street
Brooklyn, NY 11226
Brooklyn, NY 11237
Jasmin Hoyt
Dora Brown
718-693-8446 718-417-4206
72 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York CHILD CARE PROGRAMS
BROOKLYN (part 9 of 9)
Hebrew Institute for Deaf & Exceptional
PAL Quincy Day Care Center
5 Quincy Street
1401 Avenue I
Brooklyn, NY 11238
Brooklyn, NY 11230
Luz Overman Grice
Judith Taichman
718-638-3400 718-377-7507 Court Street Children's Center
Young Minds Day Care
292 Court Street
972 Fulton Street
Brooklyn, NY 11231
Brooklyn, NY 11238
Jerry Chiappetta
Mr. Nubian
718-256-3445 718-622-8622 P.A.L . Miccio Day Care Center
Advent Daycare Center
595 Clinton Street
265 Sumpter Street
Brooklyn, NY 11231
Brooklyn, NY 11233
Doris Montgomery
George Duncan
718-852-4560 718-452-1200 Sunset Park Family Daycare
Brevoort Children's Center
4222 Fourth Avenue
250 Ralph Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Brooklyn, NY 11233
Joan Reid
Pamela Lindo-Butts
718-768-1012 718-778-1069 Source:
73 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York HEAD START PROGRAMS
BROOKLYN (part 1 of 5)
Builders Farragut Children’s Center
32 Navy Street
Brooklyn, New York 11201
Tel: (718) 875-­‐7635 & (718) 875-­‐7555
Yeled V’Yalda Head Start
1601 42nd Street
Brooklyn, New York 11204
Tel: (718) 871-­‐2501 ext 206
Medgar Evers College H.S. Site 2
315 Vanderbilt Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11205
Tel: (718) 622-­‐3734
Builders Robert F. Kennedy Child Dev. Ctr.
741 Flushing Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11206
Tel: (718) 782-­‐0766
Bushwick United Head Start
153 Johnson Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11206
Tel: (718) 599-­‐2829
Bushwick United Head Start
136 Stanhope Street
Brooklyn, New York 11206
Tel: (718) 443-­‐0685
Yeled V’Yalda Head Start
407 East 53rd Street
Brooklyn, New York 11203
Tel: (718) 485-­‐0020
Yeled V’Yalda Head Start
5110 18th Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11204
Tel: (718) 871-­‐9100 ext 124 & (718) 871-­‐3085
Medgar Evers Smiling Faces Christian DCC
381 Myrtle Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11205
Tel: (718) 622-­‐3734
Bushwick Jackie Johnson Head Start
136 Bushwick Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11206
Tel: (718) 384-­‐1022
Builders St. Joseph’s Head Start
300 Vernon Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11206
Tel: (718) 455-­‐5900/1
Grand Street Settlement/ Grand Street Martin
de Porres DCC
783 Knickerbocker Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11207
Tel: (718) 497-­‐1835
Builders St. Malachy’s Day Care Center
East New York Head Start
220 Hendrix Street
665 Blake Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11207
Brooklyn, New York 11207-­‐4701
Tel: (718) 647-­‐0966 & (718) 647-­‐0873
Tel: (718) 342-­‐1301
The Hubert A. Morrell E.C.A Ctr#2
P.A.L. Arnold & Marie Schwartz
921 Hegeman Avenue
127 Pennsylvania Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11207
Brooklyn, New York 11207
Tel: (718) 649-­‐6124
Tel: (718) 342-­‐4725/26/4141 ext. 25
Faith Hope & Charity Luis Munoz Marin
Faith Hope & Charity The Charles Hamilton
E.C.A. Center#4
E.C.A Ctr #5
851 Liberty Avenue
2505 Pitkin Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11208
Brooklyn, New York 11208
Tel: (718) 235-­‐7300
Tel: (718) 235-­‐9708
Urban Strategies Head Start
National Family Head Start
1091 Sutter Avenue
3017 Glenwood Road
Brooklyn, New York 11210
Brooklyn, New York 11208-­‐3605
Tel: (718) 859-­‐7705/7720
Tel: (718) 235-­‐6151/8
Source: 74 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York APPENDIX III
BROOKLYN (part 2 of 5)
Builders Padre Kennedy
288 Berry Street
Brooklyn, New York 11211
Tel: (718) 387-­‐8020 & (718) 387-­‐3679
Yeled V’Yalda Head Start
12 Franklin Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211
Tel: (718) 858-­‐0951
Yeled V’Yalda Head Start
563 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211
Tel: (718) 302-­‐7520 & (718) 384-­‐1430
Yeshiva Head Start 1
274 Keap Street
Brooklyn, New York 11211
Tel: (718) 486-­‐6500 ext 122
Williamsburg Y Head Start
64-­‐70 Division Avenue
Brooklyn, New York, 11211
Tel: (718) 387-­‐0229
Yeled V’Yalda Head Start
204 Keap Street
Brooklyn, New York 11211
Tel: (718) 388-­‐5491
Yeshiva Head Start 2
638 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211
Tel: (718) 388-­‐2800 ext 128
Brooklyn Kindergarten Nat Azarow DCC Head
232 Powell Street
Brooklyn, New York 11212
Tel: (718) 346-­‐0924
Faith Hope & Charity
Faith Hope & Charity
The Morris Koppelman Center #1
The William F. Boyland Center#3
774 Saratoga Avenue
382 Sutter Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11212
Brooklyn, New York 11212
Tel: (718) 345-­‐6675
Tel: (718) 342-­‐3890
P.A.L. World of Creative Experiences
Yeled V’Yalda Head Start
