Operations Management - Università degli studi di Bergamo

Management Engineering
Operations Management
Prof. Sergio Cavalieri, Prof. Adolfo Crespo-Marquez, Dr. Giuditta Pezzotta
Operations Management is considered as the process of planning, implementing and improving a
manufacturing system. The production of goods or the supply of services require a complex series
of transformation processes: from the procurement of raw materials, the manufacturing of
components, the assembly of the finished products, to the distribution of the products along the
supply chain until the sale to the final customer. Operations Management is delegated to the
coordination of all these separate processes, in the most effectively and efficient way. In this
context, the Operations Management course aims to provide to the student of the graduate
program in Management Engineering with an understanding of the issues related to the strategic
management of Operations in terms of concepts, methodologies and tools needed to optimize the
manufacturing processes both in terms of radical change and of continuous improvement.
In particular, by the end of the course, students will acquire:
- Knowledge related to the methods of analysis, the modeling and simulation techniques of
the business processes,
- Mastery on how to manage the Production Planning and Control Process, in order to
complement the knowledge already acquired during the industrial production
management course,
- Insight on the role of the industrial services, and in particular on the maintenance activities
to support the company operations,
- Good theoretical and practical understanding of the lean production techniques: kaizen
principles, auto-quality, just in time techniques, and Hoshin
Lecture Schedule
Lectures are normally scheduled in the following days and hours.
• Tuesday from 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm
• Thursday from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm
Schedules could be subjected to variations or prolongations according to the specific topic or for
logistics reasons. In particular, the lectures given by Prof. Crespo will be taught on Thursday
afternoon and Fridays morning with a 4-hour schedule for each module.
Selected Bibliography
Lecture notes and slides supplied by professors
Exercise book
Additional learning material
Jack R. Meredith, Scott M. Shaker, Operations management for MBAs, John Wiley & Sons Inc.,
James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones, Lean thinking, banish waste and create wealth in your
corporation, Free Press, 2003
Adolfo Crespo Márquez, The maintenance management framework. Models and methods for
complex systems maintenance. Springer, 2007
Consulting Hours
Prof. Sergio Cavalieri – Office 406 – Tuesday from 9.30 am to 11.30 am (Appointment needed).
e-mail: sergio.cavalieri@unibg.it Ph. 035-2052384
Ing. Giuditta Pezzotta – CELS Lab – Monday from 10.30 am to 12.30 am (Appointment needed). email: giuditta.pezzotta@unibg.it Ph. 035-2052005
Exam Rules
The examination will consist of two parts:
1) Written
2) Oral (based on assignments)
1) Written exam
The written exam includes exercises and questions, based on all the Operations Management
program (exercise, theory and mandatory papers).
2) Oral exam (based on assignments)
The oral exam consists of the discussion of the assignments. The assignments can be prepared
either individually or by groups of two students.
The assignments must be uploaded on the eLearning platform 1 week before the written exam
(the due date will be available on the platform).
The assignments’ contents and rules will be provided during the course