UMKC Summer Bridge - Kauffman Scholars

UMKC Summer Bridge (Pilot)
Program 2014
Kauffman Scholars, Inc.
April 10, 2014
•  To offer first year students an experience that
will provide them with opportunities for success
by helping them improve and refine their
academic skills in Mathematics and English,
while being exposed and acclimated to the
collegiate environment
•  To improve students’ academic skills
•  To increase academic self-efficacy
•  To improve social skills in a collegiate
•  To provide opportunities for engagement that
will yield a sense of belonging
Broad Overview
• Residential
• 8 week, “24/7” program
▫  Sunday, June 9th through Friday, August 1st
–  3 ½ day break in observance of the Independence
Day holiday
• No cost to students
• 3 hours of college course credit
Program Components: Coursework
•  3 hours of Arts & Sciences college course credit
▫  3 hours of English 123
–  Focus A course
•  Math Workshop
▫  Curriculum designed to provide foundation for
first math class in the fall.
Program Components: Coursework
•  “UC 101” College Success Skills Seminars
▫  Evening programming 3 nights per week
▫  Focus on good college practices and adjustment
▫  “Money Mondays”
Program Components:
Academic Support
•  Intensive support for Math and English offered by:
▫  Academic Support and Mentoring (ASM)
–  Tutoring
–  Supplemental Instruction (SI)
▫  The Writing Studio
–  Individual and small group assistance
–  Semi-weekly Workshops
Program Components: Professional
Guidance and Peer Mentoring
•  Weekly, individual, face-to-face, 30 minute
conference check-ins for each student, provided
by Student Affairs professional staff members
•  Frequent personal check-ins with assigned peer
▫  Ratio of 5 Bridge students to 1 peer coach
Program Components:
Out-of-the-Classroom Programming
•  Weekly on-campus programming exposing
students to UMKC, academic disciplines and
involvement opportunities.
•  M.B. Rickard Saturday Series: programming
through the Office of Student Involvement (OSI)
and Multicultural Student Affairs (MSA) to
▫  Cultural experiences
▫  Community service projects
Program Components:
Out-of-the-Classroom Programming
• Sunday evening “Rites of Passage” programming
of same-sex groups exploring the complexities of
adulthood and the college experience
Program Components:
Living/Learning Community
•  Reside together in one of the university’s
residence halls.
•  Two RAs hired to provide specific support to
bridge scholars.
•  Weekly evening programming; support in
making housing decision for the fall
Program Components:
Student Self-Exploration
•  Student assessments for self-exploration
▫  (i.e., Strengths Finder, learning styles
•  Incorporation of Hope Theory (goals)
▫  Self-efficacy and hope inventories
Typical Weekly Schedule
Post-Bridge Student Engagement
•  Bridge students will become members of the
Coaching program when they enroll in Fall 2014
▫  They’ll continue to receive intensive and intrusive
academic/social support during their freshman
–  Will include ongoing relationships with their Summer
peer coaches and professional staff mentors
•  Bridge students may also become involved in the
Avanzando Mentoring program
Post-Bridge Student Engagement
•  In their sophomore and subsequent years, those
students who meet the requirements of the
Coaching program in 2014-2015 will be
encouraged to:
▫  Participate and hold offices in a new student
organization called the Academic Success Student
▫  Serve as peer coaches in the Summer Bridge,
Coaching, and/or Avanzando Mentoring programs
Patrick Koerner
Summer Bridge Scholars Coordinator
Academic Support and Mentoring
Atterbury Student Success Center, 2nd floor
University of Missouri-Kansas City