280 Livonia Avenue
667 Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn, New York 11212
Brooklyn, New York 11213
Tel: (718) 345-­‐5219/20/21
Tel: (718) 778-­‐8654
National Family Head Start
Bedford Stuyvesant Head Start
8885 26th Avenue
260 Jefferson Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11214
Brooklyn, New York 11216
Tel: (718) 265-­‐2359
Tel: (718) 453-­‐0722
Bedford Stuyvesant Head Start
Medgar Evers Head Start 1
262 Lexington Avenue
71 Lincoln Place
Brooklyn, New York 11216
Brooklyn, New York 11217
Tel: (718) 453-­‐0760
Tel: (718) 783-­‐8667
P.A.L. World of Little People Head Start
Yeled V’Yalda Head Start
565 Baltic Street
600 McDonald Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11218
Brooklyn, New York 11217-­‐2453
Tel: (718) 854-­‐7192
Tel: (718) 596-­‐2666/0222
Yeled V’Yalda Head Start
Yeshiva Head Start 3
571 McDonald Avenue
1402 40th Street
Brooklyn New York 11218
Brooklyn, New York 11218-­‐3807
Tel: (718) 851-­‐0316 & (718) 633-­‐2232
Phone: (718) 686-­‐3750
75 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York APPENDIX III
BROOKLYN (part 3 of 5)
Zion Head Start
Builders Vincent J. Caristo Child Dev. Center
5000 14th Avenue
5901 13th Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11219
Brooklyn, New York 11219
Tel: (718) 438-­‐2862
Tel: (718) 853-­‐8300
Yeled V’Yalda Tashbar Learning Center
Yeled V’Yalda Head Start
1353 50th Street
4206 15th Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11219
Brooklyn, New York 11219
Tel: (718) 853-­‐8891
Tel: (718) 686-­‐5500 ext 219
Yeled V’Yalda Beth Jacob Day Care Center
Yeshiva Head Start 4 6
1363 46th Street
4706 10th Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11219
Brooklyn, New York 11219
Tel: (718) 435-­‐5755 & (718) 686-­‐3700
Tel: (718) 972-­‐2902 & (718) 972-­‐2900
The United Methodist Christ United Methodist
The Bridge Street Head Start
Head Start
281 Stuyvesant Avenue
4419 Seventh Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11221-­‐1623
Brooklyn, New York 11220-­‐1403
Tel1: (718) 455-­‐3686 & (718) 455-­‐3593
Tel: (718) 435-­‐6540
Bedford Stuyvesant Head Start
Bedford Stuyvesant Head Start
214 Stuyvesant Avenue
275 Marcus Garvey Blvd
Brooklyn, New York 11221
Brooklyn, New York 11221
Tel: (718) 453-­‐0695
Tel: (718) 453-­‐0500
Bedford Stuyvesant Head Start
Bedford Stuyvesant Head Start
971 Dekalb Avenue
510-­‐522 Quincy Street
Brooklyn, New York 11221
Brooklyn, New York 11221
Tel: (718) 453-­‐0681
Tel: (718) 453-­‐0500
Builders St. Barbara’s Head Start
McDonough‐ Citadel Day Care
139 Menahan Street
180 Malcolm X Blvd.
Brooklyn, New York 11221
Brooklyn, New York 11221
Tel: (718) 443-­‐9800/1
Tel: (718) 602-­‐6436
Bushwick United Head Start
Hospital Clinic/ACE Integration
331 Central Avenue
1419-­‐23 Broadway
Brooklyn, New York 11221
Brooklyn, New York 11221
Tel: (718) 453-­‐9040
Tel: (718) 443-­‐3917 ext 222
Builders John Oravez Child Dev. Center
Yeled V’Yalda Head Start
25 Nassau Avenue
901 Quentin Road
Brooklyn, New York 11222
Brooklyn, New York 11223
Tel: (718) 782-­‐2727
Tel: (718) 375-­‐7100 & (718) 998-­‐6814
Builders Madeleine Jones Head Start #2
Builders Coney Island Day Care Center
3415 Neptune Avenue
2757 West 33rd Street
Brooklyn, New York 11224
Brooklyn, New York 11224
Tel: (718) 266-­‐5962/87
Tel: (718) 946-­‐8759 & (718) 946-­‐9722
Source: 76 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York APPENDIX III
BROOKLYN (part 4 of 5)
Builders John Oravez Child Dev. Center
Yeled V’Yalda Head Start
25 Nassau Avenue
901 Quentin Road
Brooklyn, New York 11222
Brooklyn, New York 11223
Tel: (718) 782-­‐2727
Tel: (718) 375-­‐7100 & (718) 998-­‐6814
Builders Madeleine Jones Head Start #2
Builders Coney Island Day Care Center
3415 Neptune Avenue
2757 West 33rd Street
Brooklyn, New York 11224
Brooklyn, New York 11224
Tel: (718) 266-­‐5962/87
Tel: (718) 946-­‐8759 & (718) 946-­‐9722
Medgar Evers Charles Romain CUNY CDC
Yeled V’Yalda Mosdoth Day Care Center
1150 Carroll Street
420 Lefferts Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11225
Brooklyn, New York 11225
Tel: (718) 622-­‐3734
Tel: (718) 756-­‐2020
Builders Depaul Head Start
St. Mark’s Head Start
231 East 17th Street
2017 Beverly Road
Brooklyn, New York 11226
Brooklyn, New York 11226
Tel: (718) 693-­‐5488
Tel: (718) 287-­‐7300 ext. 25
P.A.L. Miccio Head Start
P.A.L. Miccio Day Care Center
120 West 9th Street
595 Clinton Street
Brooklyn, New York 11231
Brooklyn, New York 11231-­‐2453
Tel: (718) 624-­‐6223/2
Tel: (718) 852-­‐4560/2617
Builders Sunset Park Head Start
Bedford Stuyvesant Head Start
4222 Fourth Avenue
265 Decatur Street
Brooklyn, New York 11232
Brooklyn, New York 11233
Tel: (718) 768-­‐1013/2 & (718) 768-­‐1047
Tel: (718) 453-­‐0839
Bedford Stuyvesant Head Start
Community Parents, Inc.
506 MacDonough Street
90 Chauncey Street
Brooklyn, New York 11233
Brooklyn, New York 11233-­‐1809
Tel: (718) 453-­‐1304
Tel: (718) 771-­‐4002/3
McDonough Street/P.S. 5
McDonough Street Head Start
820 Hancock Street
813-­‐817 Hancock Street
Brooklyn, New York 11233
Brooklyn, New York 11233
Tel: (718) 443-­‐3093/4
Tel: (718) 443-­‐3093
The Miracle Makers Bishop Sexton Head Start
Bedford Stuyvesant Head Start
933 Herkimer Street
133 Kings First Walk
Brooklyn, New York 11233
Brooklyn, New York 11233
Tel: (718) 493-­‐7188/7208
Tel: (718) 453-­‐0828
Breukelen Recreation Rooms
National Family Head Start
715 East 105th Street
293 Neptune Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11236
Brooklyn, New York 11235
Tel: (718) 649-­‐2960
Tel: (718) 332-­‐8524/8317
77 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York APPENDIX III
BROOKLYN (part 5 of 5)
Builders John F. Kennedy Child Dev. Center
Yeled V’Yalda Head Start
103-­‐15 Farragut Road
6002-­‐12 Farragut Road
Brooklyn, New York 11236
Brooklyn, New York 11236
Tel: (718) 272-­‐8751/8752
Tel: (718) 209-­‐1122 & (718) 209-­‐5067
Bushwick United Head Start
New Life Grove Head Start
77 Wilson Avenue
406 Grove Street
Brooklyn, New York 11237
Brooklyn, New York 11237
Tel: (718) 821-­‐2345
Tel: (718) 381-­‐8968 & (718) 381-­‐8969
The New Life Greene Head Start Center
The New Life Day Care
1307 Greene Avenue
408 Grove Street
Brooklyn, New York 11237
Brooklyn, New York 11237
Tel: (718) 366-­‐1668 & (718) 366-­‐1652
Tel: (718) 417-­‐4214
New Life DCC Site I
Bedford Stuyvesant Head Start
295 Woodbine Street
5 Quincy Street
Brooklyn, New York 11237
Brooklyn, New York 11238
Tel: (718) 821-­‐3432
Tel: (718) 453-­‐0788 & (718) 453-­‐3307
P.A.L. Quincy
Labor & Industry For Education
5 Quincy Street
671 Louisiana Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11238
Brooklyn, New York 11239
Tel: (718) 638-­‐3400/3316
Tel: (718) 942-­‐1680
78 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Brooklyn Resource Manual
79 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York 1- GENERAL LEGAL ISSUES
The Legal Aid Society is a New York-based not-for-profit organization whose core mission is to
provide free legal assistance to New Yorkers who live at or below the poverty level and cannot
afford to hire a lawyer when confronted with a legal problem. It provides a full range of legal
services, including civil legal services, criminal defense work, and juvenile rights services.
The Civil Practice Program helps at-risk families and individuals obtain and maintain the
basic necessities of life ― housing, health care, food, and subsistence income or selfsufficiency ― and assists in enhancing family and community stability and security by
addressing and resolving a broad range of legal issues ranging from domestic violence,
family law, and immigration issues to employment and consumer law issues.
The Criminal Practice Program is the largest public defender program in the country
and serves as the primary provider of indigent defense services in New York City. The
Criminal Practice’s staff of 800 handles more than 230,000 cases each year.
The Juvenile Rights Practice represents 90 percent of the children who appear before the
Family Court in New York City on child protection, termination of parental rights, PINS
(person in need of supervision), and juvenile delinquency petitions.
For more information, visit
Contact the appropriate Legal Aid Society office in Brooklyn to get assistance with your specific
legal issue (Table 1):
Table 1: Legal Aid Society – Brooklyn Offices (part 1 of 2)
Brooklyn Neighborhood Office
Brooklyn Housing Court Office
111 Livingston Street, 7 Floor
141 Livingston Street, 2nd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: (718) 722-3100
Tel: (718) 643-4819
Brooklyn Office for the Aging
Kings County Criminal Defense Office
111 Livingston Street, 7th Floor
111 Livingston Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: (718) 645-3111
Tel: (718) 237-2000
Red Hook Community Court
Kings County Criminal Court Office
88 Visitation Place
120 Schermerhorn, Room 403E
Brooklyn, NY 11231
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: (718) 923-8286
Tel: (718) 243-6508
Table 1: Legal Aid Society – Brooklyn Offices (part 2 of 2)
80 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York CRIMINAL PRACTICE
Kings County Supreme Court Office
320 Jay Street, Room 1348
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: (718) 732-5577
Kings County Family Court Office
330 Jay Street, Room 3112
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: (718) 732-5560
Kings County Juvenile Rights Office
111 Livingston Street
Brooklyn, New York 11201
Tel: (718) 237-3100
Source: The New York Legal Assistance Group
The New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG) is a not-for-profit law office that provides free
civil legal services to low-income New Yorkers who would otherwise be unable to afford or
receive legal assistance.
NYLAG serves immigrants, seniors, the homebound, families facing foreclosure, renters facing
eviction, low-income consumers, those in need of government assistance, children in need of
special education, domestic violence victims, persons with disabilities, patients with chronic
illness or disease, low-wage workers, and others in need of free legal services. NYLAG handles
a multitude of legal issues including obtaining government benefits such as food stamps and
home care, securing orders of protection and divorces, and handling immigration matters.
For more information, visit
To obtain free legal advice and representation one should start by calling a NYLAG case handler
at (212) 613-5000 at the times listed below.
General legal services and immigration issues
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Family or matrimonial issues (including domestic violence)
Tuesday and Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
After Hours
Call (212) 613-5000 and dial “0” to leave a message.
Legal Services NYC
Legal Services NYC helps more than 10,000 families avoid homelessness each year and more
than 25,000 poor and low-income New Yorkers with a full range of their legal needs.
The agency provides high-quality, free legal help on cases involving housing, family, public
benefits, income tax, employment, education, consumer rights and economic development. It
also helps the most vulnerable people in our society — children not receiving their child support,
81 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York victims of domestic violence, people with AIDS and HIV and elderly citizens facing eviction and
unsafe living conditions. Assistance includes legal advice and referral, representation in court
and before administrative agencies, and help with community development and education
For more information, visit: Legal Services NYC has nine locations and/or affiliates in Brooklyn (Table 2). As centers do
not necessarily offer assistance in all legal issues, may limit their services to specific
geographic areas within Brooklyn, and typically have strict income eligibility rules, people are
urged to call first to make sure that the contacted center can help them with their specific
Table 2: Legal Services NYC – Brooklyn Offices
Central Brooklyn Legal Services
1360 Fulton Street, Suite 301
Brooklyn, NY 11216
Tel: (718) 636-1155
South Brooklyn Legal Services
105 Court Street, 3rd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: (718) 237-5500
If you are a victim of domestic violence:
If you feel you or a family member is in immediate physical danger, call 911.
Call 311 and ask for the NYC Domestic Violence Hotline, or
Call the NYC Domestic Violence Hotline directly: (800) 621-HOPE (800-621-4673).
The NYC Domestic Violence Hotline is available 24 hours a day and offers assistance in many
languages. The hotline works in conjunction with the New York Police Department to ensure the
safety of victims. It also provides counseling services, and links victims to the legal resources
they may need. Any services related to domestic violence, whether hotline services or law
enforcement services, are provided regardless of immigration status.
Both the Legal Aid Society and the New York Legal Assistance Group offer specialized
services pertaining to the issues of domestic abuse and violence.
While not necessarily focusing on the legal aspects of domestic violence, Safe Horizon is the
largest victims’ services agency in the U.S. with 57 locations serving more than 250,000 victims
of crime and abuse throughout New York City each year. Safe Horizon provides victims of
domestic violence, child abuse, human trafficking, rape and sexual assault, as well as homeless
youth and families of homicide victims, with a wide range of comprehensive support.
Safe Horizon “Hotlines” (Table 3):
82 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Table 3: Safe Horizon “Hotlines”
Domestic Violence Hotline
(800) 621-4673
Crime Victims Hotline
(866) 689-4357
Rape, Sexual Assault & Incest Hotline
(212) 227-3000 or (866) 689-4357
TDD phone number for all hotlines
(866) 604-5350
Safe Horizon “By Appointment” Services (Table 4):
Table 4: Safe Horizon “By Appointment” Services
Counseling Center
Tel: (347) 328-8110
Mon-Thu: 9:00AM - 9:00PM
Fri: 9:00AM - 6:00PM
Sat: 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Domestic Violence Law Project
Tel: (718) 834-7430 (x10)
Mon-Fri: 9:30AM-5:30PM
Immigration Law Project
Tel: (718) 943-8632
Mon-Fri: 9:30AM - 5:30PM
Safe Horizon Brooklyn “Walk-in” Center (Table 5):
Table 5: Safe Horizon “Walk-in” Center
Jane Barker Brooklyn Child Advocacy Center
320 Schermerhorn Street
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Tel: (718) 330-5400
Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC) centers provide free representation and advice to lowincome taxpayers who have disputes with the Internal Revenue Service or New York State
Department of Taxation & Finance. LITCs assist people with income tax audits, appeals, court
proceedings, or collection matters. Tax issues include earned income credit, child tax credit,
filing status, dependency exemptions, innocent spouse relief, employee classification and more.
When calling an LITC site, people should have their current income records on hand, including
pay stubs; Social Security card; any tax bills, letters, or notices from the IRS or the U.S. Tax
Court; and tax return for the year in question.
Major LITC centers in Brooklyn:
• The Legal Aid Society
o Call (212) 426-3013
o LITC services offered in various languages
o Visit
83 Grameen America •
Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York South Brooklyn Legal Services
o Call (718) 237-5500
o LITC services offered in English, Spanish, and Creole.
o Visit
Bedford-Stuyvesant Community Legal Services
o Call (718) 636-1155
o LITC services offered in English, Spanish, Chinese, French, and Creole.
For additional LITC centers in New York City:
• Call 311
• Visit
The Legal Aid Society offers non-citizen New Yorkers who are detained by the Immigration and
Customs Enforcement (ICE) at the Bergen, Monmouth, Hudson and Sussex County Jails in New
Jersey and/or their family members, free advice and possible legal representation on their cases.
Immigrants detained at other immigration detention facilities and in upstate New York prisons
and/or their family members can call the hotline for advice only.
The Legal Aid Society’s Immigration Law Unit Hotline is (212) 577-3456 and operates on
Wednesdays from 1:00p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Collect calls from detention facilities and prisons are
Non-citizens with pending Immigration court cases at 26 Federal Plaza or 201 Varick Street (i.e.,
non-detained) should go to the Immigration Representation Project (IRP) on the 12th floor at
26 Federal Plaza, room 1207. Screenings are held one week a month, Tuesday through Friday,
from 9:00 a.m. till 11:00 a.m. Call (212) 577-3300 to obtain the schedule for IRP screening days
or to make an appointment.
The New York Legal Assistance Group’s Immigrant Protection Unit understands and
empathizes with immigrants trying to achieve their dream of citizenship. NYLAG’s IPU assists
immigrants in overcoming obstacles caused disability, age, or recent changes in law that affect
their application for citizenship, legal residency status, and their eligibility for government
benefits. For assistance with immigration issues, call (212) 613-5000, Monday, Tuesday, and
Wednesday, between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
Safe Horizon’s Immigration Law Project provides free and low-cost services to victims of
crime, torture, and abuse in immigration proceedings. People should call (718) 834-7430 x10 for
assistance, Monday through Friday, between 9:30AM and 5:30PM.
84 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York 85 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Brooklyn Resource Manual
86 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York The Immigrant Rights and Services Manual, published by the Office of the Manhattan
Borough President, is the first comprehensive resource of its kind for informing immigrants of
their rights and responsibilities and navigating government benefits and services. Published in
English, Spanish and Chinese, the manual is crucial in a city where almost 40% of the population
was born overseas and close to 50% of all people speak a language other than English at home.
While focusing on Manhattan, the manual is a rich and valuable source of information for all
immigrants living in the five boroughs. It covers the following topics:
• Executive Order 41 (protects the confidentiality of immigration status)
• Language Access Rights
• Deportation and Detention
• Public Benefits
• Health Care
• Education
• Domestic Violence and Trafficking
• Workers’ Rights
• Tax Returns
• Housing
• Citizenship
• Lawful Permanent Residence
• Voting and Civic Participation
• Consumer and Financial Rights
• Immigration Consultant fraud
• Small Businesses
The City of New York has a policy of promoting access to services, benefits, and programs for
immigrants and all people in New York. Immigrants, including undocumented immigrants, have
the right to receive many of the City government’s services, benefits, and programs. Yet, some
benefits and services are available only to people with a certain type of immigration status. The
manual itemizes and explains all services available to undocumented immigrants and stipulates
which services are restricted to U.S. citizens and documented immigrants only. (Table 1)
The Immigrant Rights and Services Manual can be accessed on the internet as follows:
• In English: Immigrant Rights and Services Manual
• In Spanish: Manual de Derechos y Servicios para el Immigrante
• In Chinese: 移民权利和服务手册
In Korean Language: 이 민 자 권 리 와 서 비 스 안 내 서
People interested in the manual have two additional options to obtain a copy free of charge:
• Call (212) 669-8300
87 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Table 1: Services Available to Immigrants in New York City
Available to ALL immigrants, including
Available ONLY to U.S. citizens and lawfully
undocumented immigrants
present immigrants
• Children under 19 are eligible for
• Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
health insurance under the State
• Food stamps
Children’s Health Insurance Program
• Cash assistance
• Public housing
• Emergency medical care, including
• Section 8 Housing vouchers
ambulance service
• Non-emergency Medicaid
• Prenatal care for pregnant women
under Prenatal Care Assistance
Program (PCAP)
• Domestic violence counseling
• Immunizations
• HIV testing and counseling
• Emergency shelter
• Poison control hotline
• Food pantry services
• Child welfare and foster care services
• Public school education
• School breakfast lunch programs
• Senior services and senior center
programs of the Department for the
• Protection of the Department of
Consumer Affairs against consumer
• Protection of the Human Rights
Commission against discrimination
• Services and facilities of the
Department of Parks and Recreation
• Public library services and special
• Public transportation
• Police protection
• Fire protection
• Certain services provided by the
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
In order to apply for U.S. citizenship, a person must pass a citizenship exam, which tests an
individual’s knowledge of English and of America’s political and legal system, general history,
and culture. Therefore, it is recommended that undocumented (or non-legal) residents first take
an English and citizenship course, and then consult with an immigration lawyer prior to formally
applying for US citizenship.
88 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Undocumented residents applying for citizenship risk deportation if they have a previous police
record or if their application for citizenship is denied. Legal assistance before starting the
application process becomes even more imperative. SECTION VIII: LEGAL RESOURCES
provides information on immigration lawyers and legal services.
To locate English classes for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), please consult
SECTION V: ADULT EDUCATION RESOURCES, which provides a broad list of
Brooklyn-based agencies offering elementary, intermediate, and more advanced English classes
in preparation of the citizenship exam.
In addition, the Education and Job Information Center of the Brooklyn Public Library has
established a compendium of community-based organizations and agencies offering Citizenship
Preparation classes in the borough of Brooklyn. For more information:
See APPENDIX I: Agencies Offering Citizenship Preparation Classes
The Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs promotes the well-being of immigrant communities by
recommending policies and programs that facilitate successful integration of immigrant New
Yorkers into the civic, economic, and cultural life of the City. The Office helps immigrants:
Identify which City services they can access. Some services are only available to US
citizens and documented immigrants; other services are available to all immigrants,
irrespective of their legal status.
Find a community-based organization that can address immigrants’ needs with a staff
person who speaks their language.
Secure information about their pending applications from U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services.
For more information:
• Call 311
• Visit: More specifically, the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs works closely with approximately 50
Brooklyn-based agencies, which assist immigrants on a broad range of issues, including:
Educational services (ESOL and English literacy classes)
Interpretation and translation services
Immigration, citizenship, and refugee resettlement services
Domestic violence and abuse services
Health and mental health services
AID services
89 Grameen America •
Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Substance abuse and chemical dependence services
Children’s services and assistance to elderly people
Business counseling and financial education
Cultural services
To the extent that the exact nature of services provided, hours of operation, languages spoken,
and eligibility requirements vary from agency to agency, people are urged to call these agencies
or review their website before going there in person to gather more information about each
agency’s scope of services, language proficiency, and exact address:
• Visit
• See APPENDIX II: Brooklyn-based Agencies Providing Immigration Services
As a safeguard for the public, businesses that offer immigration services must meet requirements
that are outlined by the Immigration Service Provider Law, or Local Law 31. This New York
City law protects immigrants who are seeking immigration services from businesses and
nonprofit agencies.
The City University of New York (CUNY) offers free immigration services, including
citizenship application assistance, to students and non-student members of the community.
CUNY runs eight immigration assistance centers in Brooklyn – a full-time on-campus centers
and part-time affiliated centers in cooperation with a Brooklyn member of the New York City
Council. (Table 2)
As the range of services provided vary from center to center, make sure you call for an
Table 2: CUNY Immigration Legal Advisory Services in Brooklyn
Medgar Evers College Immigration Center City Council Member Jumaane Williams'
1150 Carroll Street, Room 226
Office (Part Time)
Brooklyn, NY 11225
4517 Avenue D
Tel: (718) 270-6292
Brooklyn, NY 11203
Languages spoken: English only
Tel: (718) 629-2900
Hours: 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Languages spoken: English and Spanish
Hours: 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Mon.)
City Council Member Letitia James’ Office City Council Member Sara Gonzalez’ Office
(Part Time)
(Part Time)
67 Hanson Place, Ground floor
5601 5th Avenue, S-2
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Brooklyn, NY 11220
Tel: (718) 260-9191
Tel: (718) 439-9012
Languages spoken: English and Spanish
Languages spoken: English and Spanish
Hours: 11:00a.m to 6:00 p.m. (Wednesdays)
Hours: 10:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. (Tuesdays)
90 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York City Council Member Mathieu Eugene’s
City Council Member Darlene Mealy’s
Office (Part Time)
Office (Part Time)
123 Linden Boulevard
1757 Union Street, 2nd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11226
Brooklyn, NY 11213
Tel: (718) 287-8762
Tel: (718) 953-3097
Languages spoken: English, Spanish and
Languages spoken: English and Spanish
Haitian Creole
Hours: 11:00a.m. to 6:00p.m. (Thursdays)
Hours: 10:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. (Tuesdays and
City Council member Vincent J. Gentile’s
City Council Member Domenic M. Recchia’s
Office (Part Time)
Office (Part Time)
8703 3rd Avenue
445 Neptune Avenue Community Room 2C
Brooklyn, NY 11209
Brooklyn, NY 11224
Tel: (71) 748-5200
Tel: (718) 373-9673
Languages spoken: English and Spanish
Languages spoken: English and Spanish
Hours: 10:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. (First Thursday Hours: 10:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. (Mondays)
of every month)
91 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York APPENDIX I:
BROOKLYN The Arab-American Family Support Center
Brooklyn Chinese-American Association
150 Court Street, Third Floor
5000 Eighth Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Brooklyn, NY 11220
Tel: (718) 643-8000
Tel: (718) 438-0008
Catholic Migration Office
Edith and Carl Marks Jewish Community
Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn
House of Bensonhurst
1258 65 Street
7802 Bay Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11219
Brooklyn, NY 11214
Tel: (718) 236-3000
Tel: (718) 331-6800 ext. 154
Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney
Kings Bay YM-YWHA
3495 Nostrand Avenue
3001 West 37th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11229
Brooklyn, NY 11224
Tel: (718) 648-7703 ext. 226
Tel: (718) 449-5000
The Maura Clarke-Ita Ford Center
Make the Road New York
139 Mehoham Street, Third Floor
310 Grove Street
Brooklyn, NY 11221
Brooklyn, NY 11237
Tel: (718) 452-0167
Tel: (718) 418-7690
Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens Council
Project Reach Youth
1474 Gates Avenue
199 14th Street, Third Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11237
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Tel: (718) 381-9653
Tel: (718) 768-0778
Website: N/A
UJA Federation of New York
Shorefront YM-YWHA
130 East 59 Street
3300 Coney Island Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Brooklyn, NY 11235
Tel: (800) 852-3337
Tel: (718) 646-1444
Source: Education and Job Information Center, Brooklyn Public Library
92 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York APPENDIX II
(part 1 of 4)
Africana Outreach
American Italian Coalition of Organizations
148 Quincy Street
Brooklyn, NY 11216
138 Bay 20th Street
Tel: (347) 405-8663
Brooklyn, NY 11214
Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m.
Tel: (718) 256-3445
Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m.
Arab American Association of New York
Arab American Family Support Center
7111 Fifth Avenue
150 Court Street, 3rd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11209
Brooklyn, NY 11202
Tel: (718) 745-3523
Tel: (718) 643-8000
Hours: Monday-Friday: 10:00a.m.-6:00p.m.
Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m.
Bedford Haitian Community Center
Boro Park YM-YWHA
229 Rogers Avenue
4912 14th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11225
Brooklyn, NY 11219
Tel: (718) 756-0600
Tel: (718) 438-5921
Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m.
Hours: Sunday-Thursday: 8:30a.m.-10:00p.m.;
Friday:8:30a.m.-2p.m.; Closed Saturday
Brighton Neighborhood Association
Brooklyn Center for Families In Crisis
1121 Brighton Beach Avenue
1309-1311 Foster Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11235
Brooklyn, NY 11230
Tel: (718) 891-0800
Tel: (718) 282-0010
Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m
Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00a.m.-9:00p.m.;
Saturday: 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m.
Brooklyn Chinese-American Association
Brooklyn Housing and Family Services
5002 8th Avenue
415 Albemarle Road
Brooklyn, NY 11220
Brooklyn, NY 11218
Tel: (718) 438-0008
Tel: (718) 435-7585
Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m.
Hours: Thursday: 9:00a.m.-6:00p.m.; Friday:
Brooklyn Legal Services Corporation
256-60 Broadway
1720 Church Avenue, 2nd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Brooklyn, NY 11226
Tel: (718) 487-2300
Tel: (718) 287-2600
Hours: by appointment only Monday-Friday:
Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m.
93 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York APPENDIX II
(part 2 of 4)
Caribbean American Center of New York
Caribbean Women’s Health Association
195 Cadman Plaza West
21 Snyder Avenue, 2nd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Brooklyn, NY 11226
Tel: (718) 625-1515
Tel: (718) 826-2942
Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m.
Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m.
Catholic Charities/Refugee Resettlement
191 Joralemon Street, 4th floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: (718) 722-6009
Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m.
Catholic Migration Office
1258 65th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11219
Tel: (718) 236-3000
Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m.
Center for Family Life in Sunset Park
345 43rd Street
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Tel: (718) 788-3500
Hours: Monday-Sunday: 8:00a.m.-11:00p.m.
Central American Legal Assistance
240 Hooper Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Tel: (718) 486-6800
Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:30a.m.-5:00p.m.
Coalition for Hispanic Family Services
315 Wyckoff Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11237
Tel: (718) 497-6090
Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9:00a.m.-7:00p.m.;
Friday: 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m.
Community Counseling and Mediation
1 Hoy Street, 7th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: (718) 802-0666
Hours: Monday-Friday: 8:30a.m.-9:00p.m.;
Saturday: 10:00a.m.-5:00p.m.
Comité Nuestra Señora de Loreto Sobre
Asuntos de Inmigración
856 Pacific Street
Brooklyn, NY 11238
Tel: (718) 783-4500
Hours: Tuesdays, Wednesday, Friday: 7:00a.m.9:00p.m.; Saturday: 1:00p.m.-3:00p.m.
Council of Jewish Organizations of Flatbush
1550 Coney Island avenue,
Brooklyn, NY 11230
Tel: (718) 377-2900
Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m.;
Friday: 9:00a.m.-2:00p.m.
Crown Heights Jewish Community Council
387 Kingston Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11225
Tel: (718) 778-8808
Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m.;
Friday: 9:00a.m.-1:00p.m.
Diaspora Community Services
182 Fourth Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Tel: (718) 399-0200
Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m.
94 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York APPENDIX II
(part 3 of4 )
Edith and Carl Marks Jewish Community
Guidance Center of Brooklyn
House of Bensonhurst (Agency of the UJA6201 16th Avenue
Federation of New York)
Brooklyn, NY 11204
7802 Bay Parkway
Tel: (718) 256-8600
Brooklyn, NY 11214
Hours: Monday-Thursday: 8:00a.m.-9:00p.m.;
Tel: (718) 331-6800
Friday: 8:00a.m.-6:00p.m.; Saturday: 9:00a.mHours: Monday - Thursday: 9:00a.m.5:00p.m.
5:00p.m.; Friday: 9:00a.m.-3:00p.m.; Sunday:
9 a.m. -10:00p.m.; Closed Saturday
Heart Share Human Services
Hebrew Educational Society
12 MetroTech Center, 29 Floor
9502 Seaview Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Brooklyn, NY 11236
Tel: (718) 422-4200
Tel: (718) 241-3000
Hours: Mon-Fri: 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m.
Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00a.m.–10:00p.m.
Immigration Clinic at New York City
College of Technology
300 Jay Street, Room N-622
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: (718) 260-5597
Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m.
Jewish Community Council of Canarsie
1170 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 1B
Brooklyn, NY 11239
Tel: (718) 495-6210 / (718) 763-4495
Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m.;
Friday: 9:00a.m.-3:00p.m.
Kings Bay YM-YWHA
3495 Nostrand Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11229
Tel: (718) 648-7703
Hours: Sunday: 7:30a.m.–8:00p.m.; MondayThursday: 7:00a.m.–10:00p.m.; Friday:
Lutheran Family Health Centers
150 55th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11220
Tel: (718) 630-7000
Hours: Monday-Friday: 8:30a.m.-8:30p.m.
Jewish Community Council of Greater
Coney Island
3001 West 37th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11224
Tel: (718) 449-5000
Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m.;
Friday: 9:00a.m.-2:00p.m.
Kurdish Heritage Foundation of America
144 Underhill Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11238
Tel: (718) 783-7930
Hours: Monday-Thursday: 1:00p.m.-5:00p.m.;
Sunday: 1:00p.m.-5:00p.m.; By Appointment
95 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York APPENDIX II
(part 4 of4 )
Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens
Saint John's Bread and Life Program
Council, Inc.
795 Lexington Avenue
555 Bushwick Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11221
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Tel: (718) 574-0058
Tel: (718) 821-0254
Hours: Monday-Friday: 8:30a.m.-5:00p.m.
Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9:00a.m.-9:00p.m.;
Friday: 9:00a.m.-6:00p.m.; Summer: MondayFriday: 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m.
Shorefront YM-YWHA of BrightonThe Immigration Center - School of
Manhattan Beach
Professional & Community Development
3300 Coney Island Avenue
1150 Carroll Street
Brooklyn, NY 11235
Brooklyn, NY 11225
Tel: (718) 646-1444
Tel: (718) 270-6297
Hours: Monday-Thursday: 8:00a.m.Hours: Monday-Friday: 10:00a.m.-4:00p.m.
10:00p.m.; Friday: 8:00a.m.-6:00p.m.; Sunday:
United Puerto Rican Organization of Sunset Shorefront Jewish Community Council
3049 Brighton 6th Street
166A 22nd Street
Brooklyn, NY 11235
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Tel: (718) 743-0575
Tel: (718) 492-9307
Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m.;
Hours: Monday-Friday: 10:00a.m.-6:00p.m.
Friday: 9:00a.m.-2:00p.m.
96 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York Brooklyn Resource Manual
97 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York MAJOR SOURCES OF INFORMATION
• Department of Consumer Affairs –Office of Financial Empowerment (Financial
• Department of Consumer Affairs –Business Toolbox (Small Business Resources)
• Human Resources Administration- Department of Social Services (Health Services;
• New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (Health Services; Small
Business Resources)
• New York City Administration for Children’s Services (Child Care Services: Child Care
Centers and Head Start)
• New York City Department of Youth and Community Development (Child Care
Services: Out-of-School Programs)
• New York City Department of Education (Child Care; Education Resources)
• NYC Business Express (Small Business Resources)
• Office of Manhattan Borough President (Immigration Resources)
• Small Business Development Center (Small Business Resources)
• Internal Revenue Service (Financial Resources: Tax Assistance)
• U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (Health Resources)
• The Brooklyn Public Library (Adult Education; Immigration)
• New York Public Library (Small Business Resources; Adult Education)
98 Grameen America Resource Manual Brooklyn, New York CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK (Adult Education; Immigration)
LEGAL AID SOCIETY (Legal Resources; Immigration)
LEGAL SERVICES NYC (Legal Resources; Immigration)
NEW YORK LEGAL ASSISTANCE GROUP (Legal Resources; Immigration)
ROBIN HOOD (Single Stop; Financial Resources)
SAFE HORIZON (Legal Resources: Domestic Violence)
SEEDCO (Small Business Resources)
SINGLE STOP USA (Single Stop; Financial Resources)
July 26, 2